Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

If you’re racist and you know it, clap your hands!

Princeton University is guilty as sin!

Institutional racism, like the theorized “dark matter” of the universe, is everywhere, we just can’t see it. But, as scientists speculate, it’s got to be there. What else would account for racially “disparate outcomes.”

No one does mea culpa like academia. So there is the president Princeton University publishing an open letter to faculty and students promising to combat “systemic racism” at his Ivy League school, which is not exactly the Falwells’ Liberty College to begin with.

This is why we love U.S. Attorney General Bob Barr. His Justice Department quickly responded to Princeton’s virtue-signaling president.

“You said ‘racism and the damage it does to people of color persist at Princeton . . .’ and that ‘racist assumptions . . . remain embedded in structures of the University itself.‘ Are you saying that the college’s assurances of equal treatment before the law “may have been false”?

The Wall Street Journal reports that Justice “has asked Princeton for a spreadsheet identifying each person who may have been subject to discrimination and warned that colleges found to violate Title VI civil-rights protections could be fined and forfeit federal funds.

“The serious, even shocking nature of Princeton’s admissions compel the Department to move with all appropriate speed.”

WI Vets 1

WI Vets 2

WI Veterans Museum defaced 09-15-2020; white-washed the next day

Demonizing the police

In today’s WI State Journal, syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. tries to deflect Black on Black crime by contending that “is at least sometimes punished.” Pitts asserts that “police-on-Black crime” is seldom punished. Pitts’ mistake is assuming that such incidents were a crime. His list of Black police “victims” includes Freddie Gray of Baltimore. Six police were charged with felonies in that case — three of them black. After majority Black juries and a Black judge in four cases did not find guilt, charged were dropped against the other two.

Michael Brown of Ferguson MO? An extensive investigation determined that, trying to evade arrest after having just robbed a convenience store, Brown tried to wrest a police officer’s gun. “Hands up, don’t shoot” was an urban myth. Eric Garner? After a local grand jury refused to indict, FBI investigators and federal prosecutors determined that charges should not be brought in the case. The federal review was helmed by Barack Obama’s attorney general, Loretta Lynch.

In  other news, two killed, 14 injured in gunfight at Rochester NY party. Police not blamed.

In Chicago, 9 people were killed and 36 others were injured by gunfire this weekend. Overall, shootings and murders are up 50% compared to last year.   

Blaska’s Bottom LineToday’s Safety Tip: Do not resist arrest. If you do, wear a mask. Don’t want to catch the COVID-19.

45 responses to “If you’re racist and you know it, clap your hands!”

  1. Good Dog,Happy Man

    In a morally relativistic environment where PC feelings trump inconvenient facts,
    reality always takes a back seat. This is clearly seen in the BLM Big Lie.
    “Hands Up, Don’t Shoot”, never happened.

    But yet, BLM built their movement on it. You can ask any godless Lefty today, and they’ll tell you Michael Brown was shot in the back while he had his hands up. That’s a lie. Brown was shot in the top of his head after failing to get the officer’s gun as he lowered his head and bullrushed him.

    George Floyd’s case is based on a lie, too. He had trouble breathing before anyone ever knelt on him. Newly released evidence indicate a “fatal level” of Norfentanyl, Methamphetamine and 4-ANPP was found in his bloodstream. He died of an overdose, … not asphyxiation.

    Must everyone who BLM, (Burn, Loot, Murder) honors for being a victim be a drug-using, violent thug with a long violent criminal rap sheet?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Amos Roe

      “George Floyd’s case is based on a lie, too. He had trouble breathing before anyone ever knelt on him. Newly released evidence indicate a “fatal level” of Norfentanyl, Methamphetamine and 4-ANPP was found in his bloodstream. He died of an overdose, … not asphyxiation.”

      So if you’re drunk and walking down the street and someone pushes you in front of an on-coming truck, it was really alcohol poisoning that killed you?


