Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


School resource officers — and kids — are safe for another year

Madison school board lets deadline pass without acting

If you haven’t noticed, September 15 has come and gone while the Madison school board sat on its hands. With this bunch, doing nothing is the right thing. September 15 was the deadline to evict a school resource (police) officer from one of the four main high schools for next school year (2020-21). The school board didn’t do so despite all the storm und drang from Muldrow and Mirilli so the high schools will be safer places for another full school year. Background here. 

As the late Sam Cooke sang, “Ain’t that good news!”

Southern Wisconsin is enjoying its finest weather all year: cool clear and crisp days, low humidity, high skies and temps topping out in the low 70s F. The field corn is starting to turn; tassels are already cherokee red. Matched with yellowing soybeans on hillsides stippled with green alfalfa. The blush in the woodlots beginning to glow. Butterflies and hummingbirds are loading up on nectar at Blaska Experimental Work Farm (and Penal Colony).

Turned on C-Span to see congressmen debating climate change. Then camera turned to the witness table, at which was sitting a teenage girl! No, it wasn’t A.O.C. It was one Greta Thunberg — from Sweden! Now she’s at the United Nations? Maybe Greta Thunberg will give Madison’s Madame Brenda a job.

Sun Prairie’s new high school will not be named the “Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov Lenin’s Eternal School of Marxism-Leninism,” the WI State Journal reports this morning. But how did S.P. pass up this old alum’s suggestion for the groundhog as the school mascot? A great name for a run-first football team. Or “Cornhuskers”?

Madison’s opposition to the F-35 Air Force fighter jet is less based on noise and more on Blame America First opposition to the American military. Like the letter writer who bleated “How will this first-strike weapon, capable of carrying nuclear warheads, differentiate between those who are good and those who are evil? How will it limit its undeniably toxic effects to some targeted area?” Who knew that bombing our enemy would be “undeniably toxic”? The oligarch of this blogge grew up when fighter jets from Truax were breaking the sound barrier daily in the late 1950s. (“What’s that you say?”)

In America’s Dairyland? A global climate change alarmist echoes A.O.C.: “If groups such as the Dairy Business Association and the Farm Bureau actually wanted to help family dairy farms, they’d advocate for subsidies to transition them away from dairy toward growing food that’s clean and sustainable.” — Charlie Talbert, Monona. For at least 130 years Wisconsin has produced dairy products. How is that not sustainable?

Still buzzing over the weekend’s Triple Play: Brewers look good for the playoffs while Cardinals and Cubs chew each other up. Who knew losing Nick Perry and Clay Matthews for a couple guys named Smith would be Packer defensive magic? And best of all, Bucky Badger looks like it can play Ohio State even up. Wisconsin actually has a passing game to complement the nation’s best rushing attack.

What do YOU think?


46 responses to “School resource officers — and kids — are safe for another year”

  1. Michael Mores

    “For at least 130 years Wisconsin has produced dairy products. How is that not sustainable?”
    Uh, I think past performance is not an indicator of future results. Pompeii had a good long run, too, until the climate said NOPE.


    1. Paula Fitz


      So I take it then that you’re a vegan? Or at the least, a vegetarian or flexitarian?

      I also assume since you’re concerned about the environment, that you don’t use fast-food apps, which results in excessive use of plastic and paper; you eschew plastic bags when shopping; don’t need to have the latest-and-greatest Smartphone (mining of Coltan has been linked to the destruction of the great apes as well as to child endangerment); and are critical of China as number one polluter on the planet?

      Because my experience is that many of those who claim to care about environmental destruction seem to be more interested in pontificating and exhibiting outrage, than they are about making meaningful change.

      Let them (SILENTLY, PLEASE) do beach cleanup, plant trees, and make real sacrifice to heal the environment, then we’ll talk. Until then, it’s pomposity and elitism.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Michael Mores

        Sheesh. I tried a make a joke and you should take it as such. As for your comments, my 6 year old will clean up garbage he sees in a parking lot because he cares more about the environment than most. Is that pompous and elite?


