Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Trust me, I’m non-partisan!

The lady doth protesteth too much

While county execs and board members are non-partisan, Wisconsin elects its sheriffs, clerks, district attorneys — even treasurers — in the November partisan elections, down ballot from presidents, congress, and state legislators. 

“That has never made any sense,” writes John Nichols. For once, my old comrade has found the acorn!

“Alicia Leinberger is doing something about it … she is running for Vernon county clerk this year as an independent.” Nichols reports.

Leinberger argues that some of the most important functions of government ought not get bogged down in partisan politics. … Her yard signs declare that she’s “free from party politics.”

A political virgin! Found in the hill country of rural Wisconsin! A rare specimen!

Of course, Comrade John’s favorite just happens (Snark Alert!) to be running against a Republican incumbent in Trump country. A deeper dive into Nichols’ unreported, in-kind campaign contribution scrapes the varnish off the lady’s dishonest platform. 

“What I’m promising is to question everything and to not have allegiance to either party,” Leinberger said through a Democracy for America mask on which activist messages — “Black Lives Matter,” “No Human is Illegal,” “Science is Real,” “Women’s Rights — form the word “Vote.”

Non-partisan my pale white gluteus maximus! You guessed it! Alicia Lying Berger is — like John Nichols — a Bernie Sanders supporter! No wonder John Nichols wants this hard-wired Marxist social-justice warrior to run elections in deep red Wisconsin!

Blaska’s Bottom LineAn object lesson in dishonesty! Remember Lying Berger and her handler, Comrade Nichols, next time some good government goo-goo calls for a “non-partisan”legislative redistricting commission.

Who do they think they are fooling?



37 responses to “Trust me, I’m non-partisan!”

  1. Cornelius Gotchberg

    A bold-faced Lyin’ Lefty? Say it ain’t so.

    In related news:

    *Water’s wet
    *Heavy objects tend to submit to gravity, and
    *Jeffy Epstein didn’t kill himself

    The Gotch

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Gg Mo

      * Like : )


    2. Gg Mo

      2016 , I bumped (not physically) into her outside the library. I questioned her on the blind hypocrisy, and lies (by outright ommision etc) of her guy Bernie in the public vs private persona (and absolutely Not private if one took the time to study his voting record, and lobbying efforts “for his State” *sure…..) . She had a little crew of longish-in-the-tooth “revolutionaries” as her audience/fan club. She “stepped up” to me (got within 4″ of my face) and said, “I don’t need to listen to you, blah blah blah” Waiting for me to step back (I guess in a show of submission for her audience) I asked her why she had to behave like that , and she turned and her and her “mean-girls” proudly walk off…… She is THE Bernie Bro in Viroqua, and follows EVERY talking point of the Technocratic commie Oligarchs , and their minion on the MSM and the monopolies at the top-of-the-pops on Wall Street.
      My point ? Hypocrisy , your name is Alicia Leinberger.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Ian

    Let’s be clear, and independent to left wing anarchists is still far left of center.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Amos Roe

    David Blaska strikes again. Don’t know how you can keep this up without just shutting down in disgust, but your energy, and how you put it to truly furthering the public good, is a thing to behold. Much appreciated.

    Liked by 1 person


      A common expression for such a sycophant is “brown nose”, with the verb “brown nosing”. It’s probably not difficult to figure out what that means without explicit explanation. It’s worth mentioning that despite the utterly slimy nature of the character, they tend to get off fairly lightly in terms of divine retribution.


      1. Amos Roe

        Thanks for that tip Ravenoaks. Excuse me, I need to go wash my face, and will get back to you later when I have the time.


      2. Cornelius Gotchberg

        Sheesh! You even go after the most inoffensive poster on this blogge??

        When you first showed up here, you were mildly amusing, you’ve descended into POS extraordinaire territory.

        That, in addition to being a talentless Lefty, is two (2) strikes; a fact-based Reality doesn’t allow lame whiffers a third…

        The Gotch

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Gg Mo

          The irony (for his?her benefit; this def. – “a literary technique, originally used in Greek tragedy, by which the full significance of a character’s words or actions are clear to the audience or reader although unknown to the character.”) in “Ravenoaks” brown-nose PROJECTIONS are kinda hilarious. Reminds me of the Babylon Bee. Maybe that’s their real gig ? LOL : )


  4. common sense

    Only fooling the poor folks who continue to buy their rotten produce…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Good Dog,Happy Man

    My fellow Good Dogs and Blaskinian Hordes,

    Godless secular-progressive Lefties aren’t very introspective, are they? But they are certainly full of themselves, endlessly empty virtue-signaling signifying that hate has no home here, science is real, or water is wet. I still don’t believe men can menstruate, or that there’s 57 genders, however. That ain’t any of that “sciencey” science. Regular, normal Americans gotta draw the one somewhere.

    This ubiquitous sign reads like a mantra, something you would say to yourself over and over again to remind yourself what you believe. So not really like a mantra so much as it is a creed or confession of faith. Christianity has a rich history of creeds and confessions.

