Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!


This might be the last Nick Sandmann blogge (today)

But don’t count on it

Is the news media biased? IMPLICITLY!

NBC, probably the most prejudiced of the three legacy networks (Chuck Todd), scored a big “Get” with Nick Sandmann, the boy from Covington Catholic high school with the “punchable face” who, it turns out, was confronted by the Native American drum pounder and not the other way around. (That was one long sentence!)

Here is the interviewer’s leading question (hat tip to Ann of Althouse): 

SAVANNAH GUTHRIE, NBC ‘TODAY’ HOST: Do you feel that you owe anybody an apology? Do you see your own faults in any way?

NICK SANDMANN, COVINGTON CATHOLIC STUDENT: As far as standing there, I had every right to do so. My position is that I was not disrespectful to Mr. Phillips. I respect him. I’d like to talk to him. I mean, in hindsight I wished we could have walked away and avoided the whole thing.

Notice: the kid looks much less “smirky.”
Hey, Blaska has yet to take a good picture.

Ann’s commenters are interesting. A sampling:

stevew said: “Do you feel that you owe anybody an apology? Do you see your own faults in any way?” Second question betrays a bias against him. I will watch more of this to see if that assessment is correct.

Phil 3:14 said: He should have just turned around. But, I have to keep reminding myself, he’s 16.

stevew said: Assessment of bias confirmed. Also confirmed that Phillips is an insufferable a* * *.

alanc709 said: Wish he had responded by asking her if the media owed them an apology.

Michael Fitzsimmons said: When do they interview the Black Hebrews?

rehajm said: Savannah Guthrie cried when Matt Lauer was fired for rape. Do you feel that you owe anybody an apology, Savannah? Do you see your own faults in any way?

Today’s Wall Street Journal:

Most of those who so eagerly maligned these boys will face no lasting consequences, while the boys themselves will always have to wonder, when they are turned down for a job or a school, whether someone had Googled their name and found only half this story. This is an ugly moment in America, all right, but there are few things uglier than a righteous leftist mob.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: Covington Catholic incident happened because ‘We’re desperate to get Trump out of office’, Joy Behar admitted on The View. You got to wonder how many high schools across the nation are re-assessing that spring trip to Washington D.C. The Las Vegas strip might be more wholesome.



54 responses to “This might be the last Nick Sandmann blogge (today)”

  1. Sprocket

    A few random observations;

    1) If you have enough melanin, racism, homophobia and antisemitism are unremarkable. If you are melanin deficient, and have the wrong hat, smirking is evidence you are a Nazi

    2) If you are a celebrity with the right politics, calling for kids to be doxxed and assaulted will be conspicuously ignored the media. You may do this comfortably assured of the tacit and explicit support from the political left.

    3) Calling for kids to be shot and schools to be attacked is entirely acceptable to Twitter.

    4) We will never ever reach accommodation with the left. These are people that believe calling for murder, assault and attacks on schools is the appropriate response to kids giving WTFs to a kook with a drum. They are telling us their intentions unambiguously. We’d best listen to them and act accordingly.


    1. richard lesiak

      I disagree. The FBI just arrested a guy for sending threats of murder, etc to Parkland people. He wasn’t a lefty and certainly not supported by them.


    2. AnonyBob

      Hey, what about the 4 white “patriotic” losers who just got arrested for preparing to attack an Islamic community in New York State. Do ya think they’re lefties?


      1. madisonexpat

        Yeah! THEY started it.


      2. Comment on the topic at hand – did the media screw up the sandmann thing, bob? 16-year-old kids, bob? white maga hat bad bad bad, fake vietnam vet indian good good good. not to mention miss 1/1024th running for president? it’s all good, right bob?


      3. richard lesiak

        How about the Northwestern black PhD student beaten, arrested for stealing his own car. That cost the cops (4) of them and their city 1.25 million. What happened to checking plates, talking to the driver; you know regular police stuff, before drawing guns and going nuts. The real funny thing is it all started with some busy-body old white woman calling 911, getting in her car, following him while talking to the cops on her phone. Her reason was “he was black and had on hoodie on.”


