Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Linda Ketcham, woman of faith, spewer of bile

Let us pray for Madison Urban Ministry

Linda Ketchum
Linda Ketcham, center, of Madison Urban Ministry

Whether it is a state or local budget that strips vital services from our most vulnerable neighbors while offering tax breaks to the wealthy or corporations, balancing a budget on the backs of the poor, or advocating for employment opportunities that offer livable wages and benefits, Madison-area Urban Ministry has been a constant presence in budget and public policy debates. Consistent with our mission we work to engage communities of faith in this advocacy.

Madison-area Urban Ministry, Linda Ketcham, executive director

Linda Ketcham’s Madison-area Urban Ministry (MUM) works with the Freedom Inc. school committee disrupters, Madison Socialist Alternative, Our Wisconsin Revolution-Dane County, and Brandi Grayson’s Young Gifted and Black. MUM was partner in the Derail the Jail coalition that shut down the Dane County Board of Supervisors last November.

So, would it surprise you that this supposedly mainstream, respectable organization gets fleas when it lays down with those dogs?

Linda Ketcham and her ministry sides with the Freedom Inc. social justice warrior who proclaimed June 18 at a public school committee meeting: “The cops are going to do whatever they are trained to do, which is kill black kids.” (No Madison educational resource officer has killed any students, regardless of race.)

Here is Linda Ketcham on this guy’s social media page:

Beirdo and weirdo
Garrett Lee, of course, spoke against more police

Linda Ketchum #1

Steven Clark #1

Linda Ketchum #2

Steven Clark #2

 Blaska’s Bottom Line: Pray for Linda Ketcham

TV-27’s report on EROs 07-25-18

“We don’t want no police contact.” WKOW TV-27 portrays a child! (But not a student of the English language.)

58 responses to “Linda Ketcham, woman of faith, spewer of bile”

  1. Seriously; I’ve run into Ms. Ketchum more than a few times in my years in the Madison area, she’s a very hateful person to anyone that disagrees with her point of view. The things that come out of her mouth are not normal. I think the woman may have some treatable psychological issues that she refuses to deal with.


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @Zoltar Speaks!;

      Seriously; I can’t believe someone would actually spout such effin’ BS behind the cloak of something with Ministry in its title.

      A special kind of HELL awaits False Prophets.

      And those that follow.

      The Gotch

      Liked by 1 person

      1. richard lesiak

        Kind of like Mike Huckabee on the Trinity Broadcasting Network.


        1. Batman

          troll boy wrote:
          “Kind of like Mike Huckabee on the Trinity Broadcasting Network.”

          So what exactly about Huckabee don’t you like?


        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          Nah, more like Hillarity pretending to be a Feminista and telling sexual assault victims she, like, you know, supports them.

          “To every survivor of sexual assault…You have the right to be heard. You have the right to be believed. We’re with you.**” —Hillarity. 10:24 AM – 09/14/2015.

          **unless you’re my POS scumbag hubby, of course!

          Or Hopey Changey claiming to be the 1st post-racial President, and, like, you know, actually DOING something for Black people rather than taking their vote for granted.

          Wait a minute.

          He DID do something for Black people; he made their situation WORSE, across the board, with NO exceptions!!!

          Tavis Smiley, who is reportedly Black and a career Lefty:

          “Sadly, and it pains me to say this, over the last decade black folk, in the era of Obama have lost ground in every major economic category, […] (n)ot one, two or three [categories], BUT EVERY MAJOR ECONOMIC CATEGORY, BLACK AMERICANS HAVE LOST GROUND.” (bolds/caps mine)

          Ah Lefty; so much BREATHTAKING hypocrisy, so little time!

          The Gotch

          Liked by 1 person

        3. richard lesiak wrote, “Kind of like Mike Huckabee on the Trinity Broadcasting Network.”

          How about you back up your innuendo and provide some direct Mike Huckabee quotes where he spewed similar bile that Linda Ketcham spewed in the Facebook reference Dave provided in his blog post.

