Jim Fenley photo: his dock in N. Wisconsin

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


The hypocrisy is thick

Now to skewer the other side

Before Wednesday’s chaos at the nation’s Capitol, we predicted Paraguay on the Potomac. (How do we do it?!.)  The talking heads on CNN last night (01-06-21) were outraged. Where were the police? they demanded. The same talking heads who complain about “over-policing” now want see the batons swing. Wasn’t enough, apparently, that four were killed, one of them by the police. Unlike the social justice warriors, we do not blame the police, we blame the law breakers (like Jacob Blake in Kenosha).  Act 10

Dane County Sheriff David Mahoney denounced the attempted coup Wednesday. Good for him. Those of us not afflicted with short-term memory loss remember the partisan Democrat allowing the hordes to take over the Wisconsin Capitol a decade ago in protest of Act 10. Then Mahoney bitched about being Scott Walker’s “palace guard.” We remember hooligans chasing State Sen. Glen Grothman, closing down a bank on the Square, disrupting a Special Olympics award ceremony. 

Freedom Inc. invades homes late at night with bullhorns and fireworks. It’s all about intimidation — the same motivation of BLM affiliates like Freedom Inc., Brandi Grayson, and their Defund the Cops enablers at Progressive Dane (like Ald. Rebecca Kemble).

Democrats as a class never acknowledged the 2016 election, invented a hoax that Vladimir Putin was pulling Trump’s strings, entrapped the man’s campaign aides and General Flynn, spat on White House employees, tried to impeach over a telephone call. Americans see Portland and Seattle burning and their mayors backing down, lest they offend domestic terrorists. They see the mayor of Madison WI side with a violent BLM extortionist and telling the police to stand down while statues are topped and legislators beaten. They see murder rates soaring in America’s big cities, like Milwaukee (which nearly doubled in a year). They’re frustrated by catch and release. 

•   Chris Cuomo on MSNBC on 06-02-20 on the George Floyd protests: “Now too many see the protests as the problem. No, the problem is what forced your fellow citizens to take to the streets: persistent, poisonous inequities and injustice,” Cuomo told his viewers: “And please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful. Because I can show you that outraged citizens are what made the country what she is and led to any major milestone. To be honest, this is not a tranquil time.” Donald Trump had a very successful presidency but he was an awful President. (By the same metric, Jimmy Carter’s presidency was a failure but he was a good President.)

•   In June 2020, in the aftermath of the nationwide rioting following the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis police officer, Kamala Harris even gleefully predicted that the rioting wouldn’t end, telling Stephen Colbert, host of “The Late Show,” that they shouldn’t end.

“They’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop,” she told him. …  And everyone should take note of that. They’re not gonna let up and they should not.”

Now back to “our side”

•   The Trumpbots are pushing a false flag narrative — that Antifa infiltrated the protest. Two problems: no one tried to stop the invaders and the Trumbots on social media are defending it. And the selfies are being arrested are identified Trump brownshirts.

•   Sen. Josh Hawley was worried about elections in the six swing states. But both senators from Pennsylvania — one Republican, the other Democrat — thought their election was on the up and up.

•   What hero will Hannity and Lou Dobbs worship now?

Blaska’s Bottom Line: Trump could do the honorable thing, beg America’s forgiveness and resign the Presidency this very day. Before he is removed. Thank god for Mike Pence.

How much trouble is Ron Johnson in?


88 responses to “The hypocrisy is thick”

  1. AdamC

    Dave Mahoney!!? Where was his mouth during the riots in Madison in May, June, and August?

    Where was Dave Mahoney’s mouth when a State Senator was beaten by BLM?

    Where was Dave Mahoney’s mouth when the State Capitol was vandalized including windows of the Lieutenant Governor’s office were busted?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Gary Kriewald

      He was at home in bed with a quilt over his head reciting BLM slogans.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Batman

        Quite possibly Gary but as I commented here during the *mostly peaceful* Madison riots, Batman’s sources relayed that he was hiding under his desk without mentioning whatever it was he was mumbling.


        Liked by 3 people

        1. Liberty



          You bet! A corrupt, senile, communist China sympathizer that got zilch accomplished after 47 years in office but managed to get rich will never be my president.

