Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Are you going to the rally Friday?

Remember when protestors were all about ‘shut it down’?
Now it’s

Open It Up!

After much internal debate, the cold-hearted bastid running Blaska Policy Werkes is sending his urban assault vehicle to “Reopen Wisconsin” rally in order to witness history. The event is a protest against Gov. Tony Evers’ extension of the coronavirus quarantine and shut-downs mandated until May 26 — a good month longer than surrounding states.

The rally begins 1 p.m. Friday, April 24, on the WI State Capitol grounds, by which time the state of Georgia will be largely opened (outside, perhaps, some of its larger cities). The WI Supreme Court will not have ruled by then on the Republican legislature’s challenge.

We’ll find out if it’s Trump or Evers who runs the police state.

Reopen Wisconsin organizers applied for a permit (unlike the Solidarity Singers of unhappy memory) but were denied. Event is on, anyway, much as the Act 10 protests carried on without official sanction. So we have again this tension between the First Amendment and the police powers of the state in a health emergency. Interesting times, indeed. 

This, we fondly hope and fervently pray:

  • That participants wear face masks and perform social distancing;
  • Rip down any Stars and Bars flags and tell the bearer to go back to his basement;
  • Conceal any 2nd Amendment self-protective devices — this ain’t Dodge City, needy man-boys.

Let’s rewind this clock!

Gov. Tony Evers tried to stop the April 7 election. Now 14 days on, even his health secretary acknowledges, “We have not yet seen indications of an impact from the election.” (Reported here.) Seven possible infections (not deaths) attributed to voting occurred in Milwaukee. That fact exercised this Facebook sage:

The old “everyone” hyperbole. Why don’t you volunteer to trade places with one of the seven suspected cases, so far? If only one dies from this forced exposure, is that okay with you? What if it was one of your loved ones, if there is such a thing? Will that be a big enough spike?

Blaska responded: 

The old “If It Saves One Life” hyperbole.

By your reasoning, we would ban automobile travel. We would never leave home in the morning. There is such a thing called acceptable risk. … We are self-quarantining, wash our hands, voted by mail.

Election workers wore medical-grade protection. It was Milwaukee that closed all but 5 polling places; Madison (less than half the size) managed to open 66. Green Bay’s mayor refused National Guard assistance and opened only 2.

That said, closing state parks? Restricting the Merrimac ferry to “essential travel”? (Just remain in your vehicle!) We also go grocery shopping at Woodman’s amid 100 or more people in the same store, but wear hardware store face masks (not N95).

The WI State Journal today reports that 35% of Wisconsin businesses could close permanently if shutdown continues for three months. Even the hospitals are laying off medical workers. We have a friend whose husband’s life-sustaining organ replacement surgery is on hold because of the pandemic.

⇒ For further study: Time to consider possibility that coronavirus lockdown was colossal public policy calamity.”

First amendment
Relax folks, it’s Babylon Bee satire. Or … is it?

Have you been reported?

Blaska used to be a guest panelist on WI Public Radio’s Week in Review program, hosted by Joy Cardin, truly a Wisconsin-nice person. Put out cookies for her in-studio guests. Now retired, Joy is active in the League of (Liberal) Women Voters, which brought suit to stop the election. Joy is telling her Facebook friends (of which I am privileged to be one) that she is …

reporting this [Reopen Wisconsin] event to FB … when I see the invite in posts from friends/followers. I am also blocking anyone who is promoting the rally. I won’t tolerate people who want to harm me, my loved ones, and my community. A FB exec said this week that they would take down posts promoting rallies like this (because of the risk to public health) — but I still see the Madison invites.

“Call out the National Guard,” encourages one of Joy’s supporters.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: Will the Guardsmen be wearing face masks? I do not want to infect or become infected. Just want some reasonable accommodations.

Is the rally a mistake?


30 responses to “Are you going to the rally Friday?”

  1. Cornelius Gotchberg

    “Is the rally a mistake?”

    Short Answer: No!

    Long Answer: HELL NO!!!!!!

    The Gotch

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Is the rally a mistake, absolutely not. How it’s conducted will determine the public’s perception. I disapprove of the governor extending the stay at home policy for another month, he pushed too hard and it’s time for we the people to push-back. The Governor needs to know in a very visible and vocal way how some people feel about his policy.

