Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Happy fathers’ day, now get back to work

The good kind of foreign collusion  anti-Trump!


David on Jerome's tractor
“But dad, I want to be a blogger, not a farmer.”

Who knows what will trigger our … acquaintances these days but I am going to say it anyway: “Happy Fathers Day.” I know that too many kids growing up do not have fathers in their lives, so I suppose that makes your bloggeur “privileged.” 

Guilty, as charged. It’s true, my father was never stopped and frisked. He was stopped by Madison police on some traffic beef in the shadow of the State Capitol — explaining  that he only made the laws (for he was a state legislator); he didn’t always obey them. Can’t remember how that worked out for him.

We see others describing their fathers as their best friend and confidant. Mine was nothing of the sort. He was my father. An Old Testament kind of guy. The law, the boss, the chairman of the board. Quit whining or I’ll give you something to cry about. Preparing a field for spring planting, it began to sprinkle. Oldest son turns the tractor toward home and shelter. Without words, Jerome points back to the field. 

Told you I was privileged.

No shows in Tulsa

All morning CNN was celebrating that Trump’s rally in Tulsa last night (06-20-2020) did not fill the arena. Now it is beginning to mention that turnout was sabotaged by what AOC gloats were  “teens on TikTok,” a social media platform. 

Ocasio-Cortez claimed that teens “flooded the Trump campaign w/ fake ticket reservations” and then were no-shows.  Ocasio-Cortez thanked “K-Pop allies,” a term referring to fans of Korean pop music.” (Should be explained that on-line reservations tickets are free.) Ann of Althouse asks:

The [New York Times] article proceeds to discuss “K-pop stans.”  … Are we talking about Americans? Or is this foreign interference in our elections?

K-pop stans have been getting increasingly involved in American politics in recent months. The word “American” suggests that we are talking about foreign citizens acting in very large numbers  — colluding — to harm an American political candidate — to waste the campaign’s assets and to create confusion and embarrassment. Because the candidate is Trump, readers are going to be complacent.

No one killed by cops today!

The news media is bereft. But — 60 shot, 9 fatally, so far this weekend in Chicago — and none by police! The fatalities included a 3-year-old boy and a 13-year-old girl killed in separate shootings Saturday on the west side of Chicago. The toddler, identified as Mekay James, was struck in the back about 6:25 p.m. when someone in a blue Honda pulled behind the black SUV the boy’s 27-year-old father was driving — Chicago Sun-Times updated 06-21-2020, 7:08 am.

⇒ No Justice no Peace for Mekay James!

Lou Kowieski gets Today’s Bottom Line: “I’m glad I’m not going through life as someone who is offended by pancake syrup. That must be tough.”

Speaking of syrup, one more thing about the Old Man. He smeared fruit jam over his pancakes, dropped a tab of butter on them, covered that mess with Aunt Jemima syrup (now it can be told), and threw a spoonful of sugar on top of THAT!

For what do you blame YOUR father?

( … besides sugar-bomb pancakes, that is.)

5 responses to “Happy fathers’ day, now get back to work”

  1. georgessson

    Ditto here: Dad commenting, when twin bro & I would “act up” @ Sunday (and weeknight) family dinners, “If you’re going to eat like animals, I’ll put a trough in the basement”. Had a good fast back-hand from front seat to the backseat, too. All well remembered, and well deserved. Miss him!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Cornelius Gotchberg

    This the 1st time in 65 Fathers Days that The Gotch’s Dear late Father hasn’t been around.

    No phone call to tell him the latest ribald joke and what time I’d be dropping off an equally ‘off-color’ card and a Special Export 30 pack.

    While teaching me the value of money, he made sure I knew I’d have to work for every dollar I expected to come my way; he also told me the best reason for letting go of a dollar was to get a better grip.

    The rod was never spared in The Gotch household, and the Boss’ position was never to be questioned; never more than once leastways. Mercifully, we moved on from the Master-Servant relationship later on.

    He was an Eat What’s Put In Front Of You’s kinda guy, and always relished whatever came from the lovely and long suffering Mrs. Gotch’s Meals on Heels program, even offering to meet us halfway to ensure a more prompt delivery.

    He was a career SANE Lefty, yet LUVED the fresh produce that came from the Gotchberg Organic Garden and Lefty Conversion Therapy Emporium.

    He was a friend when The Gotch wanted one, and a FATHER when he needed one; he’ll be missed forever, but especially today!

    The Gotch

    Liked by 3 people

  3. westsidesue

    Nice stories about your dads! My dad was a raging psychopath. The only guy in the ‘hood (can I still say that about the Irish catholic ghetto I grew up in?), who didn’t come home by bus in coveralls with a lunchbox. Nope…instead he vroooomed up the street on his Harley wearing his scary mirrored sunglasses, attracting kids from all over the block, and influencing several of them to become Marlon Brandos and James Deans in their own right. Did he use the strap? Could he be a tyrant in his own way? Mebbee. But the fun we had when he was in a good mood, playing “gotcha last” – tag through the house in a reckless kinda take no prisoners way, which might or might not end in tears, equaled nothing else.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      “The only guy in the ‘hood (can I still say that about the Irish catholic ghetto I grew up in?)”

      Unsanctioned “hood” reference is Cultural Appropriation; please self-report to a local Reeducation Gulag where (hopefully!) you’ll get properly reprogrammed!

      The Gotch


      1. Batman

        “Unsanctioned “hood” reference is Cultural Appropriation; please self-report to a local Reeducation Gulag where (hopefully!) you’ll get properly reprogrammed!”

        Batman guarandamntees there are scores of Madisonians just itching for a chance to lay some good ol’fashioned passive aggressive wood on the innocent westsidesue, for her own good of course.

        Kinda like witch burning was done on behalf of the village as a whole and a religious requirement of the strictly legally pious. It is very important to maintain purity of thought and to cast out darkness, now defined as anyone/anything unlike the mob in any way shape or form.
        The word *progress* will need a new definition along with a whole bunch of other words.

        Liked by 1 person