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @Michael Mores;

          “my 6 year old will clean up garbage he sees in a parking lot because he cares more about the environment than most.”

          GREAT habit for a youngster, one my Dear 94 year-old Father passed along 60 some years ago to yours truly, and one to which I adhere to this day.

          Righties should acknowledge where your 6 year-old acquired it; Hat Tip to his/her folks!

          The Gotch

          Liked by 2 people

        2. Paula Fitz

          Didn’t sound like a joke, but since you say it is, I guess it is.

          You didn’t read my post correctly. No, Michael, what’s pompous and elite is telling everyone else how to live while simultaneously contributing to environmental degradation and not being willing to make meaningful changes.

          Holding signs (ironically creating more waste), pontificating, posturing, and yelling at the top of your lungs? Easy and common.

          Volunteering at a wildlife center or regularly doing beach cleanup? Giving up habits and conveniences that contribute to degradation? Not so easy and quite rare.

          The stuff that’s harder to do is what will save the planet. Not lip service.

          Liked by 1 person

        3. Michael Mores

          I understood your post just fine. I’m pointing out there are people doing cleanup, even if you don’t see it. Most people don’t do what they preach. We all know that.


        4. Paula Fitz

          Oh, and props to your six-year-old. Thank you for that!

          Liked by 1 person

    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @Michael Mores;

      “Uh, I think past performance is not an indicator of future results.”

      It’s by no means a guarantor, but it’s not an indicator of future results? This The Gotch has GOT to hear!

      Soooooo, the best predictor of future performance is…?

      Anywho; the climate said “nope” to Pompeii? This The Gotch has GOT to hear, 2.0!

      Welp, it did happen during the Roman Warm Period/Roman Climatic Optimum, which MUST be somehow tied into human activity; no proximal livestock flatulence at the time, so perhaps too many over-ripe olives and tomatoes fermenting in that unforgiving southern Italian sun?

      Hey; any chance it could be disappeared like Climate Criminal Dr. Michael Mann(-made Global Warming) did with the Medieval Warming Period in his highfreakin’lariously disproved Hockey Schtick theory?

      ‘Course, that may have been from the smelting process to produce chain mail armor, am I right?


      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Paula Fitz

    The opponent to F35s mentioned in your article writes:

    “With growing tension in the Middle East and the president’s increasingly erratic behavior,Growing middle-east threat? . . .”

    I’m not a military strategy expert by any means, but former President Obama was unable to end the war on terror, and in fact, it can be argued that threats from extremist Jihadists had grown during his tenure. As for erratic behavior, what sitting AMERICAN president (Mr. Obama) goes on an apology to the Middle East?

    Why, of course the oppositional argument isn’t about noise, nor is it about mitigating environmental destruction.

    If the noise or inconvenience originates from the military, police, or a Christian institutution, Progressives will pull out every excuse to attempt to put roadblocks up.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Paula Fitz

      Ugh, in the second paragraph, her quote ends after “behavior.” “Growing middle-east threat” is my retort.


  3. patrickmoloughlin

    There is something very off putting about being scolded by an angry teenager who believes she has all the answers. She is not “wise beyond her years.” She has not lived long enough to acquire real wisdom. She can only spout what she has learned from her indoctrination.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Paula Fitz


      Liked by 1 person

    2. Batman

      I think Greta’s next performance should be in~~~> China.
      For those who missed darling Greta’s two minute scold—this really is must see TV.


      1. Paula Fitz



  4. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Thunberg, a 16 year-old child with her own set of problems, is being cynically manipulated and exploited by agenda driven, deep-pocketed adults that know better.

    The trip is carbon neutral?

    Not exactly.

    The relief crew tasked with returning the boat? Flown overseas to retrieve it, and to no one’s surprise, not on carbon-neutral gossamer wings, wind sled, or magic carpet.

    The craft? It isn’t reclaimed, sustainably derived, humanely harvested, fair trade/free-range wood; far from it. The hull, tiller, rudder, mast, boom, jib, keel, & lines are all petroleum based.

