Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Call to Action TODAY Wednesday, July 25

Show the Madison school board you support police in schools.

Show the disrupters that they cannot
silence  parents and taxpayers.

I am asking you do something hard. I am asking that you attend a school board committee meeting TODAY from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Wednesday, July 25 in the auditorium of the Madison Metro School District administration building, 545 W. Dayton St. 

It is no exaggeration to say that the safety of our children and the future of our city is at stake.

This committee is considering kicking police out of our troubled high schools. 

This committee, already very liberal, is being pressured by a group of 40 to 50 radical, anti-cop social justice warriors who subscribe to the bogus “school-to-prison pipeline” theory. They actually claim that police “are trained to kill black kids.”

These are the same Derail the Jail crew who shut down the Dane County Board when it was considering improving the jail. The same people who have been hounding Police Chief Koval.

At the school board committee’s meeting last week, these disrupters resorted to what Police Chief Mike Koval calls “a choreographed and orchestrated show of force. It is daunting, it is meant to intimidate.” I know, I was “swarmed”! A mother’s smart phone was slapped to the floor and her son followed to his ultimate frisbee game.

We will NOT stoop to their level. We will be peaceful. We will be respectful.

WHAT: School Board committee on cops in the schools
WHEN: 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. TODAY Wednesday, July 25
WHERE: Doyle administration building, 545 W. Dayton St.

Come early, come late. Stay a little while or long. No need to testify. Just bear witness with your presence to demonstrate that the disrupters represent no one but their own selfishness. Oh, maybe raise your smart phone on high to record their acting out.

Please attend regardless of your residency, just as the disrupters do.



34 responses to “Call to Action TODAY Wednesday, July 25”

  1. gene

    maybe if the Republicans would do something about the lack of gun control we would’nt need police in our schools


    1. Sprocket

      … as the lefties fight tooth and nail to ensure that criminals, psychopaths, and general human garbage remain in schools, instead of prison, where they belong. I’ll pass on having my rights curtailed because your house pets have a tendency to run amok and savage people.

      A similar dynamic is being played out at Madison school board meeting. Lefties always work in the interests of the garbage of society and against the interests of average citizen. In this case Madison students and parents who aren’t scumbags. This is reflection of the core of their ideology; wherein those who participate successfully in society are are supporting an oppressive system, while those who undermine society are allies to be aided in their activities.

      Everyone who can, should attend this meeting to let these people know they cannot seize control of the functions of government by intimidation.


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg


      That’s BRILLIANT!! You mean just like 1930’s Germany convinced Europe to disarm?

      I don’t recall, how’d that turn out?

      The Gotch


      1. richard lesiak

        hey…aren’t you supposed to be at that meeting?


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          “aren’t you supposed to be at that meeting?”

          How do youse know I wasn’t?

          Only a breathtakingly monumental twit wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a.m. & a.m.

          “Stork” Storkman has some words for youse:

          The Gotch


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg


          should be: ” wouldn’t be able to tell the difference between a.m. & P.m.

          The Gotch


    3. gene wrote, “maybe if the Republicans would do something about the lack of gun control we wouldn’t need police in our schools”

      Maybe gene is completely unaware that police aren’t dealing with an onslaught of guns in schools, they are dealing with other kinds of violence. Your comment is an ignorant deflection.


    4. Guns are prohibited in schools. They even put up signs saying so!


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @Humble Squire;

        “Guns are prohibited in schools. They even put up signs saying so!”

        The overwhelming majority of mass shootings (if you’s delete Lefty’s feverish tortured parsing of the definitions) occur in places where guns are prohibited.

        Not only that (and this is where it gets GOOD!) but those areas have signs unambiguously attesting that guns are not allowed.

        Using Lefty’s spectacular illogic, we just need more signs and more money for education to teach kids to be better readers.

        They would then (in a perfect world) know they’re not supposed to bring guns to school.

        The Gotch


    5. richard lesiak

      They always do something; they offer thoughts and prayers. What they don’t ever say is their thoughts are for the nra and their praying for a bigly check.


  2. Gordon Sussman

    Ok. Trump= Hitler so folks should give up their lawfully owned weapons. Got it


    1. Gordon,
      Isn’t that a bit off topic?


      1. Gordon Sussman

        Hoped to make an analogy to the idiocy of truncating constitutionally guaranteed for any reason.


  3. David,
    Two questions:
    1. How long do the meetings generally last?
    2. Do they let people in if they arrive late?


