Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


WI Capitol Christmas tree removed!

Wiry, not-so-jolly little guy with white hair suspected

UPDATE: Reps. Tittl and Sortwell replaced their tree Tuesday 12-14-20 but Evers’ evil grinches took it down again last night.



TreeState Rep. Jon Plumer reports:

Even though the capital is closed to the public as it has been for months, some of my colleagues were kind enough to put up a Christmas tree for the employees who do work in the building every day, decorated with handmade ornaments from children around the state. I thought it was a very thoughtful thing to do, since we’ve had a Christmas tree in the rotunda for ever. Unfortunately, it was taken down last night [12-14-20] in the dead of night for what reason, I have no idea.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: Are we going to let Evers and his evil elves get away with this?


40 responses to “WI Capitol Christmas tree removed!”

  1. Gary Kriewald

    I’m assuming the tree was removed by Capitol Police, the same brave souls who so manfully defended the Capitol grounds when BLM thugs pulled down Hans Christian Heg and Lady Forward, those shameful embodiments of racism. PUT UP ANOTHER ONE! DON’T LET THEM HAVE THE LAST WORD FOR ONCE!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Gary Kriewald wrote, “I’m assuming the tree was removed by Capitol Police…”

      Not likely. It’s more likely that it was removed by Capital Maintenance under the close supervision of some Freedom From Religion wackos.


      1. A Voice in the Wilderness

        The U.S. Supreme Court issued a ruling on Dec. 09, 2013, stating that a Christmas tree by itself is not a religious symbol.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Liberty

        “Not likely. It’s more likely that it was removed by Capital Maintenance under the close supervision of some Freedom From Religion wackos.”


        Liked by 1 person

      3. Gary Kriewald

        Here’s a little mindgame: Imagine what would have happened if someone had erected a Kwanza tree or even a Festivis pole (non-Seinfeld fans can goolge this). Not sure if Kwanza involves a tree or not … but I am sure it belongs in the same category as other made-up claptrap–systemic racism, restorative justice–so beloved by lefties.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. madtownforsure

      Yes, light some of the staff at UW try to put up a little green, or red they have to hide it in a way it looks like a flag.


  2. Some should erect a headstone with something witty on it for the Christmas Tree in place there in protest, there could be a televised memorial service too.

    There once was a tree in Rotunda,
    That raised so much heck there was thunda,
    The powers that be said tree cannot be,
    So they secretly cleared the Rotunda.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      “there could be a televised memorial service too.”

      Stranger things have happened; remember the weepy LaLaLoopyLoonyLeftyLand Eco-Moron’s funeral for the dispatched nuisance CANADA GEESE ~ 9 1/2 years ago?

      Anywho; possible alternative last line:

      There once was a tree in Rotunda,
      That raised so much heck there was thunda,
      The powers that be said tree cannot be,
      That it was stole was a BLUNDAH

      The Gotch

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Serendipity



        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          That one’s all Steve’s.

          Any The Gotch original miiiiiight just not make it through the profanity filters…

          The Gotch


        2. Serendipity

          Alright Gotch, but you came up with the last line. Thanks, guys. We could do with some lightness and fun.


        3. Serendipity

          “Alternative” last line, that is…


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Some Lawmakers Set Up A Tree
      Lefty Then Slobbers “Dear Me!
      “We Won’t Allow This, There Will Be No Bliss
      “Who Decides What Is BEST Shall Be WE

      Despicable Lefties!!

      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

    3. pANTIFArts

      Satire Warning !
      Second (and Third verse)

      The tree, it would cause Covid fevers,
      so said the Kommissar Evers.
      “Lean Forward”, he said,
      “No, bend over instead !
      I’m the law giver, you’re just the receivers !

      T’was a decision he’d come to regret,
      ’cause folks, they did not forget.
      And come next election,
      he was NOT their selection.
      People can “give” just as good as they “get”.

      FYI- “Lean Forward” was the former slogan of MSNBC, and synonymous with the above interpretation.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        HeyZeus Alou, pArts…We’re Not WORTHY

        The Gotch

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Serendipity

        pantifarts, You are inspired! The Muses have now arrived at Blaska Policy Werkes.


  3. Bill

    The people in power do not respect the truth. They cannot tell the truth as all they know is a lie. When you cannot know the truth, you will do anything to preserve your world as you think you have “created” it. Which means that removing a Christmas tree in the middle of the night is only part in parcel with what you have to do to preserve the lie.

