Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

NBC News’ Chuck Todd suggests Trump voters ‘want to be lied to,’ believe in ‘fairy tales’ like Noah’s Ark | Fox News

Chuck Todd is a piece of work. An arrogant ass. Competing with Rachel Maddow, Chris Cuomo, and Don Lemon for most dishonest purveyor of news. Worse, he pretends to be a straight news man. Can’t hold a candle to Chris Wallace or Brett Baier on Fox.

NBC News anchor Chuck Todd is facing heavy backlash for suggesting that Trump voters “want to be lied to” since they believe in “fairy tales” — like Noah’s Ark.

Source: NBC News’ Chuck Todd suggests Trump voters ‘want to be lied to,’ believe in ‘fairy tales’ like Noah’s Ark | Fox News


26 responses to “NBC News’ Chuck Todd suggests Trump voters ‘want to be lied to,’ believe in ‘fairy tales’ like Noah’s Ark | Fox News”

  1. As a career POS lyin’ Lefty (forgive the redundancy), Todd has but one saving grace; he’s a fan of the 13 Time World Champion Green Bay Packers

    The Gotch


  2. AnonyBob

    “We’ll build a wall and Mexico will pay for it.”
    “I’m going to repeal and replace Obamacare with something terrific.”
    “This tax reform plan will hurt wealthy guys like me.”
    Need more examples?
    And really, Noah’s Ark? True story? Give it a smidgeon of thought.


    1. Batman

      Yes, more examples.
      That will give -The Gotch- more ammo to tune you up.


      1. AnonyBob

        Ah, Batty: the Peter Lorre character who eggs on a bully while taking no responsibility. It’s why I rarely bother responding to your ankle biting, but I’m making an exception here.


        1. Batman

          Nah, more rationalizing because bobo weary of being humiliated by his superiors.
          Nice try but no one believes you and you need to step up your game.

          Liked by 1 person

    2. madisonexpat

      You, ABob prefer a Clintonian level of honesty. Seventeen intel agencies all agree.


      1. AnonyBob

        You’ll have to enlighten me on Trump’s level of honesty.


        1. madisonexpat

          Far better than your lies about the president’s remarks about Charlottesville.


        2. AnonyBob

          I knew you couldn’t do it.


    3. Batman

      “And really, Noah’s Ark? True story? Give it a smidgeon of thought.”

      Hmmm, bobo is steeped in self-loathing for being white, and enjoys mocking Christians as well.
      Mrs. bobo has my sympathy.


      1. AnonyBob

        Don’t know how you managed to insert race into this, Batdung, but I don’t have a problem with being white (and you’re assuming I am white). I don’t, however, believe in its superiority. You do?
        As for Christians, I don’t mock the very, very few I’ve known. I don’t much care for the Bible literalists, but to each their own.


        1. madisonexpat

          Hell yes you are white and no, you don’t believe it is superior. You are certain it is inferior because you are white, woke, guilt ridden and willing to blame an entire race for the sins of past individuals. Who were white Democrats……… like you.

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Batman

          Bobo is easily the most race obsessed commenter here with a nasty habit of labeling (as racists who champion white superiority) those who don’t share his white guilt and/or put America’s race issues into historical/global perspective.
          “You do?” Clever use of the question mark to soften another accusation.

          Why did I “insert race into this” you ask.
          I did so because you similarly exhibited your condemning judgement of Christians because “[you] don’t much care for the Bible literalists, but to each their own.” Nice back-peddle there. Why mock them if you really believe “to each their own.”
          Chuck Todd fanboy.


      2. Cornelius Gotchberg

        Disclosure: The Gotch is a devout Agnostic.

        That said; like most gutless Lefties, @AnonyBob knows Christians are an easy target.

        His Religious bigotry would never, and The Gotch means NEVER, malign the Religion of Peace©™®.


        The Religion of Peace©™® has deftly installed themselves as a privileged group/protected class VICTIM; like taking candy from a sloppy fat baby Lefty, am I right?

        FAR more importantly? @AnonyBob is fearfully aware that the Religion of Peace©™® doesn’t turn the other cheek.

        The Gotch


        1. AnonyBob

          Gootch, I’ve read your gibberish a number of times and it’s still gibberish. Are you saying I’m picking on Christians? I’m afraid of Christians? You’re an agnostic? What is that, but atheist without balls.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg


          “I’ve read your gibberish a number of times and it’s still gibberish.”

          Comfort with one’s imbecility is no virtue!

          ”Are you saying I’m picking on Christians?”

          The Gotch is saying you’re a Religious bigot, and a hilariously gutless one to boot!

          “I’m afraid of Christians?”

          You cringe-n- tremble like a dry leaf in the Global Warming enhanced wind whenever confronted with real real scary Inconvenient Truth.

          “You’re an agnostic? What is that, but atheist without balls.”

          Your continued ‘nadless struggle with nuance and a fact-based reality do not a pretty picture make!

          The Gotch


  3. madisonexpat

    Here are Pelosi’s most recent lies:
    ** We are pained to have to impeach President Trump
    ** I don’t hate Donald Trump….. I pray for him
    **The Constitution requires us to impeach (because we’re strict Constructionists)
    **Our charges are obvious and not even contested (and are so horrendous that impeachment cannot be delayed)

    But hey, if you like your sides’ lies, and your own ABob, you can keep your lies.


    1. AnonyBob

      Weak sauce, Splat. You do realize Pelosi is not our President, nor is she cheating to get (re-)elected, right? She also understands and respects our Constitution, unlike a certain Putin Fanboy.


  4. madisonexpat

    Here’s a fave from F. Chuck Todd himself ” I am a journalist and have no bias.”


    1. AnonyBob

      He’s also not President.


  5. madisonexpat

    ABob, please name a president who has not lied. No such thing. I can demonstrate that President Trump has slapped Putin around many times more than Hillary ‘thanks for the cool $150,000,000 Mr. Putin, here’s a reset button and Barack (tell Vladimir I’ll have more flexibility after my next election) Obama.
    President Trump is doing a lot to charge Putin and his Iranian allies for their bad behavior. Obama sent the “death to America folks $1,500,000,000 to help fund Hezbollah who fights for Assad and Putin. Trump has made America such a large exporter of natural gas and oil that both the Russian and the Iranian economies are shrinking as energy costs go down.
    Why, you’d almost think Trump wants to make America great while his predecessor wants it diminished and its enemies rewarded.


    1. Batman

      The “Orange Man Bad” cabal always fixate on his personality instead of his policy.

      Despite unrelenting opposition from the corrupt deep state, rinos, and petulant dems, the Orange Master has already sullied Hopey Changey’s precious legacy.


    2. AnonyBob

      A President who hasn’t lied? True, doesn’t exist. 13,000+ lies and counting? Lying openly, shamelessly and as a pathological reflex? Only Trump.


      1. madisonexpat

        Try to keep up ABob. WaPo and NYT put out a new DNC party line this week. You and they now have to give Trump supporters respect.
        I imagine that’s a good indicator of how the impeachment is polling.
        Oh well, let us know when the next ACME catalog comes out. Meep meep.


        1. AnonyBob

          It’s truly amazing the low, low standards you cult members accept in a President.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Reeling after Bucky self-destructed in their biggest game of the season, the Gotch is in need of a laugh.

          Who better to provide it than AnonyBob, am I right?

          Tell everyone just How Bad things are under YOUR President Trump.

          Then tell us just How Good they’d have been under Hillarity New Jowls Clinton.

          Please be specific; it’s always a REAL hoot when End Stage TDS suffering career Lefties wax serious.

          The Gotch
