Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


‘Blaska created a near riot’ at the Madison school board?

So claims an anonymous on-line poster

Actually, I  had left the building by the time the social justice warriors began their chanting that drove the school board to a locked room

And I asked for calm until all the facts were in!

14266870053_86d329a9f7_qAnn of Althouse is a Madison resident and retired UW law prof. She writes an eclectic and entertaining blog that has nationwide reach. Her commentary often makes the pages of the (failing) New York Times.

Ann has taken note of our travails here in the Madison school district because it resonates nationally. Madison is by no means the only town in thrall to identity politics and its culture of victimhood. But we’ve got an especially toxic case.

At roughly noon on Tuesday (02-26-19) she posted a blog titled: “As activists chanted, the Madison School Board left its usual meeting place in the auditorium of the Doyle Administration Building Monday night and finished the rest of its session in a conference room down the hall…”

As of this writing 24 hours later, Ann’s post had generated 149 comments. We excerpt from that commentary here:

Inga…Allie Oop said … What good did Blaska’s presence at the meeting do but create a near riot? As IF he had more to contribute than the people there. Condescending asshole. People in Madison know who he is and what he’s about.

Jupiter said … Well, she’s right. The political realities of Madison are such that the people who are open to what Blaska has to say have already taken their children out of the Shithole School District. Those who remain are ignorant savages whose only expectation from the school system is a baby-sitting service, or useful idiots like Igna, who will cheerfully sacrifice their children’s well-being for an opportunity to signal their virtue. It may be that in the long run, the worst consequence of Ignism is the ongoing deterioration of institutions deprived of the influence of more sensible people.

Tina Trent said … Inga, you idiot, this Dave Blaska is a candidate for the school board, thus presumably a resident. He has the right to be there. One might make sure the same is true of the various idiot protesters. And then arrest every single person who disrupted a public meeting. 

Tommy Duncan said … A truthful root-cause analysis of the failures of the Madison Public Schools would turn up issues no one would be willing to talk about in public. Political correctness ensures our school problems will continue into perpetuity. David Blaska is a hero for attempting to force the Madison School Board to face reality.

Drago said ... In the future it will be necessary for conservatives to submit their intended remarks to Leftist Speech Boards to get permission to share their ideas. Sidenote: that permission will never be given. Second sidenote: Inga has had much good to say about antifa rioters. Inga is also a big fan of mobs chasing republicans out of public places. But only in a good, tolerant, open minded way. Naturally.

Ralph L said … Major kudos to Blaska for putting his safety and sanity at risk for a nearly hopeless crusade.

Sebastian said ... Good of Althouse to give us a glimpse of progs in the wild.

Folks, visit my website and my Facebook page at  Catch Blaska from 5 to 6 p.m. Thursday, February 28 on Ms. Vicki McKenna’s radio program 1310 on the AM dial.



48 responses to “‘Blaska created a near riot’ at the Madison school board?”

  1. coolkevs

    alley oop is a long-standing troll on ann’s blog. that’s probably one of the least incendiary things “she” has said


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      But it SURE is comforting to reading all those Righty Fellow Travelers b**chsmack her smarmy @$$ down.

      Off topic/Hot_Off_The_Press: Alex Hornibrook will leave the Badger FB team to play elsewhere as a graduate transfer for 2019.

      The Gotch


      1. Patrick M. O’Loughlin

        My guess is he got a straight up assessment of his chances of keeping the starting job next fall.


      2. That Hornibrook thing is good news.


  2. AnonyBob

    Why don’t you guys go off topic on something more salient, like Cohen’s credible testimony today against the criminal, petty mob boss, also known as our president? Focusing on school board and Badger sports is just burying your heads in the sand. I suppose I don’t blame Dave, it’s understandable his race is his focus. But it’s sure reducing the relevancy of and interest in this blog.


    1. Floris

      Credible? This was a guy who has already been accused, tried, and convicted of lying to congress. But I’m sure he’s not lying this time, right?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. AnonyBob

        Doesn’t mean he’s lying now. Prosecutors make use of convicted liars like him all the time; they just make sure to corroborate his testimony. And Cohen gave them a lot of hard evidence to work with.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg


          Just like the Sun rises in the East and the swallows return to Capistrano, another Lefty pipe dream goes up in smoke!

          To wit:

          Cohen Vows To Be ‘Truthful’ To Congress, Ends Up Getting Referred To Justice Dept: For (and this is where it gets GOOD!) Lying


          Ah Lefty; so MUCH suffocating disappointment, so little time!

          The Gotch


        2. AnonyBob

          Getting “referred” to Justice in a letter from the two main GOP attack hacks on the committee? Are you seriously swallowing this partisan hype tripe!? You sound as stupid as they did in the hearing. Gootch: quit being so, as surely as the sun rises in the East, foolish.


