Blaska Policy Werkes

David Blaska, going out of his way to provoke progressives in Madison WI to make America safe for democracy!

Cops in Madison schools, Part #1

Expel the disrupters, not the police

Only in the Emerald City would the school district even consider evicting police from its high schools. Truly, Madison is that island surrounded by the reality of  mass school shootings, most recently this month at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, where 17 were killed. (If the shooting occurred despite an armed guard on the premises it could be argued the school needed more.)

The ad hoc school board committee considering Educational Resource Officers (or EROs) will hold four listening sessions for public comment in April to respond to its final recommendations, which are still being determined.

Police EROs L-R: Justin Creech, West; Ken Mosley, La Follette; Zulma Franco, East; Tray Turner, Memorial H.S.

One of those recommendations is to expel the single ERO at each of Madison’s four high schools. (Those recommendations discussed here.)

At the committee’s meeting Wednesday evening (02-21-18), member Justice Castenada said: “We are not getting any compelling argument for the physical presence of police in school.”  I spoke before the meeting with committee chairman Dean Loumos, a member of the full Board of Education. My sense is that he might not agree but I cannot predict how the 12-member committee* will vote.

For a year now, the Education Resource Officer (ERO) Ad Hoc Committee has been besieged by the Derail the Jail Crowd. Thirty of them crowded the committee room at the Doyle School District administrative Bldg. The same anti-cop people who want no jail (even one that would treat mental illness) and “community control of the police,” whatever that means. The same people who blame police for crime.

This small but noisy group is completely out of touch with the parents and taxpayers of Madison.

  • Just this week in Madison, large-scale brawls broke out almost simultaneously on February 19 at East, West, and Memorial H.S. La Follette H.S. had its own brawl on February 13, to which 18 police responded. Two students and one teacher were injured.
  • The night of February 20, 150 parents concerned about the break-down in discipline met at La Follette.
  • The very day of your meeting, an ERO at La Follette disarmed a student who brought a .22-caliber handgun to school. Could your average English teacher have done that?

It is time someone spoke for the victims of chaos in our schools: students who want to learn, teachers who want to teach — regardless of race. Say it NOW and say it TODAY: Madison Schools fully supports cops in the schools.

Martin-Luther-King-Jr.-contentThe Race Card

Metro Madison School District is convinced that too many students of color are being arrested or cited by police for disrupting schools. The district had made a conscious policy of driving down arrests to the point where the school board is actually considering eliminating the cure rather than the problem.

Even at that, MMSD still has not eliminated racial disparity.

Of the 105 high school students arrested in the 2016-17 school year,
81 were Afro-American.

Stanford University’s Thomas Sowell asks: “Is it impossible that black males misbehave in school more often than Asian females? Or Jewish students? Or others?”

“Racial equity,” the Manhattan Institute observes, “has become the all-purpose justification for dubious educational policies. Equity proponents view disparate impact — when the same policies yield different outcomes among demographic groups — as conclusive proof of discrimination. ‘Equity’ does not seek equal treatment for all students. Instead, it demands statistical equivalence in discipline referrals and suspensions for students of every racial group, regardless of those students’ actual conduct.”

The Squire advocates state legislation forbidding the collection of data based on race for any institution that receives state funding.

He would expressly allow, statutorily, the use of physical force when confronted with disruptive conduct. My friend Mitch Henck recalls the first time he laid eyes on the late, justly revered Milton McPike. The East High principal was in the process of frog-marching a miscreant by the scruff of his neck into a waiting police squad car.

Blaska’s Bottom Line:  Instead of setting the bar lower, please decline the Race Card for insufficient funds.

Part #2 of Cops in Schools

Chief Koval talks to Our Ms. Vicki about cops in schools

Tell the school board what you think:
ERO ad hoc committee members: School board members Dean Loumos, T.J. MertzAnna Moffit; and Tyrone Bell, Justice Castaneda, Heather Crowley, Ald. Barbara Harrington- McKinney, Payal Khandhar, Nestic Morris, David Olson, Greg Rosetti, Abra Vigna.


36 responses to “Cops in Madison schools, Part #1”

  1. […] ← At Madison high schools beset by brawls, school board considers booting cops Cops in Madison schools, Part #1 → […]


  2. richard lesiak

    Cops don’t want to be cannon fodder either. What are his chances against a AR-15 with a bump stock and expanded magazine? Zero. That cop in Fld refused to go in. Cops are being killed everywhere because they are out gunned. Put the money back in schools, stop demonizing teachers, stop cutting social services. You talk about what the politicians should do? How about working. The capital is full of Part-time workers getting full time wages.


    1. No one is saying the deputy has to stare down the assailant in a Wild West quick draw. BTW: where were you when Officer Kenny defended himself?

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Batman

      “Cops don’t want to be cannon fodder either. What are his chances against a AR-15 with a bump stock and expanded magazine? Zero.”

      Really, zero?
      Not if cop sneaks up behind shooter.

      “Cops are being killed everywhere because they are out gunned.”

      Wrong again.


      1. richard lesiak

        If the cop sneaks up behind the shooter? What the hell are you talking about? Maybe you can start a Go Fund me page to buy cops Harry Potter capes to put on and become invisible. Maybe some 60 year old woman teaching home economics will pull a gun out of her bra and get the shooters in a cross-fire.


