Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Make Madison schools (and school board meetings) safe again

Phil Hands

Hooray for Phil Hands of the Wisconsin State Journal!

Blaska does not know where he will be sitting at the April meeting of the Madison Board of Education. The Lord willing and the creek don’t rise, it will be on the stage of McDaniel Auditorium elbow-to-elbow with superintendent Jen Cheatham and her guilty white privilege. If not, back in the cheap seats. Either way, Blaska today makes this promise and repeats this plea:

First, the promise: Blaska will call 911. I will summon the police if the usual gang of social justice warriors once again disrupts the lawful proceedings of our democratically elected representatives. Central District MPD is on notice.

This is not an idle threat promise. I have done it before. Blaska instructed a seat mate at the October 29 meeting to call police. Officers responded but not before the school board and top administrators fled into the night like adolescent car jackers.

The last two monthly meetings have ended much the same way. Drowned out by the anti-police vigilantes, the governing body of Madison’s 27,149 public school students and 5,468 employees retreated behind locked doors, under guard. 

Blaska repeats this plea: Arrest the ringleaders. Charge them, at the least, with misdemeanor disorderly conduct. The ringleaders are readily identifiable. After the October 29 meeting, Blaska and three other citizens singled one of them out by name, by personal witness. We provided recorded video evidence. We swore out a complaint with Central MPD. District attorney Ismael Ozanne refuses to prosecute.

No, do not pull them out during their protest. They want to play the martyr. They will chant “the whole world is watching.” They will allege personal injury, police brutality, and rampant fascism. Be smart about it. Announce before the meeting that no interruptions will be tolerated. That the meeting is recorded. That disruptors will be charged. We know where you work, we will visit you tomorrow. Freedom Inc. has offices on Park Street.

When Blaska met with D.A. Ozanne on December 3 about the charges he refuses to file, I said that someone from an organization called “Proud Boys” asked if I wished them to show up at the next school board meeting. Unfamiliar with the term, I Googled it to find that they were involved in the Charlottesville incident. I e-mailed back that “No way!” Told Ozanne that Blaska has no standing with the Proud Boys; they may make their own decision.

Proud Boys

I received this post Thursday on my
“Blaska For Safer Schools” Facebook Page 

Blaska’s Bottom LineIt is no wonder that a school board unable to keep order at its own meetings cannot control chaos in the classroom. If something isn’t done soon, this could escalate. Will someone please heed this warning?

26 responses to “Make Madison schools (and school board meetings) safe again”

  1. sahmpaw

    Everyone I talk to is moving to Verona, Middleton or Mount Horeb. If they have their kids in private schools they are moving out of Madison for the High Schools elsewhere. Anyone with common sense is not putting their kids in Madison Schools. Praying the good Lord puts you on the board, David. Your voice is representative of parents in the district therefore you deserve a seat at the table.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Larsen E. Whipsnade

    Don’t believe the lefty slander of the Proud Boys. They are good people, and deserve respect.


    1. AnonyBob

      They are alt-right, violent, organized street thugs, like the Brown Shirts were. Blaska, and anyone, is wise to keep his distance. They deserve respect only from white supremacists/nationalists.


      1. Sprocket

        Funny thing, they always seem to have more racial diversity than the ANTIFA punks they beat down. Bob and his fellow travelers just get their panties in a twist when they’re prevented from using intimidation and violence to control the public square. The feeble right has been far to reluctant to embrace the methodology of the left, groups like the Proud Boys are an antidote to that. All pearl clutching from the lefties is self serving and disingenuous, they simply want a monopoly on force.


        1. AnonyBob

          Sprocks, you’re off your rocks. This is BS. Pretty much every sentence is wrong.


        2. Sprocket

          1) The radical left is almost exclusively white suburban children getting back at Mom & Dad.
          2) The establishment left is more than happy to carry water for them and enable their acts of violence by turning a blind eye and casting everyone to the right Bernie Sanders as a Nazi or white supremacist.
          3) Every time a right of center group won’t be shouted down, intimidated, or meets blows with blows the left squeals that the fourth Reich is on the march.

          My observations are based on having actually traveled the same circles as the anarchist/communist/ANTIFA left as well as actual white supremacists and observed both up close. They are all garbage humans. This is also why I recognize they hysterical bullshit regarding groups like the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer as exactly that. The left simply want to be able to shut down speech is doesn’t like.

          Liked by 1 person

    2. AnonyBob

      They’re an alt-right fight club.


      1. richard lesiak

        AB…you have now entered the BLOGDOME.


        1. AnonyBob

          It’s. Un. Hinged.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak & @AnonyBob;

          I’d think you guys would be in a good mood.

          NOT because the non-existent Ruskkie Collusion upon which you stacked your every feeble hope went KERSPLOOOOOOOOEY in your faces, but because the democrat Klown Kar Kavalcade Karavan shrinked by one today:

          (democrat Presidential hopeful & Porn Lawyer [same difference]) Michael Avenatti Arrested On Bank and Wire Fraud In $20 Million Extortion Attempt

          That’d make a nice hat, am I right?


          The Gotch


        3. AnonyBob

          Hey, I’ll agree, he was a sleaze. Stormy could’ve been better represented.
          Meanwhile, I’m not too disappointed about Mueller. He got plenty of balls rolling in plenty of jurisdictions. Trump has plenty of trouble.


        4. Cornelius Gotchberg


          “I’m not too disappointed about Mueller.”

          Heh! ALWAYS good for a “whistling past the graveyard” moment.

