Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Progressives are winning the war on achievement

“The Bias Fallacy”

Excerpted from Heather Mac Donald in the Manhattan Institute’s City Journal:

‘Insufficient diversity results from racial bias, claim the activists,’

and every few days, the press serves up another exposé of this industry or that company’s too-White workforce  to drive home the point. … The Los Angeles Times asked: “Why are Black and Latino people still kept out of the tech industry?” …

Backing up the demographic data in the flood of racism journalism are Blacks’ personal testimonials of being discriminated against. The rule in evaluating such testimonials is: “If a Black person tells you that they’re feeling something is racist, just believe them.” … If a White job applicant is not hired, it’s acceptable to assume that he was less qualified than other applicants. If a Black job applicant is not hired, it’s because of discrimination.

Public radio station WNYC must hire two Black reporters and two Black producers in 100 days, to make amends for hiring a white woman as editor-in-chief. None of the White WNYC staffers who signed the diversity petition … volunteered to resign in order to rectify the station’s racial imbalance. …

‘The expectation of proportional representation in every profession is groundless, thanks to the academic skills gap.’

The unequal distribution of skills, not bias, explains the lack of racial proportionality in employment. …”

Only 11% of Black eighth-graders were proficient in math, and 2 percent were advanced. … 40% of Black eighth-graders were below basic in reading; only 17% were proficient. … In 2017, Blacks made up 1.2% of all doctorates awarded in physics to U.S. citizens and permanent residents,… Of Black law school graduates, 22% never pass the bar exam after five tries, compared with 3% of White test takers. …

Yet in July 2020, MIT’s president blamed his own institution for not making headway on “racial equity and inclusion,” despite years of quota-izing effort. Virtually every other college leader has issued the same self-indictment. …

“Far from discriminating against Blacks, “

Harvard Business School admits at least twice as many Black applicants as their average GMAT scores would predict. … Nevertheless, Dean Nitin Nohria claims that the school’s efforts at racial justice have been “painfully insufficient.” …

As long as data on the skills and behavior gap remain available, it is possible to challenge the myth of bias, at least in theory. So those facts must themselves be canceled, as well as anyone who publicizes them. That is the ultimate motivation for the movement to end the use of standardized tests in admissions. …

‘The next step in the unwinding of objective standards is to reject the notion of accomplishment itself.’

It has become career-ending to hold that some individuals or cultures achieve more than others. … The National Museum of African American History & Culture in Washington declared this past summer that rationality, the two-parent family, punctuality, self-control, and being polite were “White” traits. The museum, part of the Smithsonian Institution, thus strengthened the underclass stigma against “acting White,” defined as trying hard in school and obeying one’s teacher.

Heather Mac Donald’s Bottom Line: “How the Smithsonian’s leaders thought that they were helping Black children by teaching them to scorn ‘hard work’ and ‘delayed gratification’ goes unexplained.”

How can we flip the narrative?

47 responses to “Progressives are winning the war on achievement”

  1. Alberticus

    NOT “progressives” these THUGS are REgressives. They want to return to a FEUDAL, TOTALITARIAN, AGRARIAN, grubbing-in-the-dirt lifestyle . ….. for YOU.
    Communism/Socialism is a reversion to a TRIBAL, AGRARIAN life style from thousands of years ago.
    It is a huddling together of superstitious, terrified of the darkness, ignoramouses.
    “progressives”??? In what way is sexual misconduct and Bigoted hate of American Freedom “progressive”?
    “progressive”? WHERE are they “progressing”???? to another Bolshevik Holodomor?
    Progressing on the SHORT bus?
    Progressively handing out PARTICIPATION TROPHIES?
    The Founding Fathers were well versed in the Classics of Western Civilization and Law.
    These “progressives” cannot even grasp the simplest rules of evidence and “innocent until PROVEN guilty”.
    They are PROUD of being stupid — watch them tear down ANY statue they see because reading the plaque is TOO HARD.
    it is now considered progressive to ban a feminist because she offended a man.
    Their ONLY redeeming quality is Socialist/Commies always kill off the “educated-elite-teachers” that created them with their muddle headed “deep thots”.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cornelius Gotchberg

    “How can we flip the narrative?”

