“Bright Porch” by Kaoru Yamada

Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


Fake elector scheme began in Wisconsin

Says firm that pressured WI AG to bring charges.

This Kluster is so-ooo F*k’d!

The liberal law firm that brought suit against the WI alternate presidential electors makes the case that the scheme that culminated in the January 6 (2021) assault on the Constitution began here in Wisconsin. Law Forward has put out a timeline of that effort, much reliant on a stream of e-mails between Wisconsin attorneys Kenneth Chesebro and James Troupis, our friend.

“Trump operatives Boris Epshteyn and Rudy Giuliani ask the Wisconsin team if they can draft fake certificates for Pennsylvania, Georgia, Michigan, Arizona, Nevada and New Mexico.” They were assured the certificates had already been drafted.

Law Forward contends that what it calls the fake electors knew on December 14 when they met — they say secretly — at the WI State Capitol that the state supreme court elsewhere in the building had already ruled against Trump’s attempt to invalidate votes from heavily Democrat(ic) Dane and Milwaukee Counties.

Republicans throughout the state were furious at Justice Brian Hagedorn for siding with the liberals in the court’s 4 to 3 decision. That pique apparently resulted in the e-mail above from Ken Chesebro. (Echoes the plan James Mason had for undercover federal agent Eva Marie Saint in Hitchcocks’ North by Northwest.) The Werkes takes it for what it obviously was, merely a venting of steam.

Ephsteyn asks Troupis about appealing the decision to the U.S. Supreme Court. Troupis is skeptical. “We need a legitimate case. Not convinced we have it.” Chesebro later compliments Troupis for his candor.

[Trump] must be self aware that he has a weakness for overly loyal Yes men. He knows that you’re loyal and fighting hard. But respects that you set limits and don’t sugarcoat anything. And you don’t need a job.

Chesebro in MAGA cap; Alex Jones just to left of masked man

Two days later, on December 16, Chesebro, Troupis, and Reince Preibus meet with Trump in the Oval Office. “Frankly, this feels like a kluster fuck. Looks like Giuliani is insisting on this,” Troupis comments. But the lawyers then did file for a writ of certiorari with the U.S. Supreme Court challenging the WI court ruling. Troupis then tries to get the WI alternate elector certificate to Vice President Pence through the auspices of WI Sen. Ron Johnson. Pence’s office refuses delivery. The Veep certifies Joe Biden’s election. Trump supporters assault Capitol Police, break windows, and temporarily halt the constitutionally mandated counting of presidential electors.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: The electors and Troupis settled Law Forward’s civil suit out of court but the liberal attorneys take credit for persuading WI AG Kaul to charge Chesebro, Troupis, and some other guy with criminal felony. As for the Law Forward timeline, it appears to be based largely on documents supplied under court order and on news accounts. Judge for yourself.

Can we blame Merrick Garland and ‘Lawfare’ for everything?

2 responses to “Fake elector scheme began in Wisconsin”

  1. rvtl1947hotmailcom

    No mention of Troupis getting the boot?


    1. Yes, Jim was suspended from the WI Supreme Court’s judicial ethics panel.


What do you think?