Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Hateful liberal spits on grave of Gov. Walker’s father

If you doubted that the Left is motivated by hate, consider the reaction
of this Madison liberal to the news that Gov. Scott Walker’s father
died over the weekend.

The reaction of one liberal-progressive-socialist hater to condolences posted by Lindsey Lee, an active Madison Democrat, on the death of Llewellyn Scott Walker, a retired Baptist minister:

Very little is know[n] about Walker’s father’s character, other than that he reared a son who, as Governor, has caused undue suffering in the lives of the most vulnerable amidst us. I think it is fair to assume that Walker’s cruelty is in part owed to the values his father instilled in him.


Joseph Gerard Lynch: I’m curious, Lindsey, what is this post, your condolence, meant to convey. On its face, it seems decent enough. Sooner or later, we all lose parents. we hope and pray that others will be at our side to comfort us. Still, I can’t help but wonder if there are cases where expressing condolences would be regarded as morally questionable, even morally objectionable. Much would depend upon the moral character of the person who died. Did she/he cause more good than harm? How many people suffered owing to her/his delinquent moral compass? We all like to think of ourselves as decent people. We are our best when we forgive those who harmed us. But our desire to forgive is often dependant upon the harm suffered. If the harm is egregious, then our forgiveness may be regarded as morally objectionable. The mere fact that you share a common humanity with the person who egregiously harmed you is not reason enough to forgive him/her.

This case, the death of Walker’s father, is different though. Very little is know about Walker’s father’s character, other than that he reared a son who, as Governor, has caused undue suffering in the lives of the most vulnerable amidst us. I think it is fair to assume that Walker’s cruelty is in part owed to the values his father instilled in him. Whether that is a strong enough reason not to offer condolences remains an open question, at least in my mind.

Lindsey Lee: Joseph, If we were to take your logic a little further then we should also withhold our compassion from all of those in Wisconsin who three times provided him with the majority of votes giving him the authority to do those things that you and I find so morally objectionable.

What did I hope to convey? — In the moment of posting this I found a small sense of shared humanity with the governor of my State.

John ‘Sly’ Sylvester: Lindsey Lee you did the right thing. I was really tough on Walker during the act 10 fight but when my mother died in 2016, he personally called me to offer his condolences.

Joseph Gerard Lynch: John, when my father died his casket was taken out of the Church ‘side door’. Our family’s sacrifice to the church–weekly money donations–were deemed inadequate. Moments after my father was laid to rest, the Parish Priest approached my mother, offering condolences. She spat in his face.

Colbert writer tweets ‘I’m just glad we ruined Brett Kavanaugh’s life’

Blaska’s Bottom Line: When even Sly says you’ve gone too far, you’ve gone too far.


23 responses to “Hateful liberal spits on grave of Gov. Walker’s father”

  1. So many in the political left have completely flushed their morals, ethics and anything resembling decency.


  2. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Lefties (most, not all) are consumed with the fetid stench of self-loathing and abject failure.

    When even Sly says you’ve gone too far, you’ve gone too far.

    Bravo India November Golf Oscar!

    You’ll recall Sly called Secretary Condi Rice Aunt Jemima.

    Lefties thought it was high hilarity, but when a firestorm of Conservatives called him out, he apologized.

    To Aunt Jemima.

    What’s he up to these days…..

    Keep it up Lefties, the voters are watching!

    The Gotch


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Boston Police Patrolman Association President Mike Leary:

      “The choice is very clear, We have an advocate who will fight for Boston police personnel as opposed to someone who undermines our efforts to keep neighborhoods safe. Geoff Diehl (R-MA) is our candidate for U.S. Senate.” (bold mine)

      Who is this someone that is undermining efforts to keep neighborhoods safe?

      None other than Elizabeth “Lieawtha/Fauxchahontas” Warren.

      We’re watching…………………

      The Gotch


      1. richard lesiak

        not on topic


        1. richard lesiak wrote, “not on topic”



        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @Zoltat Speaks!;


          A cleanly shaven Hanlon would disagree:

          Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity

          And without putting too fine a point on it, @richard lesiak’s body of…um…work is a perfectly adequate explanation!

          The Gotch


  3. Bill Everley

    And yet here you are, using Walker’s father’s death politically as well…..and YOU are a public figure (of sorts). THIS is what is wrong with politics and society today.


    1. Instead of condemning the hate speech, Bill Everly blames the one who called it out.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Bill Everley cherry picked one asshole and generalized it…epic fail of Logic 101!


