Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Satya is starting to squirm

Mayor resorts to hateful name-calling

How … Divisive!

Madison’s rank and file police officers took the unprecedented step of taking a No Confidence vote against Mayor Satya Rhodes Conway this week. So how did the mayor respond? By accusing the police officers of being “divisive.”

“Madison Professional Police Officers Association (MPPOA) … is sowing division instead of stepping up to partner with the community and the rest of City government,” Satya said.

This is standard boilerplate; if you disagree with progressives, you are being DIVISIVE! No defense of her policies or rebuttal of the officers’ indictment.

The No Confidence vote severely wounded the mayor in the midst of a Recall effort that is gaining momentum. (Recall Satya 2020) Proof? The mayor’s election campaign organization came out the same day (Monday 07-27-2020) with a fund-raising letter to combat the Recall: 

Will you make a contribution to Satya for Madison’s campaign account today? If the recall petition doesn’t get the signatures it needs, the money raised will go to support Democrats in Wisconsin in November.”

Satya at bus stop
Rapid Transit will fix our problems!

Satya checks all the boxes

The mayor’s campaign resorts to the predictable litany of hateful insults. 

Supporters of Recall Satya 2020 are “racist, homophobic, and misogynist Trump support[er]s who want to destroy everything we hold dear in Madison.”  


  • If you held dear the ability to walk down State Street and enjoy the many curio shops and bistros but are angry because they are boarded up, you are a racist.
  • If you once enjoyed walking the Capitol Square after sunset but now heed the warnings of the sheriff that the Downtown is no longer safe after 4:30, you are homophobic.
  • If you are alarmed at the epidemic of teenaged car thefts and the daily shootings, you are misogynist.
  • If you are tired of blaming the police for criminal conduct and telling them to stand down during a riot, you are probably a Trump supporter. (The worst insult of all!)

Here’s the letter, in full:

Satya letterheadDear friend:

Hi, I would like to introduce myself I am Amy Westra and I am the person keeping the lights on here at Satya for Madison. I have taken a low-key approach to keeping the lights on, not wanting to fill your Facebook, Twitter, email boxes with a lot of information from us. Especially this year when the most important thing is to win in November and save this country from Trump.

Unfortunately, we have a huge distraction and I can’t stay silent anymore. A small subset of Trump Activists are trying to recall Satya for a host of stupid reasons. The amount of racism, homophobia, and misogyny around this recall attempt  is disgusting. I have been holding my tongue, not wanting to distract from the important things going on in our community. But I can’t be silent anymore.

The recall against Satya is being run by a cohort of racist, homophobic, and misogynist Trump supports who want to destroy everything we hold dear in Madison.  Now is the time to make it clear: we won’t let conservatives stand in the way of progress here in Madison. Satya is working hard every day not only on the priorities we elected her to tackle – racial equity, affordable housing, rapid transit and climate change- but also to keep us safe during the COVID-19, reimagine public safety, and help our city recover from the economic recession caused by the pandemic.

So, here’s my ask: will you make a contribution to Satya for Madison’s campaign account today? If the recall petition doesn’t get the signatures it needs, the money raised will go to support Democrats in Wisconsin in November. Trump won Wisconsin by only 22,000 votes – we can turn it blue in 2020. We don’t expect the recall to get the signatures they need, but I want to be prepared in case they do and we have fight on our hands.

Thanks for your support!
Amy Westra
Team Satya

Authorized and paid for by Satya for Madison, Amy Westra Treasurer
Satya for Madison2642 Hoard St.Madison, WI 53704

Blaska’s Bottom Line: This Team Satya letter could have been written by Brandi Grayson, M Adams, and the Party for Socialism and Liberation. It is another reason to recall the mayor.

Will you be cowed by the name-calling?


71 responses to “Satya is starting to squirm”

  1. Batman

    People here seem to be rushing to a terribly harsh judgment of the big boss. As previously explained, Satya is under enormous pressure because of wifey issues at home, a city disintegrating before her very eyes, trying her darndest to remain ideologically pure, all while consuming Little Debbies (her fav) at near record pace. I don’t think this is what she envisioned when running for Mayor of Madison.

    Perhaps we should set an honorable example for other Madisonians and take the high road by exhibiting more compassion, more understanding, and cut her some slack, si?
    I mean, she is only human and who among us has not made mistakes?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Batman wrote, “Perhaps we should set an honorable example for other Madisonians and take the high road by exhibiting more compassion, more understanding, and cut her some slack, si?”

      Compassion, understanding and slack; HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      Not a chance!


    2. Liberty

      I cut slack for people who are genuinely doing their best, because sure, we all make mistakes. What this mayor is doing to this city is more than just a matter of honest mistakes.

      She’s siding with criminals for crying out loud. She disparages our police department. The shows little respect for opinions outside her own. No, I’m not overlooking that.


      1. Liberty

        As for understanding and compassion, I wish her well in her personal life. But that does not mean I want her running this city.


  2. Tom PITA

    Dear Amy and ‘yaMayor – my leftist lesbian daughter and her wife (which might be anathema on this site) are signing the recall petition.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liberty

      Don’t generalize, Tom. I don’t care a bit what someone’s sexual orientation is. Never have. Doesn’t impact my life in any way. How other people live, provided it’s legal, is their own business.

      With that said, glad to hear they signed the petition. One thing we can all thankfully agree on is that we need and deserve a safe place to live.