    Eliminate breathtakingly imbecilic Lefties!

    The Gotch

    Liked by 1 person

    1. richard lesiak

      So; what’s your elimination plan?


      1. georgessson

        Richard-May-I-Call-Ya-Dick, RE: “plan…” In yer case just keep eatin’ the fruits of yer labor…

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Liberty


          “Richard-May-I-Call-Ya-Dick, RE: “plan…” In yer case just keep eatin’ the fruits of yer labor…”


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          The world would be better served if crippling stupidity were to physically hurt…BAD…then the minimize pain response of the hopelessly afflicted might kick in.

          The Gotch


        3. richard lesiak

          georgessgirl… better than you eating gotch butt.


  3. Alberticus

    These are Racist Bigots who get off on being BAWANA-Savior-of-the-Darkies.
    White Politically Correct Politicians CLAIM to be a pro-Affirmative Action Liberals they should RESIGN and allow BLACK politicians HAVE their seat …. after all liberals are perfectly happy to help Blacks step in front of “Ordinary” qualified Whites and take their jobs FOR EQUALITY.
    YOU should give up your livlihood but Liberal Politicians “ain’t givin up NOTHIN”
    Hypocrits —- you want US to “give up” mythical White Privilege — YOU START

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Bill


      Yes, exactly. Politicians should lead by example. Let us start right here in good ole Madison Wisconsin. Mayor Satya Rhodes-Conway and every other white person who holds a managerial job, all the white members of the city council should resign effective immediately and assign those jobs to people of color.

      All of the white people on the City of Madison School Board as well as every white person in school administration should resign and those jobs should be given to people of color.

      The Dane County Executive and the white members of the Dane County Board, all members of management that are white should resign and those jobs should be given to people of color.

      The University of Wisconsin should also follow suit.

      The Governor and every white person in his administration should immediately resign and those jobs should go to people of color.

      Let those of us who work for a living really see our politicians put their money where their mouths are.

      All you white liberals in government, the schools, and the university, put your money where your mouths are and resign. Give those jobs to people of color on the blind assumption that all will go well when you do.

      Then we will talk about how serious you are about reforming society.

      Oh and BTW- For those of you want to leave us all freezing in the dark in order to save the planet; the same applies. No cars, no heat, no electricity, no running water, no mass transit beyond a city bus. So no plane rides. No single family houses, no boats, no microwaves, ovens, toasters, refrigerators, freezers, nothing that will leave your foot print on the global planet.

      In short, no flying on a private jet to Davos to attend a world conference on the issue of global warming and calling yourself a virtuous individual for doing so!


      1. pANTIFArts

        “Wokeness” is deeply rooted in the politics of division. Intersectionality, or comparative grievance analysis is their “science”. All that is needed now is for one of their “woke scientists”, (journalist, or academic, actually), to write an article questioning if some mixed-racial POC enjoy “privilege” over POC who appear more phenotypically “African”. Do the Barack Obamas, Harold Ford Jrs, and Susan Rices of the world benefit, as a result? Should a POC in a position of authority yield their job to a POC with a darker shade of skin? If Progressives should wish to pursue this avenue of “profiling”, the Nazis took copious notes.


        1. Batman

          The darker the skin the more free $#!t and benefits should accrue. That’s a no-brainer.

          Then there is the victim ladder of intersectionality to standardize and assign a numerical value such as female, gay, trans, questioning, bi, queer, crippled, yada yada.
          Batman would escort Batgirl and pay good money (Ihavealotofit) to witness the grisly death match that would occur between woke regressives striving to create this grievance victim hierarchy.

          Let us pray

          Liked by 1 person

        2. pANTIFArts

          The “victim ladder” analogy is apropos, with the more aggrieved being held in higher regard than lesser aggrieved individuals lower on the ladder. Thus, the “ladder” becomes a “circle”, with the least oppressed having the lowest status. All with the “privileged white Progressive”, (in all their humble contrition), at the center of the circle, spinning the “wheel of grievance”.


  4. Ed

    What about sports?


  5. “How can we flip the narrative ?” ? First, by exposing the fact that many of the “leaders” of this enginnering of thought are dual-ethnic “Whites”, always at the covenience, and benefit to their personal, and more tribal inclinations. It’s how one can create proxies out of useful idiots .

