Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Trump’s tanks are back on the flatbed trucks, to critics’ dismay

 Don’t you feel foolish, my liberal-progressive-socialist acquaintances?!

‘Critics said’ you should be accustomed to that by now.

In the run-up to the Independence Day “Salute to America,” the Left predicted a military coup led by President-for-Life Trump.

The two (count ’em: 2) Abrams tanks in Trump’s parade would lob ordnance into the House of Representatives. The President would push a plunger, launching the inter-continental ballistic missile disguised as the Washington Monument. Target: California. Navy Seals would seize the Constitution from the National Archives for extraordinary rendition. Bret Kavanaugh would suspend habeas corpus. Ivanka would be named ambassador to Russia.

Quoting its usual sources (those being Democrats), The New York Times committed one of its trademark “Critics Said” articles. 

Trump’s decision to turn Washington’s annual Fourth of July celebration into a kind of Trump-branded rally for America has drawn criticism from Democrats, top representatives of the city government and many military officials [Blaska: at least, the ones that the Times quoted, those being former Obama people] who believe the president is using the troops and their gear as political props.

Branco Independence day

Uber-liberal D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser bad-mouthed the event and “she’s an American,” Politico assures,  “who loves celebrating the Fourth of July as a non-political event.” Mayor Bowser has “some concerns about a president not celebrating the military but glorifying military might. That scares me the most. 

Which prompted Ann of Althouse to respond:

The fireworks are the “bombs bursting in air” of the National Anthem. Now, the 4th marks the anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, so the ideas of freedom and self-government are the most accurate focus. But the Declaration started a war, and that worked out well, and we’re glad we did it — or so we say on the 4th. So what’s so bad about “glorifying military might”?

Blaska Policy Werkes Bulletin: One is left with the impression that Democrats would rather celebrate military weakness. 

Our faces are red even if our politics are not

CNN was forced to admit:

President Donald Trump was as good as his word Thursday: He saluted America. [It was] one of the least polarizing speeches of his presidency. …. His remarks did not turn into the hyper-partisan campaign-style rally that some of his critics [Blaska: like those at CNN] had feared.”

At Slate: 

Credit where it’s due: The president did not go full authoritarian on the National Mall on Thursday.

Trump closed his speech on a note of unity, describing Americans as “one people chasing one dream and one magnificent destiny.” But the event, which will likely be viewed by half the country as a patriotic tribute to men and women in uniform, and the other half as a corrupt, quasi-fascistic boondoggle … 

Blaska’s Bottom LineCan you imagine any of the Democrat presidential candidates talking great about the USA like this? Instead, the party out of power describes our country as one hot mess and plays the politics of resentment. Well, they have to bitch about something, when they’re not longing for the days of court-ordered school busing. Because the economy is booming and …

They are tired of winning!

“Trump’s policies are helping workers more than Obama’s did.”

economyEspecially in nine key swing states, including Wisconsin, the Wall Street Journal notes.

Here is the great paradox of the Barack Obama economy: …Those with financial assets prospered more than middle-class wage earners. The Obama Democrats talked constantly about inequality rather than growth, and the result was less growth and more inequality.

This just in: Economy adds 224K jobs in June, exceeding expectations. Wages up 3.1% over a year ago.


48 responses to “Trump’s tanks are back on the flatbed trucks, to critics’ dismay”

  1. Sprocket

    You missed this gem from Laurence Tribe, “The resemblance to days before Tiananmen Square is chilling.”

    How crazy do you have to be? He makes it sound like Trump is a sociopath that would bomb countries, topple stable governments and create Mad Maxesque hellscapes in service to a belief in his own infallibility…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Show me the politician who hasn’t politicized a 4th of July parade or gathering…. Democrats have morphed into poo slinging chimpanzees….

    Liked by 1 person

    1. “Democrats have morphed into poo slinging chimpanzees.”

      Understatement of the week! 😉


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        “Democrats have morphed into poo slinging chimpanzees” is the “Understatement of the week!”

        It gets worse.

        How far down has Lefty fallen? DAMN far, with no bottom in sight.

        Big real real tough Lefties are now going after an 8, EIGHT, year-old girl with, and I quote, Death Threats!

