Jim Fenley photo: his dock in N. Wisconsin

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Yes, Picasso, you have to paint Franco’s wedding portrait

Our theme today: the liberal double standard

Does anyone doubt that — had Republicans distributed condoms with the message to, let’s say, prevent another Barack Obama — our news media would be shrieking with indignant 48-point headlines? 

Instead, it was the Democrats at their convention over the past weekend in Oshkosh who distributed condoms bearing the likeness of Scott Walker. Result: Not a peep.

Welcome to the double standard of our Leftist news and entertainment culture. 

Roseanne Dan Samantha

We will risk stretching fair usage to quote an op-ed in today’s Wall Street Journal “A tale of two indecencies.” Author Andrew Klavan notes that Roseanne Barr’s indiscreet midnight tweet about Valerie Jarrett was impromptu, unvetted, and regretted. Her show is canceled.

Contrast with late-night TV personality Samantha Bee, whose use of the C word about Ivanka Trump was scripted and rehearsed. Her program remains on the schedule. Mr. Klavan makes the case that this kind of moral duplicity elected Donald Trump (a case we have made before): 

There are, generally speaking, two political factions in the U.S. One, the right, believes that America is a great nation and wants to preserve and continue its experiment in ordered liberty, limited government and free-market capitalism. The other, the left, believes America is racist and oppressive and yearns for some form of socialism.

The left has dominated cultural institutions — show business, journalism and higher education—for decades and has used that domination to convince itself and others that conservatives aren’t simply wrong but bigoted and vicious. Because they believe this — and in service to making others believe it — they interpret virtually any remark by a conservative as bigotry and viciousness, whereas even the most bigoted and vicious remarks by leftists are forgiven, forgotten or overlooked. …

It becomes clear why those of us who believe in freedom would select a leader who will not apologize for anything — a product of vulgar leftist culture who will fight back on the left’s own terms.

hello-islamic-bakery-i-wanna-order-a-mohammed-cartoon-cake-25202320Yes, you have to

About that wedding cake supreme court case. It seems to boil down to this: Masterpiece Cakeshop is not the pre-packaged bakery aisle at your Sentry Store. The baker is an artisan who creates bespoke, one-of-a kind cakes for clients. The court ruled that he is no more required to create his edible artwork for a cause with which he disagrees than (this is Blaska’s analogy, not the court’s) Picasso would be obliged to paint a homage to Francisco Franco.

The court ruled 7-2 that governing authorities were hostile to religious beliefs. Sounds like the Madison Common Council, which once denied a community block development grant because it would have subsidized housing for mothers who eschewed abortion. 

Had Masterpiecer Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission gone the other way, imagine the mischief the social justice warriors could create! Hey, there’s this Christian baker in town. Let’s flood him with orders for cakes celebrating abortion, amnesty, socialism, and acid!

For further study: retired UW-Madison Law prof Ann of Althouse. 

Liberals: No more jobs in Wisconsin!

Jobs to WIS?From MacIver: Liberal Activists to stop Foxconn  “Any way we can.”

Left-wing activists committed to doing whatever it takes to stop Foxconn Technology Group’s massive manufacturing campus in southeast Wisconsin are planning to rain on the tech giant’s ground-breaking picnic.

Organizers held a conference call Sunday evening to talk about their plans for a rally and demonstration on June 28, the day Foxconn is scheduled to hold its ground-breaking ceremony on its proposed $10 billion plant in Mount Pleasant. …

The idea, organizers say, is to assemble a coalition of diverse progressive groups – from environmental organizations to civil rights leaders to Foxconn-hating politicians. While each group will bring its own social and environmental complaints to the table, they will all rally around their abhorrence of the Foxconn economic development plan, according to the coalition-building plan.

“We want to stop it in any way we can,” a coalition member told participants on the call. “If we can’t stop it, we want to give them bad publicity. We want to be able to, like, make them aware that the community is aware. We want to show that, ‘Hey, we’re not going to give you an easy fight here.”

The Nation to the rescue. “The economic numbers are cheery, but don’t believe the hype.” Translation from the LibSpeak: The black cloud has got to be in there somewhere. (If you do follow the link, all the bad stuff was even more true under Obama.)