    The hardware/fixtures? Metals that are both extracted from EVIL mines and which, it should be noted, don’t smelt themselves.

    Thunberg & crew en route sustenance? Any hot meals along the way won’t be heated with solar power without risking radar/navigation system malfunction.

    Incuriously missing from the narrative; even if the electronics are powered by solar and wind you don’t just sail a boat like that into New York Harbor; there is either an on-board diesel engine (likely) or a tug to meet them.

    Several billion people would give their eye-teeth for what anyone reading this takes for granted; on-demand power. They want improved diets and an above subsistence-level existence. There will be 700 million MORE air conditioners operable by 2030, 1.6 billion, mostly for the people referenced above

    My point? Spare us the dodgy window dressing, child-abusing, feel-good preaching. What have you done, what are you doing, and will you do going forward to address what you believe to be THE premier problem facing Mother Gaia. And talking about it, thinking about it, and writing about it don’t count.

    And good luck preventing those several billion humans from seeking to improve their lot by refusing to make sacrifices most Warmalista Alarmacysts won’t.

    The Gotch

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Michael Mores

      One person won’t make a difference in climate change. Your focus should not be on “what have you done to solve this problem”. If enough people start voicing their opinions, governments and billion dollar companies will start to change their tune.

      Don’t forget that the popular opinion was wrong on other important issues, such as the Earth being the center of the solar system, cigarettes are fine, lead paint is amazing, etc. In each of those cases, and countless others, it took people with guts to stand up to the masses to change public opinion. I suggest you don’t mock the young teenagers so eagerly, lest you be on the wrong side of history.

      I came across this a few minutes ago. Turns out the majority of Americans agree with her, so says Yale:


  5. Paula Fitz

    You’re absolutely correct, Gotch. But you do know that the faux “environmentalists” aren’t interested in this premise or in creating real solutions. They just want to be outraged and / or weaponize the environment.

    “Several billion people would give their eye-teeth for what anyone reading this takes for granted; on-demand power. They want improved diets and an above subsistence-level existence. There will be 700 million MORE air conditioners operable by 2030, 1.6 billion, mostly for the people referenced above.”

    Liked by 1 person

  6. madisonexpat

    40% of people deemed to have been in dire poverty in 1980 are no longer so.
    American air quality has never been better in my lifetime. Ditto the water quality.
    Life is good and getting batter.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. old baldy

      “Ditto the water quality”.

      Wrongo, splat.


  7. madisonexpat

    Greta Thunberg did indeed have her childhood stolen from her but her parents are the thieves. Kids encouraged or allowed to deny their gender ditto.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Gary L. Kriewald

    I can’t recall ever wanting to give a child–any child–a good smack upside the head, but I think I could make an exception for Grumbling Greta, the Shirley Temple of the Left. Talk about the embodiment of pious virtue-signaling (well rehearsed, as is obvious from her many star-turns before the cameras). Frankly, I don’t give a rat’s arse about the opinions of any 16-year-old, let alone one who has been so thoroughly brainwashed by her handlers (which includes, apparently, her parents). Her 15 minutes of fame has done one positive thing, however: it’s given parents everywhere, but particularly those in lefty utopias like Madison, a glimpse into the future of their own kids, who are being brainwashed by their teachers and school officials to spout mindlessly the same slogans that trip so effortlessly from Greta’s tongue–and to believe that doing so is the same as thinking. No wonder Democrats want to lower the voting age to 16. It should be clear to everyone by now that climate change is a front for advancing the leftist political agenda (just as agitating to ban the F-35s at Truax has nothing to do with noise abatement and everything to do with spreading the anti-military sentiments of a bunch of aging Madison hippies).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Batman

      The privileged then and the privileged now~~~> darling Greta has some catching up to do.

