Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Who will be next to flip on Satya?

Have you noticed? One of the two women arrested for the beatdown
of State Sen. Tim Carpenter was (we use the past tense advisedly) … a social worker.

Mayor Satya is taking in-coming from both directions, which bodes well for the effort to recall her from office. 

madame brenda
Madam Brenda

While she accuses “Trump supporters” of engineering the recall effort (no doubt with the assistance of the Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy, various Deplorables, and the Federalist Society) the Far Left is also barking at the mayor’s heels. Madame Brenda Konkel puts out this political hit today:

“I have no confidence in this mayor.  I had serious concerns about Satya running for mayor based on what I knew from serving on the City Council and Progressive Dane Steering Committee – which she abandoned when it suited her political ambitions and went over the the Democratic Party. … Mayor I-Me-My-Mine is in it for one person and one person only – herself.”

Which is pretty amazing considering that Brenda is co-chair of Progressive Dane, which endorsed Satya for mayor and considering that the mayor returned the favor by appointing the Madam to chair the Public Safety Review Committee. That said, Konkel agrees with the mayor’s efforts to “reform” (somehow) the police.

Gangster Disciples
Peaceful BLM protests? The ultra-violent Gangster Disciples are not affiliated with the Recall but are helping it anyway. Graffiti on WI State Historical facade on Capitol Square today

Madison police union is NOT Republican

The police union’s vote of No Confidence has energized the recall movement. 

The recall effort has now been offered a very credible foundation with the announcement of the police union vote. I was hoping and waiting for a seasoned and responsible segment of the city to stand up and offer a reason that people should engage with the recall effort,” former Democratic legislative staffer Greg Humphrey pronounces.  

I was not at all pleased with the partisan nature of those who first assembled the recall.  I have withheld any mention of the recall from this blog for that very reason [but] … no one can be pleased with the lack of leadership from this mayor over the past months. Our city can not afford to think about three more years of having ‘the smartest one in the room’.

Protestor’ mission: wear down police

The almost daily demonstrations and protests are taxing Madison police. Midtown precinct police Captain Jason Freedman:

Captain Jason Freedman“The sheer volume of these incidents and the ongoing resources committed to daily protest activities present significant challenges to investigating these crimes.  COVID protocols and multiple extended shifts and staffing holds (due in large part to the protests) have impacted the capacity of my team and MPD field personnel in general.” 

Captain Freedman notes that burglaries in the Midtown precinct alone (one of five in the city) in June numbered 17 — up from 11 in June 2019. Thefts from autos numbered 50, up[ from 27, and shots fired citywide were 29 last month compared to just 11 in June a year ago.

“It is my belief that we will continue to see a surge in shots fired incidents,” Captain Freedoman writes. “so far July is trending that way.”

Milwaukee should be fun this August

It is no wonder, then, that Madison is one of a hundred (!) police agencies to pull out of policing next month’s Democratic National Convention in Milwaukee. That city’s anti-cop attitudes (they’ve been hounding Chief Morales like Madison hounded Chief Koval) is partly to blame.

West Allis police sent a letter to Morales with concerns in mid-June after Milwaukee’s Common Council temporarily halted the purchase of those chemicals. “Our concern is that in the event protests turn non-peaceful, such a policy would remove tools from officers that may otherwise be legal and justifiable to utilize in specific situations,” West Allis Deputy Chief Robert Fletcher told the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel.

Blaska’s Bottom LineThen again, the party in general has been bullyragging police all along. Witness Jerrold Nadler’s treatment of A.G. Bill Barr at Tuesday’s congressional hearing. (“This is a hearing. Aren’t I the one who supposedly is being heard?”) 

⇒ Must watch TV: Bill Barr’s greatest hits!

Maybe Democrat(ic) convention-goers should call a social worker.

Who you gonna call when they come for you?

39 responses to “Who will be next to flip on Satya?”

  1. Liberty

    Greg Humphrey withheld mentioning the recall efforts on his blog because he doesn’t like that Jon is a Republican? Jon hasn’t even mentioned Trump or the Republican party in his messaging. From what I’ve seen, this has been strictly about uniting the city for a recall. Other Madison liberals have been able to understand this. Why can’t Greg?

    I’m assuming it would be fine if Jon was a Democrat, but Greg doesn’t mention the recall because the person organizing it doesn’t align with his own political beliefs? Kind of selfish and immature if you ask me.

