Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


If we could turn back time we would have re-elected #41

Attention Robin Vos and Scott Fitzgerald: you are wrecking the brand with your rewriting the election. Republicans are the good-government people, remember? You cannot turn back time. This is no time for scorched earth.

Salvador dali clock

What voter fraud?

Time to acknowledge that the “myth of voter fraud” is, itself, a Democrat(ic) myth: (from CNN, of all sources!): 

As North Carolina officials investigate allegations that absentee ballots were tampered with in a tight congressional race, a review of some of those ballots revealed many were signed by the same small group of people — some of whom are connected to a longtime operative working for the Republican candidate’s campaign.

North Carolina requires witnesses to sign absentee ballots. Usually, those witnesses are family members or friends. But a set of 161 absentee ballots for the 9th Congressional District obtained by CNN on Monday showed that the same nine people signed at least 10 absentee ballots each.

Deep Thoughts

What happened to the light when I turned off the wall switch? Where did that light go? Einstein could probably tell me, not that we would understand. But what is time (really)?

Scientist Joseph Palazzo suggests that motion is fundamental and time is a convenient mental construct devised to measure motion. His book is Everything is matter moving through space. Which, if we understand, means that the light from that wall switch is back there.

Quote of the day — from  James Parker in a NY Times review of the autobiography of Roger Daltrey (he of The Who)Thanks a lot, Mr. Kibblewhite. It’s dedicated to his abusive British headmaster. (Aren’t they all?)

God bless the evil headmasters: the deformers, the belittlers, the squashers of dreams, the ones who leave their oppressed subjects in such a condition of churning anonymous rage that the only possible remedy, post-school, is greatness. 

For some reason, we hear Emma Lazarus in that.

Even the NY Times gets the connection! Maurice Isserman in his NY Times review of Wasn’t That a Time, a chronicle of the proto-folk group, The Weavers, which included that commie shill Pete Seeger.

[The author] asserts that there was never a case of Soviet espionage that “bore any connections to the American Communist Party,” something no serious history of the party maintains after three decades of post-cold war revelations from archives in Moscow and Washington.   

The last of the Greatest Generation

The politics of hate from our … acquaintances

At least they are being true to type. That would be the socialists at The Nation, which spews this kind of agitprop the day before #41’s funeral:

George H.W. Bush, icon of the WASP establishment

— and of brutal US Repression in the Third World;
Obituaries have transformed the terror that Bush inflicted,
depicting it as heroism. 

Hear the casual class warfare? One Nation reader tries to link #41 to the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan! (“He and Barbara invited John’s parents to dinner in their home the night before John Hinckley …”) Nice going, Nation readers. We expect nothing less of you. No, we’re not going to link this crap.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: The Nation and the hard Left have never forgiven Bush for bringing down the Berlin Wall.


44 responses to “If we could turn back time we would have re-elected #41”

  1. I will say that in 2010, the Dems brand wasn’t tarnished for their supporters when they tried to break someone out of prison for their lame duck session. Why are Republicans always held to a different purity standard?? And the will of the people thwarted? Didn’t Republicans strengthen their control in the Senate and lost one seat in the Assembly?


    1. And don’t get me started on the Frankenstein veto – the governor does have too much power there. If reining that in more is not good government, I don’t know what is.


      1. Gary L. Kriewald

        Didn’t the Dems squeal like stuck pigs in 2010 when the new governor was given the very powers they want their man Evers to retain? Now the Republicans are ready to grant them their wish … albeit eight years late. There’s just no pleasing some people.


  2. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Speaking of the Berlin Wall, its October 1989 fall remains one of my favorite memories. A client who was there gifted me a small piece of their concrete chunk.

    But the part that sticks out the most?

    ALL those horribly oppressed West Berlin masses SPRINTING into the Socialista/Communista Paradiso Heaven on Earth FREEDOM of East Germany once they got the chance.

    The Gotch


  3. old baldy

    Sure it is, “Time to acknowledge that the “myth of voter fraud” is, itself, a Democrat(ic) myth”


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @hankdog/old baldy;

      “ ‘Time to acknowledge that the ‘myth of voter fraud’ is, itself, a Democrat(ic) myth’ ”

      Do tell!

      Let’s take a look at what happened with formerly employed Lefties, Scottie Foval & Bobby Creamer when they chose to thought that idiot Lefties (forgive the redundancy) would believe that voter fraud was/is a myth.

