Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Grand theft auto vs. girls’ soccer

Time to lay down the law!

There will be no illegal soccer on Edgewood’s soccer field!

You know you are tripping over your own ruby slippers in the Emerald City when girls are outlawed from playing soccer on their high school’s soccer field.

A committee of City of Madison pecksniffs voted 4-0 to prohibit sports competitions on Edgewood high school athletic field last night (07-11-19) because the school’s Master Plan itemizes athletic practices and gym classes but does not mention the word “competition.” 

Megan Rapinoe
Take it someplace else, Megan Rapinoe

The private Catholic school argued that Edgewood has been playing sports openly (and the Policy Werkes would add, “brazenly”) for 90 years. But the school’s liberal-progressive-socialist neighbors on fashionable Monroe Street are A.O.C.-militant against proposed lighting and seating for the athletic field. In that, they’ve got the backing of their newly elected alderman, Tag Evers, Progressive Dane.

These are the same people who want open borders, cops out of our troubled high schools, drag queen story hours, and reparations for slavery. But no girls playing soccer!

According to the Capital Newspaper account, Edgewood argued that the master plan labeled the space as an “athletic field.” Would not the ordinary person understand the common meaning of the word to include games? I.E. athletic competition?

This leads to one of Blaska Policy Werkes’ Great Reveals:

There are no ordinary people in the Emerald City!

As with Edgewood’s field, UW-Madison’s Natatorium and Goodman Softball Complex are also zoned for recreation; both host competitions! For that matter, the UW’s Camp Randall Stadium down the road is located in a residential area, as well.


We could suggest that Madison has more pressing issues than girls playing soccer. In the wee hours of Thursday morning (07-11-19), three 14-year-old boys led police from three municipalities on a not-so-merry chase in a stolen car.

The chase began in Fitchburg; a Town of Madison officer put spikes in the road but the thieves kept going until finally conking out near Park Street, where they took off on foot. 

A sheriff’s K-9 dog tracked the last of the miscreants. NBC TV-15 has more.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: At least these three boys weren’t playing illegal soccer.


36 responses to “Grand theft auto vs. girls’ soccer”

  1. old baldy

    Disclaimer: I don’t give a rat’s patoot about the soccer field at Edgewood. From other news accounts it looks like there is more to the story then conveyed on this blog.

    However, I would like to invite Megan Rapinoe to speak to any of our youth sports teams up here in the North. You missed a great chance to meet a real winner. As someone who is pretty outspoken, I’m surprised Dave would pass up an opportunity to meet a kindred soul. Your loss.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @hankdog/old baldy;

      ”However, I would like to invite Megan Rapinoe to speak to any of our youth sports teams up here in the North.”

      No surprise there!

      “You missed a great chance to meet a real winner.”

      Sooooo, do Real Winners slobber in a monumentally self-centered tone that I Deserve This?

      No, they don’t.

      Egomaniacs, who believe it’s all about them, and them alone, and obviously don’t understand the humility of Act Like You’ve Been There Before are JUST the role model for youth, who’ve already been indoctricated (sic) by fawning, enabling Lefty educators pushing a false brand of self-esteem, to believe it’s all about THEM.

      And the hypocritically phony-to-the-core @hankdog/old baldy would be in an apoplectic, spittle-flecked frenzy were an EVIL White, and God forbid Conservative and/or Christian, Y-Chromosomal Unit, to say exactly the same thing.

      And let’s not forget that Rapinoe, and nearly every other lickspittle Lefty, thinks Northern Wisconsin residents are a bunch of dumb @$$ country f***s. You included, which I won’t disagree with…

      Ah Lefty; so MUCH suffocating ignominy, so little time!

      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

      1. old baldy

        A great description of you and 45:

        “Egomaniacs, who believe it’s all about them, and them alone, and obviously don’t understand the humility of Act Like You’ve Been There Before are JUST the role model for youth, who’ve already been indoctricated (sic) by fawning, enabling Lefty educators pushing a false brand of self-esteem, to believe it’s all about THEM. “


        1. AnonyBob

          Spot on, Baldy. Seriously, Gootch, dig out a dictionary and look up “irony.” And check out “brevity” while you’re at it. Also, “overweening ego.”


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @hankdog/old baldy;

          “A great description of you and 45:”

          A follically challenged old coot reduced to playing I know you are but what am I?

          Pathetically priceless!!

          The Gotch


        3. madisonexpat

          OB hasn’t been this enthused about a TDS woman since Stormy Daniels.


