Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Neighbor was worried about drug house up the street, not Shelia Stubbs

Caller now fears the hatred coming their way

Next time, think twice before YOU call the police
lest you be deemed a racist

Should I call or just ignore it?

The national news media has portrayed Madison as racist most foul for calling the police on a black woman canvassing door to door for votes in an election campaign. Local social justice warriors were only too happy to condemn the white patriarchy, implicit bias, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.

Now we hear from the person who called police with a letter explaining the southwest side homeowner’s reasoning: an unfamiliar car parked not far from the drug house up the street as if waiting for it to open. The letter writer remains anonymous,  fearing the hatred directed their way.

The writer nonetheless apologizes for the unintended hurt to the candidate, who was questioned by responding police. Shelia Stubbs went on to win the Democratic primary for the 77th Assembly district and is unchallenged this November and, it must be said, was only too eager to go on national television and condemn racist Madison. TV-27 reports:

According to the original call to Dane County Communications obtained by 27 News, the caller was concerned the car was waiting for a drug dealer in a house up the street.

“I think the drug dealers up the street aren’t home now, so there’s been a car parked around the corner for like a half an hour with a bunch of people in it,” the caller told the dispatcher.

The caller then explained to dispatch about the house.

“It’s active all night long and when the drug dealers aren’t home, cars just park up and down the street waiting for them to come home,” he said. “It’s been an issue for quite some time.”

When asked for a description of the vehicle, the caller said, “I’m trying not to look because they keep staring at me. It’s like a silver, four-door sedan, rather new.”

The dispatcher then told the caller he would pass the information along to the beat officer.

“The squeaky wheel gets the grease so keep calling when you see something like that,” the dispatcher said.

We’re sympathetic because a drug house operated just two blocks from the Stately Manor until it was torn down earlier this year, operated by a black man and a white woman — and we’re in a nice neighborhood. (A over-dosed dead man in his 30s was carted out of that house and, later, children covered in their own filth taken away before the man and woman — one white, one black — got busted.)

The Shelia Stubbs incident spawned a lively discussion on our neighborhood social media. Typical of Madison’s self-loathing white liberals is Kristin of Meadowood:

I think a lot of white people act in a racist manner, never even realize it, and maybe will never realize it because they are totally convinced that they are not racist because they believe, in theory, that we are all equal. The civil rights movement happened and laws changed and now everything is fine. I am sure that I act in racist ways sometimes and not realize it, because I have been raised in a racist society.

The letter from the anonymous caller:

Dear Sheila Stubbs,

First, it was me.

Secondly, let me say that I am so sorry for your encounter with the police.

I wanted to call you once this all started, but now it is clear that I need to keep my identity out of this as I have quickly become a hated person and fear for my safety.

I will try to be clear, but have not slept the last couple of nights.

I want you to know that I completely understand what you are saying about the experience. Again, so, so very sorry.

But please, you need to know, to understand, that I never called the police ON YOU. I did call the non-emergency number (I did not call 911) to report a car that had been sitting in the same spot for a while with people in it. A lot of people in this city do that, and we are encouraged to.

Here is the thing I really want you to know: I never even saw you until after the police arrived. I never saw you on the sidewalk, at the house, or anywhere else, until after the police arrived.

Once I saw you talking to the officer, I realized that I never needed to make the call, but I never called the police on you, on a woman of color in the neighborhood.

This is supported by the call to the police, and what they have released mentions a car, not a woman. I called on a car, not you.

I never saw you before the call. If I had, I would not have made the call.

The story I see every minute now is that some racist called 911 on a black woman in a mostly white neighborhood. People say they are sickened by this. I am sickened by it and I did not even do it.

I am not sure where to go from here. You are welcome to present this letter to the nation. They have your side, you are free to give them mine.

How do we, you, get back to what I actually did? The police must have a more complete record of the call. I probably should share this letter with the media. I can’t reveal myself as there is so much hate directed at the person who called 911 on you, which, I hope you understand now, never happened. Maybe one day, you seem pretty awesome, and I am not the jerk the nation thinks I am.

Blaska’s Bottom Line: Has America ever been so quick to impute false motives? To see hate where none exists? These, my friends and acquaintances, are the wages of identity politics.

105 responses to “Neighbor was worried about drug house up the street, not Shelia Stubbs”

  1. madisonexpat

    No ABob, you ducked an apt question but understanding your beliefs as well as I do, I’ll tell you what you’d say you believe,
    “Keith Ellison’s accuser can have all the evidence and credibility in the world but it signifies nothing because Ellison is a Democrat. Anyone in the world can have no evidence whatsoever and can make any accusation however ludicrous and she must be believed because Judge Kavanaugh must not become a supreme court justice.”
    You’re welcome.