      1. Mr. Forward

        If you keep an overdose victim from jumping in front of an oncoming truck and they die anyway are you a murderer, Amos?

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Amos Roe

          “If you keep an overdose victim from jumping in front of an oncoming truck and they die anyway are you a murderer, Amos?”

          You mean by holding him down and then kneeling on his neck until he’s dead? Yeah, if I were on a jury I’d be voting that way. Also, how did “jumping in front of a truck” get into this analogy?


      2. georgessson

        Amos, sometimes cause and effect have consequences. IF St. George wasn’t ingesting illegal substances (X3) and IF he’d never been an identifiable miscreant, and IF he’d NOT resisted arrest, your over-simplistic scenario still wouldn’t be credible. We all make choices in life -some good, some bad. Some suffer the consequences.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          “Some suffer the consequences.”

          While We Are Free To Choose Our Actions, We Are Not Free To Choose The Consequences Of Our Actions. — Stephen R. Covey

          The Gotch

          Liked by 1 person

        2. richard lesiak

          Hey Crotch….you are free to choose your actions so why not vote twice. Your fearless leader says to do it. Do it now.


        3. Amos Roe

          “Some suffer the consequences.”

          Yes, especially when you have murderous cops. It seems to me, seeing from that video, that this was well past any situation of resisting arrest or cops legitimately fearing for their own safety. Do you also support shooting unarmed people in the back when they run from the police?


        4. Mr. Forward

          Same truck.

          Liked by 1 person

    2. Gary Kriewald

      It’s no wonder that “godless” Lefties make saints out of heroin addicts and domestic abusers; they need something to fill the overlarge void in their souls where God used to be.

      Liked by 3 people

    3. pANTIFArts

      Last week I was on a Liberal site, where the “woke” regularly meet to give each other verbal back rubs. One fellow was expounding on the “fact” that violent and destructive protests were the founding of America. The “Boston Tea Party” (1773) had somehow led to the “Boston Massacre” (1770), where the authorities gunned down innocent protesters. “At least that’s what (he) learned in school !” – I replied that if he went to school, he should have learned that the nine British soldiers were tried for Murder in a Boston court. Seven of them were exonerated of all charges, two were convicted of a lesser offense. Defense Counsel was John Adams, second President of the United States. Violence in the course of protesting (in this case, throwing snowballs, stones, and ice) has always been illegal. “The Boston Massacre” was the “Hands Up” of its time.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. One sigh has graffiti — “Fred Hampton.”
    I heard him speak in SScience lecture hall on campus before his death.
    Were he alive today, he would have been a David Horowitz-type flip and would mirror the views of Civil Rights Atty Leo Terrell.
    JMHO as a witness


  3. Gary Kriewald

    What a delight to see the Attorney General call out Princeton (it could just as easily be UW-Madison) for its tiresome–and wholly false–virtue signalling. All the sanctimonious breast-beating colleges and universities do about their alleged “systemic racism” needs to be exposed for the self-serving claptrap it is. They’ve gotten away with this and much more for way too long.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Good Dog,Happy Man


      If there is such a thing as “systemic or institutionalized racism” who’s to blame?

      Lefties have been in charge of our major institutions: academia, Ms. Media, Deep State government bureaucracies and entertaintment for many, many years now.

      Proglibocratic Pharisitical parrots like to preen and pose for holy pictures, claiming to occupy some moral high ground, but it’s sacred sol on which they’ve never set foot.


      Liked by 1 person

      1. Gary Kriewald

        Who’s to blame for what? George Floyd’s death? As is usually the case, there’s more than enough blame to go around. But that contradicts the simplistic notion that minorities, regardless of their behavior, are always innocent and white males, especially those in uniform, are always guilty.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. patrickmoloughlin

    The other BS that Pitts included in his column was that people were writing him and demanding to know why he wasn’t upset by the black on black crime in Chicago. He declared that he was very upset by those crimes. Just not upset enough to write about it, or call out the gangster culture that pervades the black community.Forget poverty, that’s a red herring. The criminal, redneck culture is the real root cause of crime that cannot be mentioned.