    Am I going to the rally, nope; I simply cannot right now. If there weren’t others in my immediate small family circle that depend upon me for some very critical things right now, I’d be at the rally, I’d be masked, and I’d be staying a good distance away from others.

    This, we fondly hope and fervently pray:

    • That participants wear face masks and perform social distancing;
    • Rip down any Stars and Bars flags and tell the bearer to go back to his basement;
    • Conceal any 2nd Amendment self-protective devices — this ain’t Dodge City, needy man-boys.

    Well stated and I completely agree!!!


    1. Kooter

      So Steve, I’m curious: have you changed your mind about the global lockdown now? Seems just a couple weeks ago you were arguing for it (unsuccessfully, I might add). A-Bob was too, so I’ll be… entertained to see how he twists this into a left-turning screw.
      I’ve never been to a protest rally before but will be there Friday. I hope the Wisconsin Supreme Court intervenes sooner rather than later, our milquetoast Gov lacks the strength of will to admit a mistake and correct it.


      1. Kooter wrote, “So Steve, I’m curious: have you changed your mind about the global lockdown now? Seems just a couple weeks ago you were arguing for it (unsuccessfully, I might add).”

        That’s a fair question.

        I still agree with the lock down tactic but I do not agree that Governor Evers should have locked the entire state down for an entire additional month. There are areas of Wisconsin that have shown that their infection rate is basically at or damn near zero, Dane County and Milwaukee counties are clearly NOT in that category.

        I clearly said above that Governor Evers “pushed too hard and it’s time for we the people to push-back”. I stick with that assessment. Like too many far left leaning people out there our governor is now thinking that every place in Wisconsin is the “:same” and he’s destroying “hope” in the process. We the people have done our part to flatten the curve or better and the Governor needs to put a light at the end of the tunnel.

        Should the Governor completely lift it state-wide – NO!

        Are there counties in Wisconsin that could completely or partially come out of lock-down without a massive spike in cases – YES!

        The Governor is acting like he’s in a state full of complete imbeciles that he must babysat. The public knows what to do – we’ve been doing it! I think the Governor is allowing some of his totalitarian leanings to shine through and he’s pushing way too hard now. The public has plenty of information to make informed choices, we’ve been making those choices. In my opinion the Governor should be making these continued lock-down evaluations/choices on a weekly or bi-weekly basis now NOT on a monthly basis and they should be done county by county.

        I think that Governor Evers took the easy choice instead of doing the hard work required to make an informed decision county by county. He chose the easy choice thinking that the public would just roll over,he was wrong! It’s time to let him know in a very public way that he f’ed up.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Kooter

          Thank you for the reply, Steve. Evolving views with new data is a good thing and science-based. Dogma-Boy, er, A-Bob, not so much. The lack of answer here (and more dogmatic nonsense downstream in this thread) indicate Frozen View Syndrome (too much Pelosi ice cream perhaps?) and a willingness to change the data to fit his view. Kinda sad, actually.

          Liked by 1 person

  3. Mark Porter

    Only time will tell if the Shelter in Place orders were required and/or helped…or not.
    Remember the Y2K crisis…when businesses across the world spent billions of dollars fixing the 00 problem?
    Remember when we hit 1/1/2000, 12:00 am and…nothing really bad happened? I do. The prior year of searching, rewriting and testing appeared to have paid off. Or maybe it was all wasted time. Maybe the power plants wouldn’t have gone offline, maybe communications wouldn’t have been affected, maybe the balance in your online accounts wouldn’t have reverted to their 1900 balance.
    It seemed like the remediation was worth it…but I do recall many questioning if the media had overblown the possible contagion, ‘er impact.

    Did we/have we done the same with COVID-19? I sure don’t know…but I hope so! Please let me know… 😉


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      Y3K looms large…

      The Gotch


      1. Mark Porter

        Ah, no worries, we took care of that when remediating Y2K. We’ll return you now to your regularly scheduled programming. 🙂


  4. Steve Schwoegler

    To my way of thinking, treating the whole state the same does not seem logical. Vilas county is not the same as Dane county. Would a regional or county by county plan work better?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Steve Schwoegler wrote, “Would a regional or county by county plan work better?”

    Almost certainly YES!


  6. madisonexpat

    Hell yes!


  7. Ned Ryerson

    Oh, cripes. Pick a side, already! Are you with the snake flag crowd or nurses and doctors? Make some sense here or get on the ice floe, already.