          While I won’t riot or act like a leftist FREAK, there is no way I’m just forgetting about the past four years so easily. The left wants unity now after it insulted us, accused us of being racists and fascists, canceled, harassed, doxed, silenced, destroyed our cities, and attacked us? Screw that.

          Liked by 4 people

    2. Liberty

      Sickening, especially from someone in law enforcement, isn’t it?


  2. Gary Kriewald

    Here’s today’s quiz: Which scenario do you find more reprehensible: A) BLM thugs and Antifa criminals looting a mom & pop bodega in Kenosha, or B) Protestors disrupting for a couple hours the political kabuki show being staged in the gilded halls of the Capitol? Explain your answer in 250 words or less.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. richard -lesiak

      C. Hawley sending out fund raising tweets while this was going on.


    2. Both, equally. Do you disagree or are you engaging in Whataboutism?

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Liberty

        Every conservative I know is denouncing yesterday. It was criminal and should be punished as such.

        How can you compare a couple of hours of mayhem to the year-long terror attack on our cities, our citizens, and police officers by leftist thugs.

        Look at downtown Madison. This wasn’t done by conservatives.

        No, it’s not equal.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. John Popanz

          Exactly !!!


        2. madisonexpat

          Well, at least no one wore a buffalo costume during Act 10 protests, firebombing, statues torn down and stores looted.


    3. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Unfair requirement for those afflicted with systemic cognitive impairment, Gary.

      It’s painfully clear that at least one (ahem!) bespawling addlepate respondent doesn’t have 250 from which to chose; heck, half that number’d be a stretch!

      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

      1. richard -lesiak

        He said 250 words or LESS. Ever hear of reading comprehension? Dave made his point very clear with only 11 words; whereas you drone on forever.


        1. richard -lesiak

          The Supreme Court only used one sentence today to kick Louie Gohmert and his lawsuit to the trash.


  3. Liberty

    Mahoney makes me sick. Partisan politics does not belong in law enforcement. He’s made a mockery of his office and is a complete tool and phony.

    “The Trumpbots are pushing a false flag narrative — that Antifa infiltrated the protest. Two problems: no one tried to stop the invaders and the Trumbots on social media are defending it. And the selfies are being arrested are identified Trump brownshirts.”

    So the accounts from witnesses at DC, facial recognition software identifying Antifa operatives, and reports from DC Police themselves are all false?

    “Sen. Josh Hawley was worried about elections in the six swing states. But both senators from Pennsylvania — one Republican, the other Democrat — thought their election was on the up and up.”

    Can’t answer for them. But again, the hundreds of sworn testimonies, data dumps, and statistical improbabilities are all just figments of our imagination?

    If the election was indeed fair, then why the objections to an audit? Because we’re now in a situation where half the country doesn’t trust the election process.

    “What hero will Hannity and Lou Dobbs worship now?”

    What about Mark Levin? I know you’ve mentioned that you think highly of him. He frequently discusses election fraud and the Constitutional crisis perpetrated by the left.

    David, you are certainly entitled to your own ideas. Diversity of thought is indeed a beautiful thing and should be celebrated & encouraged. While you consistently nail it on local issues, I think your analysis of this election has been clouded in dislike for Trump. He insulted your hero, McCain. He’s brash and arrogant. I get it. That doesn’t mean the election wasn’t stolen.

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Normwegian

      Hard to disagree with anything you said here.

      Liked by 2 people

    2. Batman

      It is the *not knowing* with all “the hundreds of sworn testimonies, data dumps, and statistical improbabilities” etc. etc. that will undermine faith in our country because once millions of people genuinely doubt the legitimacy of the voting process all else goes by the wayside. For example, why put in the work to elect a candidate if one figures elections are rigged? Why obey the law if others can break it with impunity on such a massive scale? Why vote at all if one side can so obviously rig an election without even triggering a comprehensive audit?

      We are at a tipping point here and without an independent well financed audit I fear things will unravel at a increasingly scary rate. The gathering at the Capital yesterday is but one example of how pissed off people are and not just about this election but also about the way conservatives and Trump have been treated the past four years while the radical Left gets a pass. I doubt the rancor will subside because pedo-jo, the kameltoe, the now exposed swamp rats, and energized dems, will keep the fires burning with their policies.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Liberty

        All true, Batman,

        As Mark Levin has stated several times, we’re in a Constitutional crisis. The rancor will not only not subside, but will worsen, I fear.