        3. Cornelius Gotchberg


          Look; I understand The Lefty Way is getting positively crushed under the weight of its own pathetic worthlessness, but shooting the messenger is sending the painfully clear message of really how desperate youse are.

          Not a pretty sight, it almost evokes a modicum of pity.


          The Gotch


    2. richard lesiak

      With the non-stop school board blogging and commenting I’m starting to wonder who really is “fanning the flames.”


      1. madisonexpat

        Burn it down. Liberate the kids and their parents. School choice now! Get rid of the racist influence and demands of BLM, Freedom Inc and BYG.


    3. Cornelius Gotchberg


      “Why don’t you guys go off topic on something more salient”

      Hey Zeus Alou! Yer arrogance is positively staggering!

      Reckon we could talk about:

      On January 29, Two Hate Crimes Occurred. The Media Only Covered The Fake One. HERE’S WHY.

      No? Howse about youse calling out racist, homophobic, misogynist, bigoted, hateful >b>Black Hebrew Israelites as knuckleheads?

      Probably not that, either, am I right?

      The Gotch


    4. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Or maybe the CA Bullet Train & Amtrak Coast Starlight Choo-Choo as soaring examples of what Lefty’s Green New Deal portends?

      Them neither?

      The Gotch


    5. AnonyBob

      Sigh. And I get Gootch Gibberish.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        Gibberish /ˈjib(ə)riSH/
        1-Intellectually prepubescent label @AnonyBob incuriously applies to real real mean Inconvenient Truth that not only doesn’t support the LaLaLoopyLoonyLeftyLand narrative and herd the uneducated feral class Lefty base, but just won’t go away.

        The Gotch


  3. madisonexpat

    ABob, the Cohen Clown Show exonerates the president. He gave the best information he has and he’s got precisely nothing. If there was something actionable there we’d know it. Instead we know there isn’t.
    And now say bye bye to your whizzing hookers fantasy, your Russians hacking an election charges, your porn star posits etc. etc.
    How much of your life have you invested in these silly fantasies? How many of the sources you trust to inform you have fed you tripe? How big an appetite for lies can hate inspire?
    A lot, apparently. For a long time.


    1. AnonyBob

      Cohen exonerated precisely nothing. The BEST you can manage is Cohen was unaware of any direct Russian collusion. He was very careful not to confirm anything he didn’t have direct knowledge of. He gave evidence – hard, documented evidence – of the many actual crimes Trump has committed and the lies he utters. This isn’t even willful ignorance on your part; it’s outright delusion. (Although, if all you watch is Fox – TrumpTV – you WILL remain ignorant. It was the only one of the 4 major networks not to carry the hearing live. Has sycophant Hannity ever disclosed on air that Cohen is also HIS lawyer?) I’m not motivated by hate, I’m concerned that my country is being led by a pathetic, small time, treasonous, self-enriching mobster. The support he maintains says all to much about his supporters and the former Republican party.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        ”Has sycophant Hannity ever disclosed on air that Cohen is also HIS lawyer?”

        Poor @AnonyBob, sad @AnonyBob, eminently ButtHurt; another beautiful theory that a career Lefty slobbered out loud without doing his due diligence is slain by ugly facts!

        THIS is what happens when a lyin’ Lefty SOOO desires for what he believes to be true to further the narrative yet steadfastly refuses to acknowledge the fact-based Universe.

        Hannity Insists: Cohen Was Never My Lawyer ‘in Any Capacity’— and He Apologized to Me

        Now waddle back in here like a good li’l Lefty and issue an appropriately groveling and contrite apology for yer unconscionable breach of REALITY

        The Gotch


      2. madisonexpat

        So you don’t hate “a pathetic, small time, treasonous, self enriching mobster”?
        Then more the fool you. I sure would.
        Who’d you have in mind? Cohen?


        1. AnonyBob

          C’mon, Splat, you’re the one who lectures so self-righteously and condescendingly against “hate.” I can hold Trump in complete contempt without having to hate him.


  4. madisonexpat

    OK ABob, keep up the good work.
    Picked your fave Dem candidate yet? I’m enjoying the MSM playing Whack A Mole with each new Contender that isn’t Kamala then we find out her family tree includes slave owners in Jamaica about 20 minutes after she wants to talk about reparations. (Thanks Dad.)
    Michael Moore, Pocahonkey and Commie Bernie discuss income inequality above the headline stating that they own 21 houses between them. Amy Klobuchar wins “Meanest Girl” in the Senate according to her staff, states her first campaign stop will be Wisconsin and immediately has to apologize to Hillary.
    C’mon in Plagiarizing Plugs Biden. I’m sure your gaffe gun is locked and loaded.
    Popcorn anyone?


