Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Where have you gone, Harry Truman?

(Also, board games)

What? You are not waiting with bated (and bad) breath for what an aging state government retiree has to say about the invasion of Israel? No refunds given! 

Anyone doubt that Iran is behind the assault on Israel? Theory here at the Stately Manor is that Putin leaned on Iran to create a diversion so that the free world’s armorer would divert some of its hardware from Ukraine to the Middle East. Along with such divertissement, political support. Republicans love Israel, less so Ukraine. 

Surprising how many of our more reasonable acquaintances have fantasized about Israel detonating a small nuclear burst over Gaza — say in the 5 kiloton range (the PlaySkool version) rather than launch a murderous land assault into that maw of hate.

Yes, many innocents would die, including Israeli and American hostages. Many innocents have died already and will in any invasion. That’s the calculus Truman faced at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The people of Gaza did not clean house any more than did Germany in the 1930s. Hamas proposes the same Final Solution. Hard to sympathize with a cause that murders women and children first.

40 dead babies, some decapitated

Give fair warning and a deadline for the release of hostages and the surrender of the leaders. You’re not going to starve out the bad guys; they’ll dine on the last remaining falafel. This is existential. The alternative? Egypt and Saudi Arabia intervene.

Fair to ask: who is today’s Harry Truman? The man saved lives with Little Boy and Fat Man, created NATO and the CIA, integrated the armed services, saved freedom with the Marshall Plan and the Berlin airlift, recognized the new state of Israel, green-lighted the hydrogen bomb, stopped Communism at Korea’s 38th parallel and in Greece, fired Gen. Douglas MacArthur (but did not execute him). Truman neither grifted nor pandered, didn’t whine about losing, sold no influence.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: Our foreboding is that Hezbollah attacks Israel from the north and China moves on Taiwan. That is when the sh*t gets real, if it isn’t already. One more thought that Blaska hesitates to express:


27 responses to “Where have you gone, Harry Truman?”

  1. Steven Clark

    It was Little Boy and Fat Man, I believe….


    1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

      “It was Little Boy and Fat Man, I believe….”

      Wasn’t that a late ’80s/early ’90s William Conrad Drama Series…?

      The gotch


      1. Steven Clark

        It could be a tag team of Blaska haters….oh, wait a minute, that is Lil c, and …….

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    Despicable Lefty blames the Hamas rapes/murders/kidnappings on…wait for it…Israel.

    Must see Alan Dershowitz PODCAST (H/T Steve Witherspoon)

    Absolutely worth the listen!

    The Gotch


    1. Kooter

      I’ll bet Rollie thinks racism is the cause.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. rvtl1947hotmailcom

      Name those lefties for me gotch so I can call them.


  3. One Eye

    “Anyone doubt that Iran…”

    I doubt all explanations. Wouldn’t mind if someone could point the finger at Canada. Good excuse to send a Seal team in after Trudeau.

    Oh that’s just terrible of me.


  4. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    Despicable Lefty’s heroes are, predictably, on the left:

    “If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more ‎violence. If the Jews put ‎down their weapons ‎today, there would be no ‎more Israel‘”― B. Netanyahu

    The Gotch


    1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

      You’re full of crap gotch. Maybe you should spend your time working to get your party’s heads out of their asses and find a speaker, grab that treasonous assh#$e Tubberville by his nuts and end his hissy fit and stop kissing tRump’s ring.


    2. rvtl1947hotmailcom

      You’re a liar and a coward gotch. I take offense to the cartoon you posted. I’m sure that Blaska would never block that because it would mean one less click and he would lose a dime. In todays world the USA doesn’t even have a Marine Commandant because of one hillbilly piece of crap who is a big time Republican. Your party SUCKS . Hide your face in shame.


      1. nemoofthenorth

        Richard, I don’t think you’re going to win many hearts and minds here by hurling insults at The Gotch, but, and I am only saying this because I care, there are a lot of decaffeinated brands on the market today that are just as tasty as the real thing.


        1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

          That’s not caffeine, nemo, it’s alcohol enhanced imbecility AND a textbook example of The Gotch’s Razor!

          The Gotch


      2. Kevin S Wymore

        Richard, it’s almost as if you don’t like Gotch. I’ve found his intellect to be scintillating. We could probably all spend less screen time in Blaskaville, though.


        1. Cornelius_Gotchberg

          You’re too kind, KSW; x3!

          Hatred Is The COWARD’S REVENGE For Being Intimidated. G. B. Shaw

          The Gotch


      3. Kevin S Wymore

        Richard, it’s almost as if you don’t like Gotch. I’ve found his intellect to be scintillating. We could probably all spend less screen time in Blaskaville, though.


    3. Cornelius_Gotchberg

      The Gotch


  5. Kevin S Wymore

    Here’s a fun and refreshing fact about President Truman:

    He went to bat to restore Herbert Hoover’s name to the Hoover Dam, which FDR’s administration had removed — presumably out of rank partisan politics.

    On April 30, 1947, a resolution was signed by President Truman restoring the structure’s name to Hoover Dam. The two men remained friends despite their political differences.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. brynstane

      Would have been more expeditious to change the former President’s name to Herbert Boulder.


    2. nemoofthenorth

      My favorite Truman quote, ‘Show me a man that gets rich by being a politician, and I’ll show you a crook.’


  6. nemoofthenorth

    Squire, I would not characterize a 5 MT thermonuclear weapon as “small”, nor should you. The largest bomb in the current US arsenal is the B83, with a maximum yield of 1.2 megatons.

    As for the use of such weapons in this situation, no. Just no. As horrific the killing and other barbaric acts have been, and it’s been truly horrifying, killing a few thousand Hamas babies and other innocents in atomic fire would add exponentially to the inhuman cruelty and recast the state of Israel as the aggressor or worse: a pariah state in the eyes of most of the world.

    That, and I fear it would green light two other barbarous leaders to use atomics to solve their Ukraine and Taiwan problems.


    1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

      Nice to find a voice of reason around here.


    2. You’re right about the megatonnage and the cruelty. But a street by street, house by house assault would be comparable to an invasion of Japan.


      1. nemoofthenorth

        I’m not at all familiar with the intel of the situation, but I fear you are right. An invasion of Gaza would be a costly endeavor in both materiel and, more importantly, lives.

        Maybe a better answer from history is closer to the Fall of Singapore (8 to 15 February 1942) where the Japanese took the “Battleship Without a Bottom” from 85,000 Allied troops with a force of only 30,000 that were almost at the end of their supplies by cutting off the water to the city.

        Or maybe an all out capture of Gaza is not the best solution. Isolating and containing the cancer, then surgically eliminating it with constant sniper fire and drone attacks would keep IDF and civilian causalities down. Additionally, this would make the terrorists existence on this earth a living hell, but the upside of that would be, when they die, they’ll be more used to the place they’re gonna end up in.


  7. Cornelius_Gotchberg

    The Werkes has its very own Terrorist Sympathizer, who condones the unprovoked Rape, Slaughter, & Kidnapping of innocent women and children.


    The Gotch


  8. Michael Leger

    Wow, did everyone decide to start partying with Hunter?

    Nukes? Sorry dude, you have no brain. And no heart. You think the side that has been nuked will go gentle into that (not) good night?

    Anyone have any awareness of the history of Southwest Asia? Drop a nuke on a >3,000 year old conflict?

    Damn, just when you think it can’t get any stupider.