        More than 70 million Americans rightfully feel betrayed and tossed aside like yesterday’s garbage. The left, as well as some on the right, refuse to acknowledge it or even try to understand why we feel this way.

        They’re not just leaving it at that, however. They’re going forward and pouring salt on open wounds, using every dirty trick from Saul Alinsky’s playbook.

        Social media banned Donald Trump for what they say is “inciting violence” while dictators from other countries who threaten Americans and leftist anarchists who openly plan riots, get a pass. Then media, with its silence during the acts of terror all summer and attacks on Trump supporters, is now suddenly outraged?

        These are the same people who now want unity? Sorry, I don’t negotiate with people with emotional, verbal, and physical terrorists.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Liberty

          Edit to last sentence:

          “Sorry, I don’t negotiate with emotional, verbal, and physical terrorists”


  4. No Body

    Say, how many Target or WalMart stores have the MAGA people looted and burned to the ground so far this week? Anyone have a number? I can’t seem to find any images of MAGA hats mourning while carrying new TV’s, either. Can anyone explain this?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Liberty


      Liked by 1 person

  5. Rafferty

    Compare your photo of the college student laying on the floor in the capitol to the ones of the rightwing thugs fighting cops in D.C. yesterday. They don’t look the same to me. Act 10 was YMCA day camp. Wednesday was Hitler Youth indocrination. Both Sidesism is a helluva disease. Get the vaccine.


    1. Batman

      I’ve seen your name here before Rafferty.
      Did you condemn Antifa, BLM, and other violent thug anarchists, on this site while they were wreaking havoc?

      Liked by 2 people

    2. richard -lesiak

      You have to excuse Batgirl and Liberty Rafferty. They both get their news from the Washington Times. Funny thing; the newspaper’s founder is a guy called Sun Myung Moon. ‘Ya think that boy has a hidden agenda? That XRVision trash they published should tell you how reliable they are.


      1. Batman

        Why didn’t you condemn Antifa, BLM thugs, and other anarchists while they were wreaking havoc all over our country? No wonder people call you a worm behind your back. What a phony!

        Liked by 3 people

        1. richard -lesiak

          A worm? That’s all you got? BAAAHAAAHAAA. I’ve had nuns call me worse than that you little wimp. Of course your secret lover gotch is right there to back you up.


        2. Liberty

          Why didn’t you condemn Antifa, BLM thugs, and other anarchists while they were wreaking havoc all over our country? No wonder people call you a worm behind your back. What a phony!”

          I haven’t figured out yet if the people who maintain these insane double standards are messing with us / using Saul Alinsky’s playbook, are just unable to see anything passed their own bias, or are just plain stupid.

          Liked by 1 person

        3. richard -lesiak

          Hey you little worm. What’s wrong batgirl? That first girlfriend of yours laugh and call your batpeepee a little worm. A red worm, not even a nightcrawler. BAAAHAAAHAAA. What’s wrong? Remembering how that little girl next door made you eat a worm? You and crotch are a hoot. BLAH BLAH BLAH….FAKE NAME…..BLAH BLAH BLAH.


        4. AdamC

          Liberty, among those choices I’d put money on sheer stupidity. With that crowd that is almost always going to be the odds-on favorite. Willful lying in lockstep is a longtime lefty tradition but much of the time it still goes back to sheer stupidity as the root issue.

          Liked by 1 person

        5. Liberty

          Laugh out loud.

          “A worm involved in the challenging donut manufacturing/food preparation sector?

          Let’s offshore that to where FAR more intelligent chimps will handle things FAR better”


    3. Liberty


      All year, we watched as leftist thugs and freaks blew up police cars, assaulted cops, set building on fire, attacked people, and terrorized cities.

      So yeah, you’re right about the “both sideism” We’ll never reach the level of degradation as the left.

      Liked by 3 people

  6. AdamC

    “Ack!! Unprecedented! This is Pearl Harbor!”

    “Waaah! It’s like another 9/11!! An attack on our system of government never before seen!”