        1. Bill,
          Well now Bill, Dave isn’t the one using Walker’s father’s death politically. Now stop acting like a damn attack the messenger prick and apologize to your host like an adult.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @Bill Everley;

          Great restraint was exercised by singling out just one Lefty @$$hole, because the known Universe has been doing a land office business in them lately.

          You’s can’t swing a dead cat without hittin’ one of ’em; heck, yer every post places youse firmly in the feline fur-ball footpath.

          The Gotch


        3. AnonyBob

          Zip it Squeaks, Bill is right. Dave finds one guy who is a jerk about Walker’s father’s death and brings it forward to…what? Criticize this one guy? No, it’s put forth as just the latest example of a long running jeremiad of how indecent liberals are, blah, blah, blah. Right wing victimology indeeed.


        4. AnonyBob wrote, “Bill is right.”

          No AnonyBob, Bill is wrong. The last bit of intelligence you had must have squirted out with that zit you popped yesterday morning.

          AnonyBob wrote, “Dave finds one guy who is a jerk about Walker’s father’s death and brings it forward to…what? Criticize this one guy? No, it’s put forth as just the latest example of a long running jeremiad of how indecent liberals are…”

          One doesn’t make a trend, many make a trend and Dave is pointing out that there is a trend and this is just one more piece of the trending puzzle. If there is one thing that the far left has clearly shown us since Act 10 in Wisconsin and the Presidential election in 2016 is that they’re entirely morally and ethically bankrupt, they have flushed 100% of any previous decency they once had, and they’ve created a hate frenzy within the political left that now thrives as their primary tactic and they promote it.

          Take off your permanently attached industrial-strength weapons-grade thickened ideological blinders (#Cornelius Gotchberg) once in a while, there is a brave new world of reality for you to see.

          AnonyBob wrote, “Right wing victim…”

          Want to see a couple of Right Wing victims of left wing hate…



    2. richard lesiak

      There’s a right-wing victim under every rock.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak;

        “There’s a right-wing victim under every rock.”

        Wrong again. In related news, water’s wet.

        Lefty’s the one that preaches Victimhoodie, it’s the easiest way to draw DEADBEAT weenie-whiners who prefer to live by another’s leave.


        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          No one spit on the guys grave. Cherry-pick one guy and turn up the drama. #SAD


  4. madisonexpat

    That, poor richard, is the funniest post you’ve ever put up.


  5. Sprocket

    The silver lining in the Kavanaugh shit show is the unrestrained animosity it has released on the left. It seems even the Republican feebles in senate have cottoned to the notion that they won’t be able to ride out the Trump era and return to business as usual. They have seen what many of us knew already; that the left loathes us, our culture, our history, our nation and the political ideals it was built upon.

    In the wake of Kavanaugh, leftist media outlets were particularly illuminating. Our friends at the New York Times ran a fabulous op-ed accusing white conservative women of being racist “gender traiors”. “Gender traitor” is, of course, meant to be a reflection of the racist epitath “race traitor” not just in syntax, but meaning. Savor that sentiment for a moment, then chase it with the fact that this was published by the “newspaper of record” and not by the student paper at Evergreen State.

    The mainstream right has been slow to mirror the left’s call for direct action. Hopefully that is about to change.


  6. Bill Everley wrote, “Zoltar, quit masturbating in the echo chamber, EVERYBODY can hear you.”

    Sophomoric trolling exhibition from a pro. Nice.

    Bite Me!


  7. “I believe if we are fortunate enough to win back the House and/or the Senate that’s when civility can start again.” Hillary Clinton

    Did you get that Bill Everley, AnonyBob, Richard Lesiak; Democrats can only be civil when they are the party in control.

    Straight from the lips of the Democratic Party spokesperson.

    Got it.

    “You heard how the Republican members, led my Mitch McConnell, the President, really demeaned the Confirmation process, insulted and attacked not only Dr. Ford but women who were speaking out.” Hillary Clinton

    Can anyone with a sane mind believe she said those words publicly?

    Hillary Clinton is literally delusional.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @Zoltar Speaks!;

      “Hillary Clinton is literally delusional.”

      Ya think?

      It gets worse.

      Li’l Tommy Perez let’s loose with the Freudian Slip of the Century:

      “There are no moderate Democrats basically left…”

      Oh my!! And the coup de freakin’ grâce? On MSLSD!

      Taken out of context??

      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

  8. madisonexpat

    It is remarkable how quickly the Left demonized President Trump and now Judge Kavanaugh. The former was a brash minor celebrity and more of a Democrat than a Republican. Kavanaugh was an altar boy until………
    So much hate over so little time.