    I’ve never met Greg Humphrey in person so maybe he’s different than what he presents on his blog, but I’m not terribly impressed with him or his writing, and it has nothing to do with the fact he’s liberal.

    “I was not at all pleased with the partisan nature of those who first assembled the recall. I have withheld any mention of the recall from this blog for that very reason [but] … no one can be pleased with the lack of leadership from this mayor over the past months. Our city can not afford to think about three more years of having ‘the smartest one in the room’.”


  2. Liberty

    Yet the MPD allows protesters to block the entrance of the south district, tie up traffic, riot. They give their officers instructions not to arrest people clearly breaking the law because they don’t want to incite anyone further.

    I feel awful for rank and file, but seems to me that command staff brings some of this upon themselves.

    “The sheer volume of these incidents and the ongoing resources committed to daily protest activities present significant challenges to investigating these crimes. COVID protocols and multiple extended shifts and staffing holds (due in large part to the protests) have impacted the capacity of my team and MPD field personnel in general.”

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Batman

      No riots, violence, or destruction, in Detroit and it took Detroit police chief James Craig only 3:24sec. to explain why. Satya, Wahl, and Evers should be forced to sit and watch the video with their eyes taped open. Madison leadership is disgraceful, an abysmal failure, spineless weaklings devoid of common sense.

      “We don’t retreat here in Detroit. We’re just not gonna do it,” Craig told host Tucker Carlson. “You saw the images … of streets where there was lawlessness, looting, burning. No sign of police officers. We weren’t giving up ground to the radicals. We just didn’t do it.”

      “So when you talk about what’s different here, we have a city that has stood together and oh, by the way, I know there’s a lot of conversation about the mayors in some of these big cities,” Craig said. “Our mayor stands with this police chief, stands with this police department [and] we are not going to tolerate this uptick in violence. That’s key.”

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Liberty

        Thanks for sharing that. I’m surprised I missed this as I am a big fan of Tucker’s.

        We could do that here, too. You’ll never get the left to watch that even though they’re the ones who need to see it the most.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Liberty

        People deflect blame from Wahl, saying that he has to take his marching orders from the mayor. I question this. Doesn’t that badge supersede local government?

        Besides, thought I read that the mayor said she hasn’t given Wahl or command officers any direction. Not that I believe her, and I’m sure there was a silent understanding, but still.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Liberty

    Jerry Nadler came across as a dictator and a clown. Barr did incredibly well considering the environment.

    “Then again, the party in general has been bullyragging police all along. Witness Jerrold Nadler’s treatment of A.G. Bill Barr at Tuesday’s congressional hearing. (“This is a hearing. Aren’t I the one who supposedly is being heard?”)

    Liked by 2 people

    1. richard lesiak

      Barr is a lying, corrupt piece of crap.


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Austen Fletcher to Jerry ‘Nadless: “Do you disavow the violence from Antifa?”

      Jerry ‘Nadless: “That’s a myth that’s been spread only in Washington D.C.

      Translation: Lefty couldn’t possibly be any MORE CLUELESS!!

      Ah Lefty; so MUCH crippling ignominy, so little time!

      The Gotch


  4. Good Dog,Happy Man

    “Who are you going to call when they come for you?”

    I’m going to call two of my old trusted, reliable friends, …. men of outstanding caliber, ….
    Mr Smith and Mr. Wesson.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Liberty

      You’re not alone. Gun sales have skyrocketed. Thank God for 2A.


    2. richard lesiak

      hope you buy Remington since they just filed for their second bankruptcy in less than two years.


  5. Gary Kriewald

    Since the local terrorists have helpfully announced their latest act of uncivil disobedience, the cops could easily cordon off the federal building and bust the heads of anyone trying to breach it. Will this happen? In Madison? Will the sun rise in the west and set in the east tomorrow?


    1. Liberty

      Law enforcement across the country and in Madison has generally taken a position of placating the demonstrators. It’s surreal.


    2. Batman

      Acting Chief Wahl was last seen hiding out under his desk calculating how many days left until full pension. He got the idea from sheriff Mahoney.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Liberty

        You gave me a good chuckle. Seriously though, rank and file and WE deserve better than this command team.


      2. richard lesiak

        And your hiding behind your computer with a fake name. What a hoot.