          Should I hold my breath while waiting?


        4. richard lesiak

          Typical deflection and ancient history that proves nothing. Stay on topic and in today.


        5. richard lesiak wrote, “Typical deflection and ancient history that proves nothing. Stay on topic and in today.”

          That true Richard, your comment was another in a long line of typical innuendo filled deflection from you, a rationalization that you can’t seem to support with facts. Typical, typical Richard, all mouth, all accusations, lots of innuendo, no facts, just an alki-bopping fool.


        6. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          ”Typical deflection and ancient history that proves nothing.”

          Well, well, well, well; the blind pig finally finds a truffle.

          Seeing that you feel that way, you MUST now kindly inform the Lefty base to quit whining about history FAR more ancient as a basis for GIMMEE GIMMEE MORE FREE S#!T reparations.

          ”Stay on topic and in today.”

          Please reread above sentence.

          The Gotch


      2. richard lesiak

        I’ll add a few extra dollars to my yearly donation in your name.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          They’d be FAR better…um…served if youse steered them away from any donuts you made, am I right?

          The Gotch


      3. richard lesiak

        Pretty impressive list of donors for what you call a BS org.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          “Pretty impressive list of donors for what you call a BS org.”

          A fool and his money are lucky enough to get together in the first place. Gordon Gekko

          It’s called guilt-edged giving, an affliction unheard of among those that occupy a fact-based Universe.

          The Gotch


  2. Patrick M O’Loughlin

    If you believe that black kids getting citations in numbers disproportionate to their percent of the student body, indicates a police problem, and if you believe that the high percentage of African Americans being incarcerated is due to police racism, then you are just as likely to believe that wet streets cause rain.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Marcus

    Wouldn’t pray for that biache if you paid me.


    1. richard lesiak

      Kind of like the priest that charged 200 bucks to come and say a few words when my mom was buried.


      1. Cornelius Gotchberg

        @richard lesiak;

        Seems someone was too freakin’ stoopid to establish the cost of a service before it was rendered.

        No one’s fault but yers!!!

        The Gotch


  4. Batman

    The WKOW 27 link directs to their website where there appears to be two vids on the ERO topic but neither work.


  5. madisonexpat

    Linda Ketcham is a waste of bile.


  6. wadwizard

    “We don’t want no police contact.” Hummmmmmmm…doesn’t that translate in English to “We want police contact”?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. richard lesiak

      Are you referring to the double negative? Like trump the traitor with his comments on Putin.


      1. wadwizard

        Exactly, like the Helsinki misspeak by our Glorious President Trump. You have to be informed and smart enough to to know the effect of a double-negative and to recognize one in the first place, Richard Lesiak. The speakers actually said (translated into Engish) “We want police contact”. Good man!


  7. Maybe it should be spelled “KVetcham”….

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Gary L. Kriewald

    As a famous itinerant preacher once said, “Let him among you who is without sin cast the first stone.” I guess Linda was absent the day they discussed that passage in divinity school (assuming she got her theology degree from a college rather than on-line).


    1. Cornelius Gotchberg

      @Gary L. Kriewald;

      “I guess Linda was absent the day they discussed that ”

      She may have been otherwise occupied auditing:

      “The Idle Shall Inherit The Earth And Their Every Requirement Shalt Be A Human Right And Provided For By The Quick And The Employed.”

      The Gotch


      1. richard lesiak

        Are you rewriting the bible now goootch? That thing about driving the money changers from the temple comes to mind when thinking of scooter and company. WEDC can’t remember who they gave a few million dollars to, but walker won’t raise the min wage past 7.25/hr. Got to let the payday and title loan people prey on the poor because THEY DONATE to the campaign. Let’s write a new law because a friend of Vos doesn’t want to pay child support. Blacks lost ground under Obama? Is that why he was elected TWICE. Is that why they love the guy? Where did they lose ground? They lost it because of a gop controlled house who blocked everything he tried to do. That’s why. The real problem with people like you is if there is a program to help people out you want them to stand in line and beg for it. You get off on holding a SNAP card over their head and making them bark for it like a dog begging for a treat. You believe your in the privileged class and want to bitch about things like bike lanes because they annoy you. Like you said earlier, “a special place in hell”. If there is it’s for frauds like you and those who you support.


