Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Socialists support Madison criminals

‘Derail the jail’ and ‘Defund the Cops’

… are more than slogans. They are policy initiatives. You wonder why the Madison Common Council, the school board, judges and prosecutors kowtow to the Crazies? It’s because they are ORGANIZED. They are ruthless. Like rust, they never rest. They just keep coming. And they are WINNING!

Meanwhile, clueless taxpayers keep buying more motion detector lights and voting the same progressive Democrats, then wonder who stole their car.

Wisconsin Right Now as the best coverage of the malfeasance of Dane County’s judiciary and (non) prosecutors.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: A little more jail might have saved Katoine Richardson a lot more prison. As for care, we’re guessing the police officer recovering from his wounds could use some of that tender loving …

Have they no shame?

3 responses to “Socialists support Madison criminals”

  1. Batman

    Dave says:
    You wonder why the Madison Common Council, the school board, judges and prosecutors kowtow to the Crazies? It’s because they are ORGANIZED. They are ruthless. Like rust, they never rest. They just keep coming. And they are WINNING!

    Of course they keep coming Dave because disruption, protest, and intimidation, is their job. These grievance monger grifters contribute little if nothing to society, are very well funded, and play by Saul Alinsky’s playbook. They are destroyers not builders.

    Madisonians love their white guilt and are happy to suffer for it, apparently.
    Unfortunately they are blind to the big picture/agenda, global history of slavery, and seem to enjoy being bamboozled. Heck they’ll even sacrifice their kids education to offload some of that nasty white guilt. One cannot reason with collective psychosis.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bill Cleary

      Very good points Batman.

      The rich and well off here in Madison will always think that their little slice of Heaven will never change. What they don’t get is that allowing crime will change their neighborhoods. Take a look at the following about violent neighborhoods:

      or this:

      There are many others but the amazing thing is that a lot of these “shit hole” neighborhoods were once really nice places to live. Some, not all that long ago.

      To the people of Madison, it is coming to a neighborhood near you or right outside your door. Just a question of time before it gets there. In my opinion, the way we are going now, won’t be long.


      1. Liberty

        “the people of Madison, it is coming to a neighborhood near you or right outside your door. Just a question of time before it gets there.”

        Been saying this for years. It’s not just Madison, though. Those who think they’re immune from Madison’s crime and Progressive politics because they’re in the suburbs are in for a rude awakening. The stuff spreads.
