Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Kids for a kinder & gentler (and less murderous) nation

The music of New Glarus WI grows healthy people

Five motorcyclists in our Meet Up group led by former Dane County circuit judge Mark Frankel took a day trip Sunday to the village of New Glarus, “America’s Little Switzerland.” First stop was Puempel’s tavern, little changed since 1893, for a cold and fresh New Glarus beer (brewed just up the road) and a limburger & onion sandwich (on rye bread, of course). Duly fortified, we rode County Hwy O northwest of the village to the grounds of [Wilhelm] Tell Shooting Barn, where the massive limbs of an ancient oak tree shaded us from the August heat.

Four Green County alphorns — those impossibly long horns one hears in the Ricola commercials — announced the start of Volksfest 2019, a celebration of Swiss music and customs. (Missed seeing one of those customs, something called “musical coin rolling,” performed by the Jodlerklub.) 


We did enjoy the New Glarus Kinderchor, or “children’s choir.” Holly Lague directed about two dozen little ones dressed in their canton Glarus best— none older than 15 years, it appeared — with husband Kevin on accordion. This aging easy rider was especially taken by a little fellow, front row on the right end, who could not have been much older than three. Held on tight to his sippy cup, never sang a German word, seemed focused solely on mom in the audience. Only toward the end of the performance did the little Schweizer perform a dip as called for by the stage directions — well out of step with the other children but he’s in there.

As Mr. Lague explained later at the beer & brat stand, the little fellow is absorbing the music of his community — that music being not only the notational. What Lincoln called the mystic chords of memory.

A deadly emptiness at the center

Now, gentle reader, pardon an abrupt pivot on our Moto Guzzi V7 but we’re getting closer to the destination. Inasmuch as the proprietors of the Policy Werkes attempt to remain current, we feel compelled to address the carnage of the weekend. The peculiar things about these mass shootings is that there were two of them within 24 hours in widely disparate parts of the nation. El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, would not seem more “diverse” (to unholy a currently holy term).

Being that Presidential Election Season is so soon upon us dictates that the airwaves screech with opportunism, if not the cheap shot. So some of the would-be’s are using the deaths of 29 and another 53 injured to accost the President. Perhaps Marianne Williamson can legislate love.

What we say and how we say it

Comment BlackBlaska Policy Werkes believes the public discourse either coarsens or ennobles a society. Lincoln’s “better angels of our nature” helped salve the terrible wounds of a fratricidal war. JFK’s soaring rhetoric inspired a nation to go to the moon and to alleviate hunger in Zimbabwe. Trump, his adversaries (think the Kavanaugh hearings), and our entertainment media are main-streaming trash (and trashy) talk.

Of course, the great gun control debate resumes. We are listening for what actually is workable. Would the weekend’s shooters voluntarily relinquish their weapons? Or how you would, dear commissar, decide from whose cold, dead hands they would be taken? And how?

On those scores, the Werkes’ creaking mainframe computer comes up blank. Instead, we turn to the wise heads of Monday morning’s Wall Street Journal for some deep thinking on deadline (quite a feat in its own right).

From ‘The Killers in Our Midst‘:

Which brings us back to the angry young men … All were deeply troubled and alienated from society in our increasingly atomistic culture. This is one price we are paying for the decline in what the late sociologist Peter Berger called the “mediating institutions” that help individuals form cultural and social attachments. These are churches, business and social clubs like the Rotary, charitable groups, even bowling leagues, and especially the family. Government programs can never replace these as protectors of troubled young people.

Recognizing this reality is not a counsel of despair to do nothing about mass shootings. But revitalizing these private institutions of social capital is crucial to reversing the cultural decline at the root of so many of America’s ills.

One could add a third adjective to the description of mass shooters — they are the angry, young white men. And many of our … acquaintances do so with unfathomable glee. But one could argue (that one being Blaska) that the same anomie — that same dead, heartless core — afflicts Chicago drive-by shooters, Milwaukee road-rage gunners, Madison car jackers, and Baltimore rat breeders. An honest discussion of gun deaths should note that mass shootings made up 0.7 percent off all homicides. (Source here.)