        1. WashCoRepub

          What is it with you and the concept of ‘possession’ vs. ‘contractions,’ Dickie? Did you miss the whole year of what, 1st grade, when that was rigorously drilled?


        2. Liberty

          There’s a reason people give fake names, and a lot of it has to do with fear of retribution from unstable, hate filled liberals.


  6. Cornelius Gotchberg

    MUST READ: The Righty Manifesto

    The Left is Just Lying about Fighting Fascism

    In related news:

    *Water is wet
    *Heavy objects tend to submit to gravity, and
    *Jeffy Epstein didn’t kill himself!

    The Gotch

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liberty

      The Left lies and manipulates a lot! Which is why I’m surprised Trump is doing as well as he is in the polls, in spite of the non stop attacks and lies.

      You do know that those polls showing Biden ahead over represent Democrats, right? Cancel culture and unstable leftists probably have much to do with it. Few want to subject themselves to crazy people.


    2. richard lesiak

      *trump is a “genius”. ” The virus will be gone overnight.” “I play less golf than Obama.”


      1. Liberty

        You never answered the question of why you come to this site. It’s apparently to attempt to annoy us and stir things up. I say “attempt” because I honestly don’t think people here care what you have to say or take your seriously.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Liberty

          Gotch, on one hand it’s quite sad, on the other it’s just irritating.

          I have absolutely no inclination to engage with him or take his bait.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Agreed; perhaps some cringe-inducing sympathy might be in order?

          CHOOSING to support/defend someone like DemeniaJoe, who NEEDS to led away from reporters by the hand, like a FREAKIN’ IDIOT CHILD, is evidence of a certain synaptic disconnect, am I right?

          The Gotch


        3. richard lesiak

          I come here because the little circle jerk club you have going is just plain annoying. You would rather spend all your time and energy yapping about two fat chicks punching a guy than look at the big picture. You have a nut case in the WH who is surrounded by a bunch of corrupt, spineless fools. We have 1000 plus Americans dying each day. You don’t care what I say because your mind is closed and your head is in the sand.


  7. patrickmoloughlin

    Well there goes the plan to replace all the violent cops with an army of kinder, gentler social workers.While these two are temporarily sidelined from their day jobs, they might take a shot at bar bouncing. They had no problem taking Carpenter down and out.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      “They had no problem taking Carpenter down and out.”

      This was Carpenter they took out, after all; he probably couldn’t punch his way out of a wet bag of rancid Dells donuts…

      The Gotch


  8. Gary Kriewald

    “Kinder, gentler social workers” like the one who assaulted an elected official?


  9. RE: Brenda Konkel, the abdominous salad-dodger & buffet-slayer….

    Mayor Satya’s pr’oly wonderin’ about that 1st meeting w/ Her Dumpiness: “Of all the Häagen-Dazs joints in all the world, she walks into mine….”


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      The positively staggering irony?

      Frau Brenda posted this on the anniversary (July 28th) of when the Reign of Terror began (1794) to devour its own by offing the talented Maximilien François Marie Isidore de Robespierre.

      The appropriately dubbed Lefty chickens are coming home to roost!

      The Gotch


      1. richard lesiak

        !794? Are you kidding me? I always knew you were a reactionary, but holy balls-over 2 centuries! Come on man; get real. Or are you just reaching because you got nothin’ else.


        1. Gary Kriewald

          Didn’t realize there was a time limit on historical analogies.


    2. richard lesiak

      How’s that recall going?


      1. richard lesiak

        once again you prove that you know nothing. you really believe your silly comments and insults are a sign of breathtaking intelligence. get your mask ready for Saturday.


  10. richard lesiak

    Louie Louie; OH OH-You got the covid now. yeah yeah. Everything’s a hoax. yeah yeah. now your the dope. OH OH. Louie Louie. Sing it everybody. Louie Louie. OH OH.


    1. Richard-may-I-call-ya-Dick…. Four times you have referenced Ohio. What up? Ate another dicey doughy treat ?


  11. Alfred E. Nueman

    I’m confused, does the rightwing fringe support unions or not? Since when does Blaska care about what a union thinks.


    1. I care what the police think. I care what the teachers think. (I asked for their endorsement.) I care what business people think. I care what farmers, health care workers, building trades, religious clergy, etc. think. How they are organized, less so. Since you asked.

      Liked by 1 person