“Bright Porch” by Kaoru Yamada

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Race war or trashing the Constitution?

That’s America’s choice!

Out of a group of nine who met this week for discussion, eight were Democrats of notable achievement, some elected. All past retirement age, they expressed resignation and regret that their party could do no better than Joe Biden. Too old, too Woke. Even so, they demanded, how could the one Republican in their midst vote third party? Isn’t that just handing the election to Donald Trump? 

As a card-carrying RINO, we admit disappointment with our Nikki for bowing to the orange inevitable. But we understand; Joe Biden is that terrible. We think the presumptive Republican nominee is a threat to the Constitution. And there is an argument for incompetence on Joe Biden’s side — whether due to age or not — but there’s no excuse for fanning the race wars.

My election-denying MAGA… acquaintances also ask how Joe Biden could have prevailed four years ago when he never left his Delaware basement. The answer, these four years later, should be self-evident: that was the only way he COULD win! Intentional or not, he allowed Trump to rope-a-dope himself with ever more unhinged performances at his traveling tent circuses. Dance with wolves and you howl like wolves.

If anything, the man is over-exposed like mom’s flash cube photos of our First Holy Communion. The Presidency will do that to any man. Bad enough that old Uncle Joe is moving kinda slow at the junction — Petticoat Junction. Too many birthdays isn’t his only sin, however. Didn’t he defeat Bernie Sanders? Then why is old Joe channeling the Woke senator? 

Don’t blame senescence

…for the pandering, demeaning White Savior speech he read off the TelePrompTer to the graduates at historically black Morehouse College in Atlanta Sunday 05-19-24. In recognition of their great achievement, the President of the United States told graduates they were victims of a foul and racist nation. 

“You started college just as George Floyd was murdered and there was a reckoning on race. It is natural to wonder if the democracy you hear about actually works for you, What is democracy if black men are being killed in the street.”

Riley also scores Biden for “name checking” George Floyd. “Using a convicted felon and drug addict as a poster child for black men in this country is deeply insulting.”

Biden could have noted that Atlanta has been electing black mayors since the 1970s, or that one black man defeated another black man in the last election for U.S. Senator from Georgia. 

The Wall Street Journal columnist compares Biden 2024 with Barack Obama — a partially black man (since we’re parsing melanin) who somehow got elected President despite America’s rampant racism. President Obama told Morehouse graduates in 2013 that “Nobody cares how tough your upbringing was. Nobody cares if you suffered some discrimination. … Whatever you’ve gone through pales in comparison to the hardships previous generations endured. If they come came them, you can, too.”

Blaska’s Bottom Line: That sentiment applies to both parties. Time to start a Draft Kefauver movement. Joe Biden is likely the only Democrat Trump can beat, partly because the old insurrectionist isn’t DEI. 

Will Dems pull the old switcheroo
this August in war-torn Chicago with a fresh ticket?

3 responses to “Race war or trashing the Constitution?”

  1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    ​“ ‘What is the connection between white supremacy and black homicides when nearly all black murder victims are killed … by black people.’ ”

    Gosh darn violently RAYcist Whities, is there anything they WON’T do?

    Howse about commit the lion’s share of interracial violence; to wit:

    According To The Latest BJS report, There Were 593,598 Interracial Violent Victimizations Between black And Whites In 2018. Blacks Committed 537,204 Of Those Interracial Felonies, Or 90% And WHITES COMITTED LESS THAN 10%. (bolds/caps/italics mine)

    2018 was smack dab in the middle of The Donald’s presidency; since then, has it got better, stayed the same…or gotten worse?

    The Gotch

    Liked by 1 person

  2. One Eye

    It’s not the age, it’s the senility. I give a 50% chance we see a Pwesident Harris before the election. All those drugs they have Biden on have got to take a toll and one day he just won’t wake up.

    Thank God for Elon Musk! 4 years ago we had FBI Twitter and now we have Free Speech X. Biden is being appropriately eviscerated.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled “Insurrection!™” Propaganda.


  3. One Eye

    Also NIKKI = CORRUPT??? OMG I’m shocked just shocked. She’s the same as Joe just not as good at it.