    1. AnonyBob

      Sigh. Boys, when Keith Ellison is nominated for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court, I’ll see the equivalency your grasping for.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        when Keith Ellison is nominated for a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court, I’ll see the equivalency your grasping for.”

        Oh My!!! THERE IT IS!!!

        Looky here; @AnonyBob thinks that the less powerful the accused, the less valid the accuser’s accusation.

        What did Hillarity say again?

        Every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported.

        @AnonyBob wants to put an asterisk after the word Every because, welp, just because.

        Karen Monahan is less deserving of being heard, believed, and supported than Dr. Ford.

        He’s actually applying a sliding scale/degree to abuse, no equal application of the law, or protection under it, for him; no sirree Anonybob!

        What does that mean? In @AnonyBob’s world a blue collar Black Woman getting her @$$ beat by her baby daddy is not as bona fide, is less of an offense than some EVIL White middle manager whupping his spouse.

        What next, codify what youse think by getting rid of the 14th Amendment.

        Unfreakin’believable!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Beyond the pale! EPIC FAIL

        The Gotch


        1. Batman

          Previously on this blogsite; idiotbob applied a sliding scale/degree of abuse to crimes committed by illegals. According to him, illegals have not yet harmed enough legal citizens for him to care about the illegal immigration problem. In fact, he thought it “ridiculous” to even discuss.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg


          He just NEEDS to SEE a D, am I right?

          And I reckon, to borrow a phrase, youse could say he’s a consistent moralist & ethicist.

          The Gotch


  2. madisonexpat

    Shorter ABob ‘When you sell your soul, ask for top dollar.’


  3. AnonyBob

    Oh, pu-leeze. Gootch and Splat. Such consistent moralists and ethicists. Don’t know how I’ll get any sleep tonight.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      “Don’t know how I’ll get any sleep tonight.”

      Shouldn’t be a problem; you’ll sleep the slumber of someone who believes that because he fakes sincerity, the world is his.

      “The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity.” Andre Gide

      The Gotch


  4. AnonyBob

    Hey, new thread. Why don’t some of you political brainiacs address how judicially-untempermental the wild-eyed left-wing-conspiracist Kavanaugh looked today compared to the credible Dr. Ford?
    Bonus points: look up “boof” and “Devil’s Triangle” on Urban Dictionary. Not quite as Judge K. described it from his yearbook page. Squeaks, this is for you!


    1. AnonyBob

      “Revenge of the Clintons.” Good lord.


  5. Batman

    Hey; I looked up pathetic troll and there was idiotbob’s picture.


    1. AnonyBob

      Ha ha! I own it! Answer the questions, useless dweeb (or Peter Lorre).


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg


        I seem to recall yer whiny slobbering about personal ad hominem attacks sullying this blog.

        Is that just one MORE manifestation of yer breathtakingly stunning hypocrisy?

        And was that a rhetorical question…?

        The Gotch


        1. AnonyBob

          Pretty rich, coming from you.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg


          “Pretty rich, coming from you.”

          Try again…I’m not the one that has whimpered inconsolably AND THEN hypocritically engage in the behavior I claim to abhor.

          Anywho, according to youse, because I’m not being considered for a lifetime position I forfeit the privileges and immunities afforded the well-heeled.

          And youse probably want to make an example of The Gotch too, am I right?

          Hopefully, some day youse may realize that living on hypocrisy is NOT a healthy diet.

          The Gotch


  6. Batman

    Peter Lorre was a great actor (andverycool)


    1. AnonyBob

      No doubt! You can own the pathetic characters he portrayed.


  7. madisonexpat

    Hillary knows about karma.


  8. madisonexpat

    ABob, clips I saw from the hearing showed me that Judge Kavanaugh was raped and that Ford wasn’t.
    ABob prefers high school yearbooks to take a mans measure but ignores the American Bar Association who rates Judge Kavanaugh as a good man and a superb jurist.
    Ford can’t really remember where or when or how many, only who…. kind of.
    Almost two years since the Hillary debacle and the Dems have learned nothing. The fire hose of hate has been shifted from President Trump to Judge Kavanaugh and his family.
    And that is all the Left has, hate, lies, fear and loathing.
    And ABob would be the first to say, “Better to rule in Hell than serve in Heaven,”
    Because power.