What #MeTo? Bill Clinton says he does not owe Monica Lewinsky an apology. As for the other victims, he was never asked.


50 responses to “Yes, Picasso, you have to paint Franco’s wedding portrait”

  1. I’m reading the lib/prog distribution of condoms differently. (If there was stated rationale to prevent conception of another Gov. Walker I missed it.) Methinks that it’s protection against being screwed (more) by Mr. Walker, who has presided over the largest transfer of citizen wealth to a foreign billionaire in state history. Or maybe his continual looting of working Wisconsinites to pay for normal costs of doing business (think socialist schemes like Fast Forward) for favored companies. The man is no conservative…he’s a statist who has regularly enriched the wealthy at the expense of the middle class. The reflexive turning a blind eye to his hijinks will, I’m afraid, also blind many of my fellow conservatives to a statewide rejection of limited government legislators (any left?) come November.


    1. richard lesiak

      Oh Gordon my friend. I loved your post, but rest assured you shall now be on the receiving end of the never-ending criticism of gotch, zs and batman. On the bright side I will have some company while enduring their wrath.


    2. Gordon Sussman wrote, “The man [Walker] is no conservative…he’s a statist…”

      Please explain this part of your opinion.


      1. AnonyBob

        Read for comprehension.


        1. AnonyBob,
          FO Troll.


        2. AnonyBob



      2. stat·ist
        1. An advocate of a political system in which the state has substantial centralized control over social and economic affairs.

        In Foxconn Mr. Walker has presided over state seizure of private property from unwilling owners by eminent domain, using the power of the state to transfer assets from middle class homeowners to wealthy foreign nationals for no public purpose. He has abrogated long standing treaty and public policy by countenancing withdrawal of millions of gallons of Lake Michigan water for industrial purposes outside the Lake watershed. He has regularly taken rights traditionally devolved to the local level (zoning, environmental permitting, road limits) and overridden them with state actions. He’s no conservative.


        1. Gordon,
          Now I fully understand your opinion, I don’t have to agree with all of it, but I understand it.


        2. richard lesiak

          And he drops the mike and leaves the stage. Good job Gordon.


  2. madisonexpat

    I’m sure the Lefties are putting the jerk in knee jerk because Walker! Has the Guv sold the cost/benefit rationale on Foxconn?


    1. richard lesiak



  3. Cornelius Gotchberg

    C’mon; were it not for DOUBLE STANDARDS, Lefty’d have no standards at all.

    Kinda like my erstwhile pal, @richard lesiak…

    The Gotch


  4. richard lesiak

    I do have standards gotch. Top of the list; not taking babies and toddlers away from their parents and locking them in old Walmart stores with blacked out windows. America has NEVER done this before trump and sessions took charge. Kudos to Senator Merkley for bringing this all to light. What say you ‘ol “pal” of mine, member of the party of family values?


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Well looky here folks; at the TOP of the @richard lesiak sob-inducing “standards list” is NOT separating children from criminal parents.

      THAT means @richard lesiak would advocate for leaving children in drug houses/meth labs/human trafficking operations/felony gun possessors/child abuse situations/child porn operations situations etc. etc., etc.

      Bet Mr. “It’s For The Children” (who clearly disagrees with the mission of Child Protective Services) would have been protesting so that that lovely Perris, CA couple (David and Louise Turpin) would still have their abused/malnourished/unwashed/starving/living in slovenly squalor 13 children in their home because, you know, like, just because.

      Because you just CAN’T separate children from their loving parents, even when those loving parents put them in harm’s way, am I right?

      What say you ‘ol (sic) [should be ol’, grammar Nazi @hankdog/old baldy’ll tell youse] “pal” of mine, what say we take a look back in the distance at that shark youse just jumped!

      The Gotch


      1. AnonyBob

        Parents and their children fleeing drug gangs and death in Central America are the same as abusive parents in this country? Got it.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Aw, isn’t that cute; @AnonyBob, undoubtedly emboldened by 25 years doing litle-to-nothing in the Assembly, believes in “open borders.”

          Where in the scheme of things does taking care of the whole freaking world fall into the lap of the United States? Do these illegal immigrating masses’ countries of domicile bear no responsibility or repercussions for effin’ their OWN places up?