    “Imagine if they were Black!!!!” Oh wait…. “four died” and there was THIS:

    “Oh Helen The! The violence!!! The wanton violence! The fiery but mostly peaceful destruction!”


    1. richard -lesiak

      Why would you go all in trying to make a guy who lost the popular vote TWICE president?


      1. AdamC

        Why would you want to carry water for an old demented racist and his Lady Macbeth Fauxfrican-American who egged on months of riots and bailed out those who burned Minneapolis and who would come after you in 2 seconds if you ever started asking hard questions, thinking for yourself, or dared to stop virtue-signaling and genuflecting to their ideologies????

        Are you going to “git to the back of the line” and wait your turn for the vaccine until all the young healthy BIPOC’s get first dibs, like a good Dane County white liberal Person of Chronology?

        And what are you going to do with all your free time after Trump leaves office in 2 weeks?

        Liked by 2 people

        1. richard -lesiak

          What the hell are you yapping about? You know nothing about me. I will carry water for Biden and Harris before giving trump the sweat off my b#lls. His own party hates him. I lived in Minneapolis, my oldest son lives 2 blocks from the riots, the city just opened his street at Xmas time. Wtf is a BIPOC? Do you really know? My free time. I’ll spend at least one hour a day thanking God for delivering us from that puke trump. Finally; I don’t live in Dane County, but if you ever get that 15 year old truck started come up to the Dells and I’ll buy you lunch. You want to make some money; buy stock in U-HAUL. They can’t keep up with all the rats jumping ship in DC. The riot broke trump’s back. He is nothing but an empty shell that will pass into history as the worst president ever.


        2. richard -lesiak

          Here’s a little fact for you Adam. You are yapping about vaccine. As of 1/7/21 Wisconsin was allocated 420,000 doses. 266,675 doses were shipped. Wisconsin population is roughly 5.85 MILLION. So that back of the line goes a long way down the road. So now tell me what a great job trump is doing with the pandemic. I know these facts are wasted on you because you and the rest of the trumpsters think this Covid thing is all fake news. Drink a shot of bleach and you’ll be just fine. Try it on the rocks with a twist of lemon.


    2. Gary Kriewald

      From the Sacramento Bee, May 2, 1967: “Two dozen armed Negroes entered the state Capitol … and made their way to the Assembly Chamber before they were disarmed …” If two dozen (or more) “armed Negroes” had made their way to the House of Representatives yesterday, Nancy and Chuck would have been on their knees faster than you can say “white privilege.”

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Yeah, well consider who is distributing the vaccine in quantity to the TRIBES, while senior citizens in the north receive NONE. RACISM applied by EVERs?
        Whooh….in the old days, that would be Pulitzer material. At least we can count on the WOKE press, including Wisconsin’s Spotlight to ignore it. TOO HOT.


        1. richard -lesiak

          What vaccine? Trump hasn’t figured out how to get any of it into the state. Look at our population and the number of doses we got.


      2. richard -lesiak

        1967??You need to go back 54 years to attempt to make a point? 24 blacks? Sacramento? This you equate to several 1000 in our capital? Have you lost your mind? That’s like comparing apples to ovaries. IDIOT


  7. richard -lesiak

    Well Well Well…Elaine Chao, the wife of Mitch McConnell is the first cabinet member to resign. The rats are jumping ship faster than the paint pealing off gotch’s decks. Mitch; remember that old saying; “happy wife, happy life.?” Maybe you should follow her into retirement too.


  8. George Parrino

    For the traitorous trump supporters here who are incapable of distinguishing the difference between an ACT 10 or BLM protest and an extremist seditious attack on America.