          “He got plenty of balls rolling in plenty of jurisdictions.” (bold mine)

          You may be confusing those with the one’s that have been severed from Lefty journalism specifically, and Lefty generally, and unceremoniously tossed into the unforgiving winds of irrelevance.

          “Trump has plenty of trouble.”

          Didn’t you get the memo? After holding its chubby little finger to the wind, Lefty HATES Mueller and are now chasing the brightly colored, seductively moving meme their handlers have chosen for them to chase: the Southern District of New York.

          “What Does The (Apparent) DUD Mean For The democrat Party?”

          It gets worse.

          Trying to sum up Lefty’s dashed hopes and resulting collective freakout over the Mueller nothingburger, CNN contributor, former Hopey Changey aide, and self-anointed Le Resistance ringleader Van Jones explaining how Lefties now need “a chance to be sad” and to “grieve”:


          Sad, grieve, deeper than what’s in the report? Oh, the suffocating ignominy!

          The Gotch


    3. Jon Burack

      Nothing could undermine Dave Blaska’s effort to introduce some sanity to the Madison schools and the minority community than the totally stupid and pointless macho idiocy of groups like Proud Boys. Such groups may fool themselves into thinking they are some “alt-right” alternative to the far left of Freedom Inc and its many manifestations. In fact the left-right polarity is complete b.s. Proud Boys and Freedom Inc are two faces of the exact same coin. They feed off of each other and both need to be dismissed and side-lined as vicious distractions from reality.


      1. GGary L. Kriewald

        I for one would love to see a free-for-all between Freedom Inc and the Proud Boys (while the school board adopts its usual poosture of cowering behind closed doors). All the pious calls for civility in public discourse result in the same thing: capitulation to leftist thuggery in all its forms. BTW my money would be on the Boys.


        1. Jon Burack

          Hard to know if you are serious. I mean, do you think this is some school yard brawl all put on for the sake of what you “would love to see”? In fact, it is Blaska’s civility-with-bluntness (and humor) that gives him what strength he has in this confrontation. Your “free-for-all” is in fact what would be the biggest of all “capitulation to leftist thuggery.”

          Liked by 1 person

        2. Gary L. Kriewald

          When it comes to civility, it takes two to tango–and I’ve seen no willingness on the part of the leftist thugs to do anything but disrupt, threaten, and intimidate. When one side shows nothing but contempt for civility, there’s little hope for constructive dialogue, which is premised on the notion of mutual respect. And it’s not just the thugs of Freedom Inc. Madison liberals, behind their prissy, upper-middle-class facade (Exhibit A: Jennifer Cheatham), are every bit as intolerant of dissent as the disrupters. When one side refuses to play by the rules, you have two options: continue to play by the rules and look like a fool, or play by their rules and BEAT THEM AT THEIR OWN GAME.


  3. Batman

    “No, do not pull them out during their protest. They want to play the martyr. They will chant “the whole world is watching.” They will allege personal injury, police brutality, and rampant fascism. Be smart about it. Announce before the meeting that no interruptions will be tolerated. That the meeting is recorded. That disruptors will be charged. We know where you work, we will visit you tomorrow.”

    A step in the right direction but the police will appear weak and unwilling to stand up to our local organized bullies.
    If an announcement is made that interruptions will not be tolerated etc., how will that be enforced if no action is taken in real time. Activists further emboldened and meeting shut down again.

    Officer’s body cams on and plenty of people with cell phones recording everything. The publicity will expose Freedom Inc. et al. as Antifa lite and broaden awareness of this ongoing issue.

    MPD should forcibly remove these a$$holes if legally able and charge them.
    Officers just have to play it right and understand the relevant laws.


    1. Gary L. Kriewald

      If MPD is anything like the UW PD in these situations, even if they show up, all they’ll do is stand around scratching their asses while allowing lefty loons to disrupt meetings of anyone whose views they consider “hate speech” (i.e., anyone they disagree with).

      Liked by 1 person

  4. A Party of One

    If Blaska is elected, Freedom Inc. won’t even let him get out of his car in the parking lot for his first Board meeting!
    By the way, why is the student/employee ratio so high? 5:1? Seems like a lot of fat could be trimmed


    1. Perhaps but includes custodians, lunch ladies etc.


  5. Batman

    This just in:
    The petulant loudmouth inarticulate disrupters monitor this site and upon learning that 911 will be on speed dial, reportedly some are wetting them selves at the prospect of being dragged by their hair kicking and screaming by the men in blue.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Estes Wright

    The Proud Boyz are about as impotent as Bikers For Trump. Pity they have to jump into this cyber-fray….but it would be a hoot to see them show up at a Board meeting. Then we’d truly have radical whitey vs radical brownie!


  7. coolkes

    I delivered Blaska fliers in the belly of the beast – that is all.


  8. madisonexpat

    Antifa and Proud Boys have nothing to do with this. Freedom Inc, Black Lies Matter et al are a small coterie of loud, racist winners of the Victim Olympics mining the seam of liberal guilt in Madison.
    They are few and stupid and not white. Madison government and foundations give these people an awful lot of money to do what they do. So they do it. Call out their donors and ask them publicly why they pay for this behavior.
    A coupla sergeants at arms and a few real cops could maintain decorum at an MMSD meeting. No problem.
    More cops in schools, identifying the disruptors, prosecuting the 30-40 gang bangers that cause the crime wavelet and citizens could meet and students could learn.
    Sissies get bullied. Grown ups do not.
    Choose… Madison.


    1. madisonexpat

      And tasers.Tasers would help.


    2. Batman

      Obviously Madisonians chose the sissy path some time ago because of, wait for it~~~~~> white guilt of the regressive Left, and everyone suffers.