          Tell me; how long, or better yet, how much LONGER can the good ol’ U. S. of A. afford to be the world’s: Free Clinic, Free Smorgasbord, Free Housing Authority, Free Disaster Relief Authority, and Free Police Force?

          I keep hearing that children here legally aren’t getting adequate education, are starving (or fatter than hell, depending on which heart-string is being strummed), aren’t getting adequate medical care, live in sub-standard housing, have no path to the future, and here you want to flood the country with more people incapable of tending themselves?

          If that sounds harsh, welp, that’s reality, and reality bats last; long after suffocating White Lefty Guilt’s good intentions strike out looking.

          But let’s be proactive: What have you done, what are you doing, and what will you do going forward to help handle this gravehumanitarian crisis?

          Bear in mind, your chosen methods of feverish hand-wringing, deep furrowing of brows, “Look At Me” bumper stickers, “I’m Dialed In” lapel ribbons, “Gosh I’m Nice” awareness bracelets, and the Lefty kill shot/coup de grâce: talking about it and thinking about it, don’t cut it.

          Just an idea, howse about we divert some of the 100’$ of Billion$ spent funding the criminally insane UNIPCC and the Global Warming that’s here and worse than the models predicted. You know, studying a science that we’ve been repeatedly told is settled?

          The Gotch


      2. richard lesiak

        Does this mean we are not “pals” anymore?


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          ”Does this mean we are not ‘pals’ anymore?”

          Hale no! Like the guy whose Granddaughter I dated (once) and whose Grandson was a friend (until he was killed by terrorists in 1985) and whose paper I delivered (until I moved on to a morning WSJ route) and subscribed to (until 04/26/2008), William Evjue, said:

          “Let the People have the Truth and the Freedom to Discuss It and All Will Go Well.”

          The Gotch


  5. madisonexpat

    America has never imported unaccompanied minors until Obama thought it was a good idea. This idiocy is on him.


    1. AnonyBob

      These are not unaccompanied minors. These are kids ripped away from their parents. Shameful.


      1. madisonexpat

        By whom and why, ABob?


        1. AnonyBob

          Check with some news sources besides Faux or Breitbart.


        2. richard lesiak

          by trump and sessions


    2. madisonexpat wrote, “America has never imported unaccompanied minors until Obama thought it was a good idea. This idiocy is on him.”

      Here’s my version of that, America has never actively encouraged and legally enabled illegal immigrants until Obama thought it was a good idea. This idiocy is on him.

      Obama was literally encouraging and legally enabling illegal immigrants to break our immigration laws.

      The actions, or should I say the intentionally publicized in-actions, of the Obama administration was actively enabling the direct importing of minor unaccompanied illegal immigrant children; the exact same thing applies to the inaction Obama showed towards other illegal immigrants. I think that the inaction on illegal immigration from Obama is intentional abuse of the authority for the President of the United States to intentionally undercut United States Immigration Law by actively encouraging and legally enabling illegal immigration into the United States of America, this intentional abuse of power is something that I would agree was an impeachable offense under high crimes and misdemeanors.


      1. richard lesiak

        That’s the longest sentence I have ever read. Loosen up the adjustment on your MAGa hat, it’s cutting off the blood flow.


        1. richard lesiak wrote, “That’s the longest sentence I have ever read. Loosen up the adjustment on your MAGa hat, it’s cutting off the blood flow.”

          Not one F’ing word about the actual content only a snide remark about the length of the sentences and an insult. Typical classic trolling from a classic Hollow Shell Airhead troll.



        2. AnonyBob

          That was actually a lot of comment about the content. It was brain dead.


        3. Right about now AnonyBob should be getting that Kernongdefluggle (kərˈnông’di’fləɡəl) feeling. That’s the feeling a person gets when they interject an ignorant statement into a conversation that even they don’t f’ing understand. It’s a brain fart that causes the person to publicly perform a Self-Inflicted Intellectual Slap Down.

          AnonyBob wrote, “That was actually a lot of comment about the content.”

          Nothing at all written about the content, only something written about grammar.

          AnonyBob wrote, “It was brain dead.”

          This was an obvious Freudian slip that refers directly to the first sentence of AnonyBobs own comment “that was actually a lot of comment about the content.” Yes AnonyBob. we all already knew that your first sentence showed that you’re brain dead, you didn’t have to tell us with your Freudian slip.