        4. Cornelius Gotchberg


          Hold The Presses, @hankdog/old baldy has a NEW squeeze: WA Governor Jay Hold Muh Beer ‘n Watch This Inslee:

          “My first act will be to ask Megan Rapinoe to be my secretary of state.”


          If this isn’t a The Onion or a Babylon Bee submission, it’s a “Hold My Pudgy Little Manicured Finger To The Wind To Determine Its Direction” Bull $#!T Pandering Olympics entry.

          Yoikes! It’s scary the staggering degree of bespawling stupidity Lefty pols accurately attribute to their base.

          The Gotch


      2. richard lesiak

        Bye Bye Acosta. How’s that ; ” I only hire the best and brightest thing” going for ‘ya?


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          “How’s that ; (incoherent slobber) going for ‘ya?”

          ‘Bout the same as your two faves; reduced to laughable parody.

          To wit:

          The Latino Lizzy Warren wilting like August lettuce: ​The Astonishing Disappearing Act Of Beto O’Rourke

          Perhaps a better toupée?


          Perhaps another weepy PHONY-OP in front of another empty parking lot…?

          Ah Lefty; so MUCH hypocrisy, so little time!

          The Gotch


        2. AnonyBob

          A Washington Examiner report on an anti-AOC PAC conducting a “door to door” poll? (snork!) I’m bustin’ A gut here! Gootch, you don’t have the sense God gave a gnat! Or at least not the critical thinking skills. Go peddle your gibberish elsewhere. Or is this the only blog you’re not banned from?


        3. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Well lookey here, I don’t even have to wet a line; a clueless Lefty just jumps in the boat.

          When faced with Inconvenient Truth, ignorantly unmindful Lefties are reduced to laughable attempts to devalue the communicator.

          don’t get me wrong, I completely understand, it’s a Lefty defense mechanism that tries (in vain) to protect Lefties from becoming embarrassingly aware of their own staggering stupidity.

          WaEx isn’t the only one observing this fact-based reality occurrence; I just linked to them because it would hook an imbecilic Lefty. Made a good call, am I right?

          Anywho; bedrock Conservative sources like Gallup, Siena College ( “a poll of New Yorkers taken between March 10-14 prompted Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg to say, ‘Only 12 percent call her hero, while 38 percent label her a villain.’ ” [bolds mine]), Quinnipiac University , etc. also tracked OCRAZYo-Cortez’ monumental moronity.

          Then there’s fellow New Yorkers De Blasiblow, Blowmeberg, both Cuomos, ad infinitum, ad nauseum, that concede she’s an economic illiterate.

          None of this need bother you at all, your permanently, affixed hyper-partisan Weapons-Grade-Thickened-Industrial-Strength-Hardened Ideological Blinders will flawlessly filter out ALL that real real mean reality.

          The Gotch


        4. AnonyBob

          My, Gootch, how you DO go on. Let me know if you ever have anything to say. Even your wordy-word garden report on the other post sounds ridiculous.


        5. Cornelius Gotchberg


          ” Even your wordy-word garden report on the other post sounds ridiculous.”

          Hilarious; another weepy/weak-kneed defense “I don’t know my @$$ from a hole-in-the-ground, so it MUST be ridiculous” mechanism lurches into play.

          Even though it’s already painfully clear to the point of cringe-inducing, it’s O.K. to admit that tending one’s gardens is a concept that’s just well beyond you.

          You laughably think that exemplary organic produce comes from the store; just like Dells donuts, am I right?

          The Gotch


        6. AnonyBob

          No, you are the doofus we all knew, and don’t miss, from junior high school.


    2. richard lesiak

      Why not call what they want to do by it’s proper name. Stadium. Lights, scoreboard, bleachers, sound system, etc. Maybe not what the residents want to see. Why not a dome? But; I will go out on a limb and predict that someone will steal a car this week-end.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        “someone will steal a car this week-end.”

        Not owning a vehicle, you have nothing to fear, am I right?

        The Gotch


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          “No; your (sic) not right”

          Counting the Tonka collection you play with in the sandbox…?

          The Gotch


    3. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @hankdog/old baldy;

      “However, I would like to invite Megan Rapinoe to speak to any of our youth sports teams up here in the North.”

      Why not invite a group that could REALLY relate to those youth sports teams, you know, like perhaps an actual_youth_sports_team like the U-15 boys team that STOMPED the women a few years ago?

      FC Dallas Under-15 Boys Squad Beat The U.S. Women’s National Team In A Scrimmage

      Please note, the U-15 stands for Under 15 years old.