    3. Gary L. Kriewald

      I interpret the phrase “act accordingly” to mean blow a few heads off. It’s bound to happen anyway. If you keep prodding a dog long enough, no matter how good-natured it is, it will eventually bite you. The Left and their pimps in the MSM have been allowed to play their little game far too long without consequences.


      1. richard lesiak

        Do you need an intervention Gary?


        1. AnonyBob

          For a retired English professor he sure advocates physical violence a lot.


        2. Gary L. Kriewald

          You mistake interpretation for advocacy.


        3. richard lesiak

          so your advocating violence?


      2. Sprocket

        Not exactly what I had in mind. Such things are best avoided. What I meant was that right needs to quit pretending we’re not dealing with people that hate us, our culture and our nation. The regressive left has metastasized due to the feebleness of establishment conservatives, that needs to change.

        Though, given the level of vitriol from the left, keeping an eyes towards exactly who winds up in a big hole in a corn field if things go sideways probably isn’t a bad idea.


    4. Sprocket

      Funny thing, I don’t recall contributors to major media outlets, pundits and celebrities urging people to attack Parkland students or mosques. I probably just wasn’t paying attention. Carry on.


  2. Gary L. Kriewald

    Some of you might have seen the tweet (posted by someone whose name escapes me–probably some minor celebrity desperate for attention of any kind) featuring photos of Nick Sandmann and Brett Kavanaugh side by side. What prompts the rage of the tweeter is that they’re both …Brace yourself! …smiling. Apparently, that facial expression has now officially been deemed a manifestation of white male privilege. So keep the corners of your mouths firmly turned down at all times, or face the wrath of the perpetually outraged lefty loons.


    1. WashCoRepub

      You have to keep it simple, for a Socialist. They USED to get their stuff on the length of a bumper sticker, now that’s asking for too much mental processing. Here’s the new paradigm:
      Smiling white guy = smug.
      Smug = punchable face.


    2. Patrick M O’Loughlin

      No, they’re both white and Catholic. BTW did you see where “hero” Nathan Phillips spent the previous day trying to disrupt a Catholic mass at the National Shrine?

      Then he has the audacity to suggest the Covington kids needed “sensitivity training.”


  3. Batman

    Gentleman please, you can’t argue in here this is the comment section.


  4. Batman

    According to the alarmist, settled science, impending doom climate scientists; Lefty transgressions toward those who think differently outnumber all others ten to one.
    No questions or examination allowed.


  5. Bill Everley

    He’s a lying little toad who’s mommy hired Mitch the Snitch McConnell’s PR firm to bail her little zygote out of trouble. I hope he learned his lesson…but I doubt you guys have…so carry on!


    1. Batman

      Are you trolling again Everley or can you cite the lies you allege?

      What lessons should we here have learned?


    2. Sprocket

      Bill Everley; exactly the sort of person cancer was invented for.

      I have to wonder what his response would be were someone to get in the face of one of the Freedom Inc kids banging a drum. I have to suspect it would be ” screech screech orange man bad, screech screech white supremacy!!” Because the answer to everything is orange man bad and white supremacy.


      1. Bill Everley

        for the record punk, I am anti-freedom inc thugs and those folks hate me….now, if you want to wish cancer on me, great….just remember i might be the guy cathing your pecker at UW in the ICU.


        1. Sprocket

          You’re right, that cancer remark was uncalled for.


        2. Batman

          Bill Everclear,
          How do you reconcile being anti-Freedom Inc. while simultaneously supporting Antifa?


    3. Patrick M O’Loughlin

      Exactly what lesson was he supposed to have learned? If you want to de escalate tensions, go bang a drum in somebody’s face? Nathan Phillips is a lying POS.


  6. madisonexpat

    I’m still waiting for ABob’s exquisitely sensitive RAY-cism detector to tweak on the Black Hebrew Israelites. He watched the clips he said.


    1. Batman

      According to bobo the Black Hebrew Israelites are just “knuckleheads.”


      1. richard lesiak

        you should spend more time calling rojo and telling him to open the gov’t than bit$%I^g about a group of guys you never heard of till 4 days ago. live in real time and stop being a faux news sucker.


        1. Batman

          fakename joins bobo as another Black Hebrew Israelite apologist.
          sad…and dangerous.


    2. AnonyBob

      I don’t see color when it comes to religious nuts.