    1. Do the let people in if they arrive late? This is the Madison school board. They let people do any damn thing they want! As for how long, come if you can, stay as long as you want. It’s still a free country. (I think.)


      1. Well I tried but unfortunately I’m not going to be able to attend, I don’t have anyone preapproved to cover my obgligation.


        1. richard lesiak

          The real problem that needs to be addressed today is what are we going to do about the candy plant’s sudden closing. No Necco wafers? An American icon …GONE!! Mary Janes….GONE. Candy Hearts…GONE. I’m off to Cracker Barrel to load up right now. If you want some you can find them on my e-bay account (at a very inflated price of course.)


        2. Are you hittin’ the hard stuff again this evening?


        3. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @Zoltar Speaks!:

          “Are you hittin’ the hard stuff again this evening?”

          Again suggests a haitus and, welp, youse get the picture.

          @richard lesiak;

          A candy freak? Yoikes!! THAT answers a LOT of questions.

          Never heard of Necro wafers or Mary Janes. While Candy Hearts are bad for you’s teeth, I reckon it wouldn’t bother someone that doesn’t have many.

          Anyone that buys freakin’ candy, or worse yet sells it, on e-bay needs a serious check-up from the neck up!

          The Gotch


  4. Gary L. Kriewald

    Right before the meeting starts, someone–Dave, perhaps?–should stand up and ask the committee members what measures have been put in place to assure that EVERYONE will be allowed to speak without disruption or intimidation. Wish I could be there.


  5. Batman

    manchild lesiak wrote: “The real problem that needs to be addressed today is what are we going to do about the candy plant’s sudden closing. No Necco wafers? An American icon …GONE!!”
    blah blah blah.

    Please explain with citation exactly why this “real problem” is suddenly happening and what you think should be done.
    This is your chance to shine little one.


    1. richard lesiak

      Lighten up batdung. Your sounding as humorless as gootchie. Please explain with citation?? 230 jobs lost. There that should be the dark cloud your always looking for.


      1. Batman

        Another unsatisfactory response by the manchild.
        Guess you couldn’t back up your OP. Big surprise.


        1. richard lesiak

          Never heard of Necco wafers or Mary Janes? No wonder your such a joyless, hateful, angry little man.


        2. This is just more of your ridiculous trolling deflections, do you concoct this nonsense when you’re Alki-Bopping.

          Why don’t you give your nonsense trolling a rest Richard, your dimwitted persona lefty shtick has lost its shielding capabilities, your facade has been lifted, you’re not as stupid as you’re portraying yourself to be.

          Hanlon’s Razor: Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

          It’s become quite clear to me that you’re not stupid, therefore you’re full of malice. Let it go.


  6. coolkevs

    I was there briefly at the beginning, but had to leave as home responsibilities. They said they weren’t going to have public comments and going until 8 pm. Lady speaking had the usual Republicans hate teachers rhetoric, but was trying to smooth over something about how removing the EROs as a resource would hurt the teacher’s morale. How about potential physical harm? From the pictures, I recognized the usual suspects and they had something about “Dignity” on their shirts. Dave was looking like he just rode in on his Harley 🙂 Sorry I couldn’t stay longer.


    1. coolkevs wrote, “From the pictures, I recognized the usual suspects…”

      What pictures?


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg


      “they had something about ‘Dignity’ on their shirts.”

      My first inclination would be to cite False Advertising.

      They have absolutely no idea what the word means.

      Bless their hearts**


      The Gotch


      1. richard lesiak

        Did you make it to the meeting?


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          “Did you make it to the meeting?”

          I was in a The Gotch Academy hoodie.

          Figures you didn’t see me, you were at a laughably over-priced retailer (Cracker Barrel) that caters to Lefty suckers (forgive the redundancy) buying children’s slop.

          The Gotch


        2. I’ve seen some classy looking Gotch Academy hats…

          Liked by 1 person

        3. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @Zoltar Speaks!

          “I’ve seen some classy looking Gotch Academy hats…”

          Designed ONLY for pretty classy guy’s heads!

          The Gotch

          Liked by 1 person

        4. Of course there is this too…

          Liked by 1 person

  7. Batman

    manchild lesiak wrote:
    “Never heard of Necco wafers or Mary Janes? No wonder your such a joyless, hateful, angry little man.”
    Nobody confuses Batman for a little man. Guess you don’t get out much.

    As for the rest; everyone here understands that when the manchild talks like this he’s channeling his inner richie.

    Btw; your OP was completely off topic without references.