      A damn shame that some of the U-15ers around here would rather boost cars than participate on the Football Pitch, am I right?

      The Gotch


  2. Gary L. Kriewald

    Classic example of how “inclusive” Madison liberals react when their turf–i.e., all those lily-white upper-middle-class neighborhoods–is threatened. Not in my well-groomed back yard.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. richard lesiak

      Then offer them your yard.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak;

        “Then offer them your yard.”

        At least he has one to offer, your sandbox isn’t quite the same….

        The Gotch


  3. George’s Son

    Yepper, OB, Megan Rapinoe is the ne-plus-ultra athlete de jour. But please -Just sub “narcissist” fer “athlete”….


    1. old baldy


      Will do even more: “narcissist” for “president”, and “narcissist” for “gotchberg”. There, did it for you.


      1. richard lesiak

        Nice to see your so concerned with their health gotch. Too bad the rest of the Goobers On Parade share your values about healthcare.


      2. old baldy

        And as usual you can dish it out, but you can’t take. Another thin-skinned bully, just like 45. Keep telling yourself somebody cares about your gibberish.


      3. madisonexpat

        Nah. The narcissist was the previous president. He was the one he was waiting for. And because it was always about him his party cratered.


        1. AnonyBob

          Up is down and down is up for Trumpsters.


  4. Sheppy

    Maybe the people in favor of this thing should start screaming “it’s for the kids” or “you’re putting these athletes at a disadvantage” at every board meeting until they get what they want. This kind of stuff seems to work for the other high schools in town.


    1. Gary L. Kriewald

      Those tactics only work if the “victims” in question are minorities.


  5. Cornelius Gotchberg

    It’s only a matter of TIME:

    Father Beats Carjacker To Death After He Stole Car With Kids Inside

    The Gotch


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @richard lesiak;

      My humblest apologies, I forgot that at least commenter possesses a shoe-size I.Q.

      It’s only a matter of time until one of these tween teen Thugs-in-Training pulls that $#!T on the wrong person.

      When, not if, WHEN</b it does happen, we'll finally see the parent(s) on the scene:

      Look what someone has did to my baaaaaaaaby!!!

      To which The Gotch will say: TL squared!

      The Gotch


  6. Sprocket

    One suspects their enthusiastic opposition to high school games in their neighborhoods is mirrored by their support for government housing in everyone else’s.

    Also, the only thing lamer than men’s soccer is women’s soccer. That said, I suggest the best thing for all concerned would be the elimination of the women’s division and unisexing the sport. Thus making compensation equal, while ensuring we would never have to observe this silliness again.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Ed Hanson

    I wonder how many of those folks protesting the EHS atheltic field, on Football Saturdays have no problem taking money for parking in their driveway, grass, etc…

    I guess it’s the money and time of day.

    Here is something to rock that neighborhood and give them something else to be concerned with…convert the old Dudgeon School to a affordable housing.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @Ed Hanson;

      This is kind of a head-scratcher; Lefty-on-Lefty Porn of the first degree.

      The real real tough Pro Stadium cabal of Lefties have regularly, and in a gutlessly anonymous manner (ala @AnonyBob, @richard lesiak, et al), threatened Anti-Stadium NIMBYS to the point of the latter fearing for their well-being.

      The area is a microcosm of LaLaLoopyLoonyLeftyLand We Know What’s Best For You residents. ~ 14 years ago they tried to steal the Dudgeon School Building from the Madison taxpayers for a measly dollar. C’mon; that whole near west side block for a freakin’ $1.00.

      Turns out they had sweetheart deals in advance for contractors to do the exorbitant upgrades.

      Madison Lefties; they’re always RIGHT THERE when they need you!

      The Gotch


      1. AnonyBob

        Love how you bring my name into an issue I’ve said nothing about, because I could not care less about it. I’m livin’ in Gootch’s brain, where there’s plenty of room to stretch.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          ”Love how you bring my name into an issue I KNOW nothing about”

          FIFY, and it’s a gift!

          C’mon, @AnonyBob -n- “gutlessly anonymous manner” go together like Hope-n-Crosby; heck, they even sport some of the same letters, am I right?

          “I’m livin’ in Gootch’s brain…”

          Moronically mangled metaphor aside, your droppin’ (sic) g’s homage to your race-pandering Hopey Changey hero? Why not take it a step further and pepper your slobberings with beau coup personal pronouns as well?

          The Gotch