      To wit:

      Foval: “It’s a very easy thing for Republicans to say they’re bussing people in. Well you know what? We’ve been bussing people in to deal with you f****n’ assholes for fifty years and WE’RE NOT GOING TO STOP NOW. WE’RE JUST GOING TO FIND A DIFFERENT WAY TO DO IT. (bolds/caps mine)

      “I think backwards from how they would prosecute if they could, and then try to build out the method to avoid that,” (Foval) says about organizing voter fraud by bringing people from state to state to vote illegally. “Let’s just say, in theory, if a major investigation came up of major vote fraud that way, how would they prove it? And who would they charge? Are they going to charge each individual with voter fraud? Or are they going to go after the facilitator for conspiracy, which they could prove? It’s one thing if all these people drive up in their personal cars. If there’s a bus involved, that changes the dynamic… You can prove conspiracy if there’s a bus, but if there are cars, it is much harder to prove.”

      Oh my gunny sacks (H/T @GOOD DOG HAPPY MAN) couldn’t have happened to a couple of nicer Lefty morons (forgive the redundancy)

      “Scott Foval and Robert Creamer, two little-known but influential Democratic political operatives, have left their jobs after video investigations by James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas Action found Foval entertaining dark notions about how to win elections. Foval was laid off Monday by Americans United for Change, where he had been national field director; Creamer announced Tuesday night that he was ‘stepping back’ from the work he was doing for the unified Democratic campaign for Hillary Clinton.”

      It gets worse.

      Lefty miscreant Bobby Creamer was a WH guest over 340 times, 47 of those with a personal audience with the self-anointed 4th Greatest President EVAH who was tasked with overseeing the Most Transparent Administration EVAH!

      Oh my!! Someone involved with voter fraud was a regular Hopey Changey WH visitor? That has a certain redolence to it, am I right?

      Voter fraud? We don’t got no stinkin’ voter fraud!

      Ah Lefty, so MUCH voter fraud, so little time!

      The Gotch


      1. dad29

        The Republicans are good students in this instance. There is nothing criminal, nor even “shady” about going to a nursing home and witnessing the voting from the residents therein. That technique was invented by the Democrats.

        Then there are certain Holy-Card-Self-Nominees of the RINO variety whose undies are now tightly bundled. LIons, Tigers, Horses, Oh, My!!


    2. AnonyBob

      Gootch: Baldy links to well researched information offered by a highly regarded organization and you you counter with unattributed cut-and-paste garbage from some conspiracy site hyping slimester O’Keefe?
      You gotta know how pathetic that is. Major fail.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg


        First of all, the is an advocacy site….unless youse consider the OSI the Gold Standard of objective journalism and information dissemination, which youse likely do.

        Second, and FAR more importantly, even though it’s real real mean Inconvenient Truth, those are VERBATIM QUOTES from those two Lefty scumbags.

        Anyone with even a marginally tangential relationship with a fact-based reality would ask:

        “Gosh, if this really WAS ‘unattributed cut-and-paste garbage from some conspiracy site,’ why’d those two Lefty scumbags get canned. ESPECIALLY the one that visited the WH OVER four times a month during the Hopey Changey Administration?”

        Reckon that ain’t youse, though, am I right?

        EPIC FAIL!

        The Gotch


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Another of your ahead of the curve observations:

          ​YOU GUYS ARE ON THE WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY! Prediction: Kavanaugh Withdraws.

          The Gotch


        2. AnonyBob

          “Verbatim quotes” from where, Gootch? As far as I can tell, you just make stuff up or mindlessly repeat serial liar James O’Keefe and his manipulated recordings and then write about it in cluttered language. Am I right?


        3. AnonyBob

          That is so flattering that you remember what I’ve written. I usually don’t bother reading your lengthy cut-n-paste tirades. How rude of me! And “wrong side of history?” You guys are still solidly there. You think Kavanaugh helped the GOP during the midterms? Ho Ho Ho! Talk to me 40 seats ago.


        4. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @AnonyBob wants those real real mean VERBATIM QUOTES to GO AWAY

          That real real mean VIDEO PROOF to just GO FAR FAR FAR AWAY

          Now, tell us how those videos were deceptively edited or how those criminal Lefties were taken out of context…PLEASE?

          I just want to see youse flail helplessly before youse have to waddle back in and issue an appropriately groveling and contrite apology before skulking away in self-imposed exile for yer egregious breach of truthful netiquette!

          The Gotch


        5. Cornelius Gotchberg

          One more thing, isn’t inciting violent riots a felony?