        ‘Mini AOC’ Doxxed And Threatened, Family Shuts Down All Her Social Accounts

        Keep it up, Lefty; we’re watching!

        The Gotch

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Cornelius Gotchberg

    There was another Parade before the 4th of July event.

    THAT parade was made up of Lefty Media Morons slobbering effusively in a paranoid tizzy about the gloom-n-doom they expected at the other.

    But just like @richard lesiak’s hysterically unfounded tearful/fearful predictions, they ALL wilted like August lettuce.

    Pity, that…

    The Gotch


    1. richard lesiak

      Instead we got ramming the ramparts(huh?) and Washington taking over the airports. PRICELESS.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @Steve Witherspoon;

        The result of illiteracy and a lifetime of poor choices, am I right?

        Liked by 1 person

  4. madisonexpat

    Enjoyed the fire werkes Squire?

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Cornelius Gotchberg

    BREAKING: Mary Burke Leaving Madison School Board.

    Fatigued with getting called a White Supremacist by the potty-mouthed gimmee gimmee Victimhoodie demographic?

    The Gotch


  6. Leo

    In regards to the Trump take on Independence day, my only regret is that he didn’t award himself
    enough medals to cover his chest, a la Mr. Mussolini (a reminder that back in 2016 Mr. Blaska frequently referred to Trump as the “American Mussolini” on numerous radio appearances).

    If he’s going to play the role, doesn’t he have to dress the role???? Come on Don, wear em with
    pride and no shame.El Presidente!


    1. “In regards to the Trump take on Independence day, my only regret is that he didn’t award himself enough medals to cover his chest, a la Mr. Mussolini (a reminder that back in 2016 Mr. Blaska frequently referred to Trump as the “American Mussolini” on numerous radio appearances).

      If he’s going to play the role, doesn’t he have to dress the role???? Come on Don, wear em with pride and no shame.El Presidente!”

      Now that’s what it looks like when someone has completely succumb to the innuendo laced political propaganda and set their intellect aside in favor of hate.


  7. Leo

    My Favorite part of El Presidente’s speech was when to alluded to the time in the revolutionary war
    days when Washington’s troops took control of British airports. Forgettting, of course, that the invention of flight wouldn’t come for another 125 years or so. Damn.,those Brits were so far
    ahead of our boys! Or is it that our president is really that stupid?


    1. richard lesiak

      Leo; love ‘ya guy, but your treading on thin ice here. The wrath of gotch and his followers shall fall upon your head. Be prepared for them “ramming the ramparts.”


    2. “My Favorite part of El Presidente’s speech was when to alluded to the time in the revolutionary war days when Washington’s troops took control of British airports. Forgetting, of course, that the invention of flight wouldn’t come for another 125 years or so. Damn.,those Brits were so far ahead of our boys! Or is it that our president is really that stupid?”

      That’s the same pettiness that Richard cherry picked out of an otherwise non-partisan speech praising the history of the United States of America.

      For Richard and Leo; it’s been reported that there was some kind of glitch in the teleprompter and if you spend a moment or two reviewing that part of the speech it’s quite clear that something happened. Trump may not be an eloquent or inspirational speaker but he doesn’t deserve the bull shit attacks that people you and the media dish out.

      Your behaviors are shameful and disrespectful.


      1. madisonexpat

        But when you’re programmed for the outrage du jour and have nothing else to use against the president…….


      2. Cornelius Gotchberg

        Lefties are getting positively, and embarrassingly, pummeled on all fronts; not an enviable state of affairs, them constantly being at the very edge of the psychological, emotional, existential, philosophical, & physical ​ABYSS to begin with, am I right?

        CNN business correspondent Alison Kosik: June Jobs Figures Blowing Away Expectations.

        Et tu, CNN?


        The Gotch

        Liked by 1 person

      3. richard lesiak

        It was Obama’s fault.


  8. Balboa

    oh my gard, I’m so triggered, riots in the streets. dogs and cats living together. If the trump said to drink more water and eat more vegetables you loony tunes would be going nuts. So sorry he saluted the military and american exceptionalism on the day most fitting to give that speech. Most people tuned it out I watched on Youtube later in the evening. Nothing was controversial about it in fact it was quite uplifting. It was more fake news fear mongering about his intentions.

