Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Let the police round-up begin!

Bad boys, bad boys
Whatcha gonna do, whatcha gonna do
When they come for you?

Madison, be prepared to sing along as we welcome the blue surge. Police Chief Mike Koval announced today a round-up of up to 60 people โ€œwho have been identified and vetted as some of our most egregious offenders and gang members.โ€

Accountable Koval quoteOver the next few weeks, those thugs โ€œare going to be separated from our midst,โ€ Chief Koval vows. One way or another, his police will take them into custody.

In his blog today (8-10-17), Chief Koval marveled that after every serious shooting โ€œthe same names keep coming up!ย Sometimes they are friends of currently affected parties to the crime, sometimes they are ย family members, or have children in common, or have gang ties โ€” but the overlapping spheres of connectedness are uncanny.โ€

While there may not be sufficient evidence to charge these individuals with specific “shots fired” calls or a unique homicide, there is ample probable cause to arrest for other offenses.ย The common denominator is that all are currently wanted for various crimes or have holds entered by the Department of Corrections. Many are members of street gangs and we have knowledge that these individuals have access to guns, have threatened the use of guns or are hanging out with individuals who commit crimes with guns.

While elected city leaders dither

The police dragnet comes as elected city officials dither. This week, Common Council president Marsha Rummel said she was doing some โ€œdeep thinkingโ€ about crime. This is after chairing a committee to second-guess the police while duplicating a $400,000 study contracted out to a California firm for a study to uncover the presumed police racial bias.

Ald. Amanda Hall is โ€œsteamed.โ€ She voted to deny paying the Chiefโ€™s legal bills incurred in defending himself against a nuisance claim filed before the PFC at the behest of Progressive Dane and Brenda Konkel.

A month ago, Mayor Paul Soglin announced a bounty would be paid for guns used in crimes. Plenty of shootings since July 11, but no takers. As Gomer Pyle used to say, โ€œSurprise, surprise.โ€

Never mind; Soglin has moved on to another fad program, โ€œPlace making:โ€ $40,000 to bring in โ€œexpertsโ€ from New York โ€œto enhance the capacity of local groups and individuals in targeted neighborhoods to initiate, develop and implement small-scale place-making projects that build community.โ€

Not to forget, because it is so forgettable, the 15-point Focused Interruption initiative championed, at a budgeted cost of $400,000 this year alone, by Alds. Maurice Cheeks and Matt Phair.

Even Soglin is wise to Focused Interruption. He told alders on July 25 that gang bangers โ€œwho have no hesitation to murder, to assassinate, to kill โ€ฆ are not interested in employment programs or a safe community.โ€ Ya think?

Shots fired incidents are up 75%. Just this week, a 14-year-old boy was wounded on the east side. Madison is on the path for record number of homicides. Weโ€™ve already tied the all-time record with almost five months remaining on the calendar.

Koval is acting while city elected leaders panic. โ€œA resounding message must be sent in clear and unequivocal terms: we know who you are. Your ability to stay anonymous is no longer a luxury you can rely on and we are holding you accountable for your actions.โ€

UPDATE: Armed heroin dealer arrested 1700 block of Northport Drive.


37 responses to “Let the police round-up begin!”

  1. Kevin Wymore

    Placemat-making? I recall doing that in kindergarten, but I gave my artwork to my mother for Mother’s Day. I lacked the foresight to charge anyone $40,000 for it.


  2. madisonexpat

    Isn’t it Disparate Impact if they don’t round up as many murderous white gang bangers?
    This sort of thing might lead to profiling.
    Perhaps Ms. Grayson could start a Black Gang Bangers Lives matter?
    I would pay to see that march.


    1. I’d be willing to throw in Matt Phair, Marsha Rummel, Sharon Irwin, and Brenda Konkel to help make the numbers work.


  3. Gary L. Kriewald

    How about making membership in a street gang illegal? Then there’d be ample grounds to arrest the small number of thugs responsible for most of the violent crime in this town. Of course Madison liberals are likely aghast at the “police-state” tactic of a good old fashioned dragnet … but then street gangs aren’t terrorizing the University Heights and Nakoma neighborhoods or the luxury condos Downtown.

    Meanwhile Madison liberals are perplexed at the failure of their plan to sink over $10 million into yet another harebrained scheme (“behavior education program”–talk about Orwellian undertones). Yes, “schools must teach discipline,” but that teaching must be reinforced by a family structure that models discipline and respect for authority (e.g., teachers and police) and values education as a means of self-improvement, not self-validation. Instead, kids are taught to question (or mock or disregard or even attack) authority, to value self-esteem (however unearned) above all else, and to see themselves as victims of racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia–take your pick. That photo in the Cap Times reflects perfectly the deplorable state of education, especially in liberal bastions like Madison: little sticky notes saying “You’re amazing!” on every kid’s locker. I thank my lucky stars I grew up never hearing the phrase “self-esteem” from a teacher, parent or peer.