          Why yes, yes, I believe that inciting violent riots IS a felony!

          Hope youse have enough tissues to make it through what ought to be a rather lachrymose episode

          The Gotch


      2. old baldy

        This quote fits cg right down to the nub,
        “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid”. B. Franklin

        There is nothing we mere mortals can do to cure the stupidity he so heartily embraces.

        Keep up the good work.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          To paraphrase Voltaire:

          “It’s difficult to free @hankdog/old baldy from the chains he reveres.”

          The Gotch


  4. Madison1218

    It’s been a shameful couple days for the WI GOP, and yet just a quick mention of it and then on to the heady topic of whether light has mass (it does).
    And I remember just a few days ago, on this very site, Dave said that all of this was a moot point because Governor Walker was too much of a statesman to ever sign any of it into law.
    ‘When someone shows you who they are, believe them’. This is behavior beyond the pale, and I would hope that we all as fellow citizens concerned with good government would call it what it is.
    Let’s see what our ‘statesman’ Governor will do. For the good of our State, I hope he surprises me and lives up to Dave’s confidence in him.


  5. gene larson

    republicans are sinking themselves. they have no idea how bad they look today to the rest of the country


    1. AnonyBob

      No idea how bad they look? Nah. They just don’t care how naked power grabs look. I just hope Gov. Evers spends the next 4 years doing everything he possible can to screw each and every member of the the two GOP caucuses. Make ‘em squeal, then throw ‘em out.


      1. dad29

        Yah, hey, you can fix all this easily!! Simply reverse the numbers in the Legislature, which happens to represent the REAL wishes of da pipples. You only have to flip about 30 in the Assembly and 5 in the Senate.

        Onward to 2020!!


  6. richard lesiak

    A lot of fluff and nonsense to deflect from the real problem. The assault on our state from Vos and Fitz. Now it’s a national embarrassment. Blaska’s in “red” comment should be the topic. Go down this path and the Dem’s will double down in 2020 and gut the gop.


  7. madisonexpat

    My my, how the heathen rage.
    Who are we to believe? ABob’s ‘nothing to see here’ unless you believe the verbatim, recorded quotes of two of Obama’s Illinois operative for the Corruptocrats. Well paid felons too.
    Another error is Abob’s post mortem on the recent mid terms. He went from all in on the Blue Wave of Trump hatred to fewer lost house seats than the historical average and an increase in Republicans in the senate. He and Wile E. poor richard and O’Ballsy saw zero Trump Derangement out side the MSM and usual Progressive bed wetters. And wondered.
    And yes, the attempted lynching of Brett Kavanaugh helped the GOP. Ask Kamala Harris. Spartacus Booker et al.
    The Dems are just pathetic with no message and no messenger. The Clintons road trip is as effective as Hillary’s campaign launch in “a van. Down by the river campaign.”
    See Camille Paglia’s interview today as she sees her Democrat Party.
    Meanwhile President Trump resets some semblance of free trade, Gets China to reduce fentanyl production, forces Pierre Trudeau to sign the new NAFTA, and watches the eco elites of Paris burning.
    But hey, ABob, poor richard, O’Ballsy and all the other Trump deranged….. you’ll always have Russia.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AnonyBob

      Splat and his optimism in the face of reality never fails to impress me. But it’s pretty obvious which party is corrupt from bottom to top. Take the legislature: even Sheldon Lubar, along with Dave, is embarrassed by their latest stomp-on-democracy-and-the-will-of-the-voters GOP power grab. Then there’s Trump, his family and his cabinet: ever see such corrupt, personal, money-grubbing greed by hacks at the top? Thankfully the Dems now have control of one house to shed some light on The Trump Swamp. We can quibble over the size of the Blue Wave, but it was there. Forty seats? Not the biggest swing, but the average midterm loss for the party in power is 30 seats (sorry about all that reality stuff, again, Splat). And where were those seats lost? That’s what really has conservatives unnerved. Buh-bye, suburban women. Who needs that bloc? 2020 will be even worse for the GOP with a Presidential race. While it’s interesting that Splat hangs on the words of a lefty feminist like Camille Paglia, there’s plenty of time for things to shake out for the Dems before 2020. It’s nice to see so many Dems interested in running against Trump. Just like Walker had a ton of Dems vie to challenge him. That worked out well. Meanwhile, Trump quips he’s “a tariff guy” and the stock market tanks – well played, sir! And yes, we’ll always have Russia; already lots of illegal campaigning and treason on display and convictions in the books, with more to come. Like Splat, I’m an optimist.