        1. WTF? Are you actually saying trained police officers are powerless before the armed might of a 19-year-old loser kid? And maybe a 30-something assistant football coach would be able to respond with something more convincing than his outstretched, pleading hands. To the Peanut Gallery: Mr. Lesiak is a prime example of the pussification of America.

          Liked by 1 person

      2. old baldy

        “pussification of America.”

        Really? Big talk for as guy that has never been in a stressful situation. Typical of chickenhawks.


        1. You call being married for 44 years not stressful?


      3. old baldy

        No doubt for the long suffering Squirette.


  3. Batman

    Approach shooter undetected.
    What is wrong with you.


    1. richard lesiak

      your living in a dream world.


      1. Batman

        “your living in a dream world.” says the Harry Potter fanboy-

        How was Cruz apprehended?
        And any other shooters that were apprehended or shot?


      2. AnonyBob

        His Harry Potter reference was sarcasm directed at your “sneak up behind the shooter” nonsense. You watch too many (bad) movies.
        An officer saw someone walking who fit the description of the suspect, stopped him, and Cruz surrendered quietly. The officer did not sneak up undetected. Most other shooters have committed suicide.
        And if I named myself after a comic book character I wouldn’t be too quick to label others “fanboy.”


  4. madisonexpat

    If the angry teen knows there are X armed adults in the school it would complicate his mission enormously. A gun is a tool that makes a threat credible. Nothing more, nothing less. Hardening schools is not cost effective. Yet again we see an apoplectic Left be dead wrong on an issue. Once again we should do the opposite of their knee jerk emotionalism.


    1. AnonyBob

      It’s not the left advocating hardening of schools. They want to get rid of the reason for hardening schools. Get your stories straight.


  5. madisonexpat

    That crack about “chicken hawks” is like me telling you that you can’t have an opinion on peace if you didn’t volunteer for the Peace Corps. But I don’t say that because its stupid.


    1. old baldy

      And what, pray tell, would you know about either?


      1. madisonexpat

        I know everything that spending 28 months in the African bush, building primary schools, wells and roads as a Peace Corps volunteer can teach. Not bad for a racist, xenophobic Deplorable. You?


      2. old baldy

        All expense paid walking tour of SE Asia (1970-71).

        BTW, I have never called you a racist, nor a xenophobe, nor a Deplorable. But if you want to assume those roles you would probably be very good at them.


  6. richard lesiak

    So class is over and Mrs. Batman is erasing the blackboard. Little David sneaks up behind her and hits her in the head with his hard bound copy of the constitution and grabs her gun. “Nobody calls me a pussy” and opens fire. His lawyer later claims in court that he was upset because his painful bone spurs kept him off the golf team. During the trial he claims his rights were violated because the school board only gave Mrs. Batman a 9mm instead of the AR15 that he was entitled too. Upon his release he lies to the FBI, gets a temporary security clearance and is appointed to a WH position. His American dream has come true. The End.


    1. And there we have it. The crack up of the Left. I see more pussy hats ahead.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. richard lesiak

        Watching too many John Wick movies Dave? Your WH hero is yapping about dusting off the “red flag” laws right now. Your right-wing world is going to be rocked by those 18 year old “crisis actors” soon. Those kids and all the pi@#ed off PR’s that moved to Fld after trump crapped on their island are going to slap Scott and Rubio with a reality stick very soon. Besides that, if it wasn’t for me Batman and Gotch would be the only people posting here.


    2. AnonyBob



  7. madisonexpat

    Poor Richard,
    Demonstrating new depths of Trump Derangemet on a daily basis. President Trump lives in your head, makes you seethe in bile of your own manufacture, robs you of reason and ruins your quality of life. And yet, he’s never heard of you.
    Very instructive.
    ABob, OB, Poor Richard is a warning to your side.


    1. richard lesiak

      I’ve got a warning for you. Watch out for those kids. They are coming for every politician who does nothing on guns.


    2. AnonyBob

      The con man in the White House is appalling. How you can not be disgusted is amazing.


      1. madisonexpat

        Meanwhile, Michael Wolff self detonates. Meep meep.


      2. AnonyBob

        Wolff is yesterday’s news. This White House’s venality, ineptitude and corruption is a daily, no hourly, occurrence.


  8. madisonexpat

    So we are entitled to our opinions. Good of you and no YOU did not call me those names …… but then you did.
    Guess the Left can’t help it.


    1. old baldy

      No, I didn’t. Comprehension not your strong suit, eh?


  9. madisonexpat

    Show of hands here kids?


  10. richard lesiak

    Wonder why I dislike that puke in the WH. Go to CNN and look at the picture of that girl in the hospital.. trump and his old lady standing there. Then you can go further and find the location where to send money to his campaign. What a wonderful guy. Pain. Suffering. Death. No matter what it’s all about the money.


    1. madisonexpat

      Thanks for the DNC talking, no, frothing point of the day. The degree the gun issue stokes your frenzy and is used as a political cudgel is instructive.
      Dems are geriatric leadership (Di Fi?) at the top and an incipient childrens crusade as its direction. Keep up the good work.


      1. AnonyBob

        Good to see the GOP lose yet another generation of voters over keeping the gun nuts happy.


  11. […] Did former cop Gloria Reyes’ April 3 defeat of Anna Moffit, a proponent of getting EROs out of the schools, send a message? (Some background here.) […]
