Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Damage from ‘the Woke’ is staggering

‘Joe McCarthy was a B-movie monster. Today’s cancel culture is more like a zombie apocalypse.’

Lance Morrow of the Ethics & Public Policy Center, writing “Dawn of the Woke” in the Wall Street Journal:

What’s happening on the American Left — with surreal rapidity, like the fall of France in 1940 — is sinister. Wokeness and the cancel culture represent not idealism but virtue gone clinically insane. Look up the word hysteria: “a psychological disorder whose symptoms include . . . shallow, volatile emotions, and overdramatic or attention-seeking behavior.” …

The woke are especially obsessed with two areas — sex and race. In their dream, nature’s basic working arrangement — sex, male and female, the business of procreation that ensures the survival of the species — dissolves in a frolicsome alphabet soup of identities; human meaning works itself out not in the mind, not in thought or art, but in the territory that lies south of the navel, in restless genital experiments.  Men become women on their own say-so, and may bear children, if they choose: Death to the one who denies it! Even pronouns have become narcissistically discretionary.

As for race: In the eyes of the woke — and in most media accounts—this summer’s eruptions (protests, demonstrations, riots, precinct-house occupations, and the “summer of love” in Seattle’s “occupied protest”) have been “overwhelmingly peaceful.” It’s not really true, but the woke are addicted to the meme of their own harmlessness, and so they will it into truth.

Destruction, in fact, has been extensive — and inexcusable. Those hardest hit have been residents and shopkeepers in black and other minority neighborhoods that are left in the wreckage after those who did the damage — among them many white anarchists and Antifa people — have gone back to their parents’ basements.

Source: Dawn of the Woke – WSJ

16 responses to “Damage from ‘the Woke’ is staggering”

  1. Cornelius Gotchberg

    “Damage from ‘the Woke’ is staggering”

    But, but, but, but, but, but, but, but Über Lefty pud Jerry ‘Nadless tells us it’s a MYTH.

    The Gotch

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Yes the Damage from ‘the Woke’ is staggering, but how did we get here, is it ignorance or societal brainwashing?

    For too 10-20 years our society has been slowly crawling towards totalitarianism and now we’re heading there at a full gallop. To stupid people, accusations of wrong doing are proof enough of actual guilt and they think that the more people screaming the same accusation is just more proof. One perfect example is how the blatant lie “hands up don’t shoot” has become “truth” and a meme cry of the mob of protesters in the streets that only speak in screamed talking points and accusations as they physically assault local and federal officers trying to stop them from criminally destroying property.

    The constant claims of systemic racism have not been support by the rhetoric screamed in the streets and as far as I can tell it’s not supported by actual statisti, so where exactly is this systemic racism they claim is all around us, “We the People” really want to know.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Norman Cohn, Pursuit of the Millennium….. identifies mass psychology of revolutionary messianism, the forerunner to puritanical fascism, the emotional force behind Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield’s Great Awakening.,.

    The “woke” mob is merely the current iteration of the same psychological imperative to force “others” to convert and internalize the secular views of the Left. Or, one might compare it to the fascistic passion of George Creel’s Committee on Public Information, or Mao’s Red Guards. Same social psychology, I’d argue, as that of ISIS……

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Gk broiler

    I think the left has, purposely or not, adopted religious radical methodology to impose their will. Radical Islamics and radical christian groups do the same thing we are seeing from these people…they corrupt the young as young people are easy to mold (same reason the military likes young people, plus young people dont think about consequences of there actions), and these corrupted youths are turned into soldiers for the faith, or in this case…cause. The soldiers then force others to convert, or die. Now this could be literal death, or it could be being cancelled. Either way, it’s a form of death as cancellation often results in job loss, so a death of sorts.
    They think they’re right…they think they’re just…and they are currently emboldened because nobody tries to stop them. They are an enemy of the state and it’s time people realized this. They were created by the democrat party, and it’s time realized that too.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Gary Kriewald