      1. madisonexpat

        So they can’t be racist or bigots if they’re religious nuts. Is that your position?


        1. AnonyBob

          Twist things much, Splat?
          Not at all. Of course they can be racists and bigots if they’re religious nuts. The two often go hand in hand. (I know, now I’ll be accused of being a bigot toward religion, too. Tough.)


  7. madisonexpat

    So the BHI are racists?


    1. AnonyBob

      Why don’t you talk about Roger Stone instead?


  8. madisonexpat

    Because I don’t know much of anything about him. I now know much more about your revered Indian elder, Marine Recon Viet Nam vet however.
    I also know you can’t bring yourself to acknowledge obvious racism from a black man. You CAN see white supremacy, white privilege and white racism often and easily.
    You deny the existence of horses but often see unicorns.


    1. AnonyBob

      Then educate yourself before you keep denying any Trump campaign collusion with Russia. Netflix has a well done documentary about him: “Get Me Roger Stone.” He’s truly a long time, dirty tricks playing, GOP campaign scum. And DC lobbyist scum. A Mueller indictment couldn’t happen to a more deserving guy; at least until it’s Trump’s turn.
      What is your fixation with BHI? I’d never heard of them until this incident. They seem to be foaming at the mouth Christian nuts. Racists? Sure, sounds like it. Happy now? Go do your Roger Stone homework. It’ll be interesting to see (but no surprise) how you defend him.


      1. madisonexpat

        It is YOUR assertion that there was collusion with someone in Russia to “steal” the election. So far nada. As Barack (tell Putin I’ll have more flexibility after the election) rightly said, “No one can hack our national election.”
        I can’t educate myself on some idiot fantasy necessary for deluded fools to assuage the fact that Hillary lost the election by steadfastly being an incompetent candidate and not understanding the Electoral College.
        How many stages of denial are you going to have to go through to get this straight? It is not complicated.
        But Hey! its your fetish of the day… why don’t you educate us on your newest fantasy.
        I’ll bring popcorn.


        1. Batman



        2. AnonyBob

          Splat: fingers firmly in ears, eyes clamped shut, chanting “NoCollusionNoCollusionNoCollusion…”
          So because you’re willfully ignorant, it couldn’t have happened. Gotcha.


        3. AnonyBob

          Batty: quit nipping at the heels of your betters.


        4. richard lesiak

          I think Roger Stone now has something to say about collusion. So many indictments; so little time. AMIRIGHT?


  9. madisonexpat

    No ABob, it is your assertion and your belief. YOU have the burden of proof which means YOU have to provide reasons and facts as to why you believe your current unicorn exists.


    1. AnonyBob

      I and others here have given you extensive lists of reasons and evidence. You refuse to see any of it. I’ve stopped beating my head against that wall.


  10. madisonexpat

    And ABob, I sincerely (no snark) appreciate your being dragged by the ear to get as close as you possibly could, to admitting that being overtly, purposefully racist while black is possible.
    I know it cost you.


    1. AnonyBob

      That was almost a backhanded compliment/acknowledgement. But it’s misplaced because I’ve never claimed, implied or believed only whites could be racist. But they just do most of it in this country.


  11. madisonexpat

    ABob, since I owed you for the BHI effort you made I did a quick survey of the Roger Stone arrest and I see how the FBI went up to his house like the Marines went up to Mount Suribachi. Stone must be a dangerous hombre. I also see that CNN just happened to have a crew there in the wee hours of the morning. What a coincidence.
    My take is that whether or not Mr. Stone handed Mr. Trump the presidency, with Russian help you assume, he certainly has the GAB Handbook that corrupt minions used to take down Scott Walker.
    The similarities are striking.
    How’d that turn out?


    1. AnonyBob

      Unbunch your undies. When the FBI arrests a suspect at home who has evidence they don’t want compromised, they go in by surprise and prepared for resistance. Standard procedure, snowflake. Or are they only like “Marines at Suribachi” when it’s a Republican? Maybe you you should be asking why Republicans keep getting raided by the FBI?
      How’s this going to turn out? Probably not well for Stone, Trump, and his family. Mueller seems to get a lot of guilty pleas and convictions.


      1. AnonyBob

        I’ll grant you it is an interesting question that CNN had video of the raid. Was it their’s or did they get it from someone else? (It’s not very good footage.) I don’t know. Neither do you.