Blaska’s Bottom Line: To whom or what do the last-named belong but to the Great Nothing. Those who might erect guard rails are beaten back lest they be found guilty of the great liberal sin of Judgmentalism! 

But not in New Glarus, where the traditions and heritage of community Folksfest are building strong social capital. It starts with the Kinders. 

For Extra Credit:

• “Chicago hospital stops accepting patients after trauma center is overwhelmed with shooting victims” over the weekend. 12 in one neighborhood!

• “59 shot, 7 fatally in Chicago weekend shootings.”

What do YOU think?


99 responses to “Kids for a kinder & gentler (and less murderous) nation”

  1. madisonexpat

    If Brandy Grayson is not racist then no one is.
    You don’t need a dog whistle when the racist gas a bull horn.


    1. madisonexpat

      erratum “has”


  2. George’s Son

    OMG ! Your Vor ! Voice of Reason ! GiantVor ! A newbie PROJECTOR who avoids research and facts (Dayton shooter’s Twitter & FB posts espousing Warren love, etc?) like A-bob & Richard! Then blames those shortcomings on anyone who listens. Multiple personalities B4 he even gets started. Serious subjects here, so thanks for the comic relief. This… is gonna be…. FUN.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Voice of Reason

      oh, hi little baby gotch wannabe! thanks for the welcome! did you care to weigh in on whether someone’s political beliefs should always be considered motivation for their violent acts (or just this guy, because it’s convenient right now)? if so please dazzle me with your intellect. “the gotch” (lol) backed down so I’m all ears. if that’s your stance then we’re going to have LOTS of fun indeed. take a shot big shooter.


      1. George’s Son

        Multiple VOR on 8/6/2019 @ 9:26… Sorry, Whichever-you-are. To our dismay, there’s only one “The Gotch”. Someday a coffee-table book of “Gotch-isms” will grace your living room….. Along w/ Ana and Paula’s erudite posts.

        BTW, your caregivers ask, “Please stop spittle-flecking, it’s unhygienic & a prelude to a stroke…”


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @George’s Son;

      Heh, too funny; yet another self anointed, amateur-psychologizing Lefty that laughably believes they’ll torment the great unwashed, to no end, with the approval of their own conscience.

      The terminally confused yet never-in-doubt @Voice of Reason/giantvor/Your VOR has her reasons (which reason knows nothing of) and is actually quantifying the degree of culpability of nutjob’s ideology hysterically based on, and this is where it gets GOOD, whether they put their craven thoughts to paper.

      The Dayton career Lefty is less to blame for the simple fact (ever notice how simple people are swayed by simplicity?) because he didn’t write things down.

      Wait a minute.

      FBI Special Agent in Charge Todd Wickerham: “(He was) very specifically seeking out information that promotes violence,”

      O.K., but he didn’t meet the burden of guilt of writing them down.

      Wait a minute.

      He had a hit/kill list AND a rape list?

      Still, the pudding-pated will maintain that he didn’t write them down.

      Wait a minute.

      He <b<DID WRITE THEM DOWN???

      Oy gevalt! Welp, at least we have the El Paso shooter writing a manifesto, right?

      Not exactly.

      Authorities Are Investigating An Anti-Immigrant Manifesto AND WHETHER IT WAS WRITTEN BY THE SUSPECT in a deadly shooting in El Paso, Texas, on Saturday. (bolds/caps mine)

      Ruh roh!

      Never mind!

      The Gotch


  3. Cornelius Gotchberg

    El Paso Mayor/authentic Hispanic Donald “Dee” Margo wants healing, Welcomes President Trump.

    TX-16 HoR hyper-partisan loser/FAKE Hispanic Wannabe Beto O’Rourke DOESN’T want healing, would rather play politics with his constituent’s grief, and to no one’s surprise behaves like the childish Scum Bag He Is!

    I’m shocked…SHOCKED…said no one!

    The Gotch


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      And at the same time as @Your VOR, @giantvor, and @Voice of Reason slither into being?

      Coincidence? You be the judge!