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Gary Kriewald

    “The King’s English rules.” A more inflammatory way of saying standard English is the norm–as in, for example, making your verb agree with your subject. Or saying “ask” instead of “axe.” I can see why any reasonable person would find such rules intolerably onerous. Ebonics, anyone?

    Come to think of it, I can’t find a single item on that White Culture chart that any self-respecting person of any color shouldn’t be pround to claim.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. richard lesiak

      “pround ” to claim? Is that part of the King’s English”


      1. Fred

        Oh look, a chicken, I’ll ask someone what how he means to eliminate lefties and make fun of someone else’s typo. Do you have anything to say on the premise of this post?

        Lest you criticize my comment for not including an opinion, i agree completely. How can you expect a segment of the population that lacks a certain set of skills to be proportionately represented in a field that requires that set of skills? Unlike the trades, there are no widespread training/apprenticeship programs for tech, so you need those skills day one. But even apprenticeships will require hard work, so I suppose those are only for white people.

        Liked by 3 people

        1. richard lesiak

          Chicken? Put your full real name out there like I do. The one thing that made me laugh when reading the list of assumptions of white culture was; “emphasis on scientific method.” That’s something trump’s clown show is really missing. Drink so bleach, walk in the sun, one day soon the virus will just disappear, blah, blah, blah. Chavez came back from the dead and every girl scout voted twice for Biden. Rich, old, white guys; ‘ya gotta luv ’em.


        2. patrickmoloughlin

          Don’t feed the trolls.

          When you engage with an idiot, there comes a time when other people observing the argument, cannot determine who is the idiot.

          Liked by 2 people

        3. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Fred; the idea of THE most illiterate imbecile to darken this doorstep calling out typos positively BURIES the needle on the Irony Meter!

          The Gotch

          Liked by 3 people

        4. your right Pat; I shouldn’t engage with old Freddy. Just like gotch shooting his mouth off about eliminating lefties; no plan, no balls. Just his usual blather.


        5. Liberty

          Every now and then I fall for the trap and engage with said trolls because their logic is just too warped. My bad.

          “When you engage with an idiot, there comes a time when other people observing the argument, cannot determine who is the idiot.”


        6. Cornelius Gotchberg

          They’ll drag you down to their pitiably pathetic level and then deploy an EMBARRASSMENT of experience!

          The Gotch

          Liked by 1 person

        7. Fred

          I guess Richard didn’t get the “Oh look, a chicken” reference.


      2. Liberty

        The reason people don’t include their full names here is for fear of retribution from the unhinged left. People don’t want to lose their livelihoods, have their homes graffitied, be doxed and canceled because some lib got offended or took something the wrong way.


        1. richard lesiak

          Have you even bothered to listen to the repubs. who are being treated so badly by the trumpsters?


        2. A Voice in the Wilderness

          The reason I don’t include my real name on this blog is because of concern about reaction from unhinged right-wing extremists who might have gotten their delicate feelings hurt over something I said. Although, as a bland private citizen, I do not overestimate my influence. The Democratic Michigan Secretary of State is the latest official to have her home surrounded by armed, feral righties. And thankfully, the plot to kidnap Governor Whitmer was busted.


        3. A Voice in the Wilderness

          Gotch: Who told you that doxxing and cancel-culture are an exclusive “lefty” franchise? It’s not logical.


        4. A Voice in the Wilderness

          Also, the “cancel-culture” mantra may be only the absurd projection of righties. Once the nation passes through the presidential election transition, the madness will end. Hopefully.

          Vaccine distribution is coming; the worst of the pandemic will be over. 😊


        5. Cornelius Gotchberg

          “Who told you that doxxing and cancel-culture are an exclusive ‘lefty’ franchise?”

          An intelligent person** would not assert that, and The Gotch considers you an intelligent (if ideologically misguided…) person.

          Anywho, no one, really; just good old-fashioned observation and measurement of Lefty campuses (like there’s any other kind, am I right?)

          There are literally hundreds of examples of comedians, speakers, business people, politicians, etc. who not only aren’t We Obviously Know Everything, but make the career-ending decision to put it on display.