      The typical education of the time began in what we would call the 3rd Grade—at about age eight. Students who actually went to school were required to learn Latin and Greek grammar and, later, to read the Latin historians Tacitus and Livy, the Greek historians Herodotus and Thucydides, and to translate the Latin poetry of Virgil and Horace. They were expected to know the language well enough to translate from the original into English and back again to the original in another grammatical tense. Classical Education also stressed the seven liberal arts: Latin, logic, rhetoric (the “trivium”), as well as arithmetic, geometry, astronomy, and music (the “quadrivium”).

      Liked by 1 person

  9. old baldy

    Once again the old white males (and at least one of the fairer sex) at this site are scared to death of a young woman that is a lot smarter and has more courage in her little finger than all of them put together. Go ahead, keep mocking her, she’ll be eating your lunch before you know it. Keep up the good work, Greta!!

    As far as sustainability goes, dairy is in a bit of a pinch right now. Dropping consumption, over production, competition from others sources, and wholly unnecessary tariffs put the WI dairy industry in a bad spot. But do recall that before Hoard and Babcock put WI on the dairy map wheat and hops were the big ag in WI. Don’t see much of that anymore, do you remember why? Before that it was timber, look how sustainable the never ending pinery was when managed poorly. Ditto commercial fishing in the Great Lakes.. Poor management, over consumption, and exploitative extraction will never provide for long-term sustainability.


    1. Batman

      Yeah that’s it troll-boy; courageous Greta has us trembling.

      “Poor management, over consumption, and exploitative extraction will never provide for long-term sustainability.”

      Duh—thanks for pointing out the obvious.
      Unsatisfactory comment.


      1. old baldy


        At least I had something to say. You, not so much.


        1. Batman


          Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.
          Maurice Switzer

          Liked by 1 person

      2. old baldy


        And that quote is also attributed to Lincoln, Twain, Keynes, the bible, and more.. So we are all glad you broke the silence.


        1. Batman

          baldy; I notice you’re not the scholarly type so here is an easy one for you.

          “A man’s got to know his limitations.”
          Inspector Harry Callahan

          “The earliest known appearance of the adage discovered by QI occurred in a book titled ‘Mrs. Goose, Her Book’ by Maurice Switzer. The publication date was 1907 and the copyright notice was 1906.
          Most of the humorous content of ‘Mrs. Goose, Her Book’ has the imprint of originality, and based on currently available data QI believes that Maurice Switzer is the leading candidate for originator of the expression. This 1906 citation was also given in ‘The Dictionary of Modern Proverbs’, an indispensable new reference work from Yale University Press. 6”


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg


          You’re wasting your time; all @hankdog/old baldy is so intellectually unmoored and ideologically adrift that all he can do is pathetically deflect to slobbering about where quotes may/may not have originated or nonexistent misspelled paragraphs.

          C’mon, how do you misspell a paragraph?

          Glass half full?

          The vacant Blog Idiot position has been filled!

          The Gotch


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      ”Once again the old white males (and at least one of the fairer sex) at this site are scared to death of a young woman that is a lot smarter and has more courage in her little finger than all of them put together.”

      Yeah…scared to death…just like we were with that epic Parkland, FL buffoon Emma González, who can’t speak a lick of Spanish yet wears a CUBA patch on her fatigues.

      Think she knows anything about Cuba’s history/human rights record?

      Me either, she was just doing what she was told by her deep-pocketed, agenda-driven Lefty handlers; just like Thunberg.

      Gosh, think we haven’t heard anything from González because craven Lefties kicked her to the curb after her Use By date passed?

      @hankdog/old baldy is a clueless apologist for an ideology that has not only failed everywhere it’s been tried, but failed spectacularly.

      Welp, unless you count…um…population cessation, but that’s not the point.

      It gets worse.

      @hankdog/old baldy jumped on the Megan Rapinoe bandwagon like it was the Last Train To Clarksville.

      To wit: “You missed a great chance to meet a real winner.”

      Sooooo, do Real Winners slobber in a monumentally self-centered tone that I Deserve This?

      No, they don’t.