    What’s the difference between violent sedition and protests that have violence? Here is some 101 info for you both sides people:
    The U.S. Code 18, section 2384 states: “If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.”
    The U.S. Code 18, section 2385 states:
    “Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government; or
    “Whoever, with intent to cause the overthrow or destruction of any such government, prints, publishes, edits, issues, circulates, sells, distributes, or publicly displays any written or printed matter advocating, advising, or teaching the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying any government in the United States by force or violence, or attempts to do so; or
    “Whoever organizes or helps or attempts to organize any society, group, or assembly of persons who teach, advocate, or encourage the overthrow or destruction of any such government by force or violence; or becomes or is a member of, or affiliates with, any such society, group, or assembly of persons, knowing the purposes thereof —”
    Martin Luther King Jr states that riots are the language of those oppressed;
    The United States has a rich history of violent protests to petition the government for redress of oppression from the Boston Tea Party to the Watts Uprising;
    The United States went to war for seditious acts like ceding from the Union;
    Senators and congressman were expelled from Congress for seditious acts like calling for the ceding of the confederacy from the Union;
    Acts of violence in the cause of protests do happen. Are they productive, not always. Are they understood, sometimes. Are they a last resort, yup. Hence why MLK Jr called them the language of the unheard.
    An act of sedition where you try to purposely subvert or overthrow the government is something else entirely and wholly. What happened yesterday is not a case of both sides do stuff. It is a case of sedition; which is the willful overthrowing of the government which is what was attempted yesterday as aided and abetted by the current President.
    Don’t get both sides twisted because both sides are not the same. Protesting to not be shot in your home is very fucking different than trying to overthrow a legal election.
    Thanks to Dana


    1. No Body

      A multi state conspiracy to steal the election is sedition by definition. It’s not treason, of course, when the steal is successful as this one is, and as the stealing in 2022 and 2024 will also most likely be. Progressives have a winning strategy of fake ballots, tame judges and compliant media, there’s no reason for them to stop any time soon.

      Now, can you please explain to me why no WalMart or Target stores have been looted and burned by angry MAGA people? Given that you accept looting and burning as valid forms of political protest, why aren’t such things happening?

      Or explain to me how burning down stores is an effective means to “protesting to not be shot in your home”, if you prefer.

      But I get your point: no laws should ever be applied to you and your friends, “laws” are only for application to the rest of us. Very Progressive! Of course that whole “Who? Whom?” mindset essentially creates a new aristocracy, which is un American, but I guess that doesn’t really matter anymore. Does it?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Liberty

        No Body,

        “But I get your point: no laws should ever be applied to you and your friends, “laws” are only for application to the rest of us. Very Progressive! Of course that whole “Who? Whom?” mindset essentially creates a new aristocracy, which is un American, but I guess that doesn’t really matter anymore. Does it?”

        Exactly! It’s ok when progressives do it because it’s for a “just cause.” They’ll work overtime to manufacture every excuse under the sun, throw in a food statues and big words for good measure.

        The sanctimony.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. richard -lesiak

        There is no Walmart next to the capital.


        1. No Body

          There is no Walmart next to the capital.

          Why / how is that relevant?


    2. Liberty

      George Parrino,

      Talk about twisting facts and false justification. If the left does it, it’s ok because it’s for a “just cause”? What sanctimonious bullshit.

      Forget about the Act 10 temper tantrum for a moment. Forget about the breaking in through bathrooms, the vandalism, and charging into senate chambers.

      All year we watched leftist thugs & anarchists ambush cops, light police cars on fire, attack people, terrorize cities, make threats. All as the left stood silent. This is ok, I suppose, because it’s YOUR cause and all?

      So you’re right. Both sides are NOT the same. We’ve been largely restrained. We also FREELY call out violence regardless of who did it, unlike leftist hypocrites.

      We didn’t try to OVERTHROW an election. We want to make sure it was fair.

      Sweet Jesus, leftists have an incredibly poor sense of self awareness.

      Liked by 1 person

    3. Gary Kriewald

      An “extremist seditious attack on America,” you say? I call it the first time the halls of Congress have hosted real democracy. I plan to get a framed copy of that priceless photo of a Trump supporter from Central Casting sitting in the same Senate throne where moments before Mike Pence had settled his flabby cheeks. Also one of the protestors trashing the equipment of a news crew as the enemies of the people scatter like cockroaches in a Raid commercial.

      Let’s hope that yesterday’s antics are a mere warm-up for the main event on Jan. 20th when, with any luck, the corrupt, senile old bastard who thinks he’s the next president and his caretaker, “Dr.” Jill will be sent scurrying back to their basement in Delaware–this time for good.

      If anything is an extremist seditious attack on America, it’s the identity politics and race-baiting Democrat agenda they’re set to cram down our throats for the next four years.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Liberty

        “If anything is an extremist seditious attack on America, it’s the identity politics and race-baiting Democrat agenda they’re set to cram down our throats for the next four years.”