      Anywho; MSLSD’s Nicolle Wallace: Trump Is ‘Talking About Exterminating Latinos’

      It gets worse.

      Mika Brzezinski accuses the President of wanting mass murders to happen:

      “Isn’t it okay to deduce that at this point this is what he wants? . . . I mean, this is a President who seems to want these things to happen. If He Doesn’t Call It Off. How else can this be explained?”

      “If He Doesn’t Call It Off”

      You mean, you know, say something like, and I quote:

      “In one voice our nation must condemn racism, bigotry and white supremacy”?

      Consumed by hatred, Lefty shall die strung up with its own entrails & hoisted upon its own petard!


      The Gotch


      1. Voice of Reason

        always retreating & diverting. fear & insecurity. doesn’t stand for a damn thing. like a coward. give up the hate & figure out how to respect yourself again. it’s not too late!

        “the gotch”…I’d laugh again, but now I’m just feeling sad for you.


        1. madisonexpat

          You castigate and accuse folks while exhorting them to stand for something good. Not coherent. Pick one at a time.


        2. Voice of Reason

          I know what I stand for, I was just curious to see if “the gotch” (lol…that name) was man enough to stand for something, so I made him my special little project. the results were as predictable as they were pathetic. but I’m just a tourist here, and I make a point to not linger in these toxic environments any longer than I have to. so I’ll be on my way – I don’t know why I’d spend more time here when I’ll be able to live rent free in “the gotch’s” (lol) head for a good long while. 🙂

          but I’ll make one last plea – give it up y’all. what are you looking for here? validation? companionship? just that quick little burst of endorphins you get when you feel like you’ve really stuck it to the libs? from what I can tell, you guys are on here day….after day….after day…why? to impress the two dozen or so people that regularly read it? do you see how sad that is? do you see that your time & energy accomplish nothing? if you’ve got a void that needs filling, find a productive way to fill it!

          and to my sweet little guy “the gotch” (lol), a challenge: try to stay out of the comments sections for one month, heck try to do it for ONE WEEK. the smart money says you can’t – not if your life depended on it. think about that – about how you wouldn’t be able to stop writing snarky comments on a barely read internet blog for single week. how you desperately need this for meaning & validation, and think about how sad that is. why do you need this? get help. there’s more out there man, a whole big, real world full of real people and real experiences. go get some of that. you think you count here – but it’s all vapor, it’s all dust, and you’re wasting your life. prove me wrong – the best revenge is a life well lived.



        3. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @Voice of Reason/giantvor/YourVor;

          The difference between you-n-The Gotch?

          I don’t need to resort to hysterically amateurish psychologizing to identify your pathetic existence; I know exactly with whom I’m dealing.

          Your time would be FAR better spent contemplating which the the myriad personal weaknesses prevents you from making it past that pesky Step 10.

          ‘Course, your struggles with wordpress strongly suggest that’s not within your skill set.

          “prove me wrong”

          A fool’s errand, issued by a fool.

          @Voice of Reason/giantvor/YourVor (lol!)

          The Gotch


        4. Voice of Reason

          can you do it? can you stay away for ONE WEEK? do it just to prove it to yourself that you can, that you don’t NEED this to validate your sad little meaningless existence. vapor – that’s what your life’s become. vapor.


        5. Voice of Reason

          I think the real difference between us is that I’ll have forgotten about you & this blog tomorrow, while you’ll be back every day. for years. trying to fill that void. trying oh so hard. oh so hard.

          good luck….”the gotch”….lol


        6. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @Voice of Reason/giantvor/Your VOR;

          You are, what we in the business call, successfully fooled.

          “I’ll have forgotten about you & this blog tomorrow”

          Sure you will; you come in and follow The Gotch around like a lost puppy, hijack this thread with breathtakingly off-topic slobbering, and expect the great unwashed to believe that?

          Successfully fooled!

          Might be something to it, though.

          Going forward, I’ll be thanking my lucky stars that I’m not so catastrophically clueless and monumentally misguided and all the while believing the exact opposite.