  5. Kevin S Wymore

    Could we, and our friends on the left in particular, possibly talk about something besides racism? It used to be “let’s have an honest conversation about race.” Now, honesty is not permitted, because one is not permitted to posit that certain people are overstating the problem of racism for personal or organizational gain.

    Let’s talk about autumn weather, the Minnesota Twins… Something. There is my honest input. Thanks…I feel better.


  6. The Squire points out -“No one does mea culpa like academia… ”

    I admit it -I hadda read the Princeton’s Prez proclamation twice. Welp, along w/ local and national perfessers and assistants divulgin’ racial impersonations, this is not surprisin’. But the world o’ hurt he introduced to his employer is “mind bottlin”. ” Justice “has asked Princeton for a spreadsheet identifying each person who may have been subject to discrimination… ”

    And these pedantic ass-hats have a degree in sumthin’? And then some have moved into the leadership of a preeminent institution?


  7. Bill

    One nice thing I saw today is that the State of Florida is going to introduce legislation to back up the police and put penalty enhancers on those who commit the crimes of looting and vandalism. It also is proposing to put penalty enhancers on those who while in the act of those crimes assault a police officer or another citizen. The proposed legislation also will cut off any and all state aid to communities that defund their police departments.

    At least in Florida the Governor gets it.

    Can’t say the same for Governor Milk Toast here in Wisconsin or the Senate and Assembly.

    Links are here:

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liberty

      We need some of that leadership in Wisconsin!


  8. Alfred E. Newman

    I see the racist posters here are thumping their chest over a few drug addled criminals murdered extrajudicially by cops. Not a single one has the courage to bring up the senseless deaths of innocents like Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, or Tamir Rice and the many others who weren’t criminals, weren’t drug addled, just black. But, as we learned over the weekend anything coming out of a conservatives mouth isn’t worth the little bags of dogshit at the doggie park


    1. richard lesiak

      It’s called ” cherry-picking” to fit their own little narrative. Like doctored video that Faux News puts out.


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Bill Maher (no Lefty, he!):

      Black People Must Demand Whites ‘Stop Culturally Appropriating How Mad They Are About RAYcism

      Heh! Think he’s addressing Conservatives…?

      Anywho, you’re the everLUVIN</b poster boy for the guilt inundated, self-loathing (The Gotch completely understands the "self-loathing" part!) White Lefty.

      So White Boi; how many Virtue-Signaling signs do you have in your yard?

      The Gotch puts the over-under @4…

      The Gotch


      1. richard lesiak

        I don’t understand your constant use of the term RAYcism. Are you being cute? Are you trying to invent a new word? Are you just trying to be a douch? Please explain.


    3. No one is saying there have not been incidents of police over-kill, black and white. Fewer than they allege. Most were egregious resistance to legitimate arrest. But BLM would have us believe that it is an every day occurrence. While ignoring the Black on Black holocaust.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Liberty

        Leftists either gloss over that fact or flat out deny it. That’s why having an honest conversation with them is but impossible.


      2. Good Dog,Happy Man

        Seems that Black Lies Matter more than Black Lives.

        In NY, more black babies were “choiced” (H/T: da Gotch), than were born alive.
        Abortion is an unholy holocaust.


    4. Bill

      According to Hey Jackass Chicago there have been 576 murders in Chicago this year alone. Out of that number exactly 5 people have been gunned down by the police. That works out to 0.0087% of those people gunned down, stabbed, strangled or beat to death, died at the hands of the police.
      A full 79% of those who died by evil means were Black. Since most people who murder, murder those who are of their race it is obvious that most of those murdered who were Black were murdered by other Black people.

      I would imagine that you would find similar data from any other area of the country.

      Just saying.