    2. pANTIFArts

      Absolute dittos to everything Liberty said, and this is certainly not aimed at that couple. -HARD-CORE leftists are an untapped resource for your movement. Antifa wants to GUILLOTINE the PORTLAND mayor. (It’s about removing authority and destroying government.) The success would depend on the person holding the petition. See what Tyler Baggins is doing. (see YouTube if that didn’t make sense)


      1. Liberty

        Agree with pANTIFA.

        I want to point out that President Trump is not anti-gay, just like he’s not a racist. I have never heard him say ANYTHING disparaging about either group.

        Also, check out Brandon Straka and Brandon Straka, both gay, high-profile activists for Trump.


      2. Tom PITA

        pANTIFArts, Liberty – thank you. I wasn’t sure how ‘typically’ conservative this site might be, which is why I said ‘might’ be anathema.

        And agreed, I think there are plenty of the left who are not happy with the way ‘yaMayor is running the show.


        1. Liberty

          Tom, what people do in their private lives is their business, not mine. We’re all adults and we’re all Americans.

          What I DO despise is identity politics.

          If you get a chance, please check out Brandon Straka.


  3. georgessson

    That photo… That dress… That pulchritudinous bosom… Makes Lizzo look like a pre-pubescent. But I know her brain may be residing anywhere. She has more places than Vilas Park playing “hide-n-go seek”.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Liberty

      Had to look up “pulchritudinous”


  4. Batman

    Not quite breaking news:
    Satya could not care less what people on this blog think because we are not part of her woke constituency. Her disdain for us is no less than ours for her. Still, her minions monitor this site and report back calling it opposition research.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      You mean to tell me that the The Big ‘Un gets to vicariously…um…experience the learned opinions of The Gotch, his pal Batman, et al??

      DIG IT!!!!!!!

      The Gotch


    2. Liberty

      I don’t know. Wasn’t Tag Evers complaining about some people on this blog? They must read it.


  5. Matt

    The people taking offense at this are a hilarious reminder of “deplorables”.

    Are you running the recall effort? If not, the letter did not not refer to you.

    If you would like to argue that the characterization is accurate, let’s first start with”who is running the recall effort” and move from there.


    1. Liberty

      Matt, I personally took the letter as an attack on conservatives and Trump supporters, not just the recall organizers.

      You do realize that while trying to convince us that we shouldn’t take the insult personally, that you found it necessary to participate in the same behavior.

      Hearing the term “deplorable” reminds me of the elitism and smugness of the left and of how condescending & phony its supporters are. It only energizes me to register more Republicans to vote.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. The measure of ignorance is lack of information; the mark of stupidity is inability to learn. One would have thought you would learn from Hillary in 2016, Matt. Let’s move from there.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        “the mark of stupidity is inability to learn.”

        And “the steadfast REFUSAL to learn.

        Lefty will continue to make embarrassingly inane unforced errors because:
        *they’re cluelessly stupid, and
        *they assume that a greater level of clueless imbecility grips their base.

        The Gotch


        1. Liberty

          They also suffer from a bad case of hubris, probably partly due to parents and teachers who never challenged their beliefs and told them they were special.


  6. Batman

    Liberty wrote:
    “Justme, please consider this: A liberal in Madison doesn’t have to think twice about putting up a Biden, Obama, or open borders sign on their lawn.
    As conservatives and libertarians we don’t have that same luxury. While I’d love to put up a Trump or support police yard sign, I have to worry about my property being vandalized or worse.
    As non-liberals we are not free to express ourselves as liberals are.”

    All true but I am reasonably certain the proglibocrat response is that your white privilege more than compensates for that *minor* inconvenience. I’m just the messenger.


  7. if you disagree with progressives, you are being DIVISIVE!

    Been that way for a long time, too. Abp Rembert Weakland, OSB, the disgraced ex-Abp. of Milwaukee, loved to use that term against actual Catholics. Except he pronounced it “Di- Vissssssssssssssssssssssss-ive.

    That elongated sibilance tells you a lot about the fellow, by the way.


  8. Merrilee Pickett

    I am neither a conservative nor a libertarian. I would like to sign the recall petition. This is the first time I have seen this blog. It’s giving me second thoughts. I thought the recall was nonpartisan. The left and right are too extreme for me. I’m becoming a political orphan. It’s sad


    1. Mayor Satya will not be replaced by a conservative; this is still Madison. But at least we can do better than the Progressive Dane/Freedom Inc./Socialism & Liberation cabal.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      “I thought the recall was nonpartisan.”

      FWIW, at least three (3) career Lefties/former MMSD employees have signed The Gotch’s Recall Satya sheet, over half aren’t Trump supporters.

      Heck; one is even a dyed-in-the-wool Anarchist, though not the nuttier-than-a-fruitcake, flaccidly enfeebled Antifa variety.

      NONE are racists, homophobes, or misogynists.

      Curious; did you participate in the 2012 Gubernatorial Recall?

      The Gotch


      1. Merrilee Pickett

        I signed the petition but decided not to recall. I never voted for Walker but decided to accept the majority’s vote. Satya won bc of Soglin’s strong endorsement and bc of his flip flop. I miss Paul


        1. The recall hasn’t happened yet. Signing the petition will make it happen.


        2. merrilee pickett

          I know the mayoral recall has yet to occur!!!!! My post was in response to Gotchberg’s query to me on the Walker recall.


    3. Tom PITA

      I”m in the same boat. IMO, neither party serves us.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        Republicans and democrats; same $#!t, different pile!

        The Gotch

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Liberty

        I think a lot of people feel that way and why populist candidates like Trump (and Sanders) are so popular.
