Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Guilty white liberals are their own parody 

New York Times gets pranked!

‘I’m riddled with shame. White shame. …
I feel like my literal existence hurts people …’ — Whitey

This is a letter to an actual advice column published August 14, 2018 by the terminally Trump-deranged New York Times. The actual advice column is called “The Sweet Spot.” This exercise in journalistic masochism is managed by two white people — themselves suffused with race shame — who call themselves “The Sugars.” They specialize in incredibly “woke” advice to the liberal-progressive-socialist in need of a weekend at the re-education camp.

The letter, on the other hand, is without question a splendid hoax, on a par with Piltdown Man and the Hitler Diaries. A savage send-up of the cult of white privilege, implicit bias, and intersectionality, exposed by a cisgendered white woman with a wicked sense of humor.

(We get this via Ann of Althouse who channels Tom Maguire at JustOneMinute. That’s how social media works.)

As it appears in the New York Times:


Sweet Spot
By Cheryl Strayed and Steve Almond, aka: The Sugars


Dear Sugars,

I’m riddled with shame. White shame. This isn’t helpful to me or to anyone, especially people of color. I feel like there is no “me” outside of my white/upper middle class/cisgender identity. I feel like my literal existence hurts people, like I’m always taking up space that should belong to someone else.

I consider myself an ally. I research proper etiquette, read writers of color, vote in a way that will not harm P.O.C. (and other vulnerable people). I engage in conversations about privilege with other white people. I take courses that will further educate me. I donated to Black Lives Matter. Yet I fear that nothing is enough. Part of my fear comes from the fact that privilege is invisible to itself. What if I’m doing or saying insensitive things without realizing it?

Another part of it is that I’m currently immersed in the whitest environment I’ve ever been in. … I don’t talk about my feelings because it’s hard to justify doing so while people of color are dying due to systemic racism and making this conversation about me would be again centering whiteness. … Instead of harnessing my privilege for greater good, I’m curled up in a ball of shame. How can I be more than my heritage?

— Whitey

Maguire asks “Is this for real, or has the NY Times flipped the keys to The Onion? You know what? Go with your gut and bet ‘The Onion’. As best I can tell, the Times writers and editors are serious.”

Up steps someone named Titania McGrath to respond that she is the “Whitey” who wrote the letter and warned, “Do not deny my lived experience!” Ms. McGrath’s social media identifies her as “Activist. Healer. Radical intersectionist poet.” That only fuels speculation that she is the merriest prankster since the late comedian Andy Kaufman. From Ms. McGrath’s Twitter feed:

Period Poverty

Indisputably, Titania McGrath is a live-wire, anti-P.C. whoopie cushion. But Sweet Spot columnists Strayed and Almond are (we think!) playing right into the trolling farceur’s game:  

Almond: Your letter describes your place as a kind of prison cell of privilege. What you really feel is trapped within an identity that marks you, inescapably, as an oppressor. This feeling is especially acute right now, I suspect, because you’re suddenly immersed in a milieu that reflects your privilege back to you. We do live in a culture steeped in white supremacy and class bigotry, as well as patriarchal values. ….

Strayed: You don’t have to relinquish your heritage to be an ally to people of color, Whitey. You have to relinquish your privilege. And part of learning how to do that is accepting that feelings of shame, anger and the sense that people are perceiving you in ways that you believe aren’t accurate or fair are part of the process that you and I and all white people must endure in order to dismantle a toxic system that has perpetuated white supremacy for centuries. …


Blaska’s Bottom Line: Ms. McGrath (if THAT is your real name), we hear there is an opening for principal at Madison’s Sherman Middle School. Hellz Bellz, run for school board! You would be a cisgendered cinch!



43 responses to “Guilty white liberals are their own parody ”

  1. Cornelius Gotchberg

    ”you and I and all white people must endure in order to dismantle a toxic system that has perpetuated white supremacy for centuries. …”

    Most of the world’s inhabitants are people of color; how did a minority (EVIL Whites) wrest control from a clear majority?

    Or is my suffocating White Privilege shielding me from reality?

    The Gotch


    1. Batman

      “Most of the world’s inhabitants are people of color; how did a minority (EVIL Whites) wrest control from a clear majority?”

      White privilege is the most powerful force in the universe and is in fact the real secret to Superman’s super powers. No non-white culture can stand against it…EVER…past, present, or future. It is all about skin color dontchyaknow.