      1. richard lesiak

        “Hey Jackass Chicago”; now there is a news source you can take to the bank. Does Hannity quote them too? How about trump’s Space Force Martian Daily News? Speaking of our Space Force….Well; never mind.


        1. Amos Roe

          Richard – So you are saying that the figures given are incorrect? And if so, what is a more accurate source for these numbers? Or is this just another case of impugning a source of information because your imagination doesn’t jibe with the data cited?

          Liked by 2 people

        2. richard lesiak

          I’m saying that the site you quote is a bunch of crap. You are the one who put this junk up and now you want me to defend my statement. That site is crap. If you believe it; fine. Enjoy your crap sandwich.


        3. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Amos; don’t argue with those that are (N)o longer even worthy of a STFU.

          They’ll drag you down to crippling No Limit imbecility and beat you with experience.

          The Difference Between Genius And Stupidity Is That There Are Limits To Genius attributed to Albert Einstein

          The Gotch


        4. Amos Roe

          Richard – I couldn’t find a reply button to your “crap sandwich” reply so I’ll post this directly below Bill’s post.
          My name is Amos, not Bill. I did not quote any site or “put this junk up.” I also didn’t say I believe it. I just assumed that if these figures were indeed inaccurate, then you could direct me to a site with more accurate and usable stats.
          Would it be possible for you to respond without ad hominems or meaningless pejoratives? Thanks, Amos


  9. Diane

    So the difference between black on black crime and police killings is that the police are suppose to protect us. Because of police killings, many black people do not experience police as protectors. The numbers do not matter. If one black person is killed by police, it’s a big deal.


    1. richard lesiak

      No. One person killed in their bed because the cops had the wrong apartment is a big deal. Standing on a neck while they are telling you they can’t breath…..that’s a big deal.


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      LEOs are 18.5 Times more likely to be shot by black men than unarmed black men are to be shot by LEOs.

      THE most dangerous thing to a black man is not LE, it’s other black men.

      Don’t take it from The Gotch, take it from Race Hustler Extraordinaire Reverend Jesse Jackson, who would spin it ANY OTHER WAY were it at all possible to do so:

      “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about robbery. THEN_(I)_LOOK_AROUND_AND_SEE_SOMEONE_WHITE_AND_FEEL_RELIEVED.”

      The Gotch


  10. Bill

    Consider this: One Police Officer is dead an another is wounded as a result of one person who in a split second was able to get a gun and shoot both officers. You have no clue as to how badly things can go in such a short amount of time that may cause you to loose your life. None of us who are not Police Officers do.

    Do Police make mistakes? Yes they do.
    Are there racist Police Officers? Yes there are.

    They are not in the majority. I have members of my family who are law enforcement on the local and federal level that give up their own time to work with kids who are disadvantaged. They couch basketball or baseball teams. They give up their own time and money to help young men who are in need of their help.

    That is not the face of law enforcement you will ever see from the press but that is the reality that I have seen from members of my family.

    Most in law enforcement that I have meet are there to help people, not hurt them. Think of Police Officers as Doctors. They are there to help the 12 year old girl who has just been raped by her mothers boyfriend. They are there to hold on to the hand of a dying person who has just been shot. They are there to comfort a mother and father of a boy who was just killed in a car accident. Their job is not one that I would ever want or could ever do. I am far too emotional for that work.

    Most people who die at the hands of the Police do so because they are doing something that causes the Police Officer to think that their life or someone else’s life is in danger. For the most part, if they had just complied with the lawful orders of the Police they would still be alive.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Batman

    If running from police provides the majority of resisters a convenient way to avoid the consequences of their actions, doesn’t that just encourage that behavior? Those who run from police nearly all get away according to Madison’s police incident reports.
    What do you suggest?