      Egomaniacs, who believe it’s all about them, and them alone, and obviously don’t understand the humility of Act Like You’ve Been There Before are JUST the role model for youth, who’ve already been indoctricated (sic) by fawning, enabling Lefty educators pushing a false brand of self-esteem, to believe it’s all about THEM.

      The kicker? The hypocritically phony-to-the-core @hankdog/old baldy would be in an apoplectic, spittle-flecked frenzy were an EVIL White, and God forbid Conservative and/or Christian, Y-Chromosomal Unit, to say exactly the same thing.

      And let’s not forget that Rapinoe, and nearly every other lickspittle Lefty, thinks Northern Wisconsin residents are a bunch of dumb @$$ country f***s, him included; something with which I won’t disagree…

      Ah Lefty; so MUCH hypocrisy, so little time!

      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

      1. old baldy

        gootchie, you are scared to death of her and any other strong, smart women. Otherwise why you would waste so much time, energy, and gibberish denying it. So easy to catch a gotch, just one drag of the lure…… I wish walleyes were that easy to catch.

        So carry on, write a couple dozen more misspelled paragraphs denying your fear, and promoting your ignorance….


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @hankdog/old baldy;

          Oh yeah, shaking in my boots at a 16 year old girl that a bunch of gutless Lefties (you included) are holding up as a Human Shield (just like Parkland, ad infinitum/ad nauseum) because the supposed adults are too pathetic to make the arguments themselves.

          And what a surprise; her father and grandfather both gained fame through acting and directing, she suffers from depression, OCD, & autism, yet you, et al, think it’s perfectly fine to use her like a trained monkey for all the world to see.

          Not only that, but you’re all proud of it, parading it around like a prize sow at the Oconto County Fair; it doesn’t get any more sickeningly deranged than that.

          But that’s post-modern-neo-Leftyism for you; nothing’s off the table, even blatant child-abuse, in order to further the narrative.

          FWIW, I was raised/grew up with strong women, each one a career Lefty, each one (save my Dear nearly 92 year old Mother) could-n-would kick your over-sized @$$ at the drop of a hat.

          Meet me halfway; if you weren’t wrong on everything, The Gotch wouldn’t need so many words to point that out.

          And please show which words are misspelled, or STFU!

          The Gotch


  10. Paula Fitz

    Old Baldy,

    What does this argument have to do with race? Because I think those who insert race into every single topic are, they, themselves the ones who harbor the most racist feelings, and are but projecting them onto the rest of us,

    I didn’t criticize the 16-year-old personally; I’m very critical, however, of elitism. Note the difference.

    I, too, love strong women but I guess it depends on how you define “strong.” For me (and I’m speaking generally), a strong woman stands up for her beliefs when it’s difficult to do so. Anyone can be strong in a crowd.


    1. Gary L. Kriewald

      A helpful hint: When addressing a lefty, never ask “What does this argument have to do with race?” You’ll only be told that you’re a racist for asking that question. The proper question is “What argument doesn’t have to do with race?” Correct answer: none.


  11. madisonexpat

    OB trying to catch up and join the Childrens Crusade.


  12. AnonyBob

    Old Baldy, my friend, you’re wasting your time here. The RWNJ talking points handed down by the RNC to Fox and other right wing media and gibberishly regurgitated by Gootch and others, laden with petty, personal insults and attacks directed at you when you insult no one, make this blog’s comments a soul-sucking, disheartening experience. (As far as harsh and hateful political discourse in this country goes, they’re right; Trump IS winning.) I stop by after avoiding this depressing site for awhile and it’s as bad, if not worse, than ever. Now I have to go take a shower.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      Seeing your wife was understanding enough to allow you a trial return, The Gotch recommends you don’t fly off the deep end, yet again, because everyone doesn’t accept your grossly inflated, unhealthy self-image.

      And your pal @hankdog/old baldy has the unmitigated gall to arrogantly pretend to support strong women while in the same breath condescendingly referring to one as a member of the fairer sex.