          Scholar FORCED TO RESIGN Over Study That Found Police Shootings Not Biased Against Blacks

          **That’s it been happening is not worthy of discussion; why it’s happening may be.

          To wit:

          The Coddling Of The American Mind:How Good Intentions And Bad Ideas Are Setting Up A Generation For Failure

          The Gotch

          Liked by 1 person

  7. Batman

    Smithsonian Institute really missed the mark! If these racist ignoramuses want to belittle whitey they could have done so with an example everyone can understand and relate to.
    Sometimes short and sweet is best.

    For example, a Blue Whale’s anus can stretch up to 3 1/2 feet making it the 2nd largest asshole next to CA Governor Gavin Newsom.


    Liked by 3 people

    1. georgessson

      Thanks, Batty ! As Johnny Carson used ta say, “I did not know that…” Geez, I think I’ll put to good use that Blue whale stat -Thanks fer the early Xmas present.

      “3-1/2 feet….” Ya don’t say… Still chucklin’…..


    2. Gary Kriewald

      Wow! Sounds like it’s big enough to accommodate other a$$holes like Gavin and Nancy both. Narcissism and hypocrisy often keep company but seldom so closely as in liberal elites.


  8. richard lesiak



  9. Balboa

    Yeah and Trump is not full of hypocracy and no Narcissism at all. Careful folks, that man’s ego is bigger than a blue whales anus stretched out. People that live in the public eye tend to be very narcissist people and there is no person alive that is not a hypocrit. I had to throw that out there.

    I wanted him in office for policies he supported and signed not for the man.

    Peace Out, Vote for Pedro

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Tom PITA

    Some local experience – Long ago in the year 2000, I was an engineering manager for a company that was a local darling on the high tech scene. At their peak, there were about 400 employees. I had hired the one black person on staff. I brought him into an entry-level programming position, though he was qualified for higher. It was the only spot I could place him. He was one of the best of a group of exceedingly talented developers. After two years of trying to move him up to a position that matched his abilities, I gave up trying. He left the company shortly after and moved quickly through the ranks of a company in Canada that recognized his abilities.

    Yes, there is a shortage of qualified people of color in tech. But WI is not the place to be if your black and talented.


    1. Tom PITA

      that should be ‘you’re’ not your black and talented.


      1. richard lesiak

        Hey Dave; you missed that one.


  11. richard lesiak

    WOW…Supreme Court to Donald Trump. F-U. Your case is BS. Get lost. BAAAAHAAAA One sentence. 9-0. Hilarious.


  12. Mr. Forward

    “SCOTUS rejected the PA case without any explanation because the same stuff is covered in the Texas case which is a bigger case that includes GA, MI, and WI.”


    1. richard lesiak

      Another fever dream that will go nowhere. I wish the Wis. AG would counter sue because Texas went for trump. Have them recount their state, impound their machines, throw out votes, etc. Trump won your state; prove it.


      1. No Body

        There would be no grounds for the Wisc. AG to sue Texas, since the election in Texas is not in dispute. No one was videoed pulling out a suitcase of fake ballots for Trump, unlike in Georgia. The governor of Texas did not tamper with the voting process days before the election, unlike the governor of Pennsylvania. Voting machines were certified properly in Texas, unlike in parts of Arizona such as Maricopa county. There are significant differences.

        In fact, you might review the Constitution to see why Texas has specifically gone directly to the USSC with this suit, and thus why the USSC must hear it.

        By they way, how many states have now joined Texas in the lawsuit? You might be surprised. Heck, if you rely only on sources like CNN, you certainly will be surprised. Because the MSM is covering up a lot of real world events. Wonder why?


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          NB, your (sic) engaging a hopelessly clueless imbecile; IMO your time could be better spent.

          The Gotch


        2. No Body

          Looks like you are suggesting some group should be exterminated.
          Is that what you meant to say?


        3. pANTIFArts

          I don’t think the sprayer was aimed at you. (NOW it is, because you posted right below it) That’s the Pest Control guy, not an “exterminator” per se, (though I wouldn’t tempt him). The “spray” is generally not toxic, but IT BURNS, IT BURNS!!!! —Fun Fact- Pest Control is the only kind of “PC” he deals in. (a satirical reference to political correctness, if anyone out there didn’t get it)
