Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Cops are OUT of Madison schools

Vote first, discuss later

Madison school board just voted 7-0 to terminate immediately school resource officers. Not dependent on Madison Common Council decision. “It is a school board decision and we just made it,” said board president Gloria Reyes at 4:35 p.m. 06-29-2020.

First, a special session began at 4 p.m. to vote on ending the district’s contract with the Madison Police Department that places an officer in each of the comprehensive high schools. Only at 5:30 p.m. will there be a public input session

No Cops in Schools

Blaska’s Bottom LineWho knew? Intimidation and harassment works! Blocking traffic, smashing windows, closing down State Street, extorting small businesses for hush money, toppling statues of abolitionists and suffragettes, fire bombing city hall, beating gay legislators, doxxing opponents, and midnight visits to Gloria Reyes private residence — that’s the formula for getting police out of schools. 

The winners: Waunakee, Deforest, Middleton, Oregon, McFarland, and Sun Prairie. A boon to private school choice and a defeat for your high school principals, students and parents.

Free Yeshua Musa!




22 responses to “Cops are OUT of Madison schools”

  1. nathanemarks

    ….when the police were told to stand-down during the “protests” of the past few weeks, the mob became very bold. Are we expecting a different result in the Madison School District?

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ian

    What’s that loud WHOOOOOSH I’m hearing outside of my far-east side humble abode? It’s parents taking their kids out of LaFollette and looking for private school or open enrollment. (Good luck with both of those!)

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Good Dog,Happy Man

    Blaska’s Bottom Line: Better lay down another northbound lane to Waunakee.

    Jeez Louise, Blaska, … where’s your loyalty to Sun Prairie?

    There’s already three eastbound lanes on US 151 leading out of the late great People’s Repiublic of Makistan. Makistan is 77 square miles of Lefty lunacy surrounded by a sea of red reality.

    We need to build a wall around Looney-toon Leftyland and declare the rest of ” The Cheddarhood” an autonomous zone. Eat Cheese, or Die!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. richard lesiak

      Yep; first sign on trouble and it’s RUN BABY RUN.


      1. P in WI

        This isn’t the first sign of trouble. You can only fight lunacy for so long.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Would you move your children out of a war zone if you could, Lesiak? Then again, I don’t believe your kids attended Madison public schools.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Batman

    Honestly this is not that big of a deal and probably a good thing. This discussion has been theoretical up to now but finally we can all see the difference between having or not having SROs.
    Let the games begin…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Gary L. Kriewald

      I assume you’re referring to the first school shooting or the first time a teacher gets beaten senseless for trying to discipline little Demetrius or the first time a full -scale gang war breaks out at LaFollette.


      1. Batman

        Well GLK, one thing we know for sure is that if/when any of that occurs it will not be because of extinct SROs but some version of systemic racism, white supremacy, implicit bias etc., anything but a portion of a certain demographic is unable to self-regulate and exhibit strong violent tendencies.


  5. Sprocket

    Madison Teachers Inc. is quite supportive of this. To quote a prophet of our times “You get what you ****ing deserve!”.


  6. Yee–ha; social relations that mirror the academic gap. Gangsta social relations. Dumb parents will reap so many benefits from der ignorance for allowing dis. Aspire to be 3rd World. Hoka Hey!


  7. patrickmoloughlin

    “I am glad the School Board acted today to end the SRO contract earlier than previously planned,” Rhodes-Conway said in a statement Monday. “This is an important piece of the conversation about reimagining public safety, and I am confident that the schools will develop smart new models for safety and equity that will serve all children and our community well.”

    Translation:We got rid of the cops. Neither I, nor the schools have any idea what to do about school safety going forward, but we are damn sure it is going to be equally dangerous for everybody involved.


  8. Dejohnaise

    I called two board members this morning because I couldn’t find the security plan for this fall on the MMSD website. Gloria Reyes didn’t answer and has a full voicemail box. I must have used the wrong terminology with Ali Muldrow because she got all haughty with me and wanted to talk about other stuff. Nicki Vander Meulen is assigned to our high school offered to email a copy of the plan once they make one. The Board of Education voted unanimously to remove SROs without a plan to fill the void. Buy the way, Vander Meulen was polite and professional. Muldrow was a real brat!


    1. Dejohnaise

      By the way – sorry


    2. Batman

      Big surprise!
      Muldrow has a history of not playing well with others~~~> who do not think like her or see the world like her and can become particularly hostile if that person happens to be melanin challenged.
      Word on the street is that as a child growing up she had a poster of Al Sharpton taped to the ceiling above her bed.


      1. Dejohnaise

        I didn’t tell her the color of my skin. Was I profiled for the way I speak? Was it my name?


        1. Batman

          Probably yes.


  9. patrickmoloughlin

    “African American students have been exposed to the harshest punishments available in our community over and over and over again,” – School Board member Ali Muldrow

    Whenever I see I a statement like this, I wonder what she thinks when she reads it in the paper. Because I really don’t think it reflects well on the African American students. Saying that the AA students have been “exposed” to harsh punishment, makes it sound like they walked through a toxic waste site, and were “exposed” to something unpleasant, rather than having received punishment they richly deserved. Ali, are you saying none of them were deserving of punishment? Furthermore, she depicts the AA students as being rather clueless about why they keep finding themselves in this situation. I mean, three “overs” indicates they have not learned how to avoid punishment (other than not getting caught.)

    She doesn’t seem to think much of these student’s abilities.The soft bigotry of low expectations.


    1. Ed

      Ali & co. are probably not familiar with personal responsibility. Sooner or later they are going to have to throw away there blame list.

      The same with the wailing of the black incarceration rates in Wi. They did not just wake up in prison. They did something illegal. Many times most likely.

      2nd. If Wisconsin is so bad, then move. They are not trees. We all have choices.


  10. Marge Bils

    With cops out of school, will the students read or comprehend math & science better?
    Most likely not! How far down do read/math scores need to go? How many students or staff need to be injured before the school board uses common sense? They will own the consequences!! So sad!


  11. Gary L. Kriewald

    Just one more example of the dangerous lunacy that can be traced directly to four decades of lefties pushing identity politics. It’s not about keeping schools safe and functional for all students; it’s about catering to the very vocal, very small minority that believe (or claim to believe) that the mere sight of someone (even someone of their own race) in a police officer’s uniform is too traumatic for students of color to handle. Same “logic” that kept gay cops from participating in the gay pride parade two years ago. The sleep of reason breeds monsters and right now in Madison (and America) reason is sound asleep.


  12. “Richard-may-I-call-you-Dick”, thanks for an insightful comment, packed with facts and stats. Truly, you beggar belief insofar as you believe one iota of good will come from this decision to eliminate SRO’s. Teachers, students and most responsible parents will suffer greatly -And soon.