    Hey ABobby and Lesiak, so you are all for 15 an hour a living wages because it will close the gap in wages. I think you need to get behind my movement of 100 dollar and hour wage ceiling. If you make more than that you have give that money to either taxes or back the company or government so they can hire more workers or pay more to benefits. I mean come on why would you need more than that to live. if you need more than you are greedy and most likely killing the planet with your lifestyle. 100 bucks and hour x 26 weeks biweekly pay period x no more than 40 hours a week. What could go wrong? If you demand a floor then there has to be ceiling!

    Just think we could close wage gaps in swoop, cmon what could go wrong? we would bring fiscal responsibility back to america and underperforming youth and for all new people that just step foot in american and become citizens by de facto walking across the border. We would be able to pay for my 2nd big proposal medicare for the world. no longer do I just get to work hard for my family I can also help pay for the worlds families healthcare. It is a human right and we hold the most debt and inflated wages of all other countries on the planet so we should just have to pay for them also with no quesions asked.

    Yeah my new bumper sticker I just bought. Democrats 2020 , ” Equal Misery for All”

    David thank you for again for you beautiful posts of sanity in this wonderful place we live.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. “Can you imagine any of the Democrat presidential candidates talking great about the USA like this?”

    The Democrat Presidential candidates are not proud of the United States of America they want to fundamentally change it into their irrational and unachievable socialist utopia. The 21st century political left is full of irrational emotional imbeciles.


    1. madisonexpat

      But they are self segregating and not attractive to normals.


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      “The 21st century political left is full of irrational emotional imbeciles.”

      Ya think…? And with several outstanding examples, one in particular, that slobber incoherently right here, am I right?

      Yet the Clown Car Caravan Cavalcade continues apace on the Highway To Hell wearing gasoline drawers and a gale force tailwind!

      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

    3. richard lesiak

      First time trump does something that didn’t embarrass the nation and you expect us all to applaud. yippee skippee.


      1. madisonexpat

        First great thing he did was to beat Hillary. Remember?
        That was awesome.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          As awesome as finding the 3 % + GDP Magic Wand Hopey Changey never could?


      2. President Trump really hasn’t done anything to embarrass the USA. You’ve been drinking too much from the trough of irrational Trump hating propaganda.

        The wacko social justice warriors and snowflakes from the political left are embarrassing the whole of humanity every time they open their ignorant mouths and profess their virtue signaling stupidity to the entire world.


  10. AnonyBob

    Exterminator Dave. Gootch insult gibberish get deleted again? (Careful Witherspoon, your insults without content are getting close to the edge.)


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      Paranoid delusions are trending up.

      Actually, your 74 year-old drunken sot pal was posting illiterate threats of physical violence; try again.

      The Gotch


    2. “Careful Witherspoon, your insults without content are getting close to the edge.”

      Oh really?

      Do tell.

      Where see this perceived “insults without content”?

      Maybe you haven’t had your morning coffee yet.


    3. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Bias makes you stupid.

      Hyper-Partisan Bias makes you stupid on steroids!

      The Gotch


    4. richard lesiak

      Sorry AB; it was me.


  11. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Unabashed The Donald critic Jonah Goldberg nails virtue-signaling Lefties to the floorboards for letting washed up multi-millionaire/Moron Savant Colin Kaepernick racialize the Betsy Ross flag:

    Nike Fans the Flames of the Culture War | National Review

    He also provides a fabulous suggestion on how to reward NIKE for their craven cowardice-n-complicity in allowing the flag to become a “hate symbol” despite its being on no one’s “hate radar.”

    It’s also the Best Idea I’ve heard since that of transporting illegals to Lefty Sanctuary cities:

    “But what if these (hate) groups started wearing T-shirts with the Nike ‘swoosh’ on them?

    “Frankly, I think it would be a brilliant move by these hate groups to do just that. Nike would freak out, giving these attention-seekers a bonanza in free publicity.”

    Fingers crossed for NIKE, and by extension Kaepernick AND Lefty, getting it deservedly GOOD-n-Hard!