  2. Does this mean I don’t have to keep looking for a phone booth to activate my white power?


  3. Cornelius Gotchberg

    Good thing minorities can’t be raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacist otherwise Lefty’d be forced to be consistent and tell MI State Representative Bettie Cook Scott (D-sgusting-MI) to withdraw from the…um…race.

    ‘Don’t vote for the ching-chong!’: Things get very racist in Michigan state Senate election

    Ching-chong? Who’s this raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacist Scott broad think she is, Rosie O’Donnell?

    Ah Lefty; so MUCHhypocrisy, so little time!

    The Gotch


    1. richard lesiak

      There should be a space between “much” and “hypocrisy”. your welcome!


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak;

        ” ‘There should be a space between ‘much’ and ‘hypocrisy’ ”.

        Your (sic) absolutely right! And the period after “hypocrisy” should be to the left of, as in inside, the quotation mark.

        Seriously, I wouldn’t think youse would really want to challenge me on grammar, punctuation, and, youse know, like, proper English, am I right?

        Why? Don’t youse think youse should meet me halfway…heck, one twentieth of the way…with a rudimentary-n-basic understanding of grammar, punctuation, and, youse know, like, proper English, to the table?

        Didn’t think so.

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          “youse” ???


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          “ ‘youse’ ” ???

          What delicious irony; @richard lesiak is youseless!

          The Gotch


  4. Gary L. Kriewald

    When the life you live is a parody of itself (lookin’ at you, Madison liberals) its hard to recognize parody from other sources. It’s small wonder the NYT columnists couldn’t spot it. The prankster’s choice of a nom de plume is a giveaway too. Titania was queen of the fairies in Shakespeare’s “A Midsummer Night’s Dream,” which explores how difficult it can be to distinguish between reality and illusion.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Bill Everley

    Looks like a whitey murdered a whitely in White Waunakee last night…whoopee!


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @Bill Everley;

      “Looks like a whitey murdered a whitely (sic) in White Waunakee last night”

      Ron Dayne & his two D-1 athlete children live in White Waunakee, a fact shielded by yer suffocating stupidity.

      Anywho, too bad; you won’t get to see yer race-baiting heroes & their useful idiots launch into spittle-flecked overdrive about raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacism.

      The Gotch


      1. Bill Everley

        one colored family don’t make Waunakee less Whitey, whitey. Sadly your suffocating stupidity doesn’t know what it doesn’t know. Why do you guys consistently beat the divide of the races even harder than yourselves? Inferiority issues? Mandingo issues? Do tell, your Imperial Grand Lizardness.


        1. richard lesiak

          Get “em Bill. You know that gotch, batman and zoltar are the 3 Q-Anon Amigos so be ready to take them all on. They have hijacked Blaska’s blog with their non-stop Right Wing nonsense. Gotch white-paged me and put up pic’s so be aware. But, you sound like you can handle the chubby bald guy so carry on my friend.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @Bill Everley;


          Yer a TRUE-N-THROUGH democrat (KKK, Jim Crow, Eugenics, Anti-Civil/Equal/Voters Rights) Party member!

          Fat, drunk, & STOOPID combined with being a prejudicial, bigoted, homophobic raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacist is no way to go through life, boy!

          It’s painfully clear you don’t need yer White Lefty Guilt to promote self-loathing; yer pitiably pathetic & disgusting enough standing alone.

          The Gotch


        3. Cornelius Gotchberg

          Too funny; @richard lesiak want to swap spit with a new friend; a bigoted, homophobic raaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaacist.

          “put up pic’s so be aware”

          Show where I posted pics or STFU.

          If I were youse, I’d be more embarrassed that I couldn’t make payments on a $40000 condo and they foreclosed me. I mean c’mon, the payments couldn’t have been more than $350/mo, am I right.

          Perhaps making donuts isn’t as lucrative as I thought…?

          The Gotch


        4. Batman

          “Why do you guys consistently beat the divide of the races even harder than yourselves? Inferiority issues? Mandingo issues?”

          How do you figure we are beating the divide of the races there Mr. Everley?

          Try and be specific please.


      2. richard lesiak

        First of all; I rented that condo. Maybe in your stoopid world renters get foreclosed on. Second; Blaska made you take down the pic’s and chewed your ass to boot. So; besides being “STOOPID” your a LIAR. You would fit in well in trump’s corrupt WH.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          “First of all; I rented that condo.”

          Yet youse still got kicked out?

          “Maybe in your stoopid world renters get foreclosed on.”

          Deadbeat renters like youse get the equivalent…KICKED OUT!!!

          “Second; Blaska made you take down the pic’s and chewed your ass to boot.”