    1. Amos Roe

      Batman – It’s a legit question, but I don’t think that shooting someone in the back for it is right. Maybe enhanced charges with teeth and also police officers in good enough shape to put up a foot pursuit and taze them?
      I do think that the first step is to just drop the whole drug war thing and get on with dealing with true safety issues for both victims and the police who are forced to be part of this monumental stupidity. You can then start the process of protecting people from others, rather than people from themselves. By doing that, you can also start creating a community which will work with the police rather than be afraid of them, and even more importantly, afraid of those who owe their street power largely to the Drug War.


    2. Amos Roe

      Batman, just 7 hrs after writing my reply to you about running from the police, I ran into an excellent feature story in the 9/9-15 Epoch Times about a (black) Milwaukee police officer entitled “A Milwaukee Officer’s Struggle After His Brothers Die in Conflicts With Police.” Quoting:

      “The guiding rule for him has always been the one he learned as an auxiliary officer: treat others as you want to be treated. ‘Police officers meet people at their bad, if not worst, moments in their lives,’ he said. ‘So if I get you at your worst moment, I want to help you understand the situation and say some type of positivity, so that you will say, ‘You know what, I think he was right,’ or ‘You know what, I want to thank him for sharing that with me.’
      Edwards recalled one such positive interaction with a man in custody. The man allegedly had hit his girlfriend, and police were sent out to arrest him, but he ran. Police caught him after a foot chase. At the police station, Edwards asked him why he ran. The man told him ‘I thought it was the worst thing to go to jail, so I ran.’ Edwards explained that hitting his girlfriend was a misdemeanor, but resisting arrest is a felony offense. The man said: ‘Man, I didn’t know that. Police, you know, didn’t explain it to me before. They just usually tell me to shut up.’ ‘Because I took the time to speak with him and treat him like the human being he was, he really appreciated it,’ Edwards said.”

      Your thoughts?


      1. Batman

        Nice encouraging anecdote Amos and one that I wish was more the norm than an outlier, if it is. Notice how the perp was civil enough to have a conversation whereas the encounters currently spinning out of control are not like this story at all. Add in the anarchists, lying MSM/academia, and every deadly resisting arrest incident becomes a reason to riot and pillage, at least if the perp is black and especially so if the officer is white.

        A significant investment in K-9 units so that a majority of officers patrolled with them would likely reduce bolting from cops considerably. I believe most city budgets could handle this without raising taxes but with reallocation of existing funds instead. This is certainly true in Madison. There is always much unnecessary fat to trim from virtually any budget, just comes down to priorities.

        I agree that the war on drugs is a unmitigated uber-destructive failure and requires a complete over haul but how will that be accomplished in a breathtakingly corrupt swamp?


        1. Amos Roe

          “I agree that the war on drugs is a unmitigated uber-destructive failure and requires a complete over haul but how will that be accomplished in a breathtakingly corrupt swamp?”

          No fair.


  12. Bill

    Here is another look at the rioting and looting from Portland. At the end of the vid is a Black Man who points out the rather obvious fact that only 2% of the people out there doing the rioting and looting are Black People. The rest are anarchists and communists who want to overthrow our form of government by violence.

    You people who participate in this form of civil unrest are little more than useful idiots. The problem for you will be when the violence, the looting, the burning, the rioting is done and our form of government is torn down the real power behind all of this will have little use for you. You then will be the useless idiots to be ground up and disposed of as Stalin and Mao and others have over the years.

    Take your pick: The concentration/work camp where you will be worked to death or a bullet. That will be the utopia you get once you achieve your masters goal of overthrowing our Constitutional Republic.

    And the sad part is: You don’t even know it!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      “a Black Man who points out the rather obvious fact that only 2% of the people out there doing the rioting and looting are Black People.”

      The rest? Gutless, worthless, drooling, feral, sloppy fat, endomorphic, gimmee gimmee, sponging generationally dependent, useless, illiterate, uneducated, sel-loathing White Lefties!

      The Gotch


  13. […] made that point a few blogs back but repeat it here: Syndicated columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. — one of BLM’s many mainstream […]