    Now that “their guy has won the election” they will only get bolder in expressing the lie.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. richard lesiak

    Putting up that tree was the most work any of these guys have done since March. Get a permit or change the law. Oh wait; changing the law would require them to show up.


    1. Bill


      I think I have pointed this out before but it is worthy of repeating as you seem not to have gotten the message. Where were the permits and when were they issued for the riots on the Capitol Square, State Street? How about the permits for the windows that were smashed and the stuff that was stolen?

      But yet all those things were allowed by the Mayor, the County Executive and the Governor.

      So why were those things ALLOWED with no permit when a simple expression of Christmas is not allowed in the Capitol rotunda?

      After all, the Birth of Christ is the reason for the season.

      Otherwise all December 25th is, is another cold day near the end of the year.


  5. Sir Arthur

    How about there are 2 trees chopped down at the governor’s mansion for every Christmas tree removed in the rotunda? Is the Capitol NOT the PEOPLE’S Capitol? Not the governor’s, or his left-wing hacks’?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. richard lesiak

      that’s one of the dumbest things posted here ever.


  6. Balboa

    Sorry this will be the rule for at least 6 more years. Evers is going to get re-elected easily. The do nothing Republican Legislature has no charisma, agenda or plans for Wisconsin. They may keep winning elections but it seems that any bold action plans and reforms went out the window when Walker lost 2 years ago. I see no real candidate that is going to even compete with ole Whispers in 2022. Maybe Sean Duffy for U.S. Senate in 2022 or Governor. Depends on if he is following the game still and wants to be a part of that carousel again.


  7. Bill

    Hey, I got an idea. Let’s all send a CHRISTMAS card addressed to governor Tony “the grinch” Evers. Wishing him a warm and merry CHRISTMAS!

    I’m going to send him mine tomorrow.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Good Dog,Happy Man

    Especially at Christmas time the godless secular-progressives want to tear down and cancel all of our shared traditional American cultural morals, ethics and values. Their hate becomes them.
    Do they think we couldn’t use a little more “peace on Earth and goodwill toward man”.

    Like many Lefties, Tony Evers is a small-minded mean man, … a petty, petulant and proud proglibocratic Pharisee. I wonder if the Devil pays a premium for a Proglibocrat’s soul, because like their own consciences, ……. they’re like brand new, ……. they’ve never been used.
    Pray for him to have a religious conversion just like the Grinch who stole Christmas.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Liberty

      “Like many Lefties, Tony Evers is a small-minded mean man, … a petty, petulant and proud proglibocratic Pharisee.”



    2. Batman

      Some Madisonians are now saying out loud that Tony Evers is anti-Christ.



  9. madtownforsure

    Yes, those commies are coming out of the woodwork now to control our lives in their extreme left agendas now. Prepare yourself. Hide your wallets, and your guns if you have them.


  10. Dave

    Christian In Name Only (CINO)
    ^^ Describes the Dems to a “T”


    1. Liberty

      Libs have issues with faith, freedom, law & order, gathering with friends & family for the holidays, the American flag, or anything representing traditional values.

      Seems to me like a miserable group of people. I have a theory on why they’re like this.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. Ian

    Who knew that the real Wisconsin Grinch looks similar to Peewee Herman?

    Liked by 1 person

  12. I heard that someone put up another tree?

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Yes they have! It’s the Miracle of Christmas!

      Liked by 3 people

        1. Posted the poem on Fox News article linked above.


        2. richard lesiak

          vanished? It was magic.


  13. Evers, etal. kicks against the goads, but a tree can put him to shame : ) Time for caroling . Great lyrics above !


  14. common sense

    Wow—the Repubs can sure put up a FIGHT !!!!!


    1. Batman

      Uncommon Sense,
      Indeed, rather pathetic until the Orange Master showed us how.


  15. AdamC

    Evers looks like the Grinch so my money is on him sneaking into the Rotunda after midnight to do the evil deed, with newly minted Justice Jill “Cindy Lou Who” sleepily asking the one-word question of Gov. Grinchers: “Whyyyy??”

    Hopefully when he is bounced out of office the State’s history of his administration can be summed up in 3 words: Stink. Stank. Stunk.