      Oh, the earlobe deep viscous irony and intellectual blindness he must endure to live with himself.

      When they take an objective, fact-based look at their reality, Lefties (most, not all) can’t help but feel monumentally unhappy, am I right?

      The Gotch


      1. AnonyBob

        You guys beat up on a 16 YEAR OLD GIRL. Who, by the way, has a clearer command of the English language than you. Who has the grossly inflated self image?


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg


          “You guys beat up on a 16 YEAR OLD GIRL.”

          THERE it is!

          Juuuuuust what Lefty wanted it to be; just like any criticism of Hopey Changey was RACISM and just like any criticism of Hillarity was SEXISM.

          16 year-olds are ONLY off-limits when serving the advancement of Lefty causes, am I right?

          Lefty’s cravenly leverages emotional truth and USING a coddled, protected class/privileged group victim is as disgusting as it is despicable; in other words: Textbook Lefty.

          It gets worse.

          The monumentally hypocritical kicker; @AnonyBob specifically, and Lefty generally, had absolutely no problem whatsoever beating up on a 16 YEAR OLD BOY by the name of Nick Sandmann.

          The difference? Ohhh, just ~ 100 orders of MAGNITUDE greater, with the full force of the Lefty Media Leviathan, AND threats of physical violence to numerous to mention.

          To wit:

          CNN host Reza Aslan: “Honest question. Have you ever seen a more punchable face than this kid’s?”

          Actress Mira Sorvino: “I hate this! It makes me sick to see those smarmy self-congratulatory expressions on their faces!”

          “Riverdale” star Lili Reinhart: “What I wouldn’t give to smack the smug little look off this guy’s f***ing face,”

          BLM moron Shaun King: “I am so deeply grieved and angry by this as young kids in MAGA hats surrounded and mocked a beloved Native American elder yesterday, When your power is centered in your whiteness, mocking others who are unlike you makes you feel strong. But it’s weak. And despicable.”

          You-n-Lefty have been called out @AnonyBob, what do you have to say for yourselves?

          The Gotch


        2. AnonyBob

          Grow fricking up. You really hate it when a 16 year old girl rightfully tells you and yours to stuff it.
          Hey Dave, is it OK if I tell Gootch to STFU? It’s something he loves to say. Yet he’s still here while Richard got booted. Why is that?


        3. Cornelius Gotchberg


          Just like you’re positively clueless to the staggering hypocrisy of Lefty’s treatment of a 16 year old, you’re positively clueless to what was the continuous reel imbecility of the FORMER Blog Idiot.

          Still waiting for you, et al, to answer on the former; you were painted into the dank corner of Lefty reality & called out by The Gotch yet choose not to fess up, but to cower gutlessly in the shadows.


          The Gotch


  13. patrickmoloughlin

    Liberals specialize in choosing spokesmen from protected groups in order to suppress any opposition.

    “How dare you attack a 16 year old girl!”

    How dare you exploit a child like that.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      “How dare you exploit a child like that.”

      Bingo Indigo November Golf Oscar!

      A FACT as old as time itself: Nothing is off the table nor too despicably craven in the service of The Lefty Way.

      The Gotch


  14. madisonexpat

    I don’t find Greta credible. But she enjoys more privilege than a Biden.


  15. George’s Son

    Wow, great back-n-forth comments. Gotch’s B-I-N-G-O whittled it down via P-M’s post. Even A-Bob returned, but only to address the obvious exploitation/condemnation of a mere child. If only he would tell us WHICH child he fears for…. Greta or Nick. Oh wait, guess he did…. BTW, Paula’s early parenthetical plea, “(SILENTLY, PLEASE)” speaks volumes for “Git ‘er done” vs. “let’s just make a fuss”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @George’s Son;

      @AnonyBob returns from a ~ 3 week post-EPIC-bi***sl**ping hiatus, likely suggested by his wife to address his cratering mental health, only to be hilariously installed as Lefty poster-BOY for breathtaking hypocrisy.

      ‘Bout sum it up?

      The Gotch