    The analogy to religious fanaticism could be elaborated ad infinitum: the lefty mob has their secular saint, George Floyd, who was accorded THREE funerals, his body being shuttled from one corner of the country to another like the bones of a saint in some medieval procession, accompanied by a litany of empty slogans and chants (“I can’t breathe, No justice, no peace, Say their names,” etc., etc.) along with appeals to the faithful and condemnation of non-believers (“Silence is violence”). Clearly there’s no hope of dialogue. let alone criticism, of people so thoroughly in the throes of a cult disguised as a social/political movement.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Off Topic, but the inimitable Larry Elder produced documentary Uncle Tom is receiving RAVE REVIEWS from web-based film rating sites like Rotten Tomatoes (98 %) and IMBD (9.5 out of 10)

    Might we be witnessing the Rise of the Black Conservative?

    The Gotch

    Liked by 2 people

    1. richard lesiak

      answer to your off topic question is NO.


      1. georgessson

        Wrongo, once again, Dick, AKA “Richard”…

        Larry Elder is joined by Dr. Shelby Steele, Walter Williams, Candace Owens, John H. McWhorter, Black self-sabotage in his 2000 book, “Losing the Race,” Cornel West -the list is endless (and encouraging).

        Dr. Thomas Sowell has been around for decades and still resonates. And lectures now to sold-out halls.

        Richard, it’s time to join the current century.

        Liked by 2 people

        1. richard lesiak

          Sowell is indeed impressive. He also was an early Marxist and now prefers to be called a “libertarian” not a “black conservative”. Endorsed Cruz over Trump and is a huge advocate for making all drugs legal. Don’t really know what his speaking tour is like right now, but at 90 I think it may be a little sparse.


      2. richard lesiak

        still off topic


  7. NationalPower

    Joe McCarthy warned the nation of Marxist infiltration and the Marxist driven “cancel culture” of today has proven him right. The world of today is reaping the consequences of not listening to the warnings they were given. By Joe McCarthy, by Geroge Lincoln Rockwell, and by the founding fathers themselves.


    1. Gary Kriewald

      The current issue of The New Yorker contains an article on McCarthy (“Sloppy Joe”) that, amazingly, puts the blame for the Red Scare where it belongs. “McCarthy can be blamed for continuing the official practice of witch-hunting long past the point it made any sense, but he cannot be blamed for creating it. The blame rests with a man who hated McCarthy, Harry Truman.”


      1. Not certain McCarthy should be blamed that much. He was, we now know, basically correct about Soviet influence in DC. There were a lot of commies in the government. Most arrived during the New Deal and WWII. The OSS harbored many more. Frank Coe, Harold Glasser, Lauchlin Currie were later confirmed by the Venona Papers.

        Thanks for reference to NYorker….ya might like, The Haunted Wood; and, Persico’s book, Roosevelt’s Secret War.


        1. Gary,
          I read the NYorker article. IMO, poorly done. Conclusion is not compelling to me. It is not even close to accurate: “…the President, and he has henchmen running the State Department and the Justice Department who are dedicated to clearing a legal path for him to eliminate whoever stands in his way. The Trump Administration has done serious damage to the entire executive branch. It will take a long time to repair it.”

          Pure BS by the NYorker author. Trump, sadly and regrettably, cannot control the DoState or the DoJustice. Consider the public outrage of Tom Fitton of Judicial Watch about the effective ways the DoS has delayed/denied FOI requests. Consider the DoS’s continuing intransigence. Consider Sen. Ron Johnson’s inability to get documents from DoS. Same for information requests from the FBI; same for Judicial Watch’s suits for documents about Email server violations by Hillary. And consider the DoS’s efforts to thwart investigations into Burisma and Biden. Too much to recant, but the point is, the NYorker author is full of BS.


        2. Gary Kriewald

          I guess I should have been clearer. What I meant to say was that at least there was one nugget of truth in an article that, as you point out, was the sort of left-wing hatchet job that has become, alas, typical of The New Yorker.


  8. Bill

    A good read on this topic can be found here:
