Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Wisconsin police officers quitting in droves

We are losing law enforcement officers at an unsustainable rate. Officers have left or are leaving the profession in significant numbers. Milwaukee police say they experienced a spike in retirements over the summer and early fall.

Madison’s acting Chief of Police Vic Wahl recently said that Madison has faced a bigger than average number of departures. He attributed these retirements, in part, to “the negative media narrative about policing and a vocal activist community that is anti-police.” …

It seems intuitive that a smaller police presence leads to increased crime, since criminals will believe their likelihood of getting caught decreases. And that’s what the data reflect.

One study found that an increased police presence reduces robbery, larceny, auto theft, and perhaps even murder. Another study discovered that a greater police presence reduces violent crime and property crime.

Source: Wisconsin police officers are leaving the profession in droves


94 responses to “Wisconsin police officers quitting in droves”

  1. CauCaseyAnn

    Stand down. Stand by.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Alberticus

    Now give the street thugs maps to the “dining & shopping EXPERIENCE” spots the TWITS that funded and supported BLM/antifa like to treat themselves to …. they should get to hob-nob with their GOONS.

    Liked by 1 person


    Long before Wisconsin police officers started quitting in droves, qualified, dedicated Wisconsin teachers were quitting in groves. Thank you, Scott Walker, for destroying the Wisconsin public school system. You are responsible for no one of quality entering the Wisconsin public school System. What a legacy!! what a disgrace!!! Goggle UW school of education for details


    1. Amos Roe

      “Dedicated Wisconsin teachers… are responsible for no one of quality entering the Wisconsin public school system.”

      Wrong. Good and dedicated teachers are leaving in droves because they are now being treated as cogs in a machine which treats children as mindless automatons. Bad and cynical teachers can still somehow deal with this abuse, collect their paychecks, and go along to get along. It isn’t the bad teachers who are walking, it’s the gifted and idealistic ones.
      End of story.

      Liked by 4 people

    2. sleeperd

      Mr. Schultz is obviously a disgruntled lifelong professional taxsucker.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        Horrendously disgruntled, to be sure!

        The Gotch

        Liked by 1 person

    3. William Siems

      Teachers quitting in droves? Why? Because they had to pay for half their pension contributions like almost every other person does? The good dedicated teachers, of which there are many, still remain in Wisconsin. No thanks to the misguided teachers unions. Or the former head of the DPI, our current incompetent governor.



    This Thanksgiving
    if you see 20 cars next door, go to your refrigerator and drink a glass of milk.
    You know why? Because milk is good for your teeth.
    So is minding your own business!
    AND WHEN YOUR GUEST INFECT ME AND MY FAMILY ON THE STREET, WHOSE BUSINESS IS IT THEN. WHY SHOULD I AND MY FAMILY, INCLUDING MY INNOCENT GRANDCHILDREN SUFFER FROM COVID BECAUSE OF YOUR STUPIDITY? Your family’s inane decisions are affecting the lives of innocent people around you. My god wake up. Read the statistics for Covid in Wisconsin. I don’t want any members of my family to die because of your insane stupidity.


    1. Amos Roe

      It’s not other people’s stupidity. It’s the stupidity and fear of people who refuse to educate themselves beyond the highly censored propaganda they suck down from their TVs every day.


      No Donald, I think you should be looking straight in the mirror for why your innocent grandchildren are being so brutalized.

      Liked by 3 people


        My daughter works at a hospital here in Madison. She came home tonight and collapsed in her mother’s arms totally exhausted and crying. She works in the Covid wing and has not had a day off in weeks. She is tired, depleted, and demoralized are most of her fellow nurses. Don’t quote us death rate statistics until you and see what Amy sees every day. She has held the hands of people who have gasped their last breath and died while their relatives have to wait at home because they can not be with them.
        Your beloved Blaska tells his readers to ignore their neighbor’s 20 plus Thanksgiving super spread gatherings and tell everyone “to mind their own business” while my daughter watches her patients gasp for breathe and die in front of her.
        Do any of you posters like Gotch and Bill understand what is going on??? DO YOU HAVE ANY THREAD OF DECENCY IN YOUR HEARTS? You come and tell my daughter how stupid she is or that it is not important to wear what you call a “face diaper”.
        Post your phone number or email address and I will give you the location where you can meet her face to face, but not tonight.


        1. Amos Roe

          George Schultz – Here’s a comment to the spot-on YT rant (2.8K upvotes and 11 downvotes) by YoungRippa59 that Gg Mo provided a link to in different earlier post:

          “I’m a respiratory therapist, I hate when they call us hero’s (sic.) I’m just doing my job, If they can’t handle the stress than maybe they should work on their time management skills.”

          With all due respect, I think it’s clear that your daughter chose the wrong job. And yet some of us need to literally pay with our very lives with this insanity because she is not cut out for the job she’s been hired to do? How does that compute? Did you bother to read or process the links I gave you to read? Hmmmm…..didn’t think so.

          I have no need to meet with your daughter, I’ve been reading the same kind of BS on Medpage for months. Why would any reasonable person want to spend time listening to more self-centered whining from someone who obviously just needs to find a different job?

          Again, did you read the 11/18/20 “Cost of Lockdowns: A Preliminary Report” which I gave you? Did you give it to your daughter to read?

          Of course not.

          Liked by 2 people

        2. sleeperd


          How To Show Americans Lockdowns Are Killing More People Than The Virus
          We need a lives-for-lives analysis of the public health costs of the Democrats’ lockdowns.

          “More and more medical professionals are recognizing the severe damage the lockdowns have caused to present and future public health. A worldwide collection of medical and public health experts has just issued a declaration stating that current ‘lockdown policies are producing devastating effects on short and long-term public health’ and that to keep ‘these measures in place until a vaccine is available will cause irreparable damage, with the underprivileged disproportionately harmed.’”

          Trump-Hating leftists are using this disease to torment and kill Americans in hopes they can blame our President. DemokkkRATs are political monsters.

          Liked by 2 people

        3. First time your daughter ever saw anyone die? Hasn’t been around long, eh?

          I thought people with a BSN or MD accreditation understood that people, ya’know, DIE. Did she miss that class?

          At least–according to CDC–she doesn’t have to watch people die of the fllu, heart disease, high blood pressure, or COPD. All those deaths went away when Covid showed up. Thank God, eh??


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Aaaaaaand whence originates the ONLY mention of the WuHan Virus on this page?

      “AND (maniacal, anger-addled slobber too disturbing to cut-n-paste) STUPIDITY.”


      “I don’t want any members of my family to die because of your insane stupidity.”

      They’re FAR more likely to die from YOUR insane stupidity.

      Why? Because it’s more prevalent AND bolstered by unresolved, raging, misplaced anger.

      Get a freakin’ grip or get help!

      The Gotch

      Liked by 4 people

    3. Possibly one of the most incoherent posts ever to grace this blog. Non sequitors notwithstanding, the point is that: you are morbidly lactose-intolerant. Smooth it out w/ some Scotch or some Sh’rooms. Oh Snap -maybe ya already did…

      Liked by 2 people


        My daughter works at a hospital here in Madison. She came home tonight and collapsed in her mother’s arms totally exhausted and crying. She works in the Covid wing and has not had a day off in weeks. She is tired, depleted, and demoralized are most of her fellow nurses. Don’t quote us death rate statistics until you and see what Amy sees every day. She has held the hands of people who have gasped their last breath and died while their relatives have to wait at home because they can not be with them.
        Your beloved Blaska tells his readers to ignore their neighbor’s 20 plus Thanksgiving super spread gatherings and tell everyone “to mind their own business” while my daughter watches her patients gasp for breathe and die in front of her.
        Do any of you posters like Gotch and Bill understand what is going on??? DO YOU HAVE ANY THREAD OF DECENCY IN YOUR HEARTS? You come and tell my daughter how stupid she is or that it is not important to wear what you call a “face diaper”.
        Post your phone number or email address and I will give you the location where you can meet her face to face, but not tonight.


        1. Madtownforsure

          Omg, this is so fake if he has to post it over and over.


    4. Donald Schultz,
      Hey doofas, this blog post wasn’t about VOCID-19 pandemic and you are trolling with yet another deflection but hey now that you brought it up this way…

      Since you don’t want to get infected with COVID-19 might I suggest that you keep your goat smelling arse locked in your mothers basement and don’t go near the rest of the human race. None of the people out there living their life as they see fit will infect you if you stay the f**k away from them, heck no one want’s an imbecile like you hanging around them anyway so it’ll be good for both you and the rest of humanity.

      FO troll.

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        “no one want’s an imbecile like you hanging around them anyway so it’ll be good for both you and the rest of humanity.”

        Heh! Words to live by!

        The Gotch

        Liked by 1 person


        Wow Steve:
        Goat smelling Ass? Any time you want to smell my ass, let me know!!! My mother passed away several years ago and she would not approve of your foul mouth!! I am a part of the human race that voted Trump out of office. GET OVER IT!!! The problem is that those people out there living their lives as they see fit CAN INFECT ME AND OTHERS. Read the damn papers about Covid rates in Wisconsin. I am not an Imbecile and humanity is begging that you embrace the science and stop acting like an asshole. I checked out your blog and it is just more of the same bullshit. Does your family buy into it ??? So sad.


        1. Sir Arthur

          I surmise that you believe the inflated Covid in Wisconsin numbers printed in the Wisconsin State-Pravda. You know – the numbers that show the Covid positivity rates, ignoring huge numbers of NEGATIVE tests?



        My daughter works at a hospital here in Madison. She came home tonight and collapsed in her mother’s arms totally exhausted and crying. She works in the Covid wing and has not had a day off in weeks. She is tired, depleted, and demoralized are most of her fellow nurses. Don’t quote us death rate statistics until you and see what Amy sees every day. She has held the hands of people who have gasped their last breath and died while their relatives have to wait at home because they can not be with them.
        Your beloved Blaska tells his readers to ignore their neighbor’s 20 plus Thanksgiving super spread gatherings and tell everyone “to mind their own business” while my daughter watches her patients gasp for breathe and die in front of her.
        Do any of you posters like Gotch and Bill understand what is going on??? DO YOU HAVE ANY THREAD OF DECENCY IN YOUR HEARTS? You come and tell my daughter how stupid she is or that it is not important to wear what you call a “face diaper”.
        Post your phone number or email address and I will give you the location where you can meet her face to face, but not tonight.

        Posted later in this thread



        My daughter works at a hospital here in Madison. She came home tonight and collapsed in her mother’s arms totally exhausted and crying. She works in the Covid wing and has not had a day off in weeks. She is tired, depleted, and demoralized are most of her fellow nurses. Don’t quote us death rate statistics until you and see what Amy sees every day. She has held the hands of people who have gasped their last breath and died while their relatives have to wait at home because they can not be with them.
        Your beloved Blaska tells his readers to ignore their neighbor’s 20 plus Thanksgiving super spread gatherings and tell everyone “to mind their own business” while my daughter watches her patients gasp for breathe and die in front of her.
        Do any of you posters like Gotch and Bill understand what is going on??? DO YOU HAVE ANY THREAD OF DECENCY IN YOUR HEARTS? You come and tell my daughter how stupid she is or that it is not important to wear what you call a “face diaper”.
        Post your phone number or email address and I will give you the location where you can meet her face to face, but not tonight.

        posted later in this tread


        1. Donald Schultz,
          My daughter and son-in-law work in two separate Madison hospitals and my wife just retired from a Madison hospital a month ago. I know all about what’s going on in the hospitals; you trolling this thread with multiple tear jerking troll comments has no effect.

          You’re acting like a child Mr. Schultz, grow up.

          Liked by 1 person

      5. patrickmoloughlin

        By the way Steve, I believe that’s spelled doofus, with the plural being doofi.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Yup I know. The misspelling was intentional and had a purpose but the cat’s out of the bag and it’s too late for that purpose now.


  5. Ed

    In addition to the law enforcement retirement help with crime increase are there the DAs and Judges that are soft on crime.

    Perhaps when the crime infects the Highlands, Villas, Tenny Park neighborhoods, Maple Bluff and Shorewood Hills the tide will turn by the judges and DA.

    Liked by 3 people


    When Biden is inaugurated as our next president will an of your Righties admit that you lost the election? Will, you finally acknowledge that your vision of what the USA should be is not what the majority of this county wants in the future. Can you just give us all a break, lick your wounds, suck it up and just give all a break from your rhetoric. Just go home and lick your wounds!!!!


    1. When Trump was inaugurated as our president why didn’t any of you Lefties admit that you lost the election and instead scream “not my President”? Why didn’t you acknowledge that your vision of what the USA should be is not what the majority of this county wanted for the future. Why couldn’t you just give us all a break, lick your wounds, suck it up and give all a break from your rhetoric. Why didn’t you just go home and lick your wounds?



    All I am asking is that the ultra-right posters Like Gotch back off for a while. Put your so wore out boilerplate comments on a shelf for just a few months until Biden as a chance to make things better.
    He is not sleepy. He is trying to make this country better. GIVE HIM A CHANCE,


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      You’re kidding …right?

      Tell ya what, Righty’ll give Biggest Idiot democrats Ever Nominated EVERY chance Lefty gave The Donald; deal?

      And please, give some examples of The Gotch’s “ultra-right posting.”

      Absent that, waddle back and issue an appropriately groveling and contrite apology for your unconscionable breach of netiquette and a fact-based reality.

      The Gotch

      Liked by 2 people


        Ah Jesus Gotch, You are all about hate. Back off.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Contrary to hilariously uninformed, alcohol-induced slobbering to the contrary, The Gotch hates but three (3) things:

          *The chicago Bi-Polar bares
          *Running into a cold, wind-whipped rain, and
          *Non-variegated Bishops Weed

          The Gotch

          Liked by 1 person

    2. patrickmoloughlin

      He should at least get as much of a honeymoon as Trump got, right?


    3. patrickmoloughlin

      You say a lot of things about The Gotch’s posts, but “boilerplate” is definitely NOT one of them.


    4. DONALD SCHULTZ wrote, “Put your so wore out boilerplate comments on a shelf for just a few months until Biden as a chance to make things better. He is not sleepy. He is trying to make this country better. GIVE HIM A CHANCE.”

      You using the word “boilerplate” to describe the Gotch’s comments is about as ignorant as it comes.

      I think it’s really “interesting” how, after the political left didn’t get their way in the 2016 Presidential election, the political left started a new precedence on how a President of the United States and anyone that supports the President should be treated by the opposition and their lapdog media and they continued that precedence for four years straight and now the political left wants them and their President to be treated in a different way than the new precedence that they set? Transparent double standards and open hypocrisy are prominent character flaws of the political left in the 21st century.

      I’m not much for using a tit-for-tat rationalization myself; however, I not going to fault the political right too much for continuing the same Presidential treatment precedence that the political left started. The modern Democratic Party led by extremist progressives and the irrational and violent social justice henchmen they empowered employed an unending scorched earth policy against a President of the United States and his supporters for four straight years and those choices are coming back to roost on their pompous-ass heads and dig their talons straight into the foreheads of the political left; choices have consequences. As the rhetorical blood drips down the political left’s forehead they will be forced at every turn to remember that the political left made their bed and is now estoppled* from complaining about being treated badly.

      Estoppel: the principle which precludes a person from asserting something contrary to what is implied by a previous action or statement of that person or by a previous pertinent judicial determination.

      Here’s my message to Joe Biden, Democratic Party politicians and those that support the Democrats right now, you’re f***ed and it’s your own fault. Suck it up buttercup.

      Liked by 1 person

    5. Batman

      Wolfman declares ol’squinty eyes is “not sleepy” but he sure as hell is creepy.
      Just ask all the little girls and boys he’s fondled and sniffed over the years.
      Apparently Wolfman understands there is a time and place for child molestation.
      Could be why he went into the teaching profession??

      Any parent whose child is or was a student of Wolfman: please consider having a serious sit-down with your child and be patient because frequently trauma is buried deep in the psyche.

      I guess the me-too-movement does not apply to those 15yrs and younger because *orange-man-bad.*


      1. AdamC

        Me Too jumped the shark long ago and the complete media and feminist industrial complex silence about Tara Reade last summer has proven that Me Too was nothing more than a political witch hunt.

        Heels Up Harris used sex and morphed ethnicity and race to advance her career (4 years ago she was Indian- American, now she’s BLACK!!!) and ran alongside a man she accused of being a racist AND a rapist.

        These people don’t give two caps about real racism, real sexism or real sex assault. They are poseurs and their aim is power and punishment.



    I watch crime reports from places other than Madison. There are car thefts in Lacrosse, Green Bay, and Athens, WI. You never reference them. It is always Madison, and always an analysis of the countless caring fathers, welfare mothers, who you don’t think care about their children and their happiness and productivity. Do you not understand how many mothers work two jobs just to feed their kids?.
    Can you find any empathy for people with different skin color and are human and are struggling?


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      “There are car thefts in Lacrosse, Green Bay, and Athens, WI.”

      Your enviable cognitive abilities fail to note the local nature of this blogge?

      Anywho, H/T for the Athens, WI mention!

      A Real Marathon County gem; heavy, fertile soil worked by heavy, sturdy Pollaks, and within shoutin’ distance of Milan, Li’l Chicago, Wuertsburg, and (The Gotch’s FAVE!) Poniatowski!

      Have had many clients there over the years, a few remain.

      It produces ~ 95 percent of the commercially produced ginseng in the United States.

      Hwy 29 West a few counties and you come to Eau Claire, the Horseradish Capital Of The Known Universe!

      State Hwy 97 south, (through some GREAT mid-state red soil farmland!) and you hit Marshfield, home to the world renowned clinic and the regrettably shuttered FIGI’S

      The lucid would see this showing how off-topic, tangential posting can be informative, illuminating…enlightening even, and need not be maniacally disjointed slobbering.


      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Amos Roe

      “It is always Madison, and always an analysis of the countless caring fathers, welfare mothers, who you don’t think care about their children and their happiness and productivity. Do you not understand how many mothers work two jobs just to feed their kids?.
      Can you find any empathy for people with different skin color and are human and are struggling?” – George Schultz

      Says the same person who wants to drive these same folks into homelessness, hunger, mental illness and suicide with more draconian lockdowns, all based upon hysterical fear and willful ignorance.

      Liked by 2 people

    3. Madtownforsure

      Download Madison police scanner and listen to what the local media skips on reporting, big wake up call for ya, unless you support Satan the mayor everyone hates and local media blocked the recall efforts by not posting info on her recall.



    Waddling, Groveling Contrite Apology, Unconsionalb breach of Netiquette. What give you the right to judge people you do not even know? Do your family and kids approve of your condemnation of people you don’t even know?????


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      “Do your family and kids approve of your condemnation of people you don’t even know?????” (bolds mine)

      Mercy mercy me! The deeply viscid irony you needed to slog through to type that!

      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

      1. AdamC

        THEY are not known for self-awareness. Unmoored hysteria, wild hyperbole, manic self- righteousness, bizarre urges to restrict others’ freedom, unhinged emotionalism, and cranked-up fearmongering, yes yes and yes.

        Mature moderation, ability to respect differing viewpoints, and even a small amount of self-awareness? FUGGEDABOUDID.

        Eventually a spinning top slows down, stops, and topples over. But man is it fun to watch that top spin into itself like crazy.



    I just watched the National News and saw countless lines of people in major cities waiting in endless lines for enough food to make it for another week. WHEN IS THE LAST TIME YOU AND YOUR FAMILY EVER HAD TO DO THAT??? Can you even feel what it is like to waiting a line for HOURS?? Do you think they are proud of having to wait?? They are not all black, not all uncaring or a drag on your privileged society. They are people trying to survive in this land witch you claim is destined to be destroyed by socialism. OK no socialism, but can we at least feed them??


    1. Nope. You saw endless lines (2-4 hours) at grocery stores in New Mexico because the Democrat Governor-ette forced most grocery stores to CLOSE UP TIGHT a few days ago.


    2. Madtownforsure

      And, if they are smart enough they can sell their overload from stopping at 4 food banks. Works out great for the ones with smarts.


  11. Bill

    Geez Donald, if you want to pontificate about social issues that have nothing to do with our Police Officers quitting in droves then please find another forum that is about that subject and pontificate away.

    According to the death rate for those dying of covid in Chicago is 2.13%. The death rate in Chicago by “high speed lead” is 17.0%. Now why do you suppose that is? In the town I come from, everybody owned at least one gun, many had a whole lot of guns, I’m talking about 20 or more, and yet no one died from being shot to death unless it was an accident, which didn’t happen all that often.

    Point I’m trying to make is that you either have good decent people who believe that when they die, they will be judged and go to eternal Heaven or eternal Hell; or you have a robust, highly staffed police department that keeps the public order.

    Otherwise, the way I see it, all you have is anarchy.