        4. I suppose right about now would be the appropriate time for AnonyBob to shows off his Foot-In-Mouth Syndrome.


        5. AnonyBob

          Boy, you waste a lot of time on me.


  6. madisonexpat

    ABob, you’re making the accusation. What do you believe is going on and why? I DID see our heroic media showing photos of kids in cages but they missed the 2014 tag in the photo. Who was president in 2014?


    1. AnonyBob

      It’s being widely covered that ICE is separating children, some quite young, from their parents and housing them in privately run facilities, like the blackened windowed former Walmart in Texas that Sen. Markley tried to inspect. It’s a policy of the administration to discourage illegal immigration by terrorizing small children and breaking up families. The party of values, indeed.


      1. AnonyBob

        “…family values…”


      2. Gary L. Kriewald

        Markley was engaging in the cheapest, most transparent kind of grandstanding, believing, no doubt rightly, that it would score points with voters in Portland. AG Sessions had some excellent advice for would-be illegal aliens: Don’t try to enter this country illegally and you won’t be separated from your kids. Advice guaranteed to incense sanctimonious liberals who are always ready to make excuses for criminals, as long as they’re sufficiently “marginalized” (e.g. Nancy Pelosi’s defense of the “humanity” of MS-13 members, all too accurately dubbed “animals” by Trump).


        1. richard lesiak

          his name is Merkley. And today another senator, Menendez was not allowed to enter a processing center. Maybe you would rather see senators travel the world with staff and security on the taxpayers dime rather than do their job of providing over-sight right here at home.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          “And today another senator, Menendez was not allowed to enter a processing center.”

          Menendez is lucky to be out in the open, he should be residing at the Club Fed.

          The Gotch


        3. Gary L. Kriewald

          RL: So senators do only two things: inspect processing centers or travel the world on the taxpayers’ dime. Thanks for today’s example of a false dichotomy.


      3. madisonexpat

        Your values created the problem and President Trump will fix yet another problem caused by his predecessor. Your mental disorder believes Trump wants to rip babies from their mommies arms and Roseanne’s instability demonstrates the president is racist, rinse repeat.
        Put down the Acme catalog Wile E.


        1. AnonyBob

          Both of those are very, very true, outside of Faux and Breitbart.


  7. madisonexpat

    ABob, does anyone know of any legislation passed on this situation by the Trump administration? Has the president changed any directive that was in effect under his predecessor?


    1. madisonexpat,
      How dare you imply that these things were not created by Trump and therefore not his fault alone, that’ll explode the mind of anti-Trumpers.

      Lefty hates it when responsible authority figures chose to enforce already existing laws.


  8. Gary L. Kriewald

    If the Supreme Court had ruled the other way, the first thing LGBTQRSUVWXYZ activists would have done is march into the bakery and demand a cake for a same-sex couple that read “God
    Bless Our Marriage.” How especially galling it must be for the losing side that two of the liberal justices sided with the majority.


  9. Batman

    You must be despised within the gay community.
    However, probably no more than I am within the straight community of lefty (re)gressives that I intermingle with. My experience is that because I think differently I am literally a bad person to be shunned and judged as contemptible. Apparently I lack virtue…


    1. richard lesiak

      It’s not that complicated Batty; the reason is your just a jerk.


      1. Batman

        Aawww; lil’ Ritchie is mad at Batman again. Ritchie has been punked one too many times by Batman and has not gotten over it. This little runt is so lonely and bored he’s even requested the players here befriend him on Facebook. Jeez; that’s really low even for you troll boy.
        It is no wonder your wife left you insisting on taking the children. Sad…


        1. AnonyBob

          Batty, you can do better than this pathetic response. In fact, it’s unacceptable.


        2. It appears that AnonyBob, richard lesiak, and old baldy are a threesome’ing Commenting Butt Buddies.


  10. Batman

    Annoying bob; quit using my material and get your own.


    1. AnonyBob

      I know, it sounds nonsensical, right?


  11. […] 6-26-18). Forcing a Christian baker to create a bespoke work of edible art against his conscience. (Masterpiece Cakeshop). Forcing a state employee to pay for state legislation with which he disagrees. […]
