Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Why Uncle Joe is not a safe bet

He’s running on Covid and character,
but his policies are the most left-wing in decades.

From the Wall street Journal:

… The biggest risk with Mr. Biden is his physical and mental condition. He looks increasingly like an old 77. His campaign’s strategy of letting him out only once or twice a day, and his refusal to take nearly all media questions, isn’t reassuring. The truth is that Americans don’t know if Mr. Biden’s clear deterioration from even four years ago is routine aging or something more serious.

A fair consideration for voters is how long Mr. Biden will be able to handle the burdens of the Presidency. A capable staff and a forgiving press corps will cover for him as long as they can. But he surely won’t run for re-election, if he makes it four years. Americans who vote for Mr. Biden may be voting for Ms. Harris as his successor sooner than they imagine.

… Tens of millions of voters clearly have Trump fatigue … They may elect the man they think is Mr. Trump’s opposite in the hope of restoring more decorum and calm to American politics. They should know they may be voting for disruption of a different kind from the political left.

Source: The Biden Contradiction – WSJ


34 responses to “Why Uncle Joe is not a safe bet”

  1. Amos Roe

    This whole election just boils down to a choice between a populist president or the Deep State. End of story.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A Voice in the Wilderness

      Amos: Trumpism fed you the Deep State conspiracy theory and you swallowed it whole. Try thinking for yourself.


      1. Amos Roe

        Not true VinW. It’s been evident to some of us for decades, actually over 40 yrs in my own case. But I’ll keep trying to think for myself, thanks for the advice.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. A Voice in the Wilderness

          Amos: So there is this conspiracy that’s been out there for at least 40 years. Would you care to elaborate on the history and nature of this conspiracy? I’ll give it a respectful read.


        2. A Voice in the Wilderness

          Or I’ll settle for just a good link on the topic, Amos. Thanks.


        3. Amos Roe

          VinW – I genuinely am open to dialogue with people who have different opinions, but that dialogue does use up time, which I value. In your case, with all the easily accessible resources still out there, you still don’t see the existence of a Deep State which is deeply entrenched in all aspects of our society? (Note that I said “Deep State,” rather than “Deep State Conspiracy” as you have me saying, although I would say that the latter phrase is also accurate.
          Despite your claim of a “respectful read” I also wasn’t born yesterday. From the back and forth involving your posts and discussions with others, it’s pretty easy to see that you have a mind that is closed tight. Might be different if I had more time, but I’ll let someone else take you up on this mystery to you if they should want to. Already spending WAY too much time on this blog!

          Liked by 1 person

        4. A Voice in the Wilderness

          Amos: I do not have a mind that is “closed tight”, and am perfectly capable of doing my own research. Nobody on this platform needs to bother filling me in. You can’t even provide a link explaining that 40 year thing, because one suspects you concocted it. Not choosing to dialog with someone who has a differing opinion would indicate a closed mind on YOUR part. “Deep State” is a fictional construct, just another silly conspiracy theory, I will find. If it makes you feel important because of your alleged private knowledge, fine. You can’t elaborate because Deep State is pure fiction, as I thought. I won’t waste anymore of your time.


        5. Cornelius Gotchberg

          AVitW; the Trilateral Commission/Illiterati/FreeMasons/Skull-n-Bones would like a word.

          They’ll be in touch…don’t buy any green bananas…

          The Gotch


      2. Liberty


        You want us to elaborate yet you consistently deflect, evade questions, and offer nothing but conjecture.

        How is this statement, for example unbiased and what is your evidence that it’s not true? “Trumpism fed you the Deep State conspiracy theory and you swallowed it whole. Try thinking for yourself.”

        And links to random articles from Atlantic, NPR, NYT, and other Pravda outlets is NOT evidence or thoughtful analyses.

        You say: ” I’ll give it a respectful read.” Yeah, right. You say “think for yourself.” as if you do. Please.

        BTW, I gave a thoughtful analysis on the current election. Dispute what I wrote there. Ready, set, go!

        No kumbaya for the irascibles!


        1. Liberty

          Any idiot can Google (which BTW, manipulates the news we see). That is NOT research or thoughtful analysis.


      3. Voice in wilderness, If you’re registered at wordpress, I’d be happy to refer you to documented, sourced, Public , material proof that explains the terms “deep-state” or “shadow gov.”, and how terms, such as “conspiracy” have been rebranded , and weaponized by those who like chaos to remain among the masses, for now.


        1. As a start, the 1970 RICO act , what it identifies, and get ready for a very simple , and obvious portrait of what/who is in charge .


    2. Amos Roe

      Apologies for being so categorical a minute ago. It’s a bad habit I’m still working on. Let me revise that.

      “I think this election boils down to a choice between a populist president and the Deep State.”

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Money Quote/Matt Taibbi (no Righty, he!):

    “The Whole Point Is That The Press Loses Its Way When It Cares More About Who Benefits From Information Than Whether It’s True.”

    The Gotch

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Good Dog,Happy Man

    Citing concerns over The Rona, and fear of a potential “Super Spreader” event, President Trump’s upcoming rally at Rochester International Airport has been limited to 250 people. Part-time Black Muslim spokesman and full-time MN AG, Keith Ellison is trying to quash the event and keep the Land of 10,000 Looney Lefties voting DFL and holding the state’s 10 electoral votes.

