Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Was Robert Mueller the real Manchurian candidate?

Impeachment just left town with Slim and None

Was it all one big cover-up?

Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler and their Democrat(ic) colleagues are suffering from flash burns. They smell of cordite. Their carefully coifed hair is singed. The power ties are smoldering. Vulnerable Democrats first elected last year are pleading “Stop, already!”

Be careful what you ask for. America did, indeed, get a closer look at Robert Mueller’s report on Russian collusion; What they saw was an empty suitcase. 

To the Democrats’ dismay, for the old narrative of Trump/Russian collusion, the Mueller hearing substituted FBI/Hillary collusion.

Branco, from Legal Insurrection

The special counsel’s “befuddled” testimony suggests that the real Manchurian candidate, manipulated by other forces, was not Donald Trump after all. It was Robert Mueller III.

Was it an inside job?

We learned that Mueller’s crew was populated exclusively by long-time FBI and Justice Department hands and Democrat(ic) party donors — in many cases, both. Peter Strozek was only the most egregious Trump hater, the one who got caught.

That institutional crew early on made the calculated decision to shelter the FBI, the Justice Department … and leading Democrats from any scrutiny of their own ..  involvement with 2016 Russian election interference.

So says Kimberley Strassel in her Wall Street Journal piece, “What Mueller was trying to hide”:

The most notable aspect of the Mueller report was always what it omitted: the origins of this mess. Christopher Steele’s dossier was central to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s probe, the basis of many of the claims of conspiracy between the Trump campaign and Russia. Yet the Mueller authors studiously wrote around the dossier, mentioning it only in perfunctory terms. The report ignored Mr. Steele’s paymaster, Fusion GPS, and its own ties to Russians. It also ignored Fusion’s paymaster, the Clinton campaign, and the ugly politics behind the dossier hit job. …

Mr. Mueller claimed he couldn’t answer questions about the dossier because it “predated” his tenure and is the subject of a Justice Department investigation. These excuses are disingenuous. Nearly everything Mr. Mueller investigated predated his tenure …

Was Steele dossier itself Russian disinformation?

How could a special-counsel investigation into “Russia’s interference” have any credibility if it failed to look into whether the Steele dossier was itself disinformation from Moscow? Mr. Steele acknowledges that senior Russian officials were the source of his dossier’s claims of an “extensive conspiracy.” Given that no such conspiracy actually existed, Rep. Gaetz asked: “Did Russians really tell that to Christopher Steele, or did he just make it up and was he lying to the FBI?”

Mr. Mueller surreally responded: “As I said earlier, with regard to Steele, that is beyond my purview.”

Blaska’s Bottom Line: The worm has turned. This Mueller business is making the attempted Kavanaugh lynching look like Boys’ Town.Next up: A.G. Barr and Inspector General Horowitz.


88 responses to “Was Robert Mueller the real Manchurian candidate?”

  1. For the “voices in my head” crowd headed by Short-Man-Syndrome Nadless and Drooling Granny Pelosi:

    As noted in a tweet from ABC News, Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) asked Mueller, “At any time during the investigation, was your investigation curtailed or stopped or hindered?

    Mueller’s response: “No.”

    Granted, “voices-in-my-head” syndrome has (nominally) (R) patients, as well. Take Joe Walsh, former Congress-slime from northern Chicago ‘burbs. He, too, is convinced that the Russians won the ’18 election.

    Perhaps this condition will be covered by universal Gummint healthcare.


  2. madisonexpat

    ABob @ 5 pm. I do NOT agree President Trump is a liar. I DO say you are a liar. Presidents have all told lies as they must. Donald Trump is our president ergo…….


    1. AnonyBob

      Now, now Splat, you may not care for my interpretations, but I’ve never intentionally lied to you or anyone else here. You’re also, ergo, contradicting yourself. But seriously, how can you NOT agree this president is a liar? It’s too well documented.


      1. madisonexpat

        If I like our president, and I do, I intend to keep him.
        You lied about Trump’s direct quotes after Charlottesville. You’ve misinformed us, disinformed us and dishonestly taken more erroneous crapola as gospel that can only be explained by my moronic credulity or dishonesty.


        1. AnonyBob

          Trump repeatedly, many times, over and over, made his infamous statement of equivalency between the two sides in Charlottesville. Once, as an aside, as a throw away line, he criticized the Nazis. Only once (and really didn’t sound like he meant it or believed it). You cling to that delusion and it’s not representative of his reality. My statement stands as true. Your’s are, to put it kindly, disingenuous. Who’s the liar?