      1. dad29

        Shelly Lubar entered politics through Jimmuh Cahtah and Shelly has never been a conservative. He’s a Kennedy Democrat/Republican by necessity. He’s also a great philanthropist and a nice guy.


        1. dad29

          Shelly Lubar, who wrote checks to California Russ for BOTH his campaigns? Who voted for Tony the Tank-Engine this last election?

          Lifelong switch-hitter. He goes where he can get the most for Shelly & Co.


    2. Gary L. Kriewald

      How the heathen rage indeed! I’d be upset at what the GOP is doing if Dems had won the Wisconsin vote instead of just the Milwaukee and Dane County vote.


  8. Bill Everley

    Dangerous stuff, both politically, economically and demographically. More brain drain on WI from this crap. Have fun with the Packers!


  9. madisonexpat

    Sort out a Democratic message ABob? Can’t wait.
    And no fan of Hillary can accuse anyone else of being corrupt any more than her husband can criticize any sexual predator.
    Beyond this, that’s a mighty long graveyard your whistling at.
    Continued good luck with that.


    1. AnonyBob

      After all those earnest congressional hearings and investigations by the GOP, Hillary is guilty…of what? Nothing they could find.
      The problem is not President Hillary Clinton. Tossing her and Bill out as a deflection of Trump’s…shortcomings…doesn’t work anymore, outside of Fox and other right wing propaganda mills. How long are you and Maureen Dowd gonna fixate on the Clintons? They’re irrelevant. “What aboutism” (a favorite yours) doesn’t work.


      1. madisonexpat

        A True believing Progressive gets to rewrite history every day. And does.
        The Democrat playbook remains the Acme Catalog.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. AnonyBob

      Dems had a message for the midterm – don’t let the GOP screw you out of healthcare – and it worked. They’ll have it figured out for 2020, too.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg


        “don’t let the GOP screw you out of healthcare”

        Always wrong yet never in doubt; words youse live by, am I right?

        Anywho, while the number of things youse DON’T understand is mammoth to say the least (elephantine to say the most), yer laughably embarrassing failure to comprehend the difference between heathCARE and health INSURANCE deserves mention.

        That groveling mea culpa for ignoring the reality of the voter/election fraud of Lefty scumbags Scottie Foval & Bobby Creamer?

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          And where might that discussion be taking place?


      2. richard lesiak

        AB…I told you long ago that dealing with gotch is like playing fetch with your dog. The game never ends and the dog always thinks it’s winning.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Run along @richard lesiak, the adults are having a discussion.

          The Gotch


        2. AnonyBob

          So true!


  10. Gary L. Kriewald

    Samuel Johnson said that art could illustrate but not instruct. While that’s generally true, one exception is Dali’z “The Persistence of Memory” ((otherwise known as the picture of the melting clocks). All you need to know about the nature of time is in that brilliant painting. Why didn’t you use it instead of the cheap knockoff to illustrate this post?


  11. Gordon Sussman

    Ah…for the good old days, (40 years ago), when the scandal rocking the Big Top was….wait for it…..legislators using office phones for personal calls!!


  12. Bill Everley

    EVERYONE will pay for this. GOP got 35% of the popular vote and 65% of the power.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Ill-informed, un-substantiated sputtering from another math-challenged product of the MMSD Achievement Gap.


      The Gotch


      1. richard lesiak

        The one thing the gop didn’t lie about; the election was rigged. Except they did the rigging. If walker signs on to this mess any ideas of staying in politics is crushed.


  13. richard lesiak

    Dad said we need to flip 5 in the Wis senate. Well here’s who is up for re-election in 2020. Cowles-Green Bay, Darling-River Hills, Tiffany-Hazelhurst, Olson-Ripon, Feyen, Fond du Lac, Stroebel, Saukville. That’s six. I worked for Evers and pledge to work to get rid of each of these people. Especially Olson who’s only claim to fame was a cheesey ad that said he loved puppies. Puppies he loves; people of Wisconsin not so much.


    1. old baldy

      Cowles probably won’t be running again, so that may be an easy pick. Toxic tiffany has a long history of deceit, should be fair game. He walked out of our local WTA meeting when someone called him on a lie. His seat is in play.


      1. richard lesiak

        The one I will work to get rid of is that fat old rubber stamp toad Olson. What a waste of skin.