    The Gotch


    1. richard lesiak

      Goldberg a trump critic? When did that happen?


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        It’s no secret to anyone that can read!

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          The only thing I’m reading now is another of your one liner slobberings with nothing to back it up. But, since I’m a nice guy I’ll bail you out this one time. Goldberg is a lying piece of RWNJ. Claimed to be a two time Pulitzer Prize Nominee. That was as true as blimp boy being on the cover of Time and cost his publisher a bundle to reprint the book jackets. But, I digress. Breitbart is ripping on this bozo because he is teaming up with another crank to start a new website. This means Dimbart is going to take it in the shorts with a big drop in RWNJ ad money and sponsors. So Dumbbart is telling everyone JG is hating on blimpo to cut him off at the knees. PRICELESS


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          It has nothing to do with Breitbart, and anyone that can read would determine that for themselves.

          And it’s MY fault you can’t read?

          Got it.

          The Gotch


        3. richard lesiak

          I can read gotch and it’s painfully obvious from your two posts that you don’t have a link for us to see. Just more ramblings. I did see that blimp boy had a break down over Fox News and their current coverage of his slow motion disaster of a presidency. Wow; you think I jump your butt, just read those tweets. I bet he got a nosebleed after that collection of crazy was posted.


        4. Cornelius Gotchberg

          “you don’t have a link for us to see.”

          In all fairness, there are times FAR too numerous to mention where I’ve selflessly provided links and only 1…ONE…person hasn’t/won’t/isn’t able/refuses to click on.

          Even if they do, it doesn’t seem to register.

          To wit:

          The Gotch provides a link to a hilariously hypocritical tweet from the VERIFIED twitter account of Portland Mayor/Antifa Enabler Ted Wheeler; only 1…ONE…poster claims it is, and I quote Fake News.

          Anyone that knows how to read, and reads Jonah Goldberg, knows he’s no fan of The Donald.

          Just like anyone that peruses knows that The Gotch isn’t overly enamored with Lefty.

          You require a link for that as well…?

          The Gotch


      2. madisonexpat

        224,000 new jobs in June.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Pull out of the Paris Accords, renegotiate NAFTA, undoing other of feebly flaccid Hopey Changey’s disasters.

          The Gotch


      3. Cornelius Gotchberg

        RECORD employment, especially in certain under-served (READ: victimhoodie, according to Lefty) demographics like those of Blacks, Latinos, & X-Chromosomal Units.

        The Gotch


        1. AnonyBob

          After the previous month’s pathetic number that averages out to “meh.”


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg


          The Hopey Changey economy was largely a bad joke, partly because of the far-reaching ripple effects of the democrat vote-generation scheme known as the CRA, the Clintonistas deregulating (CFMA, FSMA, Riegle-Neal, etc.) Wall Street, the PRWORA DOUBLING extreme poverty among societies most fragile, and the OmniBus Crime Act and its MASS INCARCERATION of minorities.

          But mostly because of the staggering ineptitude one expects from an Affirmative Action hire and the guilt-suffocated White Lefty morons tasked with cleaning up after a talentless $#!T-storm

          ‘Course, MUCH progress was made with the construction of many cages and concentration camps, but they were called “temporary dorms” and “reassignment facilities.”

          Heck, even Jack Tapper went after the dimmest of the DIM, (Alexandria OCRAZYo-Cortez), about that, and she could only manage to stumble/mumble/bumble an incoherent response about her being a bartender at the time.

          Yessirree @AnonyBob, quite a legacy, am I right?

          The Gotch


  12. madisonexpat

    This “meh” is a big reason he was elected. Obama’s willingness to let the deplorable, bitter clingers wither and die and Hillary being OK with that new world order were evil.


  13. madisonexpat

    And how low must unemployment go to meet your approval ABob?


  14. Leo

    ?When President Bonespurs could have served in his heloved military way back in the 60’s, he got daddy to gin up and pay for a phony doctor’s excuse that kept him on what Trump called his war to avoid STD’s in New York (tougher than being at Hamburger Hill)..
    Now he uses the military to pump himself up really good, so he won’t seem like such a girlie man.


    1. madisonexpat

      Project much?


    2. madisonexpat

      Tell it to ISIS.