    Imagine if you were a Police Officer and knew that the people you were Policing thought nothing of killing one another and would wear it as a badge of honor to kill you. Would you go into a situation like that, like a lamb being led to slaughter, or would you be the lion ready to tear someone apart who even looked like they would do you harm?

    Imagine if we treated people in the medical profession the way we treat Police Officers. Why would anyone want to be a Doctor when they knew that every decision they made would be second guessed by committees of uninformed people who have never had to Doctor to anyone, and would be in a position of determining whether the Doctor kept their job or not? This, when the decision the Doctor had to make in the O.R. had to be done in a split second while the committee had all the time in the world to make the decision to fire the Doctor or not?

    Also, I have found that a distinct lack of respect for Police Officers leads many people into trouble. I am a white man in his 60’s and in the rare times I have been pulled over by the Police I roll down my window, turn off the car, throw the keys on the dashboard, and get my papers out in my left hand and put my right hand on the wheel so the Officer can see that I am of no threat to them.

    Why do I do this? Because I want the Officer to know that I pose no threat to their person and am willing to comply with whatever lawful order they have. If we do have a disagreement, that is what lawyers are for. And I address the Officer as “Yes Sir or Yes Mam” not in a disrespectful manner as many do today.

    So far, haven’t had a ticket yet.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      “the death rate for those dying of covid in Chicago is 2.13%. The death rate in Chicago by ‘high speed lead’ is 17.0%.”

      Might those “high speed lead” casualties be lessened were the shooters, or their victims, masked…?

      Per Guilt Sodden White Lefties, the black community needs to be FAR more concerned with EVIL White Supremacy than gang violence.

      How stupid does Lefty believe black people are?

      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person



      My daughter works at a hospital here in Madison. She came home tonight and collapsed in her mother’s arms totally exhausted and crying. She works in the Covid wing and has not had a day off in weeks. She is tired, depleted, and demoralized are most of her fellow nurses. Don’t quote us death rate statistics until you and see what Amy sees every day. She has held the hands of people who have gasped their last breath and died while their relatives have to wait at home because they can not be with them.
      Your beloved Blaska tells his readers to ignore their neighbor’s 20 plus Thanksgiving super spread gatherings and tell everyone “to mind their own business” while my daughter watches her patients gasp for breathe and die in front of her.
      Do any of you posters like Gotch and Bill understand what is going on??? DO YOU HAVE ANY THREAD OF DECENCY IN YOUR HEARTS? You come and tell my daughter how stupid she is or that it is not important to wear what you call a “face diaper”.
      Post your phone number or email address and I will give you the location where you can meet her face to face, but not tonight.


      1. Madtownforsure

        Damn, that daughter sure picked the wrong profession.



      jackass is another fake news blog White supremacists love pretending is a credible source for analyzing murder in Chicago: None of their data regarding homicide and race, has links to a legit gov source. They admit to compiling their OWN data using random articles ..


    4. Bill, Well-writ, concise and Oh, So correct. Including the reference to doctors = Spot On. Thanks.


    5. Cornelius Gotchberg

      “And I address the Officer as ‘Yes Sir or Yes Mam’ not in a disrespectful manner as many do today.”

      Due perhaps to being raised by a career Division of Corrections/Probation-n-Parole Specialist, The Gotch has always done the same.

      “So far, haven’t had a ticket yet.”

      Can’t say the same…..

      The Gotch



    My daughter works at a hospital here in Madison. She came home tonight and collapsed in her mother’s arms totally exhausted and crying. She works in the Covid wing and has not had a day off in weeks. She is tired, depleted, and demoralized are most of her fellow nurses. Don’t quote us death rate statistics until you and see what Amy sees every day. She has held the hands of people who have gasped their last breath and died while their relatives have to wait at home because they can not be with them.
    Your beloved Blaska tells his readers to ignore their neighbor’s 20 plus Thanksgiving super spread gatherings and tell everyone “to mind their own business” while my daughter watches her patients gasp for breathe and die in front of her.
    Do any of you posters like Gotch and Bill understand what is going on??? DO YOU HAVE ANY THREAD OF DECENCY IN YOUR HEARTS? You come and tell my daughter how stupid she is or that it is not important to wear what you call a “face diaper”.
    Post your phone number or email address and I will give you the location where you can meet her face to face, but not tonight.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Your slobbering appeals to emotion fall on deaf…I mean hearing impaired ears.