  4. Dave, not B

    How about a bounty not on the gangbanger’s guns, but on the gangbangers themselves? Wanted, dead or alive. Put up the wanted posters on every corner. Maybe they’ll stop laughing at the Madistan “leadership” and hit the road back to Chicago.


  5. While elected city leaders dither? The dithering fools should give half their salaries to the MPD.


    1. Gary L. Kriewald

      Robert Frost once defined a liberal as “someone who would rather fuss with the Gordian knot than cut it.” One look at Madison’s elected “leaders” will tell you how right he was.


  6. madisonexpat

    Have the Feds do a RICO investigation and roll them up in Chicago as well.
    Oh wait, Paul Soglin and Rahm Emmanuel….
    Gang bangers win.


  7. Dan B.

    I’ll be fascinated to see your thoughts on the ugliness in Charlottesville.


    1. madisonexpat

      Fools rush in.


    2. AdamC

      Where was everyone’s outrage and the Madison mayor’s statement on multiple gang warfare murders in Madison this summer?


      1. Gary L. Kriewald

        Name an affluent, liberal, mostly white college town governed by a pack of insufferably sanctimonious twits who never pass up an opportunity for pious posturing, no matter how hollow or self-serving. Madison? Good guess, but this time it’s Charlottesville, where instead of spending time and money to name a jail building after Barack Obama, “progressives” decided to tear down a statue of Robert E. Lee. (What is there about these people that compels them to latch onto anything–no matter how trivial–that offends their sense of self-awarded virtue?) If General Lee isn’t your idea of a heroic historical figure, look the other way when you pass his statue–hell, give it the finger if you want. But, of course, this isn’t enough to placate the moral outrage of those who will do anything–in this case, declaring their interpretation of history as “truth” and shoving it down the public’s throat–to showcase their “progressive” values.

        This is not an attempt to defend neo-Nazis or white supremacists, but if it weren’t for the decision of a handful of elitist liberals to parade their self-awarded virtue in public, none of the violence and death in Charlotte would have happened.

        Liked by 1 person

  8. AnonyBob

    Hey, Kriewald. So they were just asking for trouble? They brought it on themselves? They had it coming? That does sound like a defense of neo-nazis and white supremacists. If that’s who objects to removing statues dedicated to the Confederacy, maybe statues to the Confederacy should be removed.


    1. Gary L. Kriewald

      One of the flaws in your logic is to assume that the ONLY people who object to Confederate statues are neo-Nazis and white supremacists. Having lived in the South, I can attest that there are plenty of decent, moderate, rational people who look at those statues and feel a sense of pride and heritage that has nothing to do with racism.

      Did they bring it on themselves? They sure weren’t blameless, hard as that is for liberal elitists to hear. Until they could get over their addiction to pious posturing and their obsession with micro-managing how the rest of us live our lives (including what we can and can’t look at in a public park), there will be more Charlotesvilles.


      1. Gary L. Kriewald

        Sorry, that should read “… who object to the removal of Confederate statues …” (Type in haste, repent at leisure.)


      2. AnonyBob

        Pride and heritage. They took up arms against the USA and lost a costly war. Hard not to call that treason. All so that wealthy landowners could continue to own slaves. Most of those monuments were an extension of Jim Crow racism. Maybe it’s time to reexamine history in a more honest way.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. madisonexpat

    ABob, in your reckless haste to silence speech you dislike you’ve thrown around terms like Tea baggers, RAY-cist, and the whole tired mantra of -phobics.
    Now its white supremecists and neo nazis, a vanishing minute group of fools. I don’t know anyone who has ever met one.
    However, Bob, we have met the hater and he is you.


    1. AnonyBob

      Well I actually HAVE known a neo-Nazi. Many, many years ago. He was a co-worker at a part-time job. Bizarre dude. I’m happy your sheltered life has spared you knowing any, but they are out there. There were a LOT of them in Cville this weekend, you know. “A vanishing minute group…”? I think not. I fear it’s a growing group, climbing out from under their rocks, emboldened by a President who considers them a valued part of his base. There’s lots of Confederate flags where your live, I’m sure a percentage of their owners (granted, a small percentage) have a hard time not drawling “Heil!” at the sight of Trump as they hate on immigrants, Jews, etc. Now, I don’t consider myself an active hater of anyone. There are many on the right I consider ill-informed, selfish and hypocritical; I hold them in deep disregard. Neo-nazis and white supremacists I find completely repugnant – don’t you? Even if they wear MAGA hats? You don’t hate nazis? Really?