        1. madisonexpat

          Oh but I do. Apparently I know more about your latest Acme Catalog issue than you. A CNN anchor asked the CNN reporter how he happened to be there (at 4 a.m.). “Reporters instinct” he answered. They noticed grand jury activity in DC on Thursday and realized that was unusual on a weekday so they waited in front of Mr. Stone’s house in Fort Lauderdale at 4 a.m. and surprise! the nice FBI gave them access.
          Strangely enough, no other reporters had the “instinct” because no one was there but CNN.
          A cynic might believe that the FBI “leaked” and/or CNN might misunderstand something about President Trump and stumble into some inadvertant “fake News.”
          But then you’d have to imagine the FBI breaking the law and CNN telling an untruth.


        2. madisonexpat

          Now we do. Don’t we?


      2. madisonexpat

        Then they let Roger Stone go home on a signature bond. It cost him zero dollars. The 16 vehicle raid cost how much?
        This is the same FBI who could not find the Parkland shooter even though he was on Facebook and the now disgraced ex Broward County Sheriff had sent deputies to the shooters house 26 times.
        This all on you Muellar, Comey et al.
        Fidelity Bravery Integrity?
        Only to the Washington Party.


  12. Cornelius Gotchberg

    @AnonyBob when an “elderly” 64 year-old scum bag Valor Thief, with a history of such hings, walks into a group of freakin’ kids posing no problems other than being White-n-Christian (both Capital Crimes in LaLaLoopyLoonyLeftyLand) and committing 1984 inspired Face/Imputed Thought Crimes?

    $#!T fit extravaganza! Rush to judgement, guilty of…whatever, & suspend due process; they should be shot after being hanged.

    @AnonyBob when a “more elderly” 66 year-old scum bag Trumpster, with a history of such things, gets Gestapo/Storm Troopered in the wee hours, AND accompanied by a film crew from a known FAKE NEWS organization, posing no problems other than being a White Y-Chromosomal Unit Conservative (all three Capital Crimes in LaLaLoopyLoonyLeftyLand)?

    $#!T fit extravaganza! Rush to judgement, guilty of…whatever, & suspend due process; he should be shot after being hanged.

    Yeah, THAT makes sense…in LaLaLoopyLoonyLeftyLand.

    As does reporter’s instinct, am I right?

    Ah Lefty; so MUCH hypocrisy, so little time!

    The Gotch


  13. Cornelius Gotchberg

    The staggering hypocrisy of @AnonyBob specifically, and Lefty generally, continues apace.

    To wit:

    Career Über Lefty Andrew Sullivan: The Abyss Of Hate-v-Hate:

    (bolds caps mine throughout)
    “To put it bluntly: They were 16-year-olds subjected to verbal racist assault by grown men; and then the kids were accused of being bigots. It just beggars belief that the same liberals who fret about ‘micro-aggressions’ for 20-somethings were able to see 16-year-olds absorbing the worst racist garbage from religious bigots … and then express the desire to punch the kids in the face.

    HOW DID THIS GROTESQUE VERSION OF THE TRUTH become the central narrative for what seemed to be the entire class of elite journalists on Twitter? That’s the somewhat terrifying question.”

    And the coup de grâce kill shot:

    ”But (protected class/privileged group Black Hebrew Israelites) USING A BULLHORN to call Native Americans ‘SAVAGES’ and ‘DRUNKARDS AT THE CASINO’ to their faces a few minutes earlier on the same tape was not worth a mention?

    Sooooooo, where’s Lefty on that?

    Lefties (most, not all): The Ideology Of WAR, DEATH, HATRED, BIGOTRY, RACISM, & HYPOCRISY!

    The Gotch


  14. madisonexpat

    And within 24 hours we find out that Josh “reporter’s instinct” Campbell worked for the FBI until CNN hired him. He was Personal Asst. to James Comey at the FBI.
    Well whaddaya know? The Roger Stone hearing was before a grand jury and, as such, sealed evidence. Yet there was Mr. Reporter’s Instinct on the lawn at Roger Stone’s house in Ft. Lauderdale to see the FBI conduct its pre-dawn raid.
    Ruh Ro.