  3. Cornelius Gotchberg

    The Mueller deposition/testimony would make a GREAT skit subject for those Hitler parodies!

    @AnonyBob, et al, could sit through it, sporting that signature, clueless, drooling, Crazy Guggenheim grin.

    One of the better: Hitler Finds Out Donald Trump Has Won The Presidential Election

    The Gotch


    1. richard lesiak

      As usual you are more interested in being entertained than in the facts.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak;

        Never sold shoes but I’ve bought quite a few pair, mostly Allen Edmonds & running shoes, neither of which a 74 year old Dells donut maker can afford, working for below MW & all.

        I usually wear flip-@richard lesiaks (AKA flip-FLOPS) if I’m on one of our 5 (five) decks….or 3 (three) patios.

        What do you wear in your common-area sandbox; the cats try to bury you there, am I right…?

        The Gotch


      2. richard lesiak

        Here’s a laugh for ‘ya crotch. Drumpf is going to his place in NJ for August. He’s calling these “away days”. Reason….Obama didn’t fix the AC in the WH correctly. BBBBBAAAAHHHHAAAAAHHHHAAAAA. It’s too hot waaaa it’s too cold waaaaaa. He already cost us well over 120 million just with his golfing crap. The gop wants granny to work 20 hours a week just for food stamps. Maybe we should do the same with this grifter.


  4. richard lesiak

    Watch out everyone, gotch is touchy today. Feeling needy? That last post was as funny as the gop claiming they are fiscal conservatives. If your sitting on one of your decks or patios I’m sure you are alone; a friendless, joyless old crank.


    1. AnonyBob

      Watch out Richard, he has lots of Allen Edmonds he wears as he enjoys his many decks and patios. He must be one prosperous guy! Anyone who brags like that must really be loaded. We regular folks don’t get to question him.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg


        If it’s the truth, it ain’t bragging.

        In related news, the Dells donut maker’s hijacked another thread and sent it down a rathole triggering the Blaska Spiking Response; way to go, simpering addlepates!

        The Gotch


        1. AnonyBob

          What is the truth, Cornelius Gotchberg? Are you, as you claim on your Facebook page, on 100% SSI Disability? Or such a prosperous guy? Sticking it to us taxpayers? Bragging about that?


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Well looky here, @AnonyBob is a smarmy Cyber-Stalker.

          ​​YJNTBAYYou’re Just Not That Bright Are You.

          You got suckered, Grubered©™® if you prefer; a condition to which clueless Lefties are hilariously susceptible.

          I don’t do FacePlant; that parody account was set up by some pathetic Lefty (forgive the redundancy) trying to capitalize on the lucrative The Gotch brand.

          The shoe mention was nothing more than shedding light on how staggeringly misguided the illiterate blog idiot’s claims are.

          The Gotch


        3. AnonyBob

          Your fake account sure has a lot of prominent GOP friends, including the this blog’s author.
          Stalking? More like a stomach turning stumble upon.


        4. Cornelius Gotchberg


          “Your fake account sure has a lot of prominent GOP friends, including the this blog’s author.”

          The REAL The Gotch will unequivocally attest that the elaborate scope of that parody account is detailed and, one may assume, was time-consuming to set up.

          Parody accounts are predominantly a Lefty thing. C’mon, who else but a useless, talentless Lefty would have the necessary time (or imbecilic interest) to devote to such a meaningless ruse unless they were (typically) on the dole or in some seat-stuffer municipal/county/state position where the only REAL WORK they do is creatively avoiding REAL WORK.

          Welp, that and showing up once every two weeks to steal their paychecks; heck, not even that often if they have EFT, am I right?

          ‘Course, who’m I telling THIS to, a 25 year veteran pencil-pushin’, paper shufflin’, break-room gold brickin’, Seat-Stuffer par excellence.

          Real World inhabiting Righties are too busy making things happen; NOT making donuts, if you catch my drift…

          “Stalking? More like a stomach turning stumble upon.”

          Nah; we’ll stick with the CORRECT call: smarmy cyber-stalking.

          Stomach turning is cringing at the blog idiot’s hysterical homage to hilariously careening mental pathway slobberings, which make Tourette Syndrome seem like reasoned discourse.

          The Gotch


        5. richard lesiak

          SSI? That explains a lot. Living off the “gumment”, wife and father. I bet he has to put lifts in his shoes so he can be tall enough to survey his backyard kingdom.


        6. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Sez the 74 year-old Internet Tough Guy milquetoast donut maker KICKED OUT out of MN-5 and INTO a section VIII 200 sf apartment.