  10. old baldy


    “insufferably sanctimonious twits who never pass up an opportunity for pious posturing, no matter how hollow or self-serving”……….. You describing yourself and splat?


    1. Gary L. Kriewald

      Glad to hear the phrase resonated with you.


  11. Batman Lives

    ABob and Ol’baldy (gross) are unable to resist the unceasing urge to settle into their natural niche as nothing more than puny Trolls. They just love pushing buttons while too often offering nothing of substance because of vapid lives, an empty daily reality. Gotta fill it up with something. Boring and disappointing. You can do better, just try harder and elevate your selves beyond your wildest dreams.
    Just sayin…


  12. old baldy


    I’ll be sorta kind: you don’t know me, nor I you, so whatever feeble insult you attempted isn’t working.
    I’ve a full and busy life, but when I see BS my genetic makeup requires me to call out the posers.

    Just sayin….


    1. AnonyBob

      Bat: Pfft.


    2. Batman

      My comment is not a feeble attempt or otherwise, but instead the result of objective, keen analysis of your posts by me and my team.
      Like I said; you can do better. I have faith in you.
      BTW; what is a poser?


  13. old baldy


    That is the alternative spelling of poseur. You can look it up. Try the Urban Dictionary. Fits you to a T.


    1. Batman

      An inaccurate assessment but still not a bad response.
      See; you are already doing better.


      1. old baldy

        I was and am doing just fine. And none due to your input.


  14. madisonexpat


    You imagine white supremacists and neo nazis then tell us YOU aren’t a hater. Sure you are, your hatred of President Trump month after month is a good example. But this racial extremist Left/Right conflict is not on him, he just got here. Nope, it is on his predecessor, an exquisitely “woke” community organizer. A man who has done for our nation what he did for your party.
    You know, the Democrats who owned all the slaves who were, as you say, treasonous, who wrote and enforced all the Jim Crow laws. Democrats all.
    The Antifa and BLM’ers hate will only work in Berkeley, Durham, Madison and other liberal bastions where the police will be ordered to stand down. “Snowflakes of the world unite!” But only act badly where the laws are not enforced.
    And ABob, the Stars and Bars ain’t the Confederate flag. Never were. You and OB can look it up but OB won’t find it on LeftScoop/litterbox.


    1. AnonyBob

      Evidently in answer to my question, I guess you DON’T hate nazis. Neither does your Great Leader, and as he would say, “Sad!”


      1. AnonyBob

        What does your first sentence mean? I haven’t imagined Cville.
        Trump did not just arrive on the scene. 5 years as the leading “birther” cemented his sympathies. And you seem a bit confused about the 19th century Democratic Party versus our post-civil rights act politics. Go ahead, do a little research and look it up.


      2. madisonexpat

        No I don’t hate Nazis. I don’t know one and I’m not a hater. I really dislike Socialism both National and International however. You?


  15. madisonexpat

    Also, good insight on tribal politics and the cost to the Dems by Victor Davis Hanson today,
    “A party run by Pajama Boys, half-educated media talking heads, Middlebury-prolonged adolescents, Bay Area billionaire techies in t-shirts and flip-flops, Hollywood gated grandees, Al Gore green elites, and Black Lives Matter activists is not going to win easily back Michigan and Wisconsin.”


    1. AnonyBob

      Don’t be such a hater.


      1. Batman

        ABob trolling again- sad.


      2. madisonexpat

        Now imagine BLM and Antifa.


    2. Gary L. Kriewald

      Notice how the Democrats’ half-hearted attempt to appeal to the white working class–“A Better Deal”–fell flat almost before it left Chuck Schumer’s mouth? The Dems, so aptly described by Mr. Hanson, have ignored (or mocked or belittled) the WWC for so long, they can’t even make their hypocritical attempts at reconciliation sound sincere. Obama’s classic sneer about the WWC clinging to their guns and religion read: ignorance and bigotry) will continue to resonate more strongly than any new-found respect the Democrats claim to have for this group. We all know they feel more at home sipping Chardonnay at Nancy Pelosi’s Pacific Heights mansion than they ever would hoisting a cold one at some tavern in northern Wisconsin.


      1. madisonexpat

        If you listen to Schumer’s speech he adopted President Trump’s entire campaign except building a wall. Comedic gold.