  8. Alberticus

    Fill your facebook files with garbage and walk away.
    If you are NOT banned by Breitbart, TWITTER, FARTBOOK & GOOLAG, you are NOT a Conservative.
    Have you noticed that those complaining about Social Media censorship, also censor? Breitbart, OAN, pseudo-“America-First-Christian-Patriots” hate any mention of the Jewish log in their eyes. They are busy banning those who point out the glaring Jewish/Israeli interference in America’s government and betraying their own Savior.
    Notice all the pseudo “conservatives” that continue to use Facebook and have their comments on Facebook, which means their visitors have to be P.C. GOOD BOYS to still have a Facebook account to leave comments …. REAL conservatives would have stated “I AM SPARTACUS” and quit Facebook when INFOWARS was banned. They would have deleted all truth on their sites, stuffed their files with garbage so ZUCK could sell it …. and walked away.
    Still on FARTBOOK? NOT Conservative.
    As a matter of fact, if you have NOT been banned for working to expose the treason you are a failure. The gutless, spineless “conservatives” should have immediately boycotted those censoring them, and it really makes one wonder WHY they did NOT.
    I believe 80% of the “conservative”sites are Controlled Opposition. Have you noticed many “conservative” sites that are misdirecting people not only have no comments section …. they have no way of contacting them at all.
    We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by Defiant America. (major coward Judases)
    We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by Breitbart News Network
    We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by
    We are unable to post your comment because you have been banned by All News Pipeline. Find out more.


  9. AnonyBob

    “This, we fondly hope and fervently pray:”
    Ned nails it. You’re trying to have it both ways. Of COURSE all those things will happen at the rally. They have at all the others. You’re attracting the tea party types to these things; they’re not exactly the brightest bulbs. The cognitive dissonance is thick. “We’ll gather and rally to protest science, experts, public health and PPE, but I hope everyone wears masks and maintains distances.” Good grief. You people.
    If you really hope and pray those things, DON’T GO OR ENCOURAGE OTHERS TO GO! What are you going to do, pick fights with medical professionals who have the guts to show up in scrubs and masks bearing signs telling you to “STAY HOME”? Good grief. Seriously, it’s hard to think of anything more stupid than this to do during a pandemic. In the name of “freedom.” Good grief.


    1. Batman

      You are moving in the wrong direction bobo as that is one of your more tedious trolling comments.
      Unsatisfactory, still


      1. AnonyBob

        Says the facile ankle-biter. Try to do better.


  10. NOTE: I heard on the evening news that the protest did not get a permit. The voice of the people needs to be heard in an effective manner that doesn’t put others in possible danger; if I could go, I still would permit or not.


    1. AnonyBob

      Steve, you’re NOT going; for all the right reasons. Doesn’t that tell you something about this folly…uh, rally?


      1. AnonyBob wrote, “Steve, you’re NOT going; for all the right reasons.”

        You’re impersonation of Mr. Obvious is unconvincing.

        AnonyBob wrote, “Doesn’t that tell you something about this folly…uh, rally?”

        No you imbecile, me not attending doesn’t say anything about the rally. As usual; you simply don’t read very well when your only goal is trolling.

        The rally is not a folly, it’s a necessity.


        1. AnonyBob

          That you won’t attend because of health considerations, yet still support it proves you’re the imbecile. Or just a self righteous coward. You decide. I have.


        2. Thanks for proving that your only purpose is to troll.

          AnonyBob wrote, “That you won’t attend because of health considerations, yet still support it proves you’re the imbecile.”

          Seriously? You really are quite a trolling imbecile and a hack. You’re reading things between the lines that literally don’t exist and then attacking me based on your tunnel vision assumptions. There’s a great big world out there beyond your narrowly focused trolling view points.

          Think a bit more critically (if that’s even possible for you) about this part of my statement, “my immediate small family circle that depend[s] upon me for some very critical things right now”. How many things can your feeble little mind come up with besides “health considerations” that could prevent someone like me from attending? Let me give you just one example of something other than your ignorant tunnel vision assumption that could prevent someone like me from attending that wants to go; providing childcare for a critical healthcare worker that’s not currently available elsewhere.

          Who’s the imbecile here, it’s certainly not me.

          AnonyBob wrote, “Or just a self righteous coward.”

          This is more of your valueless trolling hackery.

          AnonyBob wrote, “You decide.”