    These regurgatations represent the articles of faith of the progressive religion. The list is introduced by “In our America” or “We believe” (which is very much like a traditional Christian creed. For example, the Apostle’s Creed starts out “I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth…”) Or even “In this house, we believe…” Yes, like most creeds and confessions, there are variations in the content. For example, some of them say “Love wins”, others “Love is love” which appears to be far more common. “Kindness is everything” is on some, but on on all. “Water is life” also appears in some versions, and I’m guessing it’s there to support clean water projects in Africa.

    I especially like the one, where the “Kindness is Everything” line appears just above a row of raised fists. Nothing conveys the idea of kindness quite like the threat of a severe beating.

    These slogans are quite popular. Even some misguided Christians are trying to get in on the act by coming up with their own version. You really can’t get more religious than this. Except for maybe blood sacrifices. Oh wait, progressivism has those, too, as they continue to advocate for limitless, ;ate term abortion.

    I expect this list to grow in time. I’ve seen some that say “health care is a right” Also “Global warming is real.” Perhaps we’ll eventually see statements in support of ballot harvesting and court packing. Because there is no way to put the brakes on what progressives think are essential human rights. However much you give them, it will never be enough.

    By enforcing a rigid and unyielding secularism, religion is not banished from the public sphere,
    it just shows up in different ways. Don’t just be a posing proglibocratic pigeon, but really live and walk your secular faith. You gotta believe in something, or you’ll fall for anything.
    It begins with your behavior. This is most certainly true.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. richard lesiak

      When asked about gay rights today the Handmaiden said; “no comment.” Praise the Lord.


    2. Gg Mo

      ALeinberger is a TROJAN HORSE indeed. The problem is that the captured , “virtuous” mob that backs her is willing to use intimidation , and smears in small towns , against the older conservative pop., and “wrong-thinkers”. Like I said, the schools (esp. the private “alt” presence) , Hospital, and “alt” clinics, many buisiness owners are beholden to , or believers in the Statist (“public” (FRB/Gov.)/”private” Billionaire Monopolists Centralized Global “gods”.(FUNDED “science”, Debt-“spending” etc etc etc etc ) One good thing about the “science is real” Religion is that these argument-less. triggered zombies can’t stick their face in yours (she used this tactic with me. Dominance ? LOL ) with out compromising their FAKE ” virtue” and worship of billionaire BM Gates , Bezos, Zuckerberg, Dershowitz ,Faucci etc .

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Gg Mo

        Yipes ! Meant just to link vid. Sorry for this intrusion Mr Blaska, and THANK YOU for keeping your finger on the pulse of Local ! Critical.


    3. Amos Roe

      Good Dog, are you saying that global warming is not real or anything to be concerned about?


  6. Almostarepublican

    Oops… I guess John Nichols didn’t fully investigate before writing the article. I am suspect of anyone that claims independence. I need to see proof first.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Mike Kingston

      A journalist not investigating before writing? That can’t be true. Has Hell finally frozen over? Aren’t journalists the last bastion of truth and impartiality?


      1. If Comrade Nichols were a journalist.


  7. Liberty

    The sickness is spreading.

    Not sure if they willfully lie/are ignorant, are so deluded that they believe their own bullS*, or have poor self-awareness.

    Violence, fascism, and division? Who’s been setting buildings on fire, ambushing cops, and toppling statues all summer? Who adds race & gender to EVERY single issue? Who shuts dissenter down at government meetings?

    Yeah, right.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Alfred E. Newman

    What does party affiliation even mean today? Allegiance to something other than Country? Least we forget, even the nut case former Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke ran as a democrat.


    1. Liberty

      It means a lot.

      I used to be a Democrat before they were hijacked by the virtue-signaling, race-baiting, communist-loving, cop-hating, anarchist-tolerating, dissent-rejecting nutjobs they are today.

      No way would I want my name affiliated with the D party anymore. I’m not alone. Hundreds of thousands former Ds (Black, White, straight, gay, etc.) have abandoned the party of hate.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        The Gotch is, as well, a former Lefty, or non-participating as we say at the meetings.

        Best decision he ever made was leaving the Lefty Plantation in the early ’80s…well before they went full-bore LaLaLoopyLoonyLeftyLand, crazed, feverishly babbling delirium!

        Being responsibly self-employed and being part-n-parcel to the gimmee gimmee suffocating White Lefty Guilt inundated mind-rot were not, as we say in the business, philosophically compatible.

        Au Revoir, De Gauche!

        The Gotch


        1. Liberty


          I walked away about five years ago and aside from feeling a brief sense of mourning, I’ve never looked back.

          Lefty mind rot is incompatible with almost EVERYTHING normal people value. For me, they’ve become the party of hate and crazy.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          The Gotch is a Conservative Independent and an unaffiliated Free Agent political party-wise; that the FRAMERS weren’t overly enamored with political parties is good enough for him!