          You claim you’re taking your leave, yet keep making an encore; anyone that can fog a mirror sees the twisted incongruity.

          Try living authentically like, you know, The Gotch.

          @Voice of Reason/giantvor/Your VOR (lol!)

          The Gotch


        7. madisonexpat

          Thank you Doctor Freud.


        8. old baldy


          I hope you stick around for the duration. little gootchie is low hanging fruit, and easy to make a center of mass hit. And, as others have pointed out, he really gets snarky when cornered. his spittle-flecked hypocrisy is usually pretty juvenile, but on occasion he gets up close and personal with crazy. Keep up the good work.


      2. Cornelius Gotchberg

        Whew; bullet dodged!

        Lefty’s mouthpiece of choice (MSLSD) tells us the talented Nicolle Wallace has mercifully, and selflessly conceded that she MISSPOKE when she breathlessly intoned that “(Trump Is) ‘Talking About Exterminating Latinos’

        Welp, she wrote it down (the burden of proof presciently exhorted by @Voice of Reason/giantvor/YourVor); soooo no harm no foul—unconditional Lefty pass extended?

        Doesn’t matter; she’s seen (READ: Been_Shown!) the error in her ways, ergo, a grateful nation moves forward, am I right?

        The Gotch


  4. madisonexpat

    Vor, you deceive yourself and I imagine it isn’t hard.
    Why do we engage here? To put forth partisan ideologies, debate, clarification, sarcasm, wit, thrust and parry rhetoric. And because we enjoy it. Not hard to figure out. But it is for you, apparently.
    You bloviate for many paragraphs and criticize then challenge folks who can say it in one tenth the time and space.
    Stay or go. Assume, project and err as you wish.
    I remember the first time I was slapped around by a bully. He gave it up before I did. “Just remember” I hollered at his back, “you’re running away. I’m still here.”
    Not an exact analogy but as good as you deserve.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. AnonyBob

    “You bloviate for many paragraphs and criticize then challenge folks who can say it in one tenth the time and space.”
    Somehow, Splat, you don’t hold Gootch to this standard. Otherwise, you are correct; most of us hang here ‘cuz we enjoy it. It was fun watching Gootch get completely, humiliatingly, owned (bitch-slapped, he would say) by VOR. Here’s to hoping the new guy hangs around. Richard, OB and I could use the company. After all, Dave has no shortage of RWNJs.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      “It was fun watching Gootch get completely, humiliatingly, owned (bitch-slapped, he would say) by VOR”

      Funny, I didn’t see it that way; though I will admit it was a cut above the typical hilariously lame, ill-informed slobberings of the Three Stooges.

      Glass half empty?

      THAT bar couldn’t possibly be set any lower without bringing in a backhoe.

      Anywho, your perception (“Prediction: Kavanaugh Withdraws,” the Covington Boys, Jussie, ad infinitum ad nauseum) isn’t what the lucid would call reliable.

      “Richard, OB and I could use the company.”

      GREAT point! Idiots savant always benefit from the like-simple-minded, am I right?

      The Gotch


      1. old baldy

        VoR has the penthouse suite in gootchies noggin, rent free.


    2. madisonexpat

      Gotch doesn’t need me. He’ll take a shot and give a shot for the same reason you and I do. Vor is a newbie. He’ll figure it out, or not.
      Let a thousand ideas blossom.


      1. madisonexpat

        Also, I don’t hold anyone to style points. Gotch doesn’t require you to get on or get off this blogge. He doesn’t pretend to know you as opposed to your opinions.
        Sigmund VOR does and introduces himself as the Red Guard did to professors in the Cultural Revolution.
        And here, now, coincidentally, the Khmer Rouge find themselves in hell, smoking a turd with Mao. They look forward to seeing Tom Hayden I imagine.


  6. George’s Son

    @ VOR… 8/6 9:PM… All’s I can say is, “Puh-leeze, keep ’em posts comin’.” This blog needs yer Voice bigtime! The serious and cognizant comments by others notwithstanding, who here cannot enjoy a little pedantic drivel once in awhile. Yer doin’ swell so far, thanks !