        AMen. Oops, I meant AWoman.


      2. richard -lesiak

        Back to their basement? Then what? Enlighten us on what the next step would be?


    4. Batman

      George Parrino says:
      “Don’t get both sides twisted because both sides are not the same. Protesting to *not be shot in your home* is very fucking different than trying to overthrow a legal election.

      Busting into someone’s home to make an arrest does not sit well with me because there must be better ways. However, the entire MSM narrative about Breonna Taylor was BS that caused “endless nights of violent riots…and Breonna’s family got 12 million from the city.” We are all being lied to by the MSM…
      Read the facts of the case as uncovered and reported by Ann Coulter.



    5. “legal election,” you say?

      Two simple questions that you (and Dave) continue to ignore by quoting those who claim we had a legitimate democratic election.

      1. Why did the protestors travel to DC?
      2. In what court or venue have evidentiary claims of fraud, corruption, and illegal activities received a serious review?


      1. richard -lesiak

        answers; 1. They were bored watching the View and bus fares are cheap right now. 2. All the courts did. Most of the judges were trump appointed.. Trump’s lawyers are a joke. Example; going to Michigan to sue over the vote count in a county that is actually in Minnesota. I only went to high school and I know better than that. Serious lawsuits get serious reviews. I have explained this to you before. God Damn it …pay attention.


    6. madisonexpat

      Tell it to the State Street shop owners. Why don’t they re open? Because Madison is one policeman’s trigger pull away from the next riot. Enablers like you deserve the destruction. The rest of us do not.
      Give a moments thought as to what it would take to overthrow the federal government. You could look around the Square for starters. Unsafe after 3 pm according to the sheriff.


      1. AdamC

        “One policeman’s trigger away”…..NOPE. WRONG.

        That needs qualification. The scenario whereby libs endorse and encourage riots include:

        — the pice officer olice should preferably be white
        — the alleged victim of same *must* be Black and they may be armed or not, and may resist or flee or go for their gun or straight up fight the police…. no matter

        The events this week prove that an unarmed white young female may be summarily executed by police with zero rioting in American cities, zero canceled professional sports games, and zero “say her name” headlines.


  9. George Parrino

    Like I said “For the traitorous trump supporters here who are incapable of distinguishing the difference between an ACT 10 or BLM protest and an extremist seditious attack on America.”


    1. No Body

      Repeating falsehoods does not make them true. It just makes them boring.


      1. richard -lesiak

        take your own advice.


      2. George Parrino

        We know you’re a coward because you refuse to use your real name.


        1. Liberty

          There’s a reason for that. I’ve recently been harassed & doxed; actually had to get law enforcement involved. There are unfortunately too many unhinged leftists, so I can’t take the risk for my family or myself.

          How do we know you’re really George Parrino?


        2. George Parrino

          Liberty. How do we know I’m really George Parrino? I used to be Alfred E. Neuman, but after the rightwing insurrection yesterday, I decide I’m a brave American willing to exercise my first amendment right. Doxed?, If you’re doing nothing wrong you have nothing to fear, isn’t that right? Of course as we’ve seen, supporting DJT is in fact doing wrong. Although I do agree you actually could be a nobody.


        3. richard -lesiak

          You can’t be talking to me. Just ask gotch. He has all my info. Even pictures of where I lived going back several years. He’s my stalker.


        4. richard -lesiak

          Sure thing Libby; Some day I’ll show you the threatening letters I got. Hey Gotch; show them the pic’s you took of my place at the Dells Club. You know ; the one on hwy 13.


        5. madisonexpat

          Wow. THAT’S courage? I didn’t think it possible but poor Richard has convinced someone.


        6. AdamC

          For some it is a monumental display of courage in the face of systemic capitalistic oppression to get out of bed sometime before noon. Let’s not discourage baby steps.


      3. Liberty

        No Body,

        You can’t help some people. They are so enamored by their delusions that no amount of reason will work with them.


        1. richard -lesiak

          Like trump


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      GP; total up all the deaths, gutless murdering ambushes, looting, mayhem, destruction, arson, etc., from both the George Floyd, et al, FIERY But Mostly Peaceful Protests and from yesterday…AND_THE_EFFING_DURATION_AND_COST_OF_BOTH…and get back to us.