          The Gotch


      2. Alfred E. Newman

        Me too! I used to be a democrat until they lurched to the right in the 80s, wishing for a more Jeffersonian thinking party now. Though do I really have the luxury of voting my beliefs when the fate of our nation is at stake.


  9. Cornelius Gotchberg

    From the Lefties Are Despicable On Steroids files:

    Senator Mazie Hirono (Dspicable-HI) QUESTION to SCOTUS Nominee Amy Coney Barrett:

    (S)ince you became a legal adult, have you ever made unwanted requests for sexual favors or committed any verbal or physical harassment or assault of a sexual nature?”

    Coney Barrett’s seven (7) children (six [6] are minors, one in 2nd grade!) were seated just behind her and to the left at the time.

    The Gotch

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liberty

      Heartless & soulless. But honestly, these clowns are only making themselves look bad. ACB is a poised, strong, confident.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Batman

    If Joe Biden knows how to fix America, why didn’t he tell Obama?

    Lefty logic Bernie style: The perpetually pissed off and aggrieved Sanders likes to shout about government corruption but his entire platform is based upon dramatically increasing its size and control over our lives.

    Disingenuous Lefty: Why weren’t the statues offensive when The Great Divider in Chief was President?

    Before making fun of children who still believe in Santa Clause, remember there are adults who still believe in Socialism.

    When I studied the Holocaust in school I remember thinking to myself: “How did Hitler get over 6 million people to follow along and not fight back?” And now I realize I am watching my fellow Americans take the same path.

    Vote Republican. They may not be perfect but the other side is insane.

    Lefty financial policy: Student loan forgiveness doesn’t forgive the loan it just transfers it to those who never asked for the loan, agreed to the loan, or benefitted from the loan.

    How quickly people forget! Remember “Tebowing”? Remember how the league told him to keep his opinions and displays off the field. Remember how he was mocked and berated in the media for taking knee in thanks to God? Wasn’t that First Amendment stuff too?

    The Left is pro-choice unless the choice is about healthcare, education, or firearms.

    Leftys think injecting cattle with hormones is evil but think injecting children with hormones to change their gender is just fine.

    Gun control; it only ends well for those who control the guns.
    With all this “gun control” talk; I haven’t heard a single politician say how they plan to take guns away from criminals, just law abiding citizens.

    Son to Father: Dad, when I become a man I want to be a Liberal.
    Father’s response: Son you’ll have to choose because you can’t be both.

    And that’s a wrap!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Amos Roe

      Batman – Laid out very nicely, hard to dispute if your rational. Sorry David, couldn’t resist.
      You’re Achilles Heal has been exposed. 🙂


      1. Batman

        Thanks Amos, glad you appreciate.
        Indeed, all Batman did was compile (“laid out”) some fabulous text from political cartoons that are too good not to share. They are of course better with the accompanying visuals.


        1. Amos Roe

          Who are the cartoonists?


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          “Who are the cartoonists?”

          The Gotch would venture a guess that Rick McKee, Chip Bok, and Steve Kelley, are nested just below The Master: Michael Ramirez

          It gets BETTER!!!

          Gary Larson’s The Far Side returns!!!

          The Gotch


        3. Amos Roe

          Gotch, thanks for that! Busy next couple of days, just dropped in here to briefly check out new comments and almost got sucked into a rabbit hole when I clicked on your Ramirez link. Big mistake. Will come back in a few days for sure.

          The kid in this family, EYP, will be delighted to hear that Larson is kind-of-sort-of returning.
          For years I’ve been hoping that E would add cartooning as a professional gig. He was up to it by age 12 or 13, and IMO already equal to or better than any of the current local political cartoonists. Actually much funnier and artistically engaging for my tastes. I also know he’s got at least one 175 page cartoon series moulding somewhere in his bedroom. But I could never convince him to submit stuff for his local high school paper, much less the Isthmus. Now he seems to have dropped interest in this. 😦

          But maybe giving him your links (and the Larson news!) will motivate him again. We had (?) a good cartoonist out in Sauk, Todd Perche, who was (?) in the Baraboo News Republic. E talked with him once a while back and got good advice on the sad commercial state of cartooning, which he already knew. The incomparable and incorruptible Bill Watterson fought the good fight, but the demise of respectful treatment of cartoonists in the dying traditional print media was indeed pretty much a foregone conclusion. But I’ve always wondered why people can’t still make a modest living in the digital domain if they’re exceptionally good at their craft.

          Enough for now, really need to sign off for a couple days. But thanks again for those links!


        4. Good Dog,Happy Man

          Batman, Gotch, Amos, et. al.,

          Political cartoons are wonderful. My top fave is AF Branco
          He’s also widely published many other Conservative places. Check him out.



    2. Bill


      That was Outstanding!

      The last line was the best!


    3. Perfect! Permission to borrow? I have some lefty friends & family who will wet themselves after hearing some of these…..


      1. Batman

        Of course; I did.