        1. AnonyBob



        2. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          “Got to let the payday and title loan people prey on the poor because THEY DONATE to the campaign.”

          Youse mean like the campaign of Markey Pocan?


          “Blacks lost ground under Obama?”

          Sure did, facts are stubborn things to the reality-averse.

          ”Is that why he was elected TWICE.”

          You struggle mightily with cause-n-effect, am I right?

          “Is that why they love the guy?”

          Youse see, this is what happens when one restricts their awareness to the likes of the NYT & MSLSD.

          Youse-n-Lefty’ll NEVER listen to Burgess Owens, Kevin Jackson, Dr. Ben Carson, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice, Clarence Thomas, Tim Scott, Derrick Green, Jason Riley, Michael Powell, Will Hurd, Herman Cain, Allen West, Janice Rogers Brown, Shaquille O’Neal, Antonio Williams, Deroy Murdock, Lynn Swann, Dr. Thomas Sowell, Mia Love, Starr Jones, Ward Connerly, Walter Williams, L.L. Cool J, J. C. Watts, Michael Steele, et al.

          Names sound familiar? Probably not, tolerant Lefties refer to them as Uncle Tom, sell-out, and far, far worse.

          Why? Because they’ve left the Lefty Plantation and refuse to succumb to what Dr. Thomas Sowell calls The Theory Of Seductive Beliefs.

          “Where did they lose ground?”

          Are youse effin’ kidding me? If youse just admit youse can’t read, I won’t post all those damning links

          Keep yer head buried in the sand, a fact-based reality is tres frightening to career Lefties.

          The Gotch


        3. AnonyBob

          Good to see you supporting Kelda Roys’ positions, Gootch, even if this one was inaccurate (read the whole article). Can we now expect you to support her in the governor’s race?


        4. Cornelius Gotchberg


          “Can we now expect you to support her in the governor’s race?”

          Nope, as a Conservative Independent I’m not a one issue voter (I SEE a D!) like most Lefties.

          Can we now expect youse to vocally decry Pocan, or will his desire (not shared by Baldwin, and most other Lefties for that matter) to abolish ICE cement yer support?

          The Gotch


        5. AnonyBob

          Read for comprehension, the whole article. You’re mischaracterizing it (not that that’s a surprise).


        6. Cornelius Gotchberg


          “Read for comprehension”

          That coming from youse is like diet advice coming from a fat Doctor; ignored after an obligatory audible guffaw.

          The Gotch


        7. AnonyBob

          Ah, empty insult and no substance. Typical.


        8. AnonyBob

          Hey yeah, Gootch, now I’m curious. Tell me, Mr. Independent, what Democrats have you ever voted for. If you really go out and actually vote, that is.


      2. richard lesiak

        What cause and effect are you talking about? At least Obama didn’t need the commies to elect him. The NRA has been very silent lately too. Maybe that 30 million they got from the commies and funneled to trump is giving they acid reflux. The commie woman sitting in jail was from the Russian Guns Rights people. Are you kidding me? Putin wants his people to have guns like we do? If you believe that crap then you also believe that Alex Jones hardon pills are real.


        1. madisonexpat

          Gee, poor richard, according to you I am a Commie but for sure I never voted for Obama. Maybe you are wrong when you allege two opposites. Or, possibly, as ABob alleges, its because I am a racist. Got complicated to not vote for Hillary. And hasn’t Harvey Weensteen taken down the NRA yet? Lord knows he’s had time.


