“Bright Porch” by Kaoru Yamada

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Gableman wing of party can’t get rid of Vos

Speaker’s sin? Not overturning 2020 election!

Donald Trump would endorse a Big Mac if it ran against Wisconsin Assembly Speaker Robin Vos. The cult-like wing of his party (for, let’s face it, Blaska — it IS his party) keeps trying to unseat Vos by hook or (sometimes, it seems) by crook. 

The Republican leader may have passed tax cuts, only to be vetoed by the Democrat serving as governor. Vos is battling campus DEI bureaucracy. Building school choice. But he will forever earn the enmity of cultists like Adam Steen, N.c. Bill Gillette, Aaron & Adrienne Melby, Matthew Snorek, and Michael Gableman. And Wisconsin’s own Marjorie Taylor Greene: Janel Brandtjen. Why? Because Robin Vos refused to unilaterally overturn the will of the voters who chose Biden over Trump in Wisconsin’s presidential election four years ago. For two reasons:

 •   Not enough crookery to change the results
 •   He doesn’t have the power.

Sounds like ol’ N.c. has some Trump-style retribution in mind! (“Paraihas?” )

The cult is now on its second attempt to recall Vos; their petition signatures are being examined, even though the election is less than five months away. Their first attempt crashed and burned admidst allegations of forged signatures. Two-thirds of petition gatherers in the second attempt do not live in Wisconsin. (Source here.)

Trouble is, no one wants to replace Vos. His one challenger in the August primary election is raising the white flag.

Robin Andrew Cegielski is saying Never Mind, I’m Out. Only two weeks after announcing his candidacy! Vos’ lone Republican challenger announced Tuesday 06-11-24 that he is dropping out of the race, although his name will remain on the ballot. “Please abstain from voting for me,” he says. Now THERE is a campaign slogan we can get behind!

In a Facebook post, Cegielski said his candidacy came “only after I failed to recruit other candidates who might have faired (sic) better against Robin in the Republican primary.” (Spelling!) Conservative, Republican-friendly WI Right Now makes other allegations against Cegielski.

‘This is the choice we have?’

“In a country with 350 million people, this is the choice we have? I can’t help think that Nikki Haley would win this thing by 6 points. I think [Trump and Biden] are terrible choices.” — Former U.S. House Speaker Paul Ryan, interviewed 06-11-24 by the bravest host on Fox News, Neil Cavuto. Ryan said he would write in on his ballot a Republican other than Trump. “If you put yourself above the Constitution … if you are willing to suborn it to yourself, that makes you unfit to be President.” That’s a controversial statement in my Republican party these days.

Before abandoning his challenge to Vos, Robin Cegielski posted on 06-05-24 a demand that Wisconsin Right Now “retract their libelous post …”

Blaska’s Bottom Line: Which raises the question, will Steen, Gableman, & Company vote Vos, the only Republican on the ballot come November? 

Or are are they RINOs?

2 responses to “Gableman wing of party can’t get rid of Vos”

  1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

    Gqabledouch has been making a pretty good living off this crap for years. Vos gave him 600k and he pi##ed away over 2 mil. The gop must have a secret bank account somewhere. Isn’t it about time you guys shut this BS down? They aren’t RINO’s or republicans. They are grifters playing people for fools.


  2. rvtl1947hotmailcom

    two grand a week to get names? WOW: That’s more than people make working for TACO BELL in Cali. I demand to know where all this money is coming from.


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