      It gets worse.

      Your decidedly unhinged diatribe makes no mention of the liquor stores, pot dispensaries, and STRIP CLUBS which are allowed to remain open.

      While, per Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch:

      Members of this Court are not public health experts, and we should respect the judgment of those with special expertise and responsibility in this area.


      “The restrictions at issue here, by effectively barring many from attending religious services, strike at the very heart of the First Amendment’s guarantee of religious liberty.”

      Could be The Gotch ain’t reading this right, but you seem to advocate just bending over.

      The Gotch

      Liked by 2 people


        Your slobbering appeals to emotion fall on deaf…I mean hearing impaired ears.
        I GIVE UP. Slobbering appeals. Jesus…………….you are truly evil………Give me your phone number????


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          “Give me your phone number????”


          And what an off-topic freakin’ RAT HOLE you’ve taken this thread!

          The Gotch


    2. Batman

      I urge you to read the *cost of lockdowns analysis* that Amos posted before making another comment and then share your reaction to this information. The other two links he posted are also invaluable for those who only partake of MSM information but I didn’t think you would allow that information into your awareness.

      Your last heartstring tugging post is micro analysis when macro is by far the more legitimate perspective.

      Liked by 1 person


        yah, yah. Amy will go back to work when she gets some sleep and you will go one with your macro analysis. I have an idea, meet the volunteers at UW hospital in the parking lot each morning, bring your family as we do and I will personally greet you. I have the Greek fisherman’s hat on and a UW red jacket.


        1. Batman

          Donald, I see you prefer ignorance instead of being informed.
          Is that something you model for your students as well?

          Liked by 1 person

    3. Gg Mo

      Donald, Name the hospital. You KNOW why I ask this . I know nurses in the three main hospitals in the city. NAME the hospitals, and then take a nap before you spin yourself off into a madness that could hurt you. Your cortisol levels are obviously through the roof, and you need to shut down ,and refresh. Turn OFF the fear-porn.

      Liked by 2 people




        1. Gg Mo

          First of all , the traffic there is for fellow fear-porn addicts who forgot that it is COLD/FLU season, and have , like lemmings , lined up to be TESTED w/ a BS PCR Test that the creator of said test Himself says is not for the use employed by these “virtue”signalling volunteers. Drama-queens , “sacrificing” for their fellow drama-queens who love being a part of the SHOW they see on their TV shows, COMMERCIALS , and “news” puppet programs. Your daughter the NURSE, s hould be conserned about YOUR cortisol-levels, and supressed RESPIRATION, not all off your collective soap-opera productions of “helping” with a BS TEST that has false-positives of , NOT the UN-isloated “sars-covid”, but ANY and ALL minutea of POSSIBILITY of COLD/FLU. Lord have mercy on you and your TROOP of drama-queens.


        2. Correction * “…YOUR daughter, the NURSE, should be *concerned about YOUR…..”


    4. Amos Roe

      Only five reposts so far of the same comment, George? Why not go for an even dozen? It appears that you’ve learned your lesson of communicating well from the “National News” that you still have so much faith in.


      1. Amos Roe

        George – Speaking of the “National News” I note that in a previous comment you wrote:

        “I just watched the National News and saw countless lines of people in major cities waiting in endless lines for enough food to make it for another week.”

        And the cause of that? Oh yes, it’s “Covid” and not the government’s tyrannical response to Covid. Silly me.


      2. AdamC

        The National News is nothing more than a mind programming system deployed on millions for fear, profit and control.

        By the looks of the repetitive hysterical comments here, it works like a charm.

        Liked by 1 person

  13. Ian

    Donald is just attempting to hog any media remaining that isn’t left wing whack jobs…..and there aren’t many left. Go spew your hatred where you’re appreciated…..the main stream Madison media.

    Liked by 1 person




    1. Batman

      You want people to take the time to meet you and volunteers to hear real life stories about people dying but you won’t even inform your self of alternative perspectives from highly credentialed pros on the pandemic and also what the shut down is doing domestically/globally.