      One more thing.

      Which blaska.com “traitorous trump supporters” haven’t denounced the despicable acts of yesterday and (per numerous No Body requests) where are all the EVIL MAGAs looting to siphon off their “UNJustified Anger?

      I guess that’s two (2) things.

      Doesn’t matter, A Riot Is The Voice Of The Unheard after all, am I right, and you’d think that MLK, Jr. would’ve intended that as a colorblind statement, wouldn’t you?

      Anywho, The Gotch anxiously awaits…breathless in anticipation…

      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

      1. John Popanz

        Exactly !!!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. George Parrino

        You were heard, you didn’t have enough votes.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          You’s miss the mark there, mon frere.

          The Gotch


      3. Liberty

        “Which blaska.com “traitorous trump supporters” haven’t denounced the despicable acts of yesterday”

        Would also like to know. Every single conservative I follow has disavowed yesterday. That’s more than the left ever did when anarchist thugs destroyed our cities all summer long.

        “where are all the EVIL MAGAs looting to siphon off their “UNJustified Anger?”

        The left has an issue with self-awareness, meaning they have none.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          “The left has an issue with self-awareness, meaning they have none.”

          Lefty has many issues, nearly all stem from a cringe-inducing, baked-in cluelessness and an abject refusal to acknowledge the fact-based Universe.

          The Gotch


    3. Liberty

      First, a protest is when people gather to peacefully express their first amendment rights. The stuff that happened all summer long, ambushing cops, destroying businesses, setting buildings on fire, killing innocent citizens is NOT peaceful protest. It’s domestic terrorism.

      You’re basically saying that violence is acceptable provided it’s a cause that you personally believe in? Do you not even hear yourself??

      By the way, the seditious act on America occurred when the House accepted a dubious election. We are calling for fair elections just as the Dems have done in the past.

      Of course, as a leftist, you can’t empathize with anything I just said or even attempt to venture outside your own delusional bubble. You think you’re right, that your acts are justified, and that the rest of us rubes should just fall in line or else get doxed, harassed, canceled, or maimed. We’re not the problem.


  10. georgessson

    Credit where credit is due… The Squire gave us these gems in just the last coupla days, no wonder it’s a popular local blog stop.

    Vacant Air BnB on the island of St. Helena
    The choir of bulging neck veins
    Hunker-in-the-bunker bonkers
    Trust the fingers on their own hands
    We predicted Paraguay on the Potomac.

    Now more than ever, we need honest yet imaginative journalism.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. richard -lesiak

      If you want honest yet imaginative journalism just go to faux news. NOT. BAAAHAAAHAAAA.


    2. richard -lesiak

      You want honest Journalism? Try this. The capital was over-run because that stable genius you admire had a bunch of no talent, temps filling positions of responsibility. The ACTING, NO NAME FOOL who’s family gave trump money got a job they didn’t know existed till they got the title. No experience, no knowledge, appointed as an ACTING (fill in the blank) because they could never pass a confirmation hearing. Bottom line…trump’s incompetence and his habit of appointing grifters is the cause of the mess we had this week.


  11. richard -lesiak

    Hypocrisy is thick. You couldn’t find a better title. It makes me ill watching all these trump aides and cabinet members resigning. After sucking his tiny flaccid penis for 4 years they now found Jesus. With 13 days left they are putting on sack cloth and taking the moral high ground. DeVos said it was the capital violence that made her quit. BS. Good bye to all these friggin’ grifters. Thanks trump. You managed to lose the House, Senate and the Presidency in a mere 4 years. Stable genius you are. Enjoy your time out of Washington. A life of lawsuits, Melania taking her cut and running and the banks taking what’s left. Better snuggle up to the kraken lady maybe she’ll let you sleep in her spare room. Good bye trump…you douchbag.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. jimydandy

      Still having dreams of men’s penises I see.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        jd, when you’re a deplorable malcontent 75 year-old that STILL HAS to do what other people tell you to do for < minimum wage, and can't be happy unless you're trying to make everyone else unhappy, sometimes your dreams, however perverted, are all you have.