          I decided a long ago that family is #1 in my life and I always keep my promises. There’s nothing a feeble minded character lacking little troll like you can do to change those facts or demean the choice.

          AnonyBob wrote, “I have.”

          Awww, little AnonyBob has deluded himself into believing that his opinion of me has value.

          Liked by 1 person

        3. AnonyBob

          I don’t think you understand the meaning of your favorite word: trolling. While you’re at it, look up the definition of irony.


        4. Troll: Those that post inflammatory, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion, often for their own amusement.

          Yup, I’m using the work properly – as usual.

          Irony: The expression of one’s meaning by using language that normally signifies the opposite, typically for humorous or emphatic effect.

          I have absolutely no problem with understanding the definition of irony; maybe you should try to explain why you seem to think that I don’t understand it.


        5. AnonyBob

          As to your point: OK, so you’re not attending because you’re providing childcare. Fine. I still think anyone who attends, or wants to, is an imbecile. I’ll take back the coward jibe (self righteous still applies). But now I’m curious: what does your critical healthcare worker think of this rally? Even masked, in that crowd you’ll be exposed to many who aren’t and you could easily bring the virus home. Why would you think this is a good idea? “I’ll stay in my car, I’ll wear a mask, I’ll maintain social distance.” All of these failed at the other rallies. And the fact that you’re cognizant you need to do these things means you know there is great risk. Why would you attend?


        6. AnonyBob wrote, “I still think anyone who attends, or wants to, is an imbecile.”

          Do you know what the word bigot means?

          AnonyBob wrote, “I’m curious: what does your critical healthcare worker think of this rally?”

          Sorry I don’t share private conversations with others. If healthcare workers want to share their opinions publicly they are welcome to do so, but I won’t speak for them.

          AnonyBob wrote, “Why would you attend?”

          To explain to the Governor that heading down the road towards totalitarianism is not acceptable.


        7. AnonyBob

          Spoonster, I’ll respond the way you like to, point by point:

          “Do you know what the word bigot means?”
          I assume you’re labeling me a bigot because I think you and anyone wanting to attend these rallies is imbecilic. Do you know what the word “snowflake” means?

          “Sorry I don’t share private conversations with others. If healthcare workers want to share their opinions publicly they are welcome to do so, but I won’t speak for them.”
          I didn’t ask for a transcript, I asked what she thought. Your reluctance to say makes it a pretty safe bet she also considers these rallies imbecilic, as any critical healthcare worker would during a pandemic. The only ones you’ll see at this rally will be the ones brave enough to counter-protest (and they won’t be brandishing firearms and flags of treason).

          “To explain to the Governor that heading down the road towards totalitarianism is not acceptable.”
          Says the man who marches lockstep with the Orange-Menace-in-Chief who claims “total authority” (while accepting no responsibility) as he purges experts from government and fawns over authoritarian leaders across the globe. Every day that he speaks from the White House podium he sounds dumber and dumber. “Hey, let’s give ingesting disinfectant a try.” (I’m paraphrasing, Splat, don’t sputter “he never said that!”)
          Let’s add “self-awareness” to words you need to not just look up, but understand. (e.g., see “snowflake,” above)


        8. AnonyBob,
          That’s some of the finest trolling you’ve written to date. You’ve have got to tell me what’s it like living inside the mind of a person that derives all their opinions from assumptions that have been extrapolated to absurdity?

          Have a nice day.


        9. Cornelius Gotchberg

          “Do you know what the word “snowFLAKE” means? (bold/caps mine)

          snowFLAKE /ˈsnəʊfleɪk/
          1-Intellectually prepubescent label @AnonyBob incuriously applies to those with the temerity to engage in real real mean Inconvenient Truth that not only doesn’t support the LaLaLoopyLoonyLeftyLand narrative and herd the uneducated feral class Lefty base, but just won’t go away.

          A snowFLAKE is one, but bring ’em all together and they become a WAHvalanche!

          The Gotch


  11. coolkevs

    I will be going


  12. georgessson

    Stopping/outlawing the protests is regressive and a violation of the right to free speech.

    Going to/supporting the protests, especially w/out protection, is a violation of common-sense.

    One guarantees safety at a temporary cost of basic rights. The other guarantees the potential spread of Covid-19 and a permanent death for some.

    Let’s temper opening the economy by applying a little more time, much more testing and less/NO reliance on “Models”.