          The Gotch


  5. George’s Son

    One of the most disappointing/damaging aspects of this farrago is that by their own admission, few members of Congress ever read the Damn Mueller report in the 1st place. Whether it was dyslexia or just plain ignoring/forgetting the actual basis of the “interview” w/ Mueller, they had obviously never veered from their own unrealistic confidence -it was obvious they were ill-prepared. As expected, and… as usual….


  6. madisonexpat

    It’s been a great week. Nadless and Shifty struck their poses, Muellar was thrown under the bus. Congress accomplished nothing but proving their lies, false promises and TDS. Dems in fly over country are sweating..
    ABob and poor richard are counting someone else’s decks and seething.
    The rest of us celebrate 100 miles of border protection.


    1. AnonyBob

      Mexico finally paying for that 1/20th of our border?


      1. richard lesiak

        Taking money from their beloved military to pay for the “repairs” to the existing wall. Too funny. There is no “new wall’ and never will. There is no plan for this wall, heath-care, roads, education or anything else.


      2. Batman

        “Mexico finally paying for that 1/20th of our border?”



  7. madisonexpat

    ABob, you have tortured the Charlottesville quote repeatedly and dishonestly and it remains a lie.
    Think about it dispassionately without your TDS. Trump at 70 years of age was extolled, by you and the media claque as the ideal candidate for Hillary to destroy. He’d been a public figure for most of his adult life. Yet it was not until fairly late in life, this public man went from Democratic donor, attendee at Chelsea Clinton’s wedding, given Bill Clinton’s advice to run for president etc. But then, say you, he suddenly, very suddenly, became a KKK loving white supremacist, a racist, a misogynist, Russian puppet, chaotic, incompetent boob who is worse than Hitler.
    You cannot honestly believe this without fundamentally lying to yourself.
    What your wife really means is put the kool aid down and look around. Life is good.


    1. ABob…..frantically clinging to his BDS, fiction, and pixie-dust.


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      “(President Trump) suddenly, very suddenly, became a KKK loving white supremacist, a racist, a misogynist, Russian puppet, chaotic, incompetent boob who is worse than Hitler.”

      Say; didn’t this sudden, very sudden, transformation take place on 06/15/2016?

      Why yes, yes, I believe this sudden, very sudden, transformation DID take place on 06/15/2015!

      Poor Lefty; to them, getting embarrassingly pummeled is the new winning!


      The Gotch


      1. richard lesiak

        Trump got the KKK thing from his corrupt old man along with his dementia. Watching pro-democracy demonstrators getting beat up by Putin thugs has Donny peeing on his blow-up doll. AMIRIGHT?


  8. Batman

    Holy $%!T Robin, that 12:48pm post by Gotch is quite possibly the most bigly monumental epic smackdown of a now demoralized cyber stalker in the history of the internet and the unusually deep excoriation will not be healing any time soon. Dang!


    1. richard lesiak

      Real world righties are out there making things happen? Like what? Maybe trump should take a break and play a round of golf. Oh wait; It cost us over 100milion so far for him to do that and counting. Taking off the month of August because Obama broke the WH AC? What a joke. AMIRIGHT?


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        For the love of God, if the TROLT can’t post anything that adds to the conversation, then STFU.”

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          Your cheap cut and paste reply just shows that you cannot prove me wrong.


      2. madisonexpat

        Like watching every Lefty that can understand combustion set their hair on fire.


    2. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Thank Yew!!

      The Gotch


      1. richard lesiak

        Yep; thank you for leaving Dan Coats. Another guy who gave up trying to work with the twit-err in chief. Now we will get another “acting member of trump’s team.” Call the temp agency Donny needs another guy. Too funny. AMIRIGHT?


    3. AnonyBob

      I’ll survive just fine, BatAnkleBiter. Consider the source. Gootch is quick to reply to any comment within minutes of it being posted. Obviously he spends his empty days on the computer in his mother’s basement cruising this and RWNJ “news” sites. He can’t possibly work. So is it a mental or a physical disability that keeps him from gainful employment? Considering all his bragging about his garden, which is a lot of work, it must be mental. His manic writing style is the big tip off.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        And we all know why the feebly flaccid @AnonyBob quit trying to conceive, am I right?

        The Gotch


        1. AnonyBob

          That the best ya got Gootchie? What, ran out of time because your mom called you upstairs for dinner?
          And next you’re gonna try to blame ME when Dave spikes this whole conversation, amiright?


        2. richard lesiak

          BBBBBBBBOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO; you know you got him AB when crotch starts with the cheap shots. SPIKE SPIKE SPIKE


        3. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Too funny!