    It’ll be interesting how it plays out. Keep an eye on it. It’s clearly voter suppression and a blatant infraction of our 1st Amendment rights.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Batman

      The ONLY positive from a Harris/Biden victory would be a sudden, miraculous, never before seen, (butforreal), reversal of *The Rona Pandemic* and subsequent reopening of virtually all business but with more serious enforcement of 6′ social distancing and mask shaming of course.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Liberty

        And leftists STILL won’t get that they’ve been played.


  4. pANTIFArts

    Re the Kamala / Biden action figures pictured in the article — Although the hands and arms of the Biden doll ARE fully posable, they slowly take on poses that render the doll unsuitable for children. The legs of the Kamala doll are poorly attached. Any attempt to make the figure stand inevitably results in it doing the “chinese splits”, and falling backward. Very shoddily made products.—-(0 stars – would not recommend ).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. pANTIFArts

      Do I need a “satire warning” when reviewing deceptively packaged, prohibitively costly, dysfunctional products of Chinese manufacture?


  5. Batman

    Godallmighty Amos,
    You are one unpretentious sincere good hearted SOB! Referring to your exchange with Voice the troll above. Way nicer than micro-brain deserves.
    Batman meets the troll at his level for fun but you elevate the entire site with nearly every one of your comments. You be a good man for sure. Troll-boy could learn a lot from you if not so busy being a puerile little prick who actually thinks his comments are clever and worthwhile.

    Let us pray


    1. Amos Roe

      Thank you for your very kind comment Batman.


    2. A Voice in the Wilderness

      Batman: “Puerile little prick…”? Now, now, Batman, didn’t anyone in Gotham tell you that name-calling is counter-productive? And “micro-brain”? That pejorative could describe why you suffer from the courage of your ignorance.


      1. Liberty

        Thanks for proving my point. You ignore thoughtful commentary then hone in on the one or two negative comments.

        I don’t think you want to debate as much as you want to play “Gotcha.”

        Am I wrong? If so, then answer the questions on this and other posts that we’ve posed to you. For instance, how many times does Batman have to ask if you have anything to comment about regarding policy.


      2. Batman

        Sorry if I hurt your feelings Voice (really), but that’s what your commentary inspires.

        Give us three reasons why anyone should vote for creepy joe but without mentioning Trump and if successful you can have a piece of candy.

        Wait, what’s that? You say nothing comes to mind.
        Okay, just one then.

        Now do you understand the label micro-brain?


  6. Batman

    Well, no one can accuse Batman of not being fair minded as he gives voice to the dems, and so close to election day! Watch the new dem campaign ad:

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Liberty

      Haha, good one!


  7. A Voice in the Wilderness

    Liberty: You presume too much about my reading habits. Wasn’t planning on using Google at all. Sounds like you carry some idiotic notion that the above mentioned media sources are part of a commie conspiracy.


    1. Liberty

      What else would any reasonable person take away from this?

      -Most of the media self-identifies as liberal. Only 7% self identify as conservative.

      -Saying things like “I hate Trump more than Bin Laden.”

      -Most media refuses to even entertain the thought of covering stories that put Biden in a bad light. Let’s see, FBI has been investigating Hunter for a year for money laundering. Yet they pepper him with questions like “What’s your favorite ice cream flavor?”

      -This same media conflates, lies about, or manipulates what Trump says while giving a pass on Biden’s rude behavior. “You ain’t black.” “You chumps.” Yelling at veterans. Media doesn’t show this.

      ,-Ignoring Trump’s accomplishments. They recently refused to cover his human trafficking initiative.

      -Big tech censoring conservative voice (very communist like!)

      They’re more interested in carrying Biden’s water than revealing the truth.

      If you can’t see any of this, I can’t help you.


    2. madisonexpat

      If a Voice Speaks In the Wilderness does it make a noise?


      1. Batman

        If a troll remains lost in the wilderness, does anyone care?


        1. Amos Roe

          If a Voice Speaks In the Wilderness does it make a noise? – Yes
          If a troll remains lost in the wilderness, does anyone care? – Depends
          If a Voice Speaks in the Wilderness does it make sense?


  8. Bill

    Oh God, that vid of the New Democrat Campaign Ad was good! Will pass that along to all of my family and friends. This ad along with another that Allie did is priceless.

    If the truth fits, wear it, proclaim it, show it, explain it. Don’t remain silent to the truth.


  9. Lars

    Voice. Do you not know anyone who works for the city, county, state, fed?
    I have close and distant relatives, app. more than a dozen at all levels, not including another 1/2 dozen friends. They all admit, at least till they are swallowed up by the Gov think, That it is nearly impossible to rid the Gov. of incompetent useless employees.
    If you want evidence of the deep state, look no further than Jim Comey, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page. etc. We have their emails, we have James Comey admitting under oath, that he shared intel with a Prof to get it to the N.Y. times to trigger a Special prosecutor, all the while, knowing the whole thing was bogus. A criminal act.
    If you can be honest with yourself, which is quit doubtful, you know the deep state exists, you may not want to admit it to yourself. This is one of the greatest gifts to the citizens of the U.S. from a Trump presidency. The exposure of all the corrupt deep staters. Ever heard of Cornel Alexander Vindman?
    Sally Yeats? John Brennan? James Clapper? Clapper lied to congress and the American people and got away with it. Or are you okay with the Gov. collecting our personal information, and lying about it, and suffering no consequences? Then of course you have the whole sham Mueller investigation.
    I could go on and on, but if you are unaware of what I just stated, what would be the point.
    Remove your head from your arse, and wake up!

    Liked by 2 people