      3. richard lesiak

        your a conservative independent? ROFL. What the hell is that anyway? That’s hilarious.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          @richard lesiak;

          It’s painfully obvious this rudimentary concept is beyond youse.

          Perhaps there’s a nice blog about Saturday morning cartoons which may be more yer speed?

          The Gotch


        2. richard lesiak wrote, “your a conservative independent? ROFL. What the hell is that anyway? That’s hilarious.”

          I’m quite sure (you being a card carrying Progressive extremist an all) you just can’t imagine the existence of a non-affiliated non-partisan independent especially one that leans slightly more Conservative than Liberal. I know, I know, to a Progressive extremist like you, average Liberals are so far politically right of you that you actually think they’re Conservatives when they disagree with you. Progressives are opinion bigots, social status bigots, intellectual bigots, justice bigots, race bigots, bigots about absolutely everything; Progressives are the brainwashed cultism vermin that are infesting the USA.


        3. AnonyBob

          Squeaks, what absolute jibberish you spew about liberals and progressives. You should stick to defining just your own crabbed view of the world.


        4. AnonyBob wrote, “Squeaks, what absolute jibberish you spew about liberals and progressives. You should stick to defining just your own crabbed view of the world.”

          1. Please define your use of “jibberish”.

          2. I didn’t say a thing about Liberals, I was only talking about Progressives. Try to focus on reading comprehension AnonyBob, comprehension.


        5. AnonyBob wrote, “You should stick to defining just your own crabbed view of the world”

          Only an complete idiot would have written that sentence as a reply to my comment. My comment was literally my view of Progressives in the world.

          Now, whether that view is “crabbed” or not is a matter of personal opinion and you’re welcome to your own even if it’s just another one of your idiotic trollings.


  9. Tom Paine

    And now we learn that a Federal Judge has ordered Wisc Medicaid to pay for GENDER-REASSIGNMENT surgery. Socialist insanity has arrived.

    Is Madison about to become the gender-reassignment capital of the US?


    1. Publicly funding this is nuts, I smell a Supreme Court case coming.


    2. Gary L. Kriewald

      If so, Madison would proudly display it on their official website. New York City now officially recognizes 31 genders. Another goal for Madison to shoot for.


  10. madisonexpat

    This also happened in Madison ca. 1988? A Dane County prisoner demanded a sex change operation, two out of three commissioners said OK and promptly left town as the decision was derided and later reversed.
    A surgeon at UW Milw. was doing the procedures and checked his patients over the years and said the results were basically you take an unhappy person and after the sex change you get an unhappy person of the other gender.


  11. Gary L. Kriewald

    Why stop at genders? Why not fund race-reassignment surgeries too? How long must the Rachel Dolezals of this world suffer from being a black person trapped in a white person’s body? Or maybe go the whole route the way Michael Jackson did and transform yourself from a black man to a white woman?


    1. Tom Paine

      Yeah, just wondering……….if you get enough tatoos, and body modifications, can you force Medicaid to pay for them if you claim that your part Vampire, part gargoyle, and part ghoul? OMG….we can’t discriminate.

      Liked by 1 person

  12. Batman

    “Progressives are opinion bigots, social status bigots, intellectual bigots, justice bigots, race bigots, bigots about absolutely everything; Progressives are the brainwashed cultism vermin that are infesting the USA.”

    I think you’re onto something Zoltar, and their bigotry is usually infused with a smug condescending attitude making them even more unpleasant.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Cornelius Gotchberg


      “Progressives are the brainwashed cultism vermin that are infesting the USA.”

      I prefer to include the caveat, Some, not all. I have some Lefty friends (some so far Lefty they make me seem like a New Dealer!) with whom I can get into spirited, but respectful, discussions. Per the late, great John Wooden: “We can agree to disagree, but we don’t have to be disagreeable.”

      Anywho, another name for the affliction to which youse refer is Belief Superiority which I see it as an entrenched, infantilized behavioral disorder.