    1. AnonyBob

      Shorter Splat: “I got nothing, so I gotta deflect.” (Taking lessons from Gootch?) Your defense of Trump is just as skillful as the GOP’s was in the hearing yesterday. You can’t defend the indefensible, so why even try?


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        “The support he maintains says all to (sic) much about his supporters and the former Republican party.”

        Taking lessons from @richard lesiak?

        The Gotch


        1. AnonyBob

          That’s the best you got? A typo?


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          ”That’s the best you got? A typo?”

          Reckon I could have said gibberish, but I’d run the risk of being a bespawling addlepate.

          The Gotch


      2. madisonexpat

        Nothing? Here’s something concrete: President Trump waves the magic wand President Obama said doesn’t exist and comes home with an order to build 10 Boeing 787’s for $5.6B. That’s a lot of manufacturing jobs. You see? Far better to export goods than jobs. I’ve got significant trade concessions from China as they and the Viets demonstrate to Kim how best to behave towards the USA.
        This is what grown ups and leaders do. It is Winning.
        There is nothing in the congressional Kabuki dance except posturing fools and you who require a convicted liar and four time felon turned snitch for your truth.
        Jeez ABob, you go to Cohen for truth, Stormy Daniels for moral lessons and daily Trump Derangement Syndrome as to what you believe today.
        What crime did President Trump commit that you’ve detected Wile E.?
        The Cohen/Congressional Clown Show seems to indicate the Vast Left Wing Conspiracy has gone from Wile E. Coyote to Inspector Clouseau.


  5. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Funniest thing; there will be nine figure referenda on the April election ballot for school construction in Sun Prairie ($174 million or $186.3 million) AND DeForest ($125 million).

    Probably nothing to it…right?


    The Gotch


    1. richard lesiak

      Much of what they have was built in 1969. After 50 years it’s time to do some work. The voters see a need and they are willing to do the right thing. I know it may be hard for you to comprehend people opening up their wallets to get things done, but on the bright side I hear there will be a new bike lane installed for those who wish bike to the school.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        Always wrong, but never in doubt.

        The referenda are NOT only talking about upgrading facilities, but BUILDING new facilities. Why? Population trends anticipated over the next 5 to 10 years.

        Those trends show population increases (oddly enough, young people with school age children) flocking to nearby cities for a number of reasons.

        Not the least of them would be Madisonians sick of confiscatory property taxes; I and the lovely and long suffering Mrs. Gotch pay $300/month JUST for Madison schools!

        AND the School Board/MMSD is tossing the keys to an uneducated feral class; Lord only knows why.

        Wait a minute.

        Maybe THIS has something to do with it:

        UW journalism Professor Sue Robinson: “Race needs to factor into EVERY SINGLE DECISION being made on the (Madison School) board,” (caps mine)

        The priority is no longer education or preparing children to make their way in the world. It’s the coddling of a privileged group/protected class, assuring them that they’re victims, making excuses for why Javon & Juan can’t read, and that their every challenge is because of RAYcism.

        What could possibly go wrong?

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          Tear down; build new. That’s the whole idea. Looking at population trends; why not? That’s part of putting together a plan of this size. The Madison school board has nothing to do with this. Get over it. What could possibly go wrong? You mixing up Sun Prairie and Madison. That’s what! Can’t afford the 300 bucks a month; then move. I hear Sun Prairie is a growing community.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Who said I couldn’t afford it? I’m not some donut-maker, after all.

          But I understand why youse don’t care, youse don’t pay taxes; I WILL have a say in what I support with my tax dollar$.

          MMSD is on the Highway To Hell @terminal velocity, wearing gasoline skivvies, and with a strong tail wind.

          The rest of yer blather undeniably confirms that youse really DON’T have a clue!

          The Gotch


        3. richard lesiak

          Your just a cheap little whinner.


        4. Cornelius Gotchberg

          ”Your (sic) just a cheap little whinner (sic).”

          Small wonder you defend Toriana Pettaway.

          The Gotch


        5. Madison lost a net 804 students — all Madison residents — to surrounding districts this year. They took with them $5.67 million in state funding to their suburban school districts. That doesn’t count private parochial schools or charters.