    1. AnonyBob

      Oh, Splat. “Kavanaugh was raped today”? Good thing Dave has only a couple of women following this blog; it’s hard to say something more offensive to them than that. But you boys just don’t get a lot of things.
      I’ll acknowledge Judge K has had a bad time, but in his opening statement he totally lost his cool, his judicial temperament and any pretense of not being a total partisan, conspiracist hack with a painfully obvious drinking problem. His outrage was the very picture of elite white male entitlement being challenged. Elites. Now you love ‘em. The real outrage is the GOP refusing to investigate anything Ford or the other women are bringing up. I watched the whole thing yesterday. Ford was heartbreakingly credible. Kavanaugh was an angry ass. He admitted he didn’t watch any of her testimony. What a fool. He would’ve avoided some falsehoods he made if he had. This guy shouldn’t be sitting on ANY court.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg


        “Ford was heartbreakingly credible.”

        Hmm; so was the child rapist (who passed a polygraph with flying colors like Ford) that Hillarity defended against 12 year old Kathy Shelton, a freakin CHILD whom Hillarity destroyed on the stand.

        You’d defend the rapist because he’s not seeking a lifetime position, am I right?

        “This guy shouldn’t be sitting on ANY court.”

        Yet sit he has, with an impeccable record, AND to whom the left-leaning ABA has given their highest rating.

        But youse know better…?

        No wonder youse can’t sleep at night; yer self-loathing as an EVIL Whitey exacerbates yer nearly non-existent moralist-n-ethicist ratios.

        Think all those craven Senate Panel Lefties had to get up early this a.m. to go out and buy new @$$holes after Lindsey “RAMBO Graham cut ’em all a new one?


        The Gotch


        1. AnonyBob

          Your ABA is now calling for FBI investigations. Quit living in Hillary Conspiracy Land and keep up.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg


          “Your ABA is now calling for FBI investigations.”

          So’s Jaunita Broaddrick. And there’d have been ALL sorts of time to do just that if the cravenly EVIL DiFi, et al, had released that letter on a timely basis.

          What a minute.

          Ford wanted to remain AnonyFord and the Lefties outed her??

          Never mind.

          “Quit living in Hillary Conspiracy Land and keep up.”

          Please list what’s untrue about what I posted above about yer Hillarity hero.

          Thank youse in advance.

          And YOUSE try to keep up…HYPOCRITE!

          The Gotch


  9. madisonexpat

    Yeah. How dare a white male protest while his character is assassinated, his family assaulted and his life trashed by partisan hacks.
    The nerve.
    Now Ford’s best girlfriend from whatever year the alleged assault, says, under felony perjury, that the party Ford kinda remembers, never happened.
    Which woman do you want me to believe old white man?
    Do you believe Avenatti’s witness who accuses Judge Kavanaugh of being party to ten, count ’em, ten gang rape parties that the the FBI never heard of in six, count ’em, six investigations?
    C’mon ABob, help me out here.


    1. AnonyBob

      Great points, Splat! Let’s have the FBI check ‘em all out. Let’s get more information instead of more judicial political hack defending himself against legislative political hacks. He loses a lot of dignity when he does that.


      1. madisonexpat

        The only reason for more investigation is to string out this now perverse Kabuki dance. DiFi didn’t want it investigated until forever. Kamala, Spartacus et al never asked the Committee’s investigators to look into it. She can’t say what house, in what year and who was present. What’s to investigate.
        More interesting to me is the political calculus being made for the post RBG hearings.
        I think the Dems have fired their ramrod and won’t be able to reload their fowling piece lest they look like the desperate weasels once again.
        And ABob, if Judge Kavanaugh had not appeared to defend his name and life and rectitude and honor you would have excoriated him for it.
        Because…. power.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg


          “lest they look like the desperate weasels once again.”

          Again? That implies that they’ve taken a step away from being desperate weasels, which I suggest has NOT been the case.

          Lefties (most, not all) will never learn the Boomerang Affect lesson of being scum-sucking sleazeballs.

          They didn’t learn when Harry “Dingy” Reid thought that the Nuclear Option was a most excellent plan. This, despite being warned, in no uncertain terms, that it would come back to bit them in their over-sized @$$e$; and they won’t learn now.

          Like Everett McGill’s Major Malcolm A. Powers said to Clint Eastwood’s Gunny Highway in the eminently quotable Heartbreak Ridge:

          (They) can’t help it. (They’re) too old, too prideful, too stupid to change.

          The Gotch


        2. AnonyBob

          By tearfully screeching that the Dems were out to get him because of Trump’s election and as revenge for the Clintons, Kavanaugh revealed he is still the GOP warrior he always was. No Democrat can ever walk into his courtroom expecting impartiality and fairness. He has no business sitting on ANY bench. Besides, the Supremes don’t want an ugly, belligerent drunk at their cocktail parties.


      2. Not that the hand of Gawd himself would change your vote.


  10. madisonexpat

    Or Richard Conte to James Stewart in “Call Northside 777”,
    “That’s the problem. When you’re innocent you don’t know what happened.”


    1. I blame George W. Bush