          From the “OFT WRONG but never in doubt to the OFT SPIKED and always in doubt.


          The Gotch


      2. Cornelius Gotchberg

        Paint’s dry, so I finally read this slobbering…

        “I’ll survive just fine”

        To no one’s surprise, @AnonyBob effortlessly clears the lowest of bars.

        To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist. O. Wilde

        “He can’t possibly work.”

        Self-employed/Independent Contractor for ding nigh 38 years; you putting me in with the fast-approaching OCRAZY-Cortez democrat Base that doesn’t/won’t work and will rely on living by another’s leave?

        Try again.

        “all his bragging about his garden,”

        Please recall, if it’s true, it ain’t bragging.

        “which is a lot of work”

        That it is, a TREMENDOUS amount of work, a passion from which I’ve never shied.

        Shoot, the annual Gotchberg Organic Gardens & Lefty Conversion Therapy Emporium garlic harvest/curing is full swing. Heck, if that ain’t enough, I had to order taller (7 foot/2.1336 meters) tomato stakes to accommodate what it shaping up to be a bumper crop.

        Small favor; would you be so kind to alert me to the equitable share of the fruits and vegetables, with which I’ve mixed my labor, that you-n-The Base have determined belongs to you?

        It would affect how loud I laugh…

        The Gotch

        Liked by 1 person

  9. madisonexpat

    ABob, did you catch the quote “if you hear the dog whistle that makes you the dog?”

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AnonyBob

      After how many years of well documented Republican racial dog whistles, you just figured that out? States rights, birtherism, “go back where you came from,” ad nauseam. It’s a loooooong list.


      1. madisonexpat

        Documented dog whistles is an oxymoron. And pretty funny.

        Liked by 1 person

        1. AnonyBob

          However you want to phrase it, Splat. It’s been documented that they use racial dog whistles. I gave you examples you can’t deny. That’s no oxymoron.


      2. madisonexpat

        President Trump is plain spoken somewhat like “give ’em hell Harry Truman.” It takes a lot of bandwidth to torture, misconstrue and lie about his words. As the Left and the media do to everyone they dislike. Remember Mitt Romney, “the warring on women, had binders of women to appoint, felonious tax cheater, dog hating, killer of employee’s wives, one percenter, hedge fund manager who going to eliminate abortion?” I do.
        President Trump don’t need no stinking dog whistles. The Left just needs to hear some.
        Every time the president says anything.


        1. madisonexpat

          And media mendacity used to work. Now? Not so much.


  10. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Hey Lefties; remember 11/08-11/09/2016 and thereafter?

    The Gotch does.

    It gets worse.

    For Media, Mueller Disaster Is Election Night 2016 All Over Again

    C’mon, when Michael Morbidly Obese Sloppy Fat Boy Moore and President Trump agree, it’s END GAME for Lefty!

    The Gotch


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      Whoopsie! Wrong link:

      Morbidly Obese Sloppy Fat Boy I

      The Gotch


    2. Batman

      “When Michael Moore goes camping the bears have to hide their food.”

      Now before you priggish phony Leftys get your knickers in a twist; this is a Moore sanctioned joke.
      As the (eating more than his fair share) guys tells it~~~~>jokes of such exceptionally high quality must be allowed free expression.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg


        “jokes of such exceptionally high quality must be allowed free expression.”

        Q: How many hands does it take for a Lefty to drive a Toyota Pious?
        A: 2, one for the steering wheel and one to pat themselves on the back

        Q: What happens when a Lefty takes Viagra?
        A: He gets taller

        Q: How many Lefties does it take to screw in a light bulb?
        A: Just one, but it really gets screwed.

        Q: What happens when you cross a pig with a Lefty?
        A: Nothing. There are some things a pig won’t do.

        Q: What’s the difference between a Lefty and a trampoline?
        A: You take off your shoes before you jump on a trampoline.

        Q: What do you get when you offer a Liberal a penny for his thoughts?
        A: Change.

        Q: What’s the difference between a Lefty and a prostitute?
        A: The prostitute gives value for the money she takes.

        Q: What do Lefties and porn stars have in common?
        A: They are experts in switching positions in front of a camera.

        Q: What’s the difference between a dead skunk in the road and a dead Lefty in the road? A: Vultures will eat the skunk.

        Q: How do you confuse a Liberal?
        A: You don’t. They’re born that way.

        Q: How do Lefties keep their breath fresh?
        A: With Entitle-mints.

        The Gotch will be here all week, don’t forget to tip your waitress!

        The Gotch