          Liked by 1 person

  6. coolkevs

    Bob and ilk: Were you rooting for Trump to fail in North Korea? I thought it was peace peace and peace with you guys, but all I see on Twitter is #TrumpFail. Have you ever heard of “walking” in business – oh yeah, you worked in government, so you just give in to everyone’s demands. And all I read from you is Cohen Cohen Cohen which other than you and the rest of late night/CNN watchers NOBODY CARES. If they did, Trump would have not got elected after the “grab” tape. What did Obama actually do for world peace? Oh yeah, let Kim launch his rockets and Gaddhafi get mutilated. Why is Trump approval in Rasmussen at 49%?? Are you proud to support Cohen as somebody who’s going to jail for..wait for it…lying to Congress???? Also, please discuss Ralph Northam and his wife for their actions when you would be calling for a Republican’s head. Am I right? Please don’t deflect – I’m much more succinct than Cornelius 🙂


    1. AnonyBob

      Dang! I wrote a long response and it disappeared. Trying again:
      You ARE more succinct than Gootch, so you do deserve a response.
      No, I was not rooting for Trump to fail. If he’d succeeded and Kim denuclearized, I would have grudgingly admitted Trump won a big one. And I’m glad he walked rather than giving in on sanctions – though two hawks like Bolton and Pompeo at his elbow probably prevented that (I can’t believe I’m grateful to those two). Where he did fail – epically – was thinking two leaders with “personal chemistry,” could have dinner and then cut a deal. These kind of treaties take months of painstaking negotiating to set up. Then the two leaders swoop in, sign it and take credit for it after all the kinks are worked out. Trump, “the great negotiator,” is clueless when it comes to diplomacy and international relations and is uninterested in learning.
      I don’t “support” Cohen; I’ve always thought he was a bullying prick who deserves to go to jail for the crimes he committed at Trump’s direction. The problem for you guys is, he’s got the goods on Trump. And plenty of people DO care about that.
      Rasmussen? It’s a partisan pollster that always favors Republicans. (And STILL has Trump below 50%.) No other credible pollster gives him numbers anywhere near that.
      As for the racially tone-deal VA governor and wife, I agreed with the leading Democrats who, to my party’s credit, called for him to resign. Since then, a solid majority of blacks in VA have decided they’re better off with him in office than out. So on that one, I don’t know.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        “Where he did fail”

        Always wrong, but never in doubt.

        Lefty’s incuriously timed Witch Hunt Hearing at home, featuring a convicted felon LIAR heading to the gallows to be some prison bitch & trying to save his skin (and selected other orifices) to get preferential treatment, undermined The Donald’s ability to deal effectively.

        Should he have bowed obsequiously, ala Hopey Changey, and apologized for CBS cancelling MASH ~ 36 years ago?

        Anywho; Cohen wishes he’d followed his conscience? You gotta be effin’ kidding me; does he lack even the basal level of awareness required to realize he doesn’t have one?

        The Gotch


  7. madisonexpat

    ABob, I cited aome concrete “things” you claimed Cohen “got the goods,, hard evidence….”
    Like what?
    I’ll wait.


    1. richard lesiak

      A check for 35k may answer your question.


    2. AnonyBob

      Jeebus, Splat, follow the news and quit trying to make me explain EVERYTHING to you. You never listen anyway. You’re Trumpified to the core.


  8. madisonexpat

    Right. Cohen produces a copy of a check signed by President Trump.
    You guys got him this time…… for sure.
    Meep meep.


    1. AnonyBob

      Splat, are you sure you’re not on Trump’s or TrumpTV (aka FOX)’s payroll?


      1. madisonexpat

        I don’t watch any TV news.
        President Trump is succeeding beyond any expectation either you or I had.


        1. AnonyBob

          Ah, that didn’t answer the question; are you sure you’re not in elected office?
          And I guess it depends on how you define success. For instance, how’s that denuclearization thing going?


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg


          Don’t youse have more pressing issues to tend?

          Lefty’s hillariously imploding in real time for all the world to see.

          House Democrats Explode In Recriminations As Liberals Lash Out At Moderates

          Righties? We jes’ sittin’ back, CHILLIN’!!

          The Gotch


        3. AnonyBob

          (Eye roll) You Righties “jes” sittin’ back dreamin’ in newfound insignificance.


  9. Lars

    UW journalism Professor Sue Robinson: “Race needs to factor into EVERY SINGLE DECISION being made on the (Madison School) board,” (caps mine)
    Frederick Douglas “Thoughts, theories, ideas, and systems, so various, and so opposite, and leading to such diverse results, suggest the wisdom of the utmost precaution, and the most careful survey, at the start. A false light, a defective chart, an imperfect compass, may cause one to drift in endless bewilderment, or to be landed at last amid sharp, destructive rocks” ( The Claims of the Negro Ethnologically Considered, Page 5
    As long as Profs of ignorance, like S. Robinson etc. are miseducating our young people, on the fallacious claims about race, racism, and racial reconciliation, we will get no where. We need to fight the hate, but to claim it is based on the amount of melanin in our skin, is ludicrous. There is only one race the Human Race, we need to stop letting them claim it is a racist claim, and challenge them to give a single reason that makes it untrue. Humans can only successfully procreate with other humans of the same race. That is one race, human! Lets try to judge people on the content of their character, and not the amount of melanin in their skin!.

    Liked by 1 person