Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

“Social justice” is socialized law enforcement

They call me MISTER Blaska!

The noisy No Cops contingent showed up at school board Monday night even though the issue was not on the agenda. Not that that was going to stop them. The small surprise is that Madison’s school board allowed comment on an item not on agenda. Then again, they’re not going to risk being played the race card. 

letter campaignExpecting the ad hoc ERO committee to be noticed some time this afternoon in order to meet 24-hour posting deadline for a meeting tomorrow but to not allow comment. We’ll save our fire for the school board meeting at which EROs are on the agenda, probably 6 p.m. Monday, August 27.

All we know we get from WMTV-15s coverage. Same people (I do see Dr. Gobbledygook in one frame) employing an oldie but goodie Saul Alinski tactic: 

  • Social justice warriors create a ruckus
  • Governmental unit adds security
  • Social justice warriors cry harassment, racism, and oppression
  • Elected officials grovel and apologize
  • Rinse & repeat. 

Everything is a threat to ‘people of color’

People speaking in protest of EROs in Madison schools have attended the committee’s meetings. Previous meetings have turned violent as people disagreed. Following the physical altercations, MMSD began to place security guards at the committee’s meetings and board meetings.

Some feel the unarmed security guards are a threat to the safety of people of color.

“What did the school district decide to do? Surveillance us by bringing in security guards. What happened at last week’s meeting are young people being surveillanced, harassed, shamed, and questioned. We will continue coming to say no cops, no security,” one attendee with Freedom Inc. said.

Just as “economic justice” is code for socialism, “social justice” is code for a socialized (redistributed) system of justice; i.e., is one class or race arrested more than another? Can be no other cause than rank discrimination. Socialize the arrests by arresting fewer offenders from the newly favored class and cite disparate impact.

The Policy Werkes says: Too many boys arrested; let’s nab more girls!

In the Heat of the Moment

While we’re uprooting the grave marker at Confederate Rest, let’s melt down those Susan B. Anthony coins. Turns out the old bag’s partner in the fight for women’s suffrage, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, whom the New York Times describes as the movement’s principal philosopher, “is exposed as a classic liberal racist who … publicly enunciated bigoted views of African-American men, whom she characterized as Sambos.”

William Allen White, “the Prairie Progressive” of the first half of the 20th Century, considered the southern and eastern Europeans flooding into Americas cities to be “the low breeds of Europe … political bacilli … tearing down the tissue of our institutions,” according to a Wall Street Journal review of a new biography.

laughter-magazine copyAnd finally, can’t help but recall Sidney Poitier’s great line from the movie In the Heat of the Night, as it might be applied to Donald Trump’s pal, the publisher of National Enquirer

They … call … me … MISTER Pecker!

62 responses to ““Social justice” is socialized law enforcement”

  1. Jingles bo Jangle

    We’re getting to the point where a critical mass of people have begun to see that caterwauling about racism is mostly manipulative bullshit. When members of the elite Asian professional class are hiding behind black liberation narratives about “structural power,” and Jews are publicly musing whether whites are “actually” upset about jokes celebrating white extinction, you’d have to be hunkered down in some sort of Centrist bomb shelter not to realize the temperature is rising outside.


  2. How about discussing the subject in play for a change. There are plenty of comments above that you can weigh in on. This blogsite is primarily about local and state politics. Try and stay focused.


  3. lisa

    Thank you for the generous words, Jim, and I’m very grateful to be named as the lead contributor. Who would have thought that a simple scofflaw like me, who spent his time misspelling graffiti and stealing garden gnomes, would rise to such heights? (No need to answer.) I should probably mention that if my cloning experiments succeed, there will be several of me. I am hoping we get along and one of us knows how to cook.avocat succession paris