          Depict where this occurred; thank you in advance.

          ”So; besides being “STOOPID” your (sic) a LIAR.”

          So; besides being an ”IDIOT” your (sic) a LIAR; there’s a shock!

          The Gotch


        2. richard lesiak

          Your a lyin’ piece of c#@p gotch. You know nothing about that condo. Nothing. Aren’t you up late after your big day protesting at the gay pride parade? I see Omarosa is getting ready to tear up your great white hope in the WH. A black woman taking down trump; and we all have the “privilege” to see it.


        3. AnonyBob

          Lesiak is right, Gootch. You did it and now you’re lying about it.


        4. AnonyBob

          Whoops, correction: it wasn’t Gootch, it was Zoltar Squeaks who posted photos of what he assumed was Richard’s domicile. It was alarmingly sleazy and Gootch joined right in, but he didn’t post the initial photos.


        5. Cornelius Gotchberg

          ”Whoops, correction”

          READ: “I’m STOOPID, just like @richard lesiak, for all the world to see!”

          “You know nothing about that condo. ”

          I know the owner sold it to get rid of a DEADBEAT Squatter, no one would blame them.

          The Gotch


        6. AnonyBob

          Gootch: Mr. Gracious.


  6. Sprocket

    I have a proposal, modest in nature, that would help rectify the problem of leftist white guilt. What is needed are white guilt suicide booths, a’la Futurama. The booth could include an interactive kiosk that would allow guilt ridden lefties to create a will specifying which disadvantaged minority group they would like to receive their job and possessions. They could select a level of intersectionality, ranging from simply non-white all the way to transgender albino midget. If we placed these devices near university art and journalism departments, coffee houses that host open mic poetry readings, co-op grocery stores, and other places useless human beings congregate, it would go a long way to resolving the issue of white guilt.

    It’s interesting to note that Almond and Strayed, who are both exactly the bourgeois douchebags you would expect, don’t seem to be breaking their necks finding suitable minority replacements for their places at the top of the power structure. The one thing that is a constant with people like this is the expectation that they will dictate to their lessers how to bear the costs of their ideas. Costs their enlightened status excuses them from.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Gary L, Kriewald

    I agree, great idea–but let’s set the record straight. The idea of suicide booths was originally Kurt Vonnegut’s in his short story “Welcome to the Monkey House.” Sorry, it’s the pedant in me….Clearly the creators of “Futurama” are quite well read.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @Gary L. Kriewald;

      Lefty’s proved on more than one occasion that they’re down with certain…um…methods to ensure ideological compliance.

      The Gotch


    2. AnonyBob

      Great story in a great book of short stories. All the regulars here would benefit by reading it.


      1. richard lesiak

        do you mean the bible?


      2. Batman

        You’re going to have to do better than that to earn the professor’s respect bobo.
        Doing a quick Wikipedia search ain’t gonna cut it.


        1. AnonyBob

          I’ve read almost all of Vonnegut’s work. You, as usual, are ready to snark without having any idea what you’re talking about. If, in the rare case I agree with someone here, I’ll say so. Mostly I commented in the hopes it might spark some curiosity in you ignoramuses to check it out. But, pearls before swine.


    3. richard lesiak

      How did that pie in the face work out for you at the parade? I bet you just stayed home and ate it.


      1. Gary L. Kriewald

        Please see most recent posting.


  8. Cornelius Gotchberg

    The Gotch


    1. richard lesiak

      Just like being a self-proclaimed “independent contractor.” Am I right?


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak;

        Not really; more like being an executive donut-maker for < minimum wage and getting summarily booted from a $40000 condo because yer a DEADBEAT!

        The Gotch


        1. richard lesiak

          I know that you delivering the Shopper to gas stations qualifies you as an independent contractor.


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          I know that getting EVICTED from a condo smaller than my deck qualifies youse as a DEADBEAT!!!!!!!

          The Gotch


        3. richard lesiak

          You don’t know crap gotch so watch your mouth. I have a red-headed Irish lawyer with a mean streak a mile wide.


        4. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          Sure youse do; they’d have to be fulfilling their pro bono requirements, if youse catch my drift…

          The Gotch


  9. Batman

    It is doubtful that twice claiming to be a well read Vonnegut fan is enough to earn the professor’s respect. You’re trying too hard bobo.


    1. AnonyBob

      Have you even heard of Kurt Vonnegut before this? I’m thinking not.


      1. Batman

        I have read almost all of Vonnegut’s work.
        No need to be insulting bobo.


        1. AnonyBob

          Pot, meet kettle.