      The Gotch


      1. Gotch wrote, “I prefer to include the caveat, Some, not all.”

        On this we disagree, but only in terminology.

        I have absolutely no problem with saying some not all when referring to lefties or Liberals in general; however, I have never met a true Progressive that doesn’t fit what I wrote – at least I’ve not met one yet. Yes vermin is clearly hyperbole, they are not literally wild mammals or birds, but their outright all or nothing bigotry is base criteria of being a true Progressive and their level of all or nothing bigotry is the equivalent to brainwashed cultism.

        I think Belief Superiority is a politically correct term that’s trying to glaze over the eyes hiding the all or nothing bigotry. These people will reject the totality of any opinion even if they only actually disagree with a small piece of the opinion, it’s all or nothing with Progressives, that’s not belief superiority that outright all or nothing bigotry.


        1. Cornelius Gotchberg

          ”These people will reject the totality of any opinion even if they only actually disagree with a small piece of the opinion”

          I like to call that the “ALL IN” approach.

          Our pal Woody is clear-headed, intelligent, and eminently capable of critical thinking and presenting well-thought-out positions, but a Lefty at the end of the day. Remember how those epic morons used to ride him unmercifully because he wasn’t ALL IN?

          It should be noted that the ALL IN crowd does provide some occasionally hysterical comic relief.

          During (I think) the spring 2008 local/county elections the ultimate ALL IN group (Progressive Dane) was requiring everyone expecting their support to be…welp…ALL IN.

          They were anticipating a tsunamic electoral mandate because, welp, just because. They got their @$$e$ summarily handed to them by voters that had had enough of being told how-n-what to think.

          I recall it well, because in a deliciously cruel twist of fate, I was one of ’em!

          The Gotch

          Liked by 1 person

        2. I’m not too sure that our pal Woody would consider himself a “Progressive” in the sense of what Progressives are in today’s politically charged hyper partisan climate, a lefty sure, a Liberal sure, a Progressive nope. I think Progressives moved well to the left of Woody.


  13. Batman

    All three of our comments are accurate IMHO.


  14. Batman

    weaselbob picks a fight with Zoltar and gets his ears pinned back.
    Poetic justice is so satisfying.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. AnonyBob

      Hey, Mr.”I’m an independent,” I’m still waiting hear what Democrat you’ve ever cast a vote for. Otherwise, you’re just BSing (big surprise).


      1. AnonyBob wrote, “Hey, Mr.”I’m an independent,” I’m still waiting hear what Democrat you’ve ever cast a vote for.”

        Let me get this right; you, AnonyBob, are expecting others to answer questions you ask but you don’t have the guts to answer the questions asked of you?

        FYI idiot; In the United States of America our votes are secret and we are not required to reveal who we vote for to anyone. Even if you choose to tell others who you vote for, you essentially demanding others tell you who they vote is wrong.

        If I were Gotch, I’d say, “Bite Me Troll. It’s none of your damn business.”


  15. Cornelius Gotchberg


    “I’m still waiting hear what Democrat you’ve ever cast a vote for.”

    Did youse mean “which democrat for whom I’ve ever cast a vote”?

    You forget I’m a Recovering (”non-participating” as we refer to ourselves at the meetings) Lefty that has seen the light.

    I’ve voted for Lefties too numerous to mention, something about which I’m not proud, but live-n-learn, am I right?

    Unless yer @richard lesaik, leastways.

    Anywho; I voted for Fat Albert in 2000, Hizzoner Soggy & Russ a couple of times, Baldwin once, etc. Recently, I voted for JoAnne Kloppenberg over Rebecca Bradley because I thought the SC of WI, any SC really, needs balance.

    Lefties (most, not all) would NEVER do such a thing. They’re ALL IN! and only need to SEE the D, which leads them to the Promised Land of more, More MORE high quality/quantity free S#!t.

    Oh, and what @Zoltar Speaks! said for me to say, too!

    The Gotch