        The Gotch


    2. georgessson

      Dude, AKA Dick. Can’t help but notice yer predilection for men’s butts in many earlier posts -and now yer talkin’ ’bout male appendages? And relative size? What, are ya a frustrated closet queen B/C they cancelled yer lifetime membership at Red Letter News? Bet yer keyboard is, umm, kinda sticky… Jes’ sayin’.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. A Voice in the Wilderness

    The feral ignoramus with horns is indicative of barbarians literally at the gate. This is the perfect image to symbolize the true Trump legacy.


    1. Gg Mo

      The funny thing is that that guy has been identified as a BLM protestor in the past. Would you care for a screen-shot or five ? Do you understand that INFILTRATORS among protestors who want redress ,and investigations can be USED to narrarate a PHONY “coup”for the CORPORATE Oligarchs in partnership with the “Feds” ? Like in Charlottesville (Preventing Statues/history erasures = “White supremacist terrorists”), like the infiltration of the infiltration, and co-option of the Black Panthers ? etc etc etc And is it so difficult for people to not recognize that if the various INDUSTRIAL Complexes backs your play, that ya’ might be a TOOL ? Who NARRATES your “reality” ? I want everyone to ask themselves this . Crony Banker Corporatism is Communism, for the people , and Billions more for the “winners” like Bezos, Zuckerburg , BM GATES, Phizer, Moderna etc etc etc etc. I wasn’t going to comment, but the stupid, short-attention spans , and lack of self-awareness when it comes to historty, hypocrisy,etc etc etc………….


      1. Gg Mo

        “Q shaman” =Professional actor at BLM/Climate change protests (Jake Chenesley AKA Angeli)Star of david on right big-toe. “Proud Boys” ,w/ Israeli chapter , a multi-ethnic, sexual preference welcomed , ZIONIST group. WHO BENEFITS from ADL/AIPACE two-pronged THEATRE ? b!


  13. madisonexpat

    We know he’s George Parrino because Alfred E. Neuman called and told him to cease and desist making him sound stupid.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Heh! Gut Laugh Leader Board entry, ex.

      And like my Dear late Father always said: “Li’l Gotch, a good laugh’s better’n a pill.”

      The Gotch


  14. Well I agree with Dave re both the right and the left. I do have a slightly different angle on it. Hope I am not overstaying my welcome, but here are my views.

    What happened in the Capitol was a disgrace. No doubt. And Trump bears at least some responsibility for it. However, the term “insurrection” applied to this is laughable. The transfer of authority to a new administration has in fact never been in any real danger, certainly not from this handful of goons. Nevertheless, if Facebook can shut Trump down over this, as it has, it can shut any president down, and all of us as well — and ultimately will. We are in the midst of a new “Red Scare.” See Simon & Schuster’s cancellation of Josh Hawley’s upcoming book, even though Hawley had zip to do with the riot and was merely exercising his Constitutional right, whether justifiably or not, to object to the electoral count. Too many of us have already learned to self-censor and shut ourselves down. (For the record, I did not agree with Hawley as to the electoral count challenge, but if what he did is grounds for cancellation, so is every other word I write. And what of you. . .?)

    But I do have a question. This is what our soon to be VP said in June about the FAR MORE DESTRUCTIVE riots ongoing daily in many cities throughout the summer. Yet she can still tweet and do Facebook. right? Why? Trump has never said anything as directly inciteful of violence as this, not even close.

    “They’re not going to stop. They’re not going to stop. This is a movement, I’m telling you. They’re not gonna stop. And everyone beware because they’re not gonna stop. They’re not gonna stop before Election Day and they’re not going to stop after Election Day. And everyone should take note of that. They’re not gonna let up and they should not.”

    Kamala of course would say she means “protests” not “violence.” Keep in mind, she said this as downtowns were burning and businesses were being destroyed. Ask the small businesses of State Street in Madison what she meant.


  15. No Body

    The Trumpbots are pushing a false flag narrative — that Antifa infiltrated the protest.

    Andy Ngo has identified one infiltrator: John Earle Sullivan, a BLM activist from Utah.

    Of course as with any mass gathering in DC, some of the people in the crowd were either informants or officers from various agencies such as the FBI, BATF, etc. This has been the case for decades.

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