      It is quite remarkable Donald that you do not understand that hearing about or witnessing people dying from covid (likely with multiple comorbidities/elderly) does not in any way shape or form bolster your argument for massive ongoing shutdown.
      Read the links that Amos provided or get lost and btw you should not be a teacher with a mind as tightly sphinctered as yours is.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. AdamC

        Never mind that demanding addresses for a face to face meeting during A Deadly Uncontrolled Pandemic That Has Killed So Many Of Us seems….a bit ‘off’ shall we say? Some might even consider it a threat.


    2. pANTIFArts

      You are just here to attack these people, and you think you have found a real “plum” with this Covid 19 argument. Why do I get the feeling that you support the idea of thousands, standing shoulder to shoulder, loudly chanting and exercising their right to protest – but fearfully clutch your pearls at the idea of families and close friends gathering together? (and endangering you and your grandchildren as a result) You demonstrate (along with most of the population) an ignorance of viruses, their modes of transmission, and possible vectors. Perhaps Mr Blaska will choose “The Virus” as a topic sometime, and we can discuss. Re masks: Most masks are little more than “virtue signalling” in their use. Their differential permeability is such that a virus goes right through it, stopping only macro-droplets, that you continue to suck at with every successive breath. If YOU have the virus, sneezes, coughs, and exhalations just “blow out” the edges of the mask. Again, macro-drops are caught to some extent, but with each breath they are re-aerosolized, and blown out the sides. For maximum efficacy, masks must be changed as often as possible. Question — When you speak about you, your family, and your grandchildren being threatened by exposure to one of us —You’re not together…..right?


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        “You’re not together…..right?”

        No doubt due to a court order…..

        The Gotch

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Amos Roe


          Liked by 1 person

    3. Cornelius Gotchberg


      Try The Gotch @1-800-382-5968.

      The Gotch


      1. Does he want a date with you, Gotch? Jeebus, man, go armed!

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          “Does he want a date with you, Gotch?”


          “Jeebus, man, go armed!”

          The Gotch NEVER leaves home unarmed; not without Unconventional Weapons, leastways….

          The Gotch


  15. Bill

    Thanks for the link to the Cost of Lockdowns More importantly, in that link was another link to an article about Joe Biden wanting a national medical supply commander to supply medical facilities with the supplies they need to operate.

    To be blunt: That is a totally insane idea.

    With all the different specialized fields of medicine how could any one person know what each of those fields will need, how much to produce and supply to all the different medical facilities across the country?

    It reminds me of the old Arab Proverb of allowing a camel to stick his nose under the tent and soon finding you are sleeping with the whole camel or kicked outside the tent as the camel has taken over the whole tent.

    Perhaps he will assign the job to A.O.C.! No better person to carry out a bat shit crazy idea than someone who is bat shit crazy herself!

    This is socialism. No other way to put it.

    Amos, thanks again for the link. I will be sure to pass that along to the nursing supply manager as well as the executives at the medical facility I work at for their consideration.


    1. Amos Roe

      Bill – You’re welcome. But the thanks really go to AIER which I think has been – far and away – the best single source in regards to Covid since March. A ton of excellent articles examining so many different aspects of this issue. Jeffrey Tucker, in particular, has been a one-man army in discussing the reality of Covid since it first hit. In a just world, he would be awarded some kind of international medal when all the smoke clears from this insanity.

      Either that, or we just move on to the next item on the agenda for Big Pharma, with the next mandatory vaccine. Any prediction on which it will be? (And yes, I was disconcerted to read David’s apparent approval of this in his TG message.)

      I’m interested in what your execs say to you after you give them this article.


    2. Amos Roe

      Bill – From your linked AIER article re: supply lines.

      “Real-world medical supply lines overseen by a National Supply Commander will differ from those in Biden’s dreams. It is no secret that the politically powerful use that political power to punish their enemies, reward their friends, and otherwise make people get with the program. The chance to use the National Supply Commander’s office for political purposes will be too tempting to pass up.”

      Kind of like the international mass drive for more ventilators which ended up killing so many patients? Hard to make any money off of just having the patients roll over onto their stomachs.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I believe this was Amos Roe’s last comment on this blog.

        Rest In Peace Amos.

        Liked by 1 person

    3. national medical supply commander

      Ever been in or around an Army unit that depends on a National Military Supply Commander?

      Doesn’t take long for a Midnight Requisition Force to form up and get